Creator? You mean admin. IIRC the OG admin/owner was Ana(l)chronos, a guy who admitted to being a whoremonger before he was forced to step down. That was years ago though and I've used wizchan intermittently over the years so I wouldn't know who the current admin/owner is.
That said, why are Brazilians (and Russians) becoming more relevant on the chanosphere? Is it the power of BRICS? As a virgin spic, I am jealous, and I have newfound crab feelings towards huehues. You guys are going to make it, but the rest of Latin America is in free fall…..
>>64411You seriously underestimate the degree of normalfagginess from the average spanish speaking netizen.
>>64413>>64414Case in point. The major spanish IB was Hispachan, closed down around 2 years ago. The IB you linked is pretty damn cliqueish, I tried using it but users are stuck up their asses, reusing their ebin inside jokes and lore. Hispachan never had the cohesiveness and shared broader culture that the anglosphere has with 4chan. It was a literal shit-flinging party all day, the most active posters were Mexicans and Venezuelans. Venezuela is rip, and the last owner of Hispachan, the one that decided to kill it off, was a spic who apparently was too busy trying to become a fucking streamer and refused repeated offers to buy the site from him or donate it to those who had the time and money to keep it alive. No. He HAD to kill it off the massive faggot. Just goes to show how latinos see each other. I never see this with Brazilians, so I wouldn't be surprized if wizchans modmin is brazilian.
>>64419Probably because they boast of having secta OG users. But those days are gone, probably. Well, I wasn't there and you better be behind more than 7 proxxies if you're going to be open about posting loli. Cheesepizza is kind of a meme on the spanish weeb/loser web rings, although imageboards never had as much of an impact on them as Facebook groups did. Goes to show how fucking retarded the average user was, yes, posting cp on fucking FB of all places.