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febde No.64015[Reply]

that's not a statement. that's just you AGAIN abusing the hammer desperately trying to hide how stupid you have become.

if not for 30+ disregarders of females and seekers of magic, who is this site actually for? what are you trying to do with this site? i get it that you work hard trying to fight the spam every day but if you bring your dirty fighting everywhere, you ruin the innocence of this place and then there is no point in having this place.

this place seems like an evil retirement home.

0112f No.64017

some wiz pointed the price of having your own board up, otherwise consider tracking down the staff

955a3 No.64029

this is all just a joke to some evil people i guess. makes a lot of sense. only the purest of heart can survive the onslaught of filth with their innocence intact. it is no surprise that the mods failed and succumbed to their lowest instincts and became what they hated as this is the fate of all unremarkables.

>some wiz pointed the price of having your own board up

what is the price? a server that can handle the load that runs an imageboard software, a domain, maybe some kind of cloudflare antispam and then tons of time to delete all the garbage and lube for getting fucked by whoever violently claims the internet these days.

my amateur estimate would be somewhere between 50$ and 300$ per month.

>otherwise consider tracking down the staff

bitch i am not solid snake, i am a proud military service denier. also what makes you think the owners are humans. they might just be sophisticated ai.

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ae2bf No.63939[Reply]

the time has come in which normalfag infiltrators have begun to shame posters for liking video games and anime, with brash open arrogance, using insults such as manchild, pedophile etc.
staff needs to take a stand, in my eyes this is no different from being derisive towards a wizard for being a NEET (which has been happening a lot lately as well), it should become a bannable offense
11 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

42090 No.63965


bd3ab No.63966

the problem is all the wizzies who enjoy video games and anime are busy doing those things all day so that leaves an opening for antifun haters to come in and claim that they hate everything and cant enjoy fun

48e42 No.64020

I know people complain about the normalization of hobbies such as anime and videogames, but does anyone have any examples of hobbies becoming popular and then later turning obscure again?

(I need some positive reinforcement.)

dd995 No.64023

please report anything you see that rubs you the wrong way its just not in the cards right now to have mods manually check every post

3dee5 No.64024

Found the everyphobic deofrenodrobos nobos lobos robots cobos.

06921 No.64019[Reply]

Say I made a thread that said "Being celibate is probably the best thing ever. Here's reason 1, here's reason 2, here's reason 3, etc." or something similar as bait. Then, everyone who replies to the thread arguing that it's not, I report them for a rule 4 violation. Would that sort of entrapment be frowned upon?

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1599b No.63982[Reply]

stop deleting my thread and giving me warning. this has nothing to do with going to parties or real life social activities. this was actual disregarding of females and acquiring magic; remember? that's the thing you pretend the site is about in between your outbursts of misguided censorship in case you were too busy being devoid of dignity.

thread attached. rest assured that you would not be moderating anything if this was democracy.
17 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

8aac5 No.64003


so attractive people are not allowed to discuss their life and their challenges in life because you pretend it makes you feel bad? you probably felt bad before though. you probably feel bad all the time. i expect someone as generic as you to live in constant agony.

d6350 No.64004

> we are all ugly crabs in denial coping

> ban the handsome volcels who prove my lies wrong

c0b93 No.64010

didnt read, kys loser

56973 No.64011

>didnt read
why not

6a63f No.64012

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so far no statement with substance from the 70 year old moderator(s)

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f4397 No.63990[Reply]

Trying to access videos in the archive through the thumbnail is broken you have to do it through the filename

64d58 No.63977[Reply]

The Reading Thread on hob is not bumping to the top of /all/ for some reason.

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