31ccb No.64908
>>64841>>64844Is it for all boards total?
67bfb No.64914
>>64908yes, thats my theory, ~30 posts per day on all baords
915e5 No.65032
About 8-10 posters, since this only caters to people who are virgin who are extremely low in our society. Plus most people here are white so they hate non whites like me, I believe I am the only non-white here. I am an Indian. I think the people who are whites here missed their chance to do geomaxxing. There are very few posters here, you can tell by their writing style who is who though. Although the whites here must be from very white countries else their pretty privilege or JBW would've gotten them out of their misery.
As for me, I am more of a crab than a wiz. So actual wizards are very few, you see majority of men want to ascend and understandably so. But they still post here.
While I cherish image boards the people here are the same 4chan pol kind. Like as for me I was surprised that there's racism here as I thought that when you're this rejected by the society you will sympathise with other unfortunate people but apparently not. It's like Slavs and Jews in concentration camp. Where Slavs used to complain to Nazi Officials when they were grouped with the Jews and then doubled down on hating the Jews, the Jews did the same to Slavs. Despite both of these groups starving to death there wasn't much sympathy between others.
It reminds me of what happens in my country. In our country there is a particularly poor state called Bihar and Biharis migrate to other parts of India and rest of Indians talk about Biharis the same way the way whites talk about Indians. Except the race part.
Such is life. Kick the guy below, further below. Curse the guy above. Humanity is very foid like in its behaviour if you get what I mean. As for me, I am more or less tied to this website.
91dfb No.65034
>>65032>geomaxxing>to ascencdFucking crab.
>I believe I am the onlyIf you're so good at observing human behaviour, why didn't you fit in among normies? I mean, why don't you go to reddit?
Racebaiting crab.
915e5 No.65035
>>65034I mean there is no lie that whites have it easier in dating area than browns, that's just a fact. I don't fit in among normies because I don't look like them.