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Games you're currently playing
Thread for discussing games you're currently playing.Silent Hill
since the remake of silent hill 2 dropped, I am interested in the silent hill series. I never played a silent hill game before so I can't argue about it because I k'ow nothing (well just the stories I've read on wikimedia yesterday haha).Games to play forever
The older I get, the narrower my taste in games becomes. It isn't for lack of trying, either. I constantly download new shit, but nothing ever sticks. I've come to the conclusion that there is an incredibly small handful of games actually worth playing and almost all of them are made by Nintendo, Blizzard, id Software or Capcom. If I had to name a few in no particular order:Sleepy Station vidya magazine
A video game magazine made by anons, for anons!All your favorite media is gone and now belongs to faggots
I have the sinking feeling that we have lost Minecraft and culture surrounding the things that were like it to the new normies the nermies if you will. For example the core of Minecraft c418 has been gone for some years now and the majority if not all of nermies can't really tell a difference. The new music isn't even necessarily bad it's just not it and you know what fuck you yes Minecraft does have a specific feeling to it so by playing music that sounds like it's directly out of terraria. Anyway it wasn't the bad graphics or the lagg that gave you the absolute Nirvana. It was the boldness of mostly jeb and a little from notch and not being afraid to add something so small like a fucking firefly. And that's pretty much it I don't feel like doing anymore I just had to purge all of this after hearing all the nermies on cucktube and queddit.Vintage Story
Are there any wizards that play this game? If there are any, what servers do you play on(if you play multiplayer)Is Anyone Playing the Japanese Version of Monster Hunter Generations 'MH:XX'?
I bought this gem a while ago, and honestly, it’s amazing. I’ve only been playing for about a year, but things started getting really tough once I hit G-rank. I can’t seem to progress, and even though I have the maxed-out weapons, Fatalis knocks me out with a single hit. Is there anyone else who has this version and wants to play together?Ōkami
Okamo is getting a sequel. This thread is for talking about the okamo games and as a waiting room for when it will be release. my bet on 1 year and half not 2 years because it's seems top long, before it came outCalling all dashwizzies who use Geometry Dash's Daily Chat!
Daily Chat is one of those places where all's implicit and assumed. Dashwizzies abuse the glorious refresh button in hopes that there's a new funny comment, and oftentimes try to beg for likes. When a new Daily Level swings in, it's probably an opportune time to likebeg.Japanese Indie Games
Have you ever played japanese indie games? which one?the best game in the world
I want to share one of the best games I've ever played in my life, not only because of its aesthetics, but also because of its playability and the great content it offers, not only that, apart from being very accessible despite having low graphics (not to say shit) Runescape old school is one of those games that are little known, this game contains millions of stories, of Venezuelans earning a living to be able to eat selling runescape gold, from people who repeat the same action for 3 months in a row to be able to get 99 in a skill, and even people who pay in-game money so they can have a girlfriend. Runescape is huge and you don't stop finding new things every day, it's full of content and besides it's FREE… Up to a certain point since you can buy a membership and play the game 100%, since the free game is limited to certain things and certain sectors, but don't worry you can farm money from the game and buy a bond, which gives you 14 days of free membership, and if you know how to take advantage of them you will never have to spend real money to buy the membership. It's crazy what this game can be and I invite you to play it for free on steam, android, and iso. I don't know what my fellow virgins expect to be able to play this fantastic gameVisual Novels Thread
Which visual novels have you enjoyed lately, wizzies? For me, I'd say my top VN's were Yume Miru Kusuri (only got one ending, am planning on picking it back up in the future) as well as "Our Lost World Beneath the Skies". I'm still looking for that VN that I can give a 10 on in Vndb, which I'm going to reserve for just one.Slayers Online
French wizs might have heard of this.sound novel games
let's talk about sound novel games. have you ever played one of them? most of them didn't come out of japan/overseas so the best you can do is to watch video of it on yt but it's in japanese. not enough translation. I like sound novel games they're comfy with element of horrorIs there any better Nintendo Switch Emulator on Android?
I want to emulate alot of ROMs on my android because i want to feel like im owning a NTS and feel that experience, i have did this before on PC bit its ass i want something that make my vidya experience more portable and better. Any of you anons come across some punk ass powerful NTS emu?I hate Super Mario 64 camera/control
Fuck it the SM64 camera is the worse control had come across, might seems good when you are playing on N64 but a hell when you try it in emulator, you can see a shit. Beating each level in the emulator using pc keyboards was a hell for me, i don't know how the speedruners nerd do it that quick without a N64 controller.Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
I wanna share some thoughts about FF7 Rebirth after completing it. tl;dr the game is SO GOOD when they just do new flashy versions of the original story (pic related). Most of the new ideas are bad though. The exception is the stuff related to Jessie./aicg/ - AI Chatbot General
/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbotsPre-rendered backgrounds
Pre-rendered backgrounds with 3D assets should've remained until at least the 2010s for certain genres. I'm pretty sure much of the love for the golden age of Final Fantasy (VII- IX) and the early Resident Evil games is due to the highly detailed nature of pre-rendered graphics. The worlds depicted felt more alive and lived in, meaning kids could imagine themselves in it more easily.neotokyo°
I want to play neotokyo° but no one plays it…there's this steam group that organize parties every weekends and gather together to play the game. I also want to do the same but with my fellow wizzies: I want to create a group on steam and schedule so american wizzies and europeans wizzies and aussies wizzies play all together, so we could all play together. I was thinking of sunday, no wizzies work on sundayGAME REVIEW - Pacific Drive
TL;DR— Nice plot but otherwise $10 Walmart bin gameFree, low-spec PC games
The best pаge on the Wizchan Wiki was the list of frеe gаmes, ոеarly all of which were low-spec and could be easily downloаdеd without bloаtwarе softwarе mаոagеrs such as Stеam. I'd likе to rеbuild a list of gаmеs that meеt the critеriа of freе, with a suggеsted focus on gаmеs which arе cаpablе of ruոning on that old IBM Thinkcenter in the closеt.Game Recommendation
In this thread, ask other wizards for game recommendations.Morrowind/OpenMW Modding
People are doing some crazy things with OpenMW, there is a huge Star Wars total conversion mod for OpenMW called Starwind for example. Basically a complete game.constructive pc games
these are some of the only games i can bear to play after a dew decades of video games:Should I get into playing an MMO RPG?
I sometimes watch an anime or read a manga about MMO video games of some sort and it has made me interested in the concept. Obviously as NEETs we should have advantages that other players wouldn't have that come from being able to spend a lot of time playing. I've never really played any multiplayer games, and when I did, I never interacted with anyone in them, just playing them like single player games. I wonder if MMOs could be a decent substitute for actual human interaction and companionship. Does anyone have any experience with these? What do you think about them? Worth playing for a wizard?Looking for a game that I'm not sure exists
Has there ever been a game with a similar game format to Middle Earth Shadow of War? Specifically the elements I want are: 1) collecting like pokemon. You need to be able to find rare and valuable ones by playing the game and 2)you use the characters you collect to fight for you in non-turn-based combat.More vidya like this ?
I know i am being vague, Basically stuff that Can run on an old PC and Can give me lots of hours of Playtime:Fire Emblem thread
Anybody play Fire Emblem? What are your thoughts about Fire Emblem Engage? Personally, i'm excited for it. We haven't really got a fire emblem game before that looks this colourful, and the entire premise just seems like it could be stupid fun even if the stories bad. It also seems like they're returning to more traditional gameplay ie bringing back the weapon triangle/a jaigen character and the maps looks like they could possibly have much tighter design than three houses. But who knows. Honestly who cares if the game ends up being bad, i'll probably still get some enjoyment out of it and we know that a genealogy remake is coming because of the leaks so it's not like the series is dead if this game sucks.Euro Truck Simulator 2
I'm really enjoying playing Euro Truck Sim 2 right now. I'm having a better time now than when I first played it years ago. I really like the concept of the game but never really cared for driving around Germany and England. I find the general atmosphere, especially of Germany, to be depressing and gloomy for the most part. Driving around gray Hamburg under a gray sky or damp London was never my idea of fun, so even though I like the game, it lacked an environment I like. The DLCs really did it for me though, especially Iberia and Italy. I just completed driving through the entire Iberian Peninsula's coastline, starting from Bordeaux, Bayonne and going West all the way to A Coruña then south to Faro, Algeciras, Malaga, Murcia up to Montpellier. Wonderful experience and having put around 100h years ago and 20 hours now, this route is by far the best this game has to offer imo (probably, I still have to drive around Italy and France some more, but I don't think it will be as fun as Iberia, though those two countries are fun to drive around as well). I still have to drive around Eastern Europe but I'm not holding my breath for that region. Drove around Scandinavia a bit and it's fine.games you used to like, but don't anymore
are there any games you used to like, and you replayed them and realized they were bad?Grand Strategy
Chose a random nation, Bosnia. Got a gold province, Kosovo. Going to conquer Venice soon.Shoive The PS5 Up Your A-hole Xmas Edition
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl8wbL9PUisGames you're currently playing
Thread for discussing games you're currently playing.Wiz City - Loli Golf pre-2006
Albatross 18 / PangYa - anyone remember this?Spectating instead of playing games
I only got back into gaming recently, and while there are some simple games I do enjoy playing, there are other more complex games, that I just enjoy watching guides and gameplay of rather than playing myself.Were old games better?
I think there is just something “magical” about old games, like someone’s great ideas put in to the limitations of a early 2000s game engine that was handcrafted by a passionate nerd. I think limitations and those unique oversights/bugs were really what spawned great games.Must play vidya
Zoomer here, I've got a lot of time to kill, I wanted to ask any wizzies here what would be some must play games for me to try out on any console excluding ps5 exclusives. I've started playing some ps2 games such as drakengard and Persona 3, I got really tired of all the dark souls I played. Preferably give me a lot of japanese made games, although that isnt mandatory. Thank you!Interesting video game videos
I'm looking for Youtube channels or just single videos which provide detailed analysis about the story/gameplay/game design/whatever of video games or just interesting theories, facts and other stuff like that. I don't really know how to explain it any better so I'm just gonna link a few examples.Things you've learnt from games.
This might sound strange -or probably not- but has anyone acquired lucrative knowledge from video games? If so, please kindly share it, whatever it is.Twitch thread #2
I know its not the real second thread but its the 2nd on the catalog so whateverVroom Vroom Racing and Driving Game Thread
I'm not legally allowed to drive in meatspace but I enjoy driving and crashing in computer games and I hope other wizards do to. People (plebeians) think racing vidya is all the same but that couldn't be further from any of the truths. There are combat racing games, racing simulators, arcade racers, rhythm racers, driving simulators, driving racers, kart-likes, and some other kinds even maybe. If you played any recently or want to play some soon then let us know in this thread or the next one if this one has over 300 posts.Specific Specific question for Zelda OOT
Halp me wizzies, this is driving me INSANE: