>>57096I'll treat your question sincerely as opposed to sardonically. If it was rhetorical and therefore you meant for the latter, I ask that you be direct and to the point in your criticism so that the discussion is actually productive as opposed to poisonous and cynical.
That's not how I play. I prefer to have a deep, meaningful playthrough; and I don't want to go through a different game every week. I'm spending a lot of time of this stuff, so I want to remember it and let it be impactful. I go gleaming through the fields 5-10 years after the fact. This allows for a few things benefits:
- I'll have a much larger chance of picking up good games.
- I'm sure that I'll get a game because I like it, and not because it's keeping up with a fad.
- I'm much more likely to pick them up on the cheap.
- I'll typically go into games with a much longer time preference, preferring to play the same game for a month if not a year.
That said, I look to pick up BotW.