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11017 No.63887[Reply]

There is an unwritten rule that all political discuss should only take place in the politics general thread.

We don't we just go ahead and make that rule an official rule?

df8b1 No.63890

>7. Try to keep similar topics to one thread; duplicates will be locked.

That was the 2013 version of the rules, but it's still enforced as it's generally considered a requisite for the post to be considered not of low quality. Duplicates are locked all the time, not just for political discussions opened outside of the general. /meta/ analysis indicates many if not most users prefer political discussion be contained to one thread if not banned entirely. It is for these reasons that I report political threads to remind the mods that they ought to be locked or merged. Happy birthday Hitler.

96e0b No.63931

Why did that rule go from being written to unwritten?

df8b1 No.63932

Beats me!

96e0b No.63937

Hey mods, why don't you actually bring back this rule if you're going to punish people for it.

af0a2 No.63938

Thread about Jewish tricks with 0 replies being locked and pointed to the Hitler X Lumia thread next door is hardly punishment…

2ae10 No.63933[Reply]

Daily reminder the wizchan mods are nonvirgins fags who share selfies with make up, have gay chats and tell what should be personal information from wizards with people who are homos, kiwifarmers, pedophiles and furries in secret discords while also gayposting every hour on /b/ https://wizchan.org/b/

This site is infested with faggots including the admin who allows nonvirgins. KYS FAGS

cd781 No.63934

why wasn't this deleted?

abe52 No.63935

I thought he would post it fewer than 100 times tonight if I kept one version up

cd781 No.63936

it appears that you failed in your mission

5e271 No.63891[Reply]

I think it was called the abyss. I looked at the rules and FAQ but nothing came up.

86a08 No.63892

The Abyss is /b/

Go to Wizchan.org/b

2a30a No.63893


Aw ok, I didn't know there was a /b and would have assumed it's "random". ….How do I delete my post?

86a08 No.63930

Click the check box next to the subject and a delete button will appear

24f09 No.63883[Reply]

mods routinely expose my identity on the site and then try gas light me by saying im exposing myself. lol, you're a bunch of hypocrites. it's literally in your own rules not to post identifying information but apparently its fine for you to expose my identity, right, mod faggots? you've been fucking stalking and harassing users for years and whenever you get called out for it: just act dumb to it. why the fuck would anyone trust you faggots to police yourselves? you're a bunch of creepy stalking losers who need to get a fucking life, lmao.

24f09 No.63886

show ur face you fucking cowards

bd3b8 No.63888

matty begs for attention pt 324872394

24f09 No.63889


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bb5dd No.63864[Reply]

So there's a place that I found through a Steam group, where a group of wizards gather, I got curious, I create the thread on /wiz/ but got deleted, why? It's prohibited to speak about the "outside gathering place" Why? Those in the moderation has a beef or a policy against? Just curious I'm not even name it the group per se, to avoid father trouble.


There is no official Wizchan Discord. The server called "Wizcord" is made and maintained by users. Regardless of the relevance to Wizchan, links to it are still removed under the blanket advertising rule so we don't have to bother verifying every Discord invite link that comes through as one that points to that server. Due to Discord not being an anonymous platform, there's no plans to sanction any server as official for the time being. On top of this, there's been instances of cross-platform trolling as well as drama involving doxxing, with that Discord server being at the center.

You're free to tell people how to possibly find other wizard-related sites and groups, including the Steam and Discord chats, but direct links will be banned, and any complaint or suggestion regarding the unofficial groups should be made in /meta/. The /wiz/ board is for general thoughtful discussion that any general user can participate in so questions and concerns regarding a single registration-based platform would be considered off-topic there.

aaa61 No.63866

What doxxing drama related to the discord?

aa50f No.63867

I went in there and some mods asked for pics of my feet to proove i was a feet I slipped and accidentally sent them pics of my balls and they were able to echolocate my mac address from it and now they won't stop sending the pics of my balls and also the pics of their balls to my pastor

51bab No.63885

half of /b/ is gay wizcord drama and real names being thrown around

a251f No.63853[Reply]


do reports from /b/ even get sent into the queue? or do you guys just allow people to post about how they want to find wives? it must be one or the other, because i sure as hell am not going to believe there hasnt been a moderator online in a whole TWO FUCKING DAYS. SURELY you arent such lazy incompetent niggers that you cant even enforce the principal rule of the site.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

2dff8 No.63855

its just joseph being a autistic nigger retard again

a251f No.63880

just another wizard who "does gay shit IRL". i know even if the mods could get off their dildos long enough to see this post they wouldnt delete it, because apparently i already have my expectations set too high with wanting people who admit to having heterosexual sex to get banned.

2dff8 No.63881

You're making an assumption without any proof, for all we knew "gay shit irl" means wearing a dress and putting a dildo up your ass, hardly wizardly, but not against the rules

53981 No.63882

Typical. Mods give the homosexuals and CC crossposters infinite benefit of the doubt but if a straight male virgin so much as breathes the wrong way he gets an instant permaban.

adebe No.63884

/b/ is heavily moderated but only for British news articles

ae7b8 No.63814[Reply]

mods, u aren't doing enough to comfort me. you know how on planes how there's a button to like call stewards? well, there should be a button on wizchan where i can call wiz mods. if im feeling sad or frigten wiz mods should have to comfort me. if i can't sleep wiz mods should have to tell me a story or assure me about my problems so i can sleep.
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c91bd No.63835

What makes this funny is that you wasted a significant amount of time on such a lame strawman.

ae7b8 No.63836

I thought it was funny. lmao.

56f3d No.63837

It would be funny if the mod were saving actual CP instead of mommy tit hentai because then it would be true.

0668e No.63838

That IS CP. That's what /meta/ has decided anyway

56f3d No.63839

Literally absolutely nobody is reporting mommy tit hentai for CP. You can't source a single post on meta for that claim. That's why the comic is only funny because some disingenuous retard wasted so much time on defending his headcanon.

a41cf No.63756[Reply]

Can anyone here or the mods explain this?


Seriously, what's going on behind the curtains? Are there any real wizards left?
30 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

a8e46 No.63817

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>Naught/Namae/Archivist posting info on Wizchanners he was able to dig up.
To say I don't care about this would be a lie, because the reality is that I find it pretty funny. Wannabe cyber-sleuth grinding the social ranking in a spinoff chatroom of a forum for virgin men, just so he can obsess over, screencap, write about, and post.. the general country and typing style of like 8 users? And the time they talked about anime briefly? Onionfarms doesn't even seem to care what Wizchan users are up to.

i made that thread as a bp/andrew thread, he wanted to be a lolcow i later reverted the thread to a wizchan general and hid it but another admin took control of onionfarms i left my changes were undone. anyway i joined the wizcord met fazli who made that image of the wizcord regulars it was funny so i cross posted it. later i asked around about the /cow/ threads kanna sperged out and blamed it all on deletewiz then started and continues to spam the OP about me from the now defunct lolcow.org.

c97d3 No.63819

>i made that thread (in collaboration with another user) … later reverted the thread to a wizchan general
And what on Wizchan did you find worth sharing with people who obsess over lolcows? Posts from anonymous men asking how to kill themselves after their parents die? Posts asking how to stop being afraid of the outside world after a lifetime of being bullied? You desire approval from peers, but can't earn it through sharing positivity or experience, so instead you desperately look for something to hate that other people will also hate, so you can be the ringleader to a little clique of underage trolls sperging and giggling over young mens' emotional suffering. Being so far distanced from the in-group however, the only thing you even know enough of to post about is probably the one website that payed to bear host to your horrible posts: Wizchan. Now looking to find friends in the namefaggotry swamps of Lolcow forums, you stab your wizard friends in the back and rush over to the 'farms to show everyone the funny squirming man with a knife in his spine. "What a freak!" You say, while still wearing the same pointed hat as the dying lad. Highschool succubus logic.

>hid it but another admin took control of onionfarms i left my changes were undone

Then log your [Mtf] =SaD BoY= ass back in and delete it. Those onionfarmers are your friends, right? They'll understand.
>it was funny so i cross posted it.
You wanted the thread hidden, and then you bump it with wizard's identifying information? Bipolar highschool succubus behavior.

>fazil kanna deletewiz Peruchan

I don't know any of those names. I don't use the "wizcord" and I doubt anyone here does because the only thing I hear about the server is that nobody there bothers to use Wizchan anymore.

Next time you read through the Suicide General for material to laugh at, consider how easy some of the solutions to life presented in the thread are, then reflect upon your own life and gauge if it's worth moving forward with existence.

a8e46 No.63826

File: 1680803962608.jpg (27.95 KB, 516x387, 4:3, dontforgetyourehereforever.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>all this projection
>And what on Wizchan did you find worth sharing with people who obsess over lolcows?
the image of wizcord regulars.
>Posts from anonymous men asking how to kill themselves after their parents die? Posts asking how to stop being afraid of the outside world after a lifetime of being bullied?
i never mocked anyone from wizchan nor did i even comment on it, i cross posted from plenty of niche imageboards and forums.
>more projection
nigger i got a thread on lolcow.org because i refuse to play by their rules. niche communities are interesting and worth documenting yet others dont share the same sentiment i do that the info ought to be correct.
>Then log your [Mtf] =SaD BoY= ass back in and delete it. Those onionfarmers are your friends, right? They'll understand.
im done with onionfarms.
>You wanted the thread hidden, and then you bump it with wizard's identifying information? Bipolar highschool succubus behavior.
no, that was the new admin (now quit he burned out fast) took a disliking to BP and reverted the thread can you not read?
>Next time you read through the Suicide General for material to laugh at, consider how easy some of the solutions to life presented in the thread are, then reflect upon your own life and gauge if it's worth moving forward with existence.
again, projection im not /cow/ im not lolcow.farm.

c97d3 No.63827

>the image of wizcord regulars.
Why though? What do you have to gain by laughing a a group of random shitposting nobodies in from when there's a whole sea of people like browns and crabhapas to mock instead?
>i never mocked anyone from wizchan nor did i even comment on it, i cross posted from plenty of niche imageboards and forums.
No, you dumb faggot, making a thread about anything on a forum where the whole point is to mock and laugh at what is posted on it.. That's mocking. What did you expect from posting Wizchan users there? For those lolcow forum users to come and be genuine posters?
>I never PERSONALLY laughed at them, but the other lolcow farmers might have
^ what you're saying

>niche communities are interesting and worth documenting

But why on a TROLL FORUM? Why do you value the input of transsexual-defending, child-grooming, fat fucks who jerk off to Chris-tran's wank tapes?

Make a master thread on one of these "niche boards" you're so invested in. Catalogue them and contribute to them at the same time. Make a Youtube video about your experiences with Wizchan like Whois did before these very same troll forums doxxed him off the internet.

>(now quit he burned out fast)

You're quite entangled in the happenings of that forum for someone who's "done" with it.

>again, projection

Telling you to kill yourself isn't projection, it's me telling you that you should end your life.
>im not /cow/ im not lolcow.farm.
You're making threads there because you value their opinions above all others. You are absolutely one of them, no matter how much they rejected your obsession with Wizards.
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b14e8 No.64916

spoiler test

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