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I would like to be with a being with whom I can share everyday moments, to have a being to worry about, in which I can capture the most beautiful part of my being, to whom I can show my vulnerable parts, express my deepest emotions, and show them really who I am. But who am I really? Even in an anonymous forum, I would say he is a great guy, who went through some things, but who despite everything never gave up, someone who always wants the best for others, and who has an optimistic vision even in the most difficult moments. hard And although in a certain way the above is not a lie, the reality is that there is an uncivilized being inside me, someone so disgusting and unpleasant that I don't even like to admit that we are the same person, and hypocritically, whether consciously or unconsciously. , I pretend it doesn't exist. But this is an undeniable reality, and although it is something that can be hidden, it is something that I would never share with anyone, much less voluntarily. I prefer to be a hermit secluded from all social contact rather than show this part of my being. I'm not going to lie to you, life alone is not the best thing in the world, and it has some associated problems, but it is not something completely bad either, and it helps to value things, self-esteem, one's own thoughts, and leave aside vain issues. like social norms, or what someone outside of us may or may not think of us.


When I was younger I played this game called Red Redemption, it talks about how it's never too late to change course and redeem yourself from your mistakes, and I always tried to make the character have good honor and do good things. But inevitably, in one way or another, he ended up killing some innocent person, since no matter how much you want to deny or try to give a different message, that is the nature of the work, that of a paid murderer who kills in cold blood without import nothing. And the truth is I feel like it, no matter how much I try to focus on other important things, violence continues to be the main protagonist of the entire work.


i was honestly starting to feel this post and thinking maybe about a reply until i noticed the title is
>The fact that I can't have a girlfriend destroys me.
so it is beyond me why would you not post it on a dedicated crab forum but here. if you want sympathy you'll receive plenty of it from crabs. a wizard won't give anything but dismissing disdain.
>show them really who I am
you are a crab with no self awareness that is overly obsessed by an impression of a succubus fixing your problems.
>leave aside vain issues.
you are literally drowning yourself in vain issues by desiring a succubus. you are highly desirous of a succubus thinking good about you, which negates
>or what someone outside of us may or may not think of us.
and you want to be able to share your life with her in a pleasant way which negates
>like social norms
stop being a crab and approach magic


This is simply the fate of unattractive and neurodivegrent men


I was going to comment on how unbridled violence is not natural, and that it is not something typical of human beings, but if you look at it from an objective point of view, sadly our world is full of this cancer, and to a greater or lesser extent it is part of our biology.


It is too difficult for me to talk about these topics, even if it is done through a screen, in an anonymous forum with zero activity. It is also something that is difficult for me to think and reason, many times I simply stop looking at my reflection.


>It's only natural to feel bad
convince me i was made by nature to feel bad
>unbridled violence is not natural
it is not. not everything you see is natural, but some thing are made to be contrary to nature to maintain a certain kind of balance of the whole
>It is too difficult for me to talk about these topics
i know i know, being a crab is a tough mental hardship, that's why you need to stop being a crab
>and mary most holy will not protect you
god isn't there to protect your ass from slinking gay fingers. accusing god of not being your personal bodyguard is something only a low iq faggot could do


Most wizards have gone through the same phase, for some it gets worse, while others find copes in waifus and entertainment or hobbies. The worst delude themselves and erase that part of themselves denying their identity.


Social isolation is bad, but not that bad, it depends on how well you get along with yourself. Although with some passage of time one ends up embracing it, ceasing to give importance to social issues.


it's okay wiz… be patient.. next gpt4-o update will have live camera feed…


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You speak of nothing but truth. Once you embrace solitude and develop the ability to have fun when verbally and mentally communicating with yourself, life becomes so much more fun. You must train to be immune to society's assumptions and judgements of you. If no one will love you then it is up to you to fill that place. Keeping in mind all of this have enabled me to travel internationally and go camping solo yet still enjoy every second of it. Having a pet you can bring everywhere is also cool, I personally bring my loyal husky on my travels.


your post is truthful until
>The worst delude themselves and erase that part of themselves denying their identity.
truth is that as a wizkid it is inevitable that you will try to interact with society, maybe even succubi, because you are programmed to do it by nature and as a wizkid you don't have self awareness.

it is also true that some people can't manage being "rejected" by society, which by the way actually means not being able to receive a desirable response from inherently stochastic system, which is for the most part comprised of filthy backstabbers. also there is a more severe case where an individual is unable to cope because of severe psychological damage inflicted by abusive cunts.

it is also true that some people find copes. what is absolutely wrong however, is that you call the rest being delusional.

a Wizard, that is gifted by nature with mind and wisdom of God succeeds to recognize futility of material existence and gives himself away to magic. he is happy with his magic and there is no cope in it, for cope is a state of man that hides from what he cannot overpower, while the Wizard is stronger that any material thing. he crushes them with a wave of his staff and proceeds to be happy.

this is way adopting magic and transcending into spiritual existence, while abandoning everything that belongs to this world is the only way to being happy. you just need more time to introspect


i want also to bring up experiments with solitary confinement, which is known to destroy people's minds, and the lower intelligence the faster. solitary confinement is by no means healthy and somehow interferes with normal functioning of body. the most interesting part that it's not about actually talking to people, but about having some interaction with other beings which are perceived to be alive. remove all life from your life and you die as well. that's why if you're a hardcore neet you just won't be able to quit posting unless you have severe mental issues


We are just human. You are not free from being corrupted or hurt by this world. Some people won't ever recover from the abuse and hurt.


At first it was a little hard and complicated to face, reaching my lowest point where for a couple of months I became obsessed with a succubus who does live shows, I always felt shame and disgust for this fact, but well, I was 14 years old. Now 8 years later, I feel that even because of the atrocity of my actions, I feel a kind of affection for myself, since although I know that my family loves me, I often feel that I am the only one with whom I can share, dialogue, And who can I count on?
Love comes from acceptance, forgiveness, and honesty. In some way I accepted the violence, and forgive my mistakes, also as a kind of defense mechanism I often quickly forget what I did, and it is difficult for me to remember it. That's why the moments where I feel most alone are where I abandon myself, leaving aside everything that makes me a great person, and turning into a monster.


I always fervently believed that my violence comes from 3 places, first from growing up and living in a violent environment, from biology that tends to impulsiveness, and from social isolation. The problem is that after a couple of years in isolation it is difficult to find people with whom to relate. I thought that doing a sport would help, but I became very ill with Covid and later dengue fever, which left me very physically ill. I went to the shrink to find out. Help with some better drug, but due to fatigue he prescribed drugs that worsened my weight, and above all turned me into an empty shell.
And although deep down I still believe that sports can help me, the truth is that so much time without doing physical activity makes it very difficult, and I honestly feel that due to my age I have already passed the train.


that's right, but that's not a reason to stop trying to become happier. depression has a way of making you feel as if you can never recover, while in reality you might just need to brace yourself ten times harder to overpower depression. in this way i appreciate wizards who even after turning 30 years old keep trying to find new ways to reach happiness, and no matter how much they rant and despair, each day they find strength to try once more.
being violent harms you mentally, consider working on becoming less violent.


>truth is that as a wizkid it is inevitable that you will try to interact with society, maybe even succubi, because you are programmed to do it by nature and as a wizkid you don't have self awareness
It's like the other anon says, isolation promotes hostility. So I'm not going to lie to you if from time to time I wish to have a good friend or a partner, or something similar, so as not to appreciate them, I never lash out against them or against anyone, showing these people that I am someone who I am not, until I can inevitably control these emotions. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that ultimately what I really want is not to have a partner, friends, or something similar, what I really want is to leave violence aside using whatever method is necessary.

>it is also true that some people can't manage being "rejected" by society, which by the way actually means not being able to receive a desirable response from inherently stochastic system

Loneliness is a feeling that comes from rejection, whether it is your own or someone else's. The problem is that many individuals do not understand that when they are rejected by someone else, it is not them who is wrong, but the other person for having rejected them. Also things like the "system", or "society", vary a lot, and in general within them there are parts that are more decent than others, since for example you can say that society is shit, but you are really talking about a determined part of it, and not of the entire set itself.


I really don't know how to do it. The drugs don't work and they left me naked, I live in a place where there is a certain degree of violence, I feel too old and weak to start a sport, I feel that if I leave I will escape isolation. and have friends, a girlfriend or just people, we will inevitably meet again, I don't know where, I don't know when, but I know that we will meet again on some sunny day.


It is what it is. I have my family, and myself, I honestly don't think I need anything else.


drugs are not supposed to work btw, but i hope you understand that i can't realistically give any specific advice, even if i knew your exact situation. but you'll figure it out. if you really, with your mind and soul start perceiving damage that you do to yourself by being violent, you'll start figuring something out. you know better. also i don't actually understand why being violent harms you. there's is some subtle difference between wounding somebody else because it is required by reason and doing it on a whim. likely i'm just crazed though :D


Explore Jung's idea of the shadow and then research and work on shadow integration. (Try to avoid the new-age motivational iterations if you can, and stick close to the source material.) Jung wrote, "No tree can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell."
I have a feeling you might ascend one day, anon.


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that is good anon, I feel teh same way towards myself. Although I also have family, they judge me off of assumptions leading them to not truly understand me, therefore with them - I do not feel truly loved, my true feelings and thoughts are repressed to fit into the model which they will feel affection towards, it is not me.


>crab forum
State which forum is this ? is it some censor ?


>i know i know, being a crab



>lacks basic wizard knowledge such as the fact that crabs are amazing
>it's oblivious about the coconut crabs who are the greatest and biggest land-dwelling arthropod chads

You should come back when you have something to offer besides your butthurt, kid.
Chad Wizard Coconut Crabs Are The Kings of The Wizard Land Cracking Open The Skulls of Normalniggers Like Coconuts.

Yep, crabs won.


crabs have only "won" the mortal battle, which is outside the domain of magic. you just kinda flooded in and that's it. that's why you're so hilarious. i just sit here up my tower of high sorcery and look down at you while throwing some sticks for you to chew. think hard about your victory, what did you gain as prize? now nobody stops you from lamenting about not getting laid. nobody will now prevent you from being unhappy. great victory indeed, and worthy of such as you!


Toads are better. They protect the home from all kinds of insects, from cockroaches, mosquitoes, to rats. In my house we had many toads, but they died from the cold.


I feel truly loved, but it is still difficult for me to forgive the fact of leaving myself locked up for so long.
I know you have to turn the page, but it's difficult when half the book is burned.

>my true feelings and thoughts are repressed to fit into the model which they will feel affection towards, it is not me

Family is important, but more important is yourself. You have to show yourself and express yourself as you are, regardless of anything or anyone.


I'm going to be completely honest with you. Violence, impulsivity, and all that, does not feel bad, on the contrary, it feels good, and hardly generates later regrets, since my father previously beat me and my mother. Many times I also react in a bad way by breaking something, or some similar rubbish, but many times I do it out of desperation more than anything else, especially with my mother or my grandmother, since although violence is understood only as hitting, and break up, the reality is that verbal violence is also violence, and that every time it happens it really destroys me, and even if I try to talk and calm the situation, they never stop, so I threatened to break a certain thing, and I asked them to calm down, but they never did, something ended up broken, with more problems, and everything would get worse.

In a twisted way, my mind adapted to the violence, forgetting the facts, forgiving them, and justifying them. This both in own acts and those of others.


Another great video game was Metal Gear Solid V, and although I really don't think they are games for someone who is 13 years old, they still helped quench bad feelings.
And although I hated the screen with all my being, in one way or another it helped me stay calm. Something similar happens with violence, it is detestable in every way, but when you are a slave to it, it feels really calming.


>the reality is that there is an uncivilized being inside me, someone so disgusting and unpleasant that I don't even like to admit that we are the same person, and hypocritically, whether consciously or unconsciously. , I pretend it doesn't exist.
Everyone is like that. Some people are just better at suppressing or hiding it. succubi are like that as well. If you got to really know someone, you would find out disgusting things about them. No human can ever really be "good." That is a lie people tell to themselves and others. You are on the correct path to realizing it. Our desires drive us insane. The only way to attain sanity is to cease wanting.


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If you hide the violence long enough, it eventually dissipates. Many people are not violent or aggressive for that reason, they usually hide their emotions, they don't cry, nor do they usually appear angry, and they keep all that shit to themselves. I'm not saying that you have to hit, break things, and act like a maniac, but expressing anger in a coherent way, without doing any of the above is really beneficial, the same thing happens with sadness, if you keep these feelings to yourself. and does not cry, does not feel it, and remains apathetic, it will only get worse.

>Our desires drive us insane. The only way to attain sanity is to cease wanting.

A very great truth. Most of the sadness comes from things that we want and that we cannot have, that is why a life in peace and tranquility is about wanting less, and valuing more what we have, and when better things come than we expect, we we will feel better. That's why although I consider myself an optimistic person, pessimism is ironically part of this, since generally I always try to see the worst possible scenario, and try to mitigate it before it happens.
And despite having said all of the above, there are things that even though I know they will happen, I really can't help but feel terribly bad, like the shouting, or the loud arguments. Like when a soldier feels the terror of past moments every time fireworks are fired, or like when an autistic child finds the noise so unpleasant and annoying that he will do everything possible to stop it.


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>The fact that I can't have a girlfriend destroys me.
>I would like to be with a being with whom I can share everyday moments, to have a being to worry about, in which I can capture the most beautiful part of my being, to whom I can show my vulnerable parts, express my deepest emotions, and show them really who I am. But who am I really?
This video reminds me what I wrote above. Sometimes I think that people who are like that are weak and submissive, but looking at things objectively they are just a little more civilized and normal.


Same. What's funny is I can't disregard females now, cause they're the ones who disregarded me first. So me as an extremely sub-2 male disregarding them is the same as MGTOW who in reality are MSTOW, Men Sent Their Own Way. I am so tired of being lonely. I didn't have a good childhood either. I wished that we live in a world where succubi would do men's work and I could just simply be a househusband and be taken care of by my bitch. It's too goddamn hard to be an ugly man. Seeing people in relationships all the time, not able to enjoy a single hobby because wherever you go you see couples. Wanna watch a movie? Good Luck. Every single one of them is bluepilled and makes you feel lonely. Majority of my life's problems are going to be fixed if I had a girlfriend. And if I had a girlfriend who could act as a breadwinner that would technically be fucking heaven. It's too easy to be a succubus.


I am not the most handsome man in the world, but in general I am more attractive than average. But it's still not like it's an advantage in my life. It's true you can have more sex, or a girlfriend more easily, but it's not something that interests me. It doesn't bother me that I don't have a girlfriend, it bothers me that I'm violent.


Even if you had a gf you'd probably get cucked as a sub-5.

Extreme mentalcel


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Violence is not a mental illness, nor does it prevent you from having a girlfriend. Violence is a heavy cross to carry, which prevents a life of peace.


Violence is just the symptom, not the problem itself. You most likely have underlying issues that make you more violent.


This is not the case. Violence is the only illness I have, it is the only cross I carry and will carry for the rest of my life.

The shrink says it's "impulsivity disorder." But I like Seneca's definition of brief madness better, an evil that is not known if it is more reprehensible, or deformed.


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>I would like to be with (…)
Sadly those succubi only exist in animes/fiction. IRL succubi are a broken mess of neurotic people with low compassion, low intelligence, and a hatred of men. You'd be better off with a doll attached to an AI TTS + local LLM, at least in a few years if you're still alive (I wonder if that will be the case for me even if i have doubts).

Ironically what you described is what all succubi/girlfriends should have been, and they have all failed miserably at that, probably always statistically. I personally, like you, prefer to be an hermit isolated from society, although the difference is that I value myself well enough to not want to bother with normalfags, while you live as an hermit because you despise your uncivilized being inside of you. Although i'd argue it's a pretty good thing, because civilization is anything but sane of mind, and pretty much what stops life from being actually fulfilling, with wageslavery, conformism, and else.

>and leave aside vain issues. like social norms, or what someone outside of us may or may not think of us.

Precisely. A lot of people prefer to conform just to feel appreciated by people who will forget about them in a few weeks MAX should they disappear, because it's instinctive behavior of trying to integrate into groups, which is sad, I admit I would rather not being able to feel loneliness at all, but that's embedded into our genes because being in groups increased chances of survival (so it was naturally selected).

Quite so.

A good mindset, albeit that loneliness never really goes away, I think, but yeah, having a pet can help, apparently (but i'm not a very animal person, even if i'm generally the only lone they obey to).

ALthough i'd end on the note that, yes, being yourself can be liberating, but you shouldn't forget that normalfags take on themselves to kill their own individuality, so the moment they see someone who doesn't go through the same troubles, and because they want people like them (conformed), they will hate you for it no matter what. Even and especially if they don't tell you.


muh joos muh joos muh joos
look I understand that you're a white nationalist because there is nothing else in your life and being with your fellow white nationalists gives you a sense of community, I respect your sense to feel brotherhood, I wanna feel it too.

but jews are not responsible for it, whites gave it to the succubi, whites destroyed this planet with whole "we treat muh succubi better that's why the flock to us" and "we conquer your country and fuck your succubi" i won't say raped because succubi are white cocku only. when in reality the reason succubi flock to whites have nothing to do with conquering or not conquering but the fact that they just love whites and white features.

sure the jews aren't very innocent, but orthodox jews are based, liberal jews are we all know how they are like how much they love promiscuity in succubi


Well in that case things are entirely different for us. Although I guess your violence is the only reason for your problems? If you view them as problems?
Yes I agree but I was just talking about a scenario where things go right.

Sorry my mind is broken because I am an insane maladaptive dreamer.


Why are there kikes like you even on a niche image board like here? Is nowhere safe from them?


>Someone who doesn't kiss the ground Jews walk on detected, time to slap my >DA JOOS, DA JOOS, >MUH KIKERINO button again


I never wanted to be locked up in my house, I never chose to be wrathful.
Keep a child locked up in his house for years, where violence is the daily bread, and where a screen is his only friend. And that he is tired of all of the above, that he wants the violence to stop in his home, that he wants to start going out, and leave the screen aside, so that when it comes to trying it he finds nothing but violence from his family, becoming someone worse than them along the way.
I did not choose this life, I did not choose to be like this, and every attempt to change and improve things ends worse, in a never-ending cycle of violence.

Sometimes I wonder if it's worth continuing to try, but the fear of reacting in a bad way limits and paralyzes me.

>Ironically what you described is what all succubi/girlfriends should have been, and they have all failed miserably at that

It was written with that purpose. Talking about violence is not easy, it is difficult to empathize with someone like me, Therefore, even on an anonymous site, I like to address the topic by diverting it even in the content of the thread.


Appearance helps attractive, young-looking, droopy eyes and plump-faced people not seem intimidating. Hopefully my reflection can represent my actions. It is better to be a physically ugly guy, but with a heart of gold, than an attractive guy with stained hands.


>Keep a child locked up in his house for years, and where a screen is his only friend
Same story here. Can't say the same about violence though, at least not physical, verbally, quite so. Just actual boomers in a nutshell.

>I did not choose this life, I did not choose to be like this, and every attempt to change and improve things ends worse, in a never-ending cycle of violence.

My bad for assuming, I admit as you said, since we are on an anonymous site, it's difficult for me to really understand others and their intent, especially with text-only, so i'm sorry I kind of assumed a lot of stuff I shouldn't have. Although, i'd say you have the objective of leaving that shut-in place and that's already a lot, even if it doesn't look like it, there are a lot of people, myself included, who DO NOT want to get out to begin with, and from that point the only three ways are either a change of thought, the rope, or some miraculous savior. While I idealize isolation for its growth on individuality, the price is very high, and loneliness and being misunderstood and hopeless isn't necessarily a good trade if to begin with you don't want to do it.

>Sometimes I wonder if it's worth continuing to try, but the fear of reacting in a bad way limits and paralyzes me.

I'd like you to think that it's worth it. I'll be honest however, on my side, I don't think it's worth that I continue, but you should do otherwise. You know, if life is just mostly pain, suffering and meaninglessness, you just have to appreciate suffering, you have to appreciate that things don't go as you planned them to, you have to appreciate that things are hard, so that you get stronger. Getting fit isn't impossible, I am ironically hopeless and at the end of the road but muscled due to working out for years, so you can do that too, plus since you have the intent on leaving that place, it'd do you a favor IF it's something you want to pursue, if you don't, that's fine too. And the moment you appreciate all of the bad things that come to you, you can't be stopped, and nothing can keep you down, you just have to get up. Now, I know this sounds very much like some motivational bullshit you hear from a guru on normietube, but I do mean it. Far easier said than done, but that's the reason why you have to appreciate hardships, and then you can create your own meaning. It's both easy and hard. Easy once you appreciate it being hard, paradoxically. Ultimately, the only person that is going to save you is yourself, and there is nothing more gratifying than knowing you saved yourself and improved. Although I do regret that life is the way it is, thanks to society, and that people like you are exposed to shit they shouldn't have to be exposed to. Sometimes I forget there are less fortunate people than I am.

I mean I might just say useless shit that won't make much use to you, if that's case don't hesitate to tell me.


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I treat anger like a disease, but the real madness is allowing yourself to be mistreated, yelled at, robbed, slandered and locked up for years, and left doing nothing but allowing the above shit. They took me to hell, but I dragged them with me, although not necessarily consciously. The reality is that all violence pays, you cannot make someone suffer abuse without expecting a repercussion. Violence always pays, and in the most horrible way possible.
>While I idealize isolation for its growth on individuality, the price is very high
You stop worrying about things like partners, friendships, infidelities, deception and lies. You stop worrying about sex, about what others will say, about your appearance, and the most loved person becomes yourself, and your family. Once you save enough money, you stop worrying about it.

It is very true that things like exercise, and having a different kind of attitude towards life can change a person for the better. It's really what I want to do, the problem is that when a sedentary lifestyle and weight gain take over, it's difficult to get out of it. Two years ago I really wanted to try, I went to the gym, and since I couldn't, I signed up for swimming, but between the covid, and the dengue, plus the garbage that the shrink gave me that made me gain weight, my body was destroyed. And although, thank God, I was able to lose the 50 kilos I gained, the poor physical condition is still there, and it is difficult to get rid of it. But what really motivated me to be better was to change my way of thinking, since I realized that a lot of the pain I had was just a matter of thoughts, and I realized that most of the pain came from things we want, but we can't get, so we just stop wanting some things, like a partner, friends, revenge, among the like.


If you receive enough abuse for long enough there are two possible scenarios, either brutal violence against your attackers, or complete submission to them. Both are possibly disproportionate and decadent reactions, but there it is possible to question whether it is better to be a victim or a victimizer.


Jews represent less than 1% of the world's population, and within that percentage, 1% are powerful people. The rest are not very different from normal people, where poverty, misery, and the degenerations of the Western world are daily bread.


>Females are the most malleable of the two genders and if raised in a culture of decadence, then they are going to suffer the consequences the most. Religions knew about this millenia ago and so they set strict rules to raise succubi not to be whores or have position of powers over men.
My grandmother took on the role of father and mother, she never knew how to fully handle it, and I am completely sure that she was the cause of violence. That she joined in the death of my uncle, and the imprisonment of my other uncle for killing his girlfriend with a pipe and subsequently burning the house.
I put my hand in the fire and tell you that none of the above would have happened if my grandfather had not died with children under 8 years old. All my aunts have terrible partners, except my murderous uncle, who found someone who really loves him for who he is.

Life is really curious, that's where the logic of people who think that you need to be 2 meters tall, have money, be attractive, or similar shit to have a girlfriend falls apart, when all you need is to have a little bit of talk, and even A murderer of succubi can have a partner.


I lost about 90lbs so far and still have about 50 to go. Took me about 2 years to get this far. Digging yourself out of a hole is tough, especially if you have no one there to help you.


I only dieted, and it can go down, although I still have some fat on my legs and neck. The worst of all was the hunger, since with that drug the secondary effect was an increase in appetite, and I could never get full, nor stop feeling hungry.


>The fact that I can't have a girlfriend destroys me

what a wild statement.

This type of thinking is pretty tragic because ultimately you are the only one keeping you in the situation you are in. You can change, but it involves genuinely challenging a lot of your beliefs and allow you to truly love yourself for who you are.


You stated things from different studies and tried to link them together. It doesnt really work that way.

The decreased grey matter applies to older adults who were on cognitive decline anyway. Socialization helps decrease the rate of cognitive decline.

We aren't monkeys and there are plenty documented of cases where people who were very isolated as children and, with the help of therapy, were able to develop completely healthy social lives. The damage is very reversible, but the thing is you have to actually reach out for support and actually trust that they can help you. You cannot fix socialization in isolation.


>what a wild statement
Violence is not unpleasant, if it is hours or maybe days later, but in the moment, in the moment it is the most pleasant sensation in the world, it is liberating shit, which gives rise to change, peace and tranquility.Anger calls to say that things are wrong, that I need a change and answers for what they did to me.

>You can change, but it involves genuinely challenging a lot of your beliefs and allow you to truly love yourself for who you are.

Do you think someone can have their hands stained like this and still be alive without being benevolent, understanding, and kind to myself? Of course you can change and be a better person, but it's not easy with such violent people around me. The solution may be to go live alone, but if I'm honest I wouldn't like to be a hermit.


>You stated things from different studies and tried to link them together. It doesnt really work that way.
I was thinking for a while, and I really believe that isolation was a great trigger of violence in my case, if you add the violence of childhood, and violence at home, you have a perfect cocktail to be someone equally violent.


The fact that you don't like the violent part of you means that really isn't the real you. The real you wants to get rid of that demon. Based on what you said you are violent because that is the only way you learned how to deal with strong emotions. You can learn other ways. This is why I say therapy is helpful because they can help you find more healthy coping mechanisms.


I can cry, scream, or simply look apathetically at the cruel past, face it like a normal person, or like a monster, but none of this will change it. To look with hope and optimism towards the future, and one day out of the blue, after months in peace, they kick the door while you sleep, and you wake up like a maniac threatening to burst anyone's head if they don't shut up.
>This is why I say therapy is helpful because they can help you find more healthy coping mechanisms.
It may be a good idea, I don't think it will do much good if I'm honest, but I never tried it properly. The problem is that sometimes I am somewhat afraid of being judged as happened on one occasion.


>Do not state or suggest that you had, will have or want to have sexual or romantic experiences.
clap for jannies


Sometimes I'm so in the shit, I don't even know how I stay on my feet. My life is not good, not good at all, and although I have asked for help many times, and tried to get ahead on my own, it is complicated. Impulsive disorder is defined as a disproportionate reaction to an injustice. And although the above was not a lie in a number of situations, the reality is that in the vast majority of situations of violence, there is a great trigger behind it. And although it may be a cheap justification, it is reality.


Come on, I may be a pathetic and miserable being, but even I have my limits.


you can't be a wiz if you sex


Out of here.


The worst part about becoming a monster isn't the fact that you are, it's the fact that you like it.


I guess it was some idiot who only read the title. Today I left this thread open on the kitchen PC for a couple of hours and I'm glad that half of it is pure shit.


I know how you feel, wiz. I used to pine for this often, in fact when I was around 14 years old it became my dream to find my ideal wife, but that obviously never happened and the dream died. I'm in my 30s now and I've never even had a girlfriend. I very much agree with what >>293529 said, as he is exactly right about succubi. I, too, learned this in my early 20s: succubi have never been what we were lead to believe. And even though I know this fact well, I'll admit it still hurts me from time to time.

See, in the western world (and possibly other parts of the planet) we were sold the idea of the "fairytale romance" in our youth, boys and succubi alike had their heads filled with notions of 'soulmates' and 'star-crossed lovers' to greatly romanticize the concepts of mating and procreation. Many boys grew up to do what men often do and strive towards a newfound goal: trying to find that perfect succubus and cultivate their own happily-ever-after. They go out into the world ready to fight off villains and beasts, and display their strength, courage, heroism, and chivalry to their would-be princess, while succubi get to sit back and wait choose the highest bidder.

succubi, on the other hand, were given no such responsibilities. They never had to worry about hard work or self-improvement, but rather were told they were already the perfect prize and just had to wait for the man worthy of that prize. These romance stories, whether it was a fairytale from a story book or some sappy Hollywood movie, put all of the pressure on the men and ignored the responsibilities and the true nature of succubi, further exacerbating the problems between the sexes. I think that's a big part of why successful relationships between men and succubi are a rarity, and why so many men end up alone, miserable, and torturing themselves with unfulfilled dreams of what can never be. succubi have never been, and likely will never be, what we were told a good succubus should be. And take it from me, wizzies, dwelling on the lie of 'love' will only cause you ever-increasing pain. Do what you can to accept the reality of it and focus on caring for yourself.


A long time ago I stopped wanting a girlfriend, or something similar, I think it would be more of a problem than anything else, imagine having a girlfriend, and that she is a hysterical and problematic person, and since I am a fucking crazy person, I ended it hitting. She will end up hurt, and I will end up in court. Maybe she is not like the rest of my family, and is calm and peaceful, and between love and an atmosphere of peace, I can put violence aside, not for myself, but for someone I love.
Besides, it is not just about violence, sadly in this rotten world, there are many succubi who are mistreated, and they continue with their partners since they believe that they are going to change and be the man they met at the beginning.
Love is about forgiveness, acceptance, and respect, and although it is very beautiful shit, the reality is that love blinds, and does not make you see things as they really are, which is why stories of abuse repeat themselves. over and over again without seeming to have an end.

If a guy hits you, it doesn't matter if you're physically weaker, we're all made of flesh, and anything sharp is more than enough to finish anyone off. And if they have to disfigure my face, let it be by fighting, and not by letting me be hit. But this garbage is not that simple, it is never that simple, since not only love, or shit like that comes into play, but also fear, since control is not only physical, but above all things it is mental. I thank God that my violence and my evil are only in my hands, and not in my words or my thoughts. Because although it sounds like they are the same things, many times they are uncontrollable impulses more than anything else. I still know that I can change and be a better person, but I also know that it is not an easy path, and although I will be alone in the process, I believe that I can achieve it and become the person I really am, and not the monster I described.


File: 1723087676709.jpg (17.04 KB, 326x279, 326:279, illbeyourgf.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


What is that shit you post?


File: 1723121164034.jpg (70.69 KB, 993x505, 993:505, 1705519164017537.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

a meme where you have a gf and lets say she's a nerd and will have all the quircky dvantages of being a nerd gf written around the drawing. they use it on 4chad. herr's another exemple bu bf instead of gf


It is a thread of violence, anger and impulsiveness, obviously it is going to be unpleasant.


No one cares whether or not they have a girlfriend. It is irrelevant, and does not enter the discussion of the thread.


that's pretty sad


> But it's still not like it's an advantage in my life
It absolutely is, and its an advantage in every area of life that has to do with other people, and by proxy even solitary activities are affected by it (consider that the confidence boost from people treating you nicely because of your good looks will have a positive influence on your overall mental state)


I am very socially isolated, I stopped giving importance to the opinions of others or my appearance. Being attractive is an advantage in society, when you are apart from it, it is not relevant.


You only "don't care" because you can afford to. You're treated nicely when you interact with other people due to your appearance, regardless of whether you care or not.

>I am very socially isolated

Is that because of lack of effort from your part, or due to a mental issue? People like and want to be friend with attractive people


>You only "don't care" because you can afford to.
More likely is that because he's an adult male, he doesn't care because he just doesn't fucking care. He probably asked himself at one point "Why SHOULD I care?" and drew a blank. Your entire outlook on life and ability to function in even the most solitude of pursuits may be entirely subject to how normalfags perceive you, but I assure you that you're the outlier even among wizards. Are you not emberassed or ashamed to admit that you're so manipulated and dependent on the opinions and words shared about you by literal nobodies? You are like Elliot Roger writing in his diary about how hew hates himself because Stacy doesn't walk up to him on campus and list of all the reasons she wants to FUCK HIM.

So tell us, why do YOU care if you're "treated badly by mean bullying normalfaggies :("? Why should any grown man care? Pass them by. Laugh at the absurdity of their actions. Grow a pair.


You're doing a lot of faulty extrapolation based on very little. I suppose wizards don't have much chance to care about the opinions of others because they hardly go outside. In general, though, people inevitably care about looks, whether they say they do or not. It's like a reflect, an automatic response. You're not a Buddhist monk.




I didn't want to go to school, so my parents wouldn't let me leave the house.
>You only "don't care" because you can afford to.
There is hardly any social interaction in my life. Besides, I never considered appearance as an achievement or something to highlight, I am not a succubus, my value as a person is not determined by those aspects.

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