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We are still open to new banner submissions.

Dimensions: 300px x 100px, .png, .gif or .jpg files.

All current banners: https://wizchan.org/banners/all.php
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fd5c8 No.65194

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this one please

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478dc No.65215[Reply]

i came back after a year and holy shit this is not the wizardchan i remember. it's been totally taken over by crabs.

posts are either talking about sex or regret for being a 30yo virgin. wtf happened to hating normies instead of coveting them? wtf happened to wizard pride? wtf happened to magic? this place is failed normie crab central.
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2c193 No.65219

If mods are corrupted, it is over

73259 No.65220

kiwifarm mods are getting tired of being jannies.

a2645 No.65243

It's the state of the internet. I predicted this. Once peak wizardry has been reached there's nowhere to go but down.

48c0b No.65276

I reported those posts but mods stopped enforcing that part of rule 2 it seems. I remember back in 2015 when me and a bunch of other wizards kept shitposting pretending to be crabs until that rule finally had to be implemented. Maybe history will repeat itself.

a16ec No.65277

mods dont care. theres loli porn up for weeks. admin hasnt been seen in months

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bcef8 No.65270[Reply]

Is it possible to change the colour of the title in Coffe theme from blue to a more visible colour?


Done. If you're savvy with CSS, you can easily test custom rules by clicking "Options" at the top and adding your own rules to the Custom CSS tab. If anyone feels they've improved something, they can let me know and I'll update the stylesheet on the server.

bcef8 No.65274

Thank you very much.

e5359 No.65275

Very cool.

434e2 No.65246[Reply]

How long does this website keep the IPs? Do IPs also get deleted if you request a post removal?
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299e5 No.65249

Not a mod as well just a tech guy.

>How long does this website keep the IPs?

That depends on the web server configuration(NGINX or Apache or whatever they use). The moment you access the website it gets a HTTPS or HTTP server response logged into a log file, but after a while it goes away if you haven't visited the site in a while because of other people and scrappers and bots visiting the site. The log file gets filled and most likely restarts or it might keep the old log file for a while before automatically backing it up for a multitude or reasons. (Their configuration or maybe they need it for Law Enforcement if you post illegal content.) Also vichan and NPFChan are able to see your IPs if enabled. I've used NPFChan and it has the possibility of hashing your IP if enabled but who knows what the staff here has it configured.

>Do IPs also get deleted if you request a post removal?

No they do not. Just depends on their configuration. If they ban and remove all posts then maybe but who knows what other files they keep on you.


>How long does this website keep the IPs?
Indefinitely as far as the mod panel suggests. Pages to view an IP's post history are generated on the fly as we visit them, so technically there's already a post history page for every possible IP.
>Do IPs also get deleted if you request a post removal?
Successful active posts are visible on this IP page so long as they're up. Posts deleted by the staff are visible on the IP page until we superdelete them. Posts that have expired by normal means are archived and then they no longer have IP data attached to them. Posts deleted by a user are completely wiped from the system, minus the temporary rolling master log file which is required for floodgating. Posts rejected as spam show up as a footnote on the IP page marking the time of the rejection. Upon loading the IP page, the IP is checked against a list of known VPN IPs which is displayed to us if a positive result comes back. There is a native system in place for checking the general country of origin of an IP that would appear on this page (for /int/ flags), but we have that disabled.

If you have a post you'd like superdeleted, you can request so by mailing ayydmin@proton.me . You'd have to convince me it was really you who made the post however.

>The moment you access the website it gets a HTTPS or HTTP server response logged into a log file, but after a while it goes away if you haven't visited the site in a while
This is our case. I'm not sure how far back the log goes, but its size is capped to be tiny and what is recorded is concise. Really just enough for the floodgate to operate and see if the server is being cyberbullied.
>Also vichan and NPFChan are able to see your IPs if enabled. I've used NPFChan and it has the possibility of hashing your IP if enabled but who knows what the staff here has it configured.
Wizchan does not hash IPs. Our ruleset and arbitrary moderation prohibits truly fringe subjects from being discussed so we have no cause to protect anyone from anyone else. A lot of moderation these days is preventive which is made possible by seeing the IPs of violators and connecting them to similar IPs. We're not dancing to the tune of those who believe IPs are anything personPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

490f2 No.65252

thanks for your honesty. I remember 8chan mods posting IP's of users for shits and giggles or because they didn't like the poster. I still dislike though I gotta let Google in my browser to fill your captcha. But I guess these days you can only be a Luddite so much before cutting off your internet completely.

09b93 No.65271

I asked the mods to delete a post once, and I don't remember what post it was, and you guys did delete it, so I assume that wasn't a superdelete? I don't even remember what was the number of that post was. And you mentioned that when the staff deletes a post there is still a record right? So the question is do you guys also save the files with deleted posts?


I've deleted close to a hundred posts per request by their authors. Usually it's when they report their post themselves. If the reporter's IP and the post IP matches, the reason for deletion is fair, and deleting the post wouldn't cause any significant confusion from others in the thread, then the staff deletes it and may leave a note on the mod log letting other staff know that the post was deleted per request, so it doesn't look like the responding staff just deleted a rule-abiding post for no reason. Posts deleted in this manner are still visible on the user's IP page, until they are [SD Delete Post]'d (superdeleted) at which point they are wiped completely and only exist as a note on the modlog saying which post number was deleted from what board. No data relevant to the post's content or the user who submitted it is on the server at that point.

It likely was a [SD Delete] and doesn't exist in any trace on the server. If I get an email requesting post deletion, it's almost always because the user has concerns relating to their personal safety being at risk due to the information they shared in the post. In this case I just de facto superdelete. If the post has already been moved to the thread archive, I open the thread's respective HTML on the server and CTRL-X the post from it.
>So the question is do you guys also save the files with deleted posts?
The files would be deleted first. Anytime you see the X FILE DELETED image, that file and everything related to it from its attributes to its thumbnail are removed forever. Files are still attached to 'soft deleted' posts, but I regularly clean those out from the server to save space.

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2ff94 No.65253[Reply]

i can prove this
>people use animes succubi as main starting images
>we have jp board which is mostly anime so in sense foid worship
so what is the solution to this problem it actually very simple
remove jp and ban anime but i think it needs more in short
>complete removal of jp
>a new rule to not use anime succubi as starting images or reaction images
>anime manga and other japanese culture can be talked as long it not foid worship
>watching moeslop or anything with cute succubi is mostly foid worship
this rules to be strict i am tired of every chan becoming a shitty 4cuck ripoff
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2ff94 No.65264

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some people here are neets and need their mom man the world outside is harsh

f46f3 No.65265

You are almost certainly a outsider just here to stir shit.

Especially with the dumbass slang you use from "other places" that have no place here.

How about you fuck off back to wherever you came from if drawings make you shit yourself or whatever the fuck is your problem.

5756a No.65266

he wants to get his dick sucked because he is a cool kid for hating "4cuck"

7b507 No.65267

you don't belong to this website. Go back to tour crab shit

81f3f No.65268

no, that's reductive materialism, and also you're an outsider crab so fuck off

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45267 No.64909[Reply]

A bot keeps making threads and replys that already exist, but it's attaching videos of succubi and little succubi. It will make my Youtube recommendations in to videos similar to those! Mods please wake up!
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Clarifying Rule 7 stuff is reasonable. In a lot of cases the first violations were the only violations. I haven't had to ban for female vtubers since the very day it was arbitrarily declared that they were 3DPD. I'll refresh the rules and GPGs soon.

92abd No.65214

What do you mean by that?

f9053 No.65231

You guys are straight up niggers.

26df5 No.65242

I'm going to guess he means General Posting Guidelines.

22a87 No.65244

Never seen the term/abbreviation before, but your guess at least would make sense in context.

26725 No.65069[Reply]

Can you unban me from this fucking site? Title.
Some cretin posted an idiotic post like 8 months ago and it banned ME even though I wasn't the one that did it. He also insta appealed on the same day so no one responds on appeal email. Due to some idiot making a 'crab' post or whatever i got banned for a year for nothing. I don't know how he used my IP or how ISPs work, but i use a mobile hotspot on phone that i connect to on my laptop as my internet with a password that only I should know in the first place, and my IP matches the banned one when I checked it on one of these IP check sites and yes it's my IP but I didn't write this post. In the first place I'm almost only on /dep/ and due to this idiocy…i'm sick of this situation already. I don't wanna wait 4 more months for an unban because I'll be long dead by then so I won't use the site anyway.
If you are wondering how I'm posting this I'm using my broken cable ISP that the rest of my family uses but it's utter shit and I hate switching to it for even a second.
If u want ask me for details or whatever if there's anyone out there cause i'm never getting any response. I sent a mail to appeal e-mail but nobody responded and they won't cause you can't appeal twice.
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370fd No.65074

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Counter-butthurt. Staff are doing great

51f5a No.65075

Post with capcode nigger. You ain't fooling anyone you kike.

961ce No.65077

>I am no longer removing rangebans when a non-spammer gets around to using one of the banned IPs. You're just going to have to find a VPN with an unbanned set of IPs. If you're not using a VPN and your legitimate IP got caught in the crossfire, consider switching internet service providers

this is the the reply i got when i emailed you about getting unfairly rangebanned in march this year

my ip is the same and i didnt switch isps (lol) so what happened? i found out i could post again a few months ago


That reply was during a phase of heavy spam. I've since been generally accepting appeals and have removed a few rangebans covering a broad number (hundreds of thousands) of IPs. Rangebans are usually dished out in weeks and months too so they expire like any other. Some narrow ranges (1 - 1,000), especially those we know belong to a VPN or even a cellular network, are kept banned because the mod log shows them being responsible for routine spam over the past 10 years.


What are you asking? One email was received today asking to unban an undefined IP. If that's you, then no.

0293d No.65140

Are you ever gonna apologize? What the fucks wrong with you dude?

5cf9b No.64849[Reply]

theres a lot of outsider memes lately (mostly pepe the frog) and I wonder what the fuck mods are doing? aren't you supposed to roal the website and watch for rule breakers? sometimes no one reports the outsider meme and it stays days and days. hou're supposed to delete it in sight, not wait 3 days
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5cf9b No.65039

link to the abyss? please

5001e No.65040

5cf9b No.65041

e02f0 No.65067

aww man, it sucks to write a lengthy post just to find out i got banned in the meantime, and my effort is wasted
i dun wanna write it again :(

0d7dd No.65068

write a tldr

d66ac No.65042[Reply]

a subscription like 4chad but on wizchan, would you buy it? is it necessary?

9071f No.65056

I would buy one if wizchan implemented a filter system like 4chan. so I can filter the word hitler and wizcel etc. if they are not able the deal with one bad apple they could at least do that.

df48b No.65057


15bf9 No.65058

u first

fdbea No.65059

>would you buy it?
Subscription services are cringe.
>is it necessary?
I strongly doubt this site is that expensive to run and if there is a need for money then ether admin can get a day job, offer a donation drive/fund raiser, or something else that is compatible with being a non-profit .org site that won't get him in trouble with the paper pushers.

f839b No.65062

I would, yes
but gives us some perks in exchange

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d854b No.63957[Reply]

For me, I'd say a 32 post bump limit. I like to read entire threads, and a thread with more than ~30 posts is too long to keep my interest.
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2181b No.64181

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082d8 No.64192

a rule34 of wizards banning pornposters, turned into a porn scene

2a680 No.64196

>means you are a jewish female

you clearly have an excessively low ability to think rationally

6ba68 No.65033

Forbid mods to ban users under vague reasoning of schizoposting.

69de6 No.65036

>What is the biggest change you would make to wizchan
update the FAQ and rules to include the current features as well as explain the rules the mods enforce but aren't officially listed because no one has bothered to update the rules page in like 6 or 7 years.
Also some way of finding out what is going on when the site is down would be nice.
Also fixing or removing the shit that has broken for years would be nice. Like the dead links to the textboard and wiki, or the comically busted user activity counters on the front page. My vote is just remove the dead links already.

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