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R: 4 / I: 0
How long does this website keep the IPs? Do IPs also get deleted if you request a post removal?
R: 19 / I: 1


A bot keeps making threads and replys that already exist, but it's attaching videos of succubi and little succubi. It will make my Youtube recommendations in to videos similar to those! Mods please wake up!
R: 6 / I: 0
i came back after a year and holy shit this is not the wizardchan i remember. it's been totally taken over by crabs.

posts are either talking about sex or regret for being a 30yo virgin. wtf happened to hating normies instead of coveting them? wtf happened to wizard pride? wtf happened to magic? this place is failed normie crab central.
R: 2 / I: 1

Banners Thread 2

We are still open to new banner submissions.

Dimensions: 300px x 100px, .png, .gif or .jpg files.

All current banners: https://wizchan.org/banners/all.php
R: 9 / I: 1

Can you unban me from this fucking site?

Can you unban me from this fucking site? Title.
Some cretin posted an idiotic post like 8 months ago and it banned ME even though I wasn't the one that did it. He also insta appealed on the same day so no one responds on appeal email. Due to some idiot making a 'crab' post or whatever i got banned for a year for nothing. I don't know how he used my IP or how ISPs work, but i use a mobile hotspot on phone that i connect to on my laptop as my internet with a password that only I should know in the first place, and my IP matches the banned one when I checked it on one of these IP check sites and yes it's my IP but I didn't write this post. In the first place I'm almost only on /dep/ and due to this idiocy…i'm sick of this situation already. I don't wanna wait 4 more months for an unban because I'll be long dead by then so I won't use the site anyway.
If you are wondering how I'm posting this I'm using my broken cable ISP that the rest of my family uses but it's utter shit and I hate switching to it for even a second.
If u want ask me for details or whatever if there's anyone out there cause i'm never getting any response. I sent a mail to appeal e-mail but nobody responded and they won't cause you can't appeal twice.
R: 23 / I: 0
theres a lot of outsider memes lately (mostly pepe the frog) and I wonder what the fuck mods are doing? aren't you supposed to roal the website and watch for rule breakers? sometimes no one reports the outsider meme and it stays days and days. hou're supposed to delete it in sight, not wait 3 days
R: 5 / I: 0
a subscription like 4chad but on wizchan, would you buy it? is it necessary?
R: 24 / I: 3

What is the biggest change you would make to wizchan, or any imageboard?

For me, I'd say a 32 post bump limit. I like to read entire threads, and a thread with more than ~30 posts is too long to keep my interest.
R: 9 / I: 1


Where's the live anon counters? 4chinks has a tracker for users, why we don't have one? I bet a couples of hundreds users per day or couple more.
R: 3 / I: 2
Does anyone have archives/screenshots of the "Earth is a trap" thread? I am asking because there were a number of posts in that thread that are still engraved in my mind to this day.
R: 57 / I: 15
I have something to tell you Mod kun
R: 7 / I: 0

Are mods on vacation or something?


Honest question.

75 charssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
R: 2 / I: 0


When will the mods permaban the dude that keeps spamming imagine and links to CP?
R: 15 / I: 4

Reconsider the certificate

At first I thought the expiration would drive away retards and keep intelligent posters. But it turns out the vast majority of wizards were retards just like normies and therefore will not return to the site.

Which has lead to some boards getting less than 5 posts daily.
Where do you strike the balance between driving out tech illiterates and getting more posts?

I think it would be nice if the site was at least a bit more active. And it doesn't seem like old users who are scared of an expired certificate are returning any time soon, if ever.
On mobile devices, the stupid browser says "your financial information is at risk if you continue" which is also complete bullshit, but scares away low IQ's.
R: 21 / I: 2
why do we allow /pol/ to exist on wizardchan? it brings non wizards and normalfags with their shirty opinions on poolitics
R: 5 / I: 3
Revive wizchan, give it more activity, remove the "you look like a robot", and all that similar shit. It seems like it's me commenting with the same 3 users plus the administrator.
R: 18 / I: 2


"Wizchan" refers to an imageboard community primarily focused on the discussion of wizardry, often meaning celibacy and a lifestyle centered around solitude and personal hobbies. If you're referring to its activity status or community dynamics, online communities can certainly fluctuate. It's not uncommon for these kinds of forums to change over time, whether due to shifts in interests, changes in moderation, or other factors. If you have more specific details or thoughts on this topic, feel free to share!
R: 1 / I: 0


Some mentally ill depraved is spamming CP sites and imagine again, I reported by the thread still up, mod, permaban the depraved poster!!!!!!
R: 16 / I: 0
do I have the right to post a photo of a part of my body on /b/ without getting banned or I can't because it breaks a rule?
I have strange red stains on my dick and I want to show it to users here to tell me what it is and if it's dangerous
R: 1131 / I: 631
We might as well have some new banners.

Dimensions: 300px x 100px, .png, .gif or.jpg files.

Be creative.
R: 36 / I: 0

site certiFicate is outdated

my browser is non stop nagging me about this site being unsafe, outdated certificate and stuff even if I use proxy. What's happening?
R: 3 / I: 0

What's known about the current staff

You- You- You shall not post!

So they're back online, posting for you
If you know the rules, you can post here too
Get your bans appealed, if you want to bump
As we introduce the staff of this dump!

Wizard Chan!

He's the owner of the site, you hate him all
Because of him, the site will fall
His rangeban tool can banish a nation
Just one click from his battle station!
He's lazy, dumb, and angry too
He's the current Admin of the Wiz-C crew!


Wizard Chan!
Wizard Chan's online!

This mod's got issues, so head my warning
He deletes your posts till five in the morning
He's quick to ban those who disagree
He'll lock your thread, and move it to /b/
When you post at night, you better not sage
With a butt that hurts, he's one mad mage!

Wizard Chan!

He has no PC, he has no home
This mod browses from a phone
He can translate posts in to Portugese
And samefag his threads with utmost ease
Switches IPs with the tap of his finger
This favela mod is a third-world drifter


Wizard Chan!
Wizard Chan's online!

He's online again and without a clue
That the site is broken and the SSL too
He can code real good with his Cherry MX
With his Github commits, he'll never have sex!
He's happy to help, but he's gonna request
Some crypto coins; Monero is best!

Wizard Chan!


Finally, he's out of the ward!
It's the saddest mod of the Wiz-C board!
This kid acts depressed and overly gi[b][/b]rly
Can make a therapist retire early
Reads mean words and he starts to shake
Hallucinates friends, for pity's sake
He trembles and whines, he's always afraid
This mod logs out during raids!

C'mon Janny, move it to the abyss!

Normies, trollers, succubi too
Raids, newfags, journalists, and Indian poos
Log off!
Normies, trollers, succubi too
Raids, newfags, journalists, and Indian poos
Log off!
R: 2 / I: 0
If the owner of wizchan belongs to the best content, why doesn't he create an image board in Portuguese and Spanish? Just imagine an image board with freedom of expression, yes pornography, and being able to use the mother tongue. It will be a resounding success without precedent on the entire internet.

Currently there are no image boards in Spanish, nor in Portuguese, it is a very large market niche, and without porn they will attract a large number of advertisers.
R: 4 / I: 1

Here are my complaints

Okay, here is my list of complaints
1. The watchlist doesn't show whether or not a new reply has been made. You have to manually check the thread.
2. This website is completely dead.
3. There's no child pornography board
R: 2 / I: 0

Threads cannot be hidden from catalog

the way to fix it is a word filter, so any thread contained the desired word will vanish.
R: 11 / I: 11
Disable VPN's and ban the spammer

R: 6 / I: 1
Looks like the website died because you don't know how to moderate shit

R: 10 / I: 0
why do you let one guy monopolize your website with his spam? Have you ever thought about banning VPNs? lol, there are probably 5 users left anyway so if they really wanna post they can use their real IPs or proxies
R: 5 / I: 0

false automation accusations

i'm not automated though. clearly the system failed or it succeeded in censoring undignified under false pretense.
R: 5 / I: 0

about the wiki

can we at least have all the wiki files that aren't lost in a download-able file?
(to mods)
R: 10 / I: 1
Do something about the low quality incoherent spam on /b/

Some of it is just AI generated spam, some of it is just endless bumping of the same incoherent thread and some of it is just illiterate babble that is basically just spam.

This annoying cretin also abused my VPN service and got a lot of the IP addresses banned.
R: 1 / I: 0

Bring back the WIKI! I WILL PAY!

Admin! How much would it cost to bring the wiki back! I want to write articles about famous wizzies and then share the articles with my friends ^_^!
R: 14 / I: 1
This imageboard has had an influx of some crab users who are now forcing their own lingo from crab forums here, words like "wizcel", "mogged", "maxx" that were never used here before. That's not really an issue to me but now they have been trying to come up with their own definiton of what it means to be to be a "true wizard", essentially dividing the userbase. Can you adress this please.
R: 3 / I: 0
there should be an advice board. wiz, dep, and lounge are filled with how to? threads. we should unclog those boards
R: 1 / I: 0

The truewiz contingent is cancer

There are a lot of posts on this site where someone attacks someone else for being a normalfaggot and not a wizard. It is getting pretty egregious to the point that anything can get you accused of being a normalfaggot or "unwizardly". Frankly this shit is cancer. Just violent attacks where people are telling you you don't belong here. Worthless gatekeeping and infighting. IDK what to do about it exactly, but it is one of the main sources of cancer on this site.
R: 7 / I: 1

add new rule

>(rule4) Do not disparage or show contempt for the celibate, NEET, or reclusive lifestyles

there should be a new rule about people who show contempt about otaku culture/japanese culture like this faggot >>>/b/975511
R: 5 / I: 0
make /v9k/ a official board and being shown like others boards, what do you think?
R: 7 / I: 2
Any News on whats going on with /lounge/?

The other boards seem to work fine but lounge has debug stuff showing at the bottom of the page and all the images are more or less broken.
R: 1 / I: 0

Captchcas are ruining my life

When I go clubbing with my phone I usually browse with no pictures so i can't see the thing I'm supposed to type in to be allowed to post
R: 8 / I: 1

Create more elaborate filters to deal with the cp spammers please

They are still posting stuff that has simple evasions for word filter bans like putting a - in between spelling out the words. There has to be a way to combat this so at a minimum they don't clearly advertise cp. Just some random link, whatever, but we must be able to block the set of strings that communicate the content of the link. I assume they only spam it here because they get morons who click it. You stop the ability to tell people what's in the link, they stop clicking it and hopefully the links stop getting spammed.
R: 3 / I: 0

Posts history

How does the posts history works?, with your IP address?

I use some boards in my browser private mode and even when I close the window the post history doesn't get deleted. So I don't know how it is saved.
R: 2 / I: 2
My opinion is that changing the current wizchan logo to this thing would be a great idea.
R: 12 / I: 3
R: 9 / I: 0
I accidentally hide a thread. How can I unhid the thread? I looked for the bottom for hide but it disappeared. Help.
R: 3 / I: 0

is this a bot or some russian troll farm thing? can you check the ip and investigate and get back to me. thanks bossman
R: 12 / I: 1

Create an /x/ in wizardchan

Seeing the comments that some people make, I think there would be potential to create a board, or at least do an experiment with one to see how active it is.
R: 3 / I: 0

Why wizchan might be a bad website

Hello, Im going to create tis thread and lists some reasons why wizchan might be bad. I'm saying might be because when I look around I see some positive threads that I don't expect to see here and was a taboo not too long ago; for example the anti suicide thread. Anyways here it goes.

1. The mods and admin are a "mysterious" clique that can see your posts but you cant see theirs. They probably could track your internet usage too. They do this to troll and in their defense find out infiltrators(lol 😂) who wants troll this website. You be the judge if you're ok with being spied on.

2. Negativity is encouraged. Depression is encouraged a lot here while I don't think it's surprising that wizards suffer but encouraging negativity in the user base is such a fucked up thing to do when the mod/admin team is laughing in their discord servers and also trolling in /b/. They're not really serious and just want to spread negativity.

3. Somebody here said it's a clubhouse not a debateclub. He's right this place is definitely a club house with the mod team and admin as the cool kids(men adults) clique. Wizchan is really comfy for them because they can't just do whatever they want in the website. Now you could even say you don't have a problem with that but I just don't like it. This website feels like a playground for them which I wouldn't even mind if they weren't some wizards k*lling themselves on the suicide thread. Trolling and funsies for them and rules and some suicides for the users.

4. Why the place is still up. I think the place is just up bc 30 year old virgins mod/admin wants a clubhouse where they can socialize and be comfy and also troll. You can say they'll just troll the trolls but I think they will troll anyone they disagree with. I just don't see why would it matter to them wizard or not. They just want a place where it's comfortable for them to be virgins then do whatever they want without mocking them for being virgins. It's basically their own kingdom and the userbase as serfs for attention and positive replies without much disagreement and like-mindedness
5. Concept of wizardry. I just don't think the mods care about this because I just don't see them caring about the user base. It must Asperger's having no empathy and all that. So therefore wizardry might not really matter to them. I mean just look at the truewizard contest. You'll know the loudest ones are the mods. It's also crazy how everyone is so easily rude on true wizardry lol.
6. Mods/admin teams got so much big egos. It's so easy to recognize them from easily recognizable shitpost patterns on /b/ and sometimes it leaks out on otherboards sometimes. You could even see shitpost like this on meta. You know only a mod could have the opportunity to post like that and not get banned. Yes could also do it maybe but mods do it all the time.

7. Wizardry end goal. This is weird to me because wizardry is from a meme and it's upholders the modteam/admin are an unserious bunch with narcissism. I just don't know if that's good for you. I don't know if that's good for people.

That's just about it. I don't care if you're a normal wizard right now who's angry at this post but I'm sure the mods/admin will always posts an angry response or a dismissive response because they don't like that negativity put on them. I really made this thread because I think I'm stalked by a mod on 4chan because I said faggots there. Some mod here is a homosexual btw. I'm not a 4channer I'm just peeking as all internet users do so don't get riled up.

Also I made this post because I'm feeling stalked by a mod member here. He's here in this thread posting personal information about somebody's age. That gay style posting could be obviously seen in /b/. He must be a mod in 4chan too or a gay dude with super Aspergers good with tech to somehow stalk me. (This dude is mad about something I forgot)
This dude is posting personal information lol, shits so weird. But anyways I just want to say the truth. Peace. Even tho the mods are bad I still laughed back then on /b/. Good times.

(And lastly I think this site is maintained, solely so could the admin/mod team can have a comfy place where discussions, positive feed back and trolling for them only is accessible while being 30 year old virgin males. Pretty based really lol, but it's messed up bc the other wizards are suiciding and the mods/admin will never ever suicide themselves but encourage it on people.)
R: 14 / I: 2

How can I reach the webmaster or mods?

Unfortunately the webmaster's publicly listed email address for this site is not active. I would like to please get in touch with the webmaster, Glaive or one of the moderators to request comment and get their side of the story regarding a controversy in which Wizardchan was accused of engaging in harassment - a claim that is contested. Can someone please point me in the right direction?
R: 2 / I: 0

https is expired

https cert is expired, just fyi

R: 8 / I: 0

I posted that mods are feds in response to this guy and my post was deleted. You wouldn't be in cohoots with federal agents, would you? Very sus
R: 7 / I: 0


Jannies and owner of this wizchan, can you please create a real time anonymous chat and live anon counter?
R: 3 / I: 0
i get ssl warning, why this happens?
it started 1 week ago. it did not give such warning before.
R: 9 / I: 0

Wizchan Demographics

This place is visited by 40.7% succubi? I wonder how they get their data. Also says this board is used in Poland more than in the US.
R: 5 / I: 0
hello mods, do you think im a good wizard? what is mods position on me as a poster ;___; (dont make me cry again)
R: 7 / I: 0

Repeal the 3rd and 4th

So just to confirm, it’s ok to call wizards “losers” now right, and to worship succubi? Can we get rid of rules 3 and 4 then? I think they are a bit confusing since they don’t actually matter. Maybe even rule one, since I think we should be more welcoming to female wizards.
R: 7 / I: 3

wizchan ban appeal

I tried to appeal my ban but apparently my email won't send. Got something saying it had been trying to send it for more than 12 hours unsuccessfully. Please check to see if there is an issue with the server.

In the meantime, I would just like to address my ban here. Some guy came into an anime thread to heap his sick hatred against trannies. This happens in all sorts of threads. I decided to try and push back on this vitriol and I was banned for "thread derailment". So the message the mods are sending is it's fine to rant about jews trannies or any other minorities in any unrelated thread but if you try to push back against that hate, that is a banning. Bigotry is fine, anti-bigotry is a bannable offense. It's a straight up fascist tactic used by cowards who know they can't defend their own position. Shameful.
R: 12 / I: 3

instant ban if you post discord links

can we get a post filter that auto-bans for posting discord links, you know the invite urls

i think a week is fine and will let mods decide if the person is an invader or not and eithe rlet it expire or permaban them
R: 5 / I: 0


Why isn't there merch for the website?

Beyond people not wanting to be associated with the site or vice versa, I think it could be a decent revenue stream. I was thinking that a line of gym-centric tshirts and stuff with custom designs would be funny.
R: 1 / I: 0

Wizchan API

I've noticed that wizchan has a json API thing when I visit for example https://wizchan.org/meta/res/64247.json. Is there an API url for the board list?
R: 7 / I: 0
If the creator of wizchan is Brazilian, why doesn't he create a wizchan in Spanish?
R: 5 / I: 0
/wiz/ became just a soft /b/.

Shame, where's the galaxy brain topic? Where's the insightful discussion about the nature of being a wizard and the philosophical ramifications? Where's the phenomenological threads about inner experience of the wizards?

Just low quality borderline shitposty thread.
R: 0 / I: 0

Make thread subjects required

it's aids searching for appropriate threads to post something in the catalog when a lot of threads have no subjects immediately visible
R: 18 / I: 3
I've always wondered how people found certain sites, and what sites I might not know of, but would enjoy knowing of. There is also a certain taboo about talking about certain sites outside of those sites, as if each user just materialized with knowledge of the site. How did you find out about Wizchan?
R: 1 / I: 0
ban all the middle eastern shills trying to recruit wizards into their retarded fucking war

fuck the jews and fuck the other people, they dont get to advertise their death cult bullshit to all imageboards

first it was ukraine, now this. ban these fucking tourist retards already
R: 14 / I: 1


Does anyone have a good systematic archive of wizchan history? Maybe oral tales from the ages before wizchan to modern day? I think is important to preserve a community history, don't let the past be forgotten, bros.
R: 0 / I: 0

Statistics of unique posters

I don't completely understand the numbers of unique posters. The 11,434 are unique posters of when?, last month? And why there are no numbers for Today and This week?
R: 0 / I: 0
I am announcing my retirement
Please post a nice retirement gift
Thank you
Yours faithfully
Wizzy McWizzers
R: 16 / I: 0


Is Admin rich? A guy in /dep/ suicide general said he's going to give all of his Cardano to the admin and that he already did before. Can you please use the money to fix the site and make it so we can post on meta with VPN's again?

Or did admin get trolled? Is he crying? Needs a hug? ^_^
R: 0 / I: 0

This site is damaging wizards

You have porn to turn you into a coomer, you have suicide threads where non effective methods are leading wizzies into getting maimed instead cleanly dead, there is a gluttonous food thread to make harder to follow detox life so brainfogged wizards never stop living sick, a crypto thread to scam you into money which value goes wild treacherously on purpose, there is no /sig/ to effectively know to get ripped against mobs and bullies and to give advice for apprentices.
R: 1 / I: 0
Why is this place so hard to moderate? Countless times a single user manages to derail entire boards for lots of hours.

This seems to be tied to wizcord drama most of the time. If crab-tier stuff like discord was banned and enforced this wouldn't happen, this happens because we have mods that encourage wizcord faggotry, if you weren't on discord on the first place, you wouldn't get butthurt users flaming the board or trying to dox you.
R: 13 / I: 2
these posts clearly fall under the category of "outsider memes or shitposts", i reported them and they have not been removed
R: 3 / I: 0

Is this email the best way to contact the admin? Does he check the email often?
R: 6 / I: 0

Wizchan is under attack

I have carefully observed this over the last few months and im sure that wizchan is getting undermined in a rather subtle way. Im not writing this to badmouth the site or to cause problems but as an advice to others to be cautious about certain posts on here especially some posts that have been made over the last few weeks. Imageboards with low traffic such as this one are easy targets for this sort of practice. It's a subtle way of replying to different threads and posts with the sole intent of presenting certain narratives and ideas and not with the motivation to have a genuine exchange. The reply itself is always propaganda so to speak and not just a genuine reply.

Another noticeable thing you see more often is wizards getting accused of being crabs or r9k types if they present an opinion that goes against the narrative and while there are some crabby posts on rare occasions this is just another tactic of pushing a narrative, you prominently see this on /dep/ and /lounge/ but also on /wiz/. The narratives presented are always of a more radical leftist or progressive nature as you would typically see it on a site like reddit and anyone who doesn't fit into this gets accused of being a crab, pol or r9k poster regardless.

I also don't want to defame the admin in any way as he also took steps at the beginning of the year to put a hold to a similar series of such practices.
R: 5 / I: 1

disable youtube embedding with vpns

it is basically the same effect as posting an img, you put disgustinf youtube thumnbnails up instead

if you can post images or iekaki without vpn, get rid of youtube embedding as well

the guy spamming b is basically abusing this
R: 0 / I: 0

Ban the anti /dep/ schizo

Please ban the schizo who keeps shitting up /dep/

Example thread of him derailing /dep/ threads, he also slipped up quite a bit here:

He derailed a lot of other threads and is overall anti /dep/ and unbearable. He additionally keeps lying about not samefagging etc. but its obvious because its always the same patterns and the same timeline of posts and so forth. He also seems to be the guy who keeps posting gay stuff in the fap thread according to the meme he made on meta but thats not an offense but it also further hints at his redditoresque patterns.

Anyone who uses their brain will also see that he made a whole meme about his schizo ramblings here (post q64269):
R: 11 / I: 0
Hey mods, post your link on anon.cafe once in a while

Also how about a fixing depression rather than a depression board

Fuck you defeatist assholes
R: 0 / I: 0

Fully move to wizardchan.net domain

So the wizchan.org domain seems to have problems all the time, why not just set that domain to redirect to wizardchan.net for a while so people know it exists

also wizardchan.net seems to think I'm on a proxy when I'm not
R: 3 / I: 0
I suggest you guys add a new feature:
A splash text like the minecraft one, it would make the website more unique
R: 4 / I: 0
please setup a way for me to buy wiz mods pizza and other cool things. i want to spoil my nice wiz mod friends.
R: 2 / I: 1

On crabs

Will I get banned if I say I am in fact an inc€l trying to cope? Or like, should I keep this private?
R: 3 / I: 0
on my ole wizphone its really slow and wizchan loads in segments

i often click the comment box to type text, but the banner loads in and pushes the comment text field down, and i hit New Spell on accident as a result

sometimes it results in an empty post which is funny but kinda dumb
R: 10 / I: 1
I don't think my thread should've been deleted.

It should be fair to talk about the possibility of the NEET/reclusive lifestyle being bad for us.
R: 16 / I: 1
We should ban all the porn from the forum, delete the channel /b/ and use spoilers for suggestive images, we have to differentiate ourselves from the other chans, there are few places on the internet without degeneration
R: 25 / I: 1
I think gay and bisexual wizard shouldn't be posting here, only straight males should post here. it bother me knowing this website wasn't meant for faggots but they still think they belong here. i hate them they're ruining this website, can we ban their threads and them too? I think a lot of wizard agree with me
R: 2 / I: 1
wiz mods i played around with face app and made myself into a witchie. is it illegal to post pics for the lulz or will i get banned?
R: 37 / I: 6

Why Wizardchan is destined to become normie

Those who founded wizchan are actually doing a pretty good job of maintaining the board's integrity. Its not like wizchan has totally become the next /r9k/ with GF posts and blatant normalfaggotry every day. But i can see the integrity startle to buckle.

Their fatal mistake is they defined wizardy in terms of sex. ironically making being a wizard all about sex. Slowly it is going to erode over the years. i here ebonics spoken hear on the daily. i see people with points of view and emotional incentives that only a collectivist normie would have masquerading as hot takes against the status qoue (keep in mind that the normalfags main tactic to assimilate is to convince you you are no different even if the differences are as plain as day) and sometimes even posts that only a normie could make I.E 'why am i so lonely?' and other posts that covet the normie life.

We all get that if you are a wizard, you clearly have never had sex. But it goes as a rule that you cannot define a hermit in normalfag terms or any terms. The wizards essence cannot be put in a catagory. Always people have defined wizards in secondary terms 'they do this they don't do that'. Its nonsense. you've already fallen for the normalfag trap when you try to answer to them. That may seem intellectually dishonest, especially in a post-enlightenment era where science rules. But our limited mental capacity cannot contain magic. I hope this place lasts longer. But i'm afraid it will decay.
R: 2 / I: 0

/wiz/ has a big problem

go on /wiz/ and look at the thread, then go on /dep/ and /lounge/, you'll see these three boards are slightly the same: you post your feelings over the world but /wiz/ is supposed to be more concrete. So why isn't it? Everybody post their feefees like they're on /dep/ or their threads completly belongs on /lounge/. My take is to create a new board to free some niggerthreads from /wiz/.

>what will this new board be?

I don't know but it mustn't be like /dep/ (so not a board who you talk about your feefees), or /lounge/ (where you talk about whatever comes to your mind: a more serious /b/) or /wiz/ (something more concret, the real life). So what can it be?
R: 3 / I: 1
You guys are fucking retards if you think I am the flooder because you once again rangebanned Verizon. I don't give enough of a shit to spam copypasta. You do realize it's completely within the realm of possibility that more than one user could be using the same proxy, right? And I'm a longtime abuser? Sorry, you having thin skin isn't me abusing a forum. It's just you being a sopping pussy. All my bans are for rule 5 and my permaban didn't even cite a reason. It was just the admin being catty and effete as she usually is when she posts. That spam is uncharacteristic of anything I have ever done and you know it. Quit lashing out at shadows, you neurotic faggot.

Reminder that you rangebanned Verizon this time just because I said I'm not going to help such incompetent, lazy, petty staff and you went and illustrated exactly why many users wouldn't feel obligated to (and why someone else would feel compelled to spam your whole shit lol).

The admin is such a fucking retarded nigger.
R: 4 / I: 0

Cheez Pizza

I appreciate the fact that when you report a post, it gets automatically hidden. If you're short on trannies I can help with the cp spam.
R: 0 / I: 0

State of the board

What happend to the culture of this board? I havent been here in quite some years (not that life got any better), but it seems like 2 groups have completly taken over. You've got the "crabs" with their blackpill ideology and the unironic mewing improvers. It's like im back in height 2016 redpill craze.

Have all true wizards left this place? That would make me kinda sad honestly
R: 2 / I: 0
that's not a statement. that's just you AGAIN abusing the hammer desperately trying to hide how stupid you have become.

if not for 30+ disregarders of females and seekers of magic, who is this site actually for? what are you trying to do with this site? i get it that you work hard trying to fight the spam every day but if you bring your dirty fighting everywhere, you ruin the innocence of this place and then there is no point in having this place.

this place seems like an evil retirement home.
R: 16 / I: 3

protection of wizardly hobbies

the time has come in which normalfag infiltrators have begun to shame posters for liking video games and anime, with brash open arrogance, using insults such as manchild, pedophile etc.
staff needs to take a stand, in my eyes this is no different from being derisive towards a wizard for being a NEET (which has been happening a lot lately as well), it should become a bannable offense
R: 0 / I: 0


Say I made a thread that said "Being celibate is probably the best thing ever. Here's reason 1, here's reason 2, here's reason 3, etc." or something similar as bait. Then, everyone who replies to the thread arguing that it's not, I report them for a rule 4 violation. Would that sort of entrapment be frowned upon?
R: 22 / I: 2
stop deleting my thread and giving me warning. this has nothing to do with going to parties or real life social activities. this was actual disregarding of females and acquiring magic; remember? that's the thing you pretend the site is about in between your outbursts of misguided censorship in case you were too busy being devoid of dignity.

thread attached. rest assured that you would not be moderating anything if this was democracy.
R: 0 / I: 0
Trying to access videos in the archive through the thumbnail is broken you have to do it through the filename
R: 0 / I: 0

Reading Thread

The Reading Thread on hob is not bumping to the top of /all/ for some reason.