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507df No.64417[Reply]

it's aids searching for appropriate threads to post something in the catalog when a lot of threads have no subjects immediately visible

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fa91f No.64247[Reply]

I've always wondered how people found certain sites, and what sites I might not know of, but would enjoy knowing of. There is also a certain taboo about talking about certain sites outside of those sites, as if each user just materialized with knowledge of the site. How did you find out about Wizchan?
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20d91 No.64375

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This is similar to how I heard about it. I heard about Macintosh Cafe from 4chan about three years ago, and then heard about Wizchan on Macintosh Cafe. Dead Internet Theory, one of the pieces of culture of Macintosh Cafe, originates here. Your image is cool; I know that feeling of looking through your downloads or some folder and looking at old creations and things you've saved for some reason…maybe even trying to recall the memory.
>Maybe try hunting through 4chan archives like desuarchive or warosu or 4plebs etc.
Gr8 minds think alike. A few months ago I searched into desuarchive and 4plebs "Buy an ad", as people will often say that as a response to a mention of a small discussion site. The sites I found were ones I already heard about, but it felt like a stroke of genius.

d60a5 No.64398

I was thinking recently about how it would be nice to have a faster website with more posters and that made me question where all the users come from in the first place so I'm glad this thread exists. I assume 4chan is the big one since that's where I heard about wizardchan from. That means we are drawing from a pool of frankly pretty shitty users. We should go after reddit users. Someone should make a /r/wizchan and post highlights from this site. That would allow us to go after a higher caliber of poster.

7738a No.64400

Someone mentioned it on the old 8chan, you know, the one with the board were you could post little g*rls shaking their butts to good music and had a zoophilia board witj guys fucking pigs.

e927c No.64402

>cunny honeypot
Only racists got the rope
it was a bbc pot of man honney

bef34 No.64403

i'll freely admit I first heard of wizardchan from /r9k/, back in 2013 or 2014 I'm not sure. It was around the zoe incident and the supreme gentleman times

4bf84 No.64382[Reply]

ban all the middle eastern shills trying to recruit wizards into their retarded fucking war

fuck the jews and fuck the other people, they dont get to advertise their death cult bullshit to all imageboards

first it was ukraine, now this. ban these fucking tourist retards already

4bf84 No.64395

guy is derailing /wiz/ with nazi, hitler, jew shit

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674ec No.64246[Reply]

Does anyone have a good systematic archive of wizchan history? Maybe oral tales from the ages before wizchan to modern day? I think is important to preserve a community history, don't let the past be forgotten, bros.
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9d714 No.64385

You just reminded me of veganwiz…

826d1 No.64389

Speaking of things disappearing, what is going on with the site lately.

Has it been down?
Is it still down?
I haven't been able to access the site for like 4 days now.

826d1 No.64391

Even when I check websites like websitedown.info
It says it's down for everyone still.
That said, flushing the DNS cache did seem to work for me at least.

826d1 No.64392

Also can't get test to work.

826d1 No.64394

That worked, yet when I type it in directly it doesn't.
Strange. Well I will just put a star on it and access it that way until this is sorted.

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6ca0a No.64387[Reply]

I don't completely understand the numbers of unique posters. The 11,434 are unique posters of when?, last month? And why there are no numbers for Today and This week?

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c5eb5 No.64362[Reply]

I am announcing my retirement
Please post a nice retirement gift
Thank you
Yours faithfully
Wizzy McWizzers

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5a975 No.64141[Reply]

Is Admin rich? A guy in /dep/ suicide general said he's going to give all of his Cardano to the admin and that he already did before. Can you please use the money to fix the site and make it so we can post on meta with VPN's again?

Or did admin get trolled? Is he crying? Needs a hug? ^_^
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8bf9d No.64174


af0a0 No.64175

wizzie… i worry about you… i worry a lot….

5a975 No.64177

Does Admin have Paypal? Can he post it so wizzies like me can send him some money? I want to help out while I can!

5a975 No.64223

I want to buy pizza and cola for the nice mods. I want them to take it easy!
Rat is comfy, rat is CUTE!

5a975 No.64356

Admin… Your site… It needs repairs!

338fb No.64331[Reply]

You have porn to turn you into a coomer, you have suicide threads where non effective methods are leading wizzies into getting maimed instead cleanly dead, there is a gluttonous food thread to make harder to follow detox life so brainfogged wizards never stop living sick, a crypto thread to scam you into money which value goes wild treacherously on purpose, there is no /sig/ to effectively know to get ripped against mobs and bullies and to give advice for apprentices.

c5e61 No.64308[Reply]

Why is this place so hard to moderate? Countless times a single user manages to derail entire boards for lots of hours.

This seems to be tied to wizcord drama most of the time. If crab-tier stuff like discord was banned and enforced this wouldn't happen, this happens because we have mods that encourage wizcord faggotry, if you weren't on discord on the first place, you wouldn't get butthurt users flaming the board or trying to dox you.

c5e61 No.64309

And forgot to say, I'm typing this because someone is spamming genitalia mutilation.

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05ea4 No.64186[Reply]

these posts clearly fall under the category of "outsider memes or shitposts", i reported them and they have not been removed
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4d2b0 No.64210

theres no evidence other than the text, and hes not in jail

9e7f5 No.64215

on the wiki it says that he basically admitted it in phone calls. he thought that he was 'healing' barb and he was jesus….

4d2b0 No.64216

it was a succubus baiting him, and you know lolcows will say the most edgiest worst thing they could do, to impress their weird succubus fans.

"basically admitted" means nothing, when you are a lolcow talking to a succubus "fan"

4248c No.64291

Rei acts like such a stuck up bitch, but she's one of the more down bad senshis out of the cast.

5c4dd No.64292

this bitch is gross.

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