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 No.292925[View All]

I would like to be with a being with whom I can share everyday moments, to have a being to worry about, in which I can capture the most beautiful part of my being, to whom I can show my vulnerable parts, express my deepest emotions, and show them really who I am. But who am I really? Even in an anonymous forum, I would say he is a great guy, who went through some things, but who despite everything never gave up, someone who always wants the best for others, and who has an optimistic vision even in the most difficult moments. hard And although in a certain way the above is not a lie, the reality is that there is an uncivilized being inside me, someone so disgusting and unpleasant that I don't even like to admit that we are the same person, and hypocritically, whether consciously or unconsciously. , I pretend it doesn't exist. But this is an undeniable reality, and although it is something that can be hidden, it is something that I would never share with anyone, much less voluntarily. I prefer to be a hermit secluded from all social contact rather than show this part of my being. I'm not going to lie to you, life alone is not the best thing in the world, and it has some associated problems, but it is not something completely bad either, and it helps to value things, self-esteem, one's own thoughts, and leave aside vain issues. like social norms, or what someone outside of us may or may not think of us.
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I know how you feel, wiz. I used to pine for this often, in fact when I was around 14 years old it became my dream to find my ideal wife, but that obviously never happened and the dream died. I'm in my 30s now and I've never even had a girlfriend. I very much agree with what >>293529 said, as he is exactly right about succubi. I, too, learned this in my early 20s: succubi have never been what we were lead to believe. And even though I know this fact well, I'll admit it still hurts me from time to time.

See, in the western world (and possibly other parts of the planet) we were sold the idea of the "fairytale romance" in our youth, boys and succubi alike had their heads filled with notions of 'soulmates' and 'star-crossed lovers' to greatly romanticize the concepts of mating and procreation. Many boys grew up to do what men often do and strive towards a newfound goal: trying to find that perfect succubus and cultivate their own happily-ever-after. They go out into the world ready to fight off villains and beasts, and display their strength, courage, heroism, and chivalry to their would-be princess, while succubi get to sit back and wait choose the highest bidder.

succubi, on the other hand, were given no such responsibilities. They never had to worry about hard work or self-improvement, but rather were told they were already the perfect prize and just had to wait for the man worthy of that prize. These romance stories, whether it was a fairytale from a story book or some sappy Hollywood movie, put all of the pressure on the men and ignored the responsibilities and the true nature of succubi, further exacerbating the problems between the sexes. I think that's a big part of why successful relationships between men and succubi are a rarity, and why so many men end up alone, miserable, and torturing themselves with unfulfilled dreams of what can never be. succubi have never been, and likely will never be, what we were told a good succubus should be. And take it from me, wizzies, dwelling on the lie of 'love' will only cause you ever-increasing pain. Do what you can to accept the reality of it and focus on caring for yourself.


A long time ago I stopped wanting a girlfriend, or something similar, I think it would be more of a problem than anything else, imagine having a girlfriend, and that she is a hysterical and problematic person, and since I am a fucking crazy person, I ended it hitting. She will end up hurt, and I will end up in court. Maybe she is not like the rest of my family, and is calm and peaceful, and between love and an atmosphere of peace, I can put violence aside, not for myself, but for someone I love.
Besides, it is not just about violence, sadly in this rotten world, there are many succubi who are mistreated, and they continue with their partners since they believe that they are going to change and be the man they met at the beginning.
Love is about forgiveness, acceptance, and respect, and although it is very beautiful shit, the reality is that love blinds, and does not make you see things as they really are, which is why stories of abuse repeat themselves. over and over again without seeming to have an end.

If a guy hits you, it doesn't matter if you're physically weaker, we're all made of flesh, and anything sharp is more than enough to finish anyone off. And if they have to disfigure my face, let it be by fighting, and not by letting me be hit. But this garbage is not that simple, it is never that simple, since not only love, or shit like that comes into play, but also fear, since control is not only physical, but above all things it is mental. I thank God that my violence and my evil are only in my hands, and not in my words or my thoughts. Because although it sounds like they are the same things, many times they are uncontrollable impulses more than anything else. I still know that I can change and be a better person, but I also know that it is not an easy path, and although I will be alone in the process, I believe that I can achieve it and become the person I really am, and not the monster I described.


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What is that shit you post?


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a meme where you have a gf and lets say she's a nerd and will have all the quircky dvantages of being a nerd gf written around the drawing. they use it on 4chad. herr's another exemple bu bf instead of gf


It is a thread of violence, anger and impulsiveness, obviously it is going to be unpleasant.


No one cares whether or not they have a girlfriend. It is irrelevant, and does not enter the discussion of the thread.


that's pretty sad


> But it's still not like it's an advantage in my life
It absolutely is, and its an advantage in every area of life that has to do with other people, and by proxy even solitary activities are affected by it (consider that the confidence boost from people treating you nicely because of your good looks will have a positive influence on your overall mental state)


I am very socially isolated, I stopped giving importance to the opinions of others or my appearance. Being attractive is an advantage in society, when you are apart from it, it is not relevant.


You only "don't care" because you can afford to. You're treated nicely when you interact with other people due to your appearance, regardless of whether you care or not.

>I am very socially isolated

Is that because of lack of effort from your part, or due to a mental issue? People like and want to be friend with attractive people


>You only "don't care" because you can afford to.
More likely is that because he's an adult male, he doesn't care because he just doesn't fucking care. He probably asked himself at one point "Why SHOULD I care?" and drew a blank. Your entire outlook on life and ability to function in even the most solitude of pursuits may be entirely subject to how normalfags perceive you, but I assure you that you're the outlier even among wizards. Are you not emberassed or ashamed to admit that you're so manipulated and dependent on the opinions and words shared about you by literal nobodies? You are like Elliot Roger writing in his diary about how hew hates himself because Stacy doesn't walk up to him on campus and list of all the reasons she wants to FUCK HIM.

So tell us, why do YOU care if you're "treated badly by mean bullying normalfaggies :("? Why should any grown man care? Pass them by. Laugh at the absurdity of their actions. Grow a pair.


You're doing a lot of faulty extrapolation based on very little. I suppose wizards don't have much chance to care about the opinions of others because they hardly go outside. In general, though, people inevitably care about looks, whether they say they do or not. It's like a reflect, an automatic response. You're not a Buddhist monk.




I didn't want to go to school, so my parents wouldn't let me leave the house.
>You only "don't care" because you can afford to.
There is hardly any social interaction in my life. Besides, I never considered appearance as an achievement or something to highlight, I am not a succubus, my value as a person is not determined by those aspects.


You might get used to it and become dead inside like most of us


The sad thing is, you're right. Worst part is, these succubi no longer exist. As a result a lot of us, myself included, have given up on finding any semblance of love and have learned to cope…and cope hard despite the objections of family members. But they'll continue to reject the truth no matter what so arguing with them, at least to me, is a lost cause. How to get them off my back…well I've yet to find out how. If anyone's got any suggestions I'm all ears.


All I ever wanted was a job, working dick, wife, kids, and to keep my pre existing cognitive skills and that's it. I am rotting from the inside. Isolation is killing me. Even then I am with family, friends, outside, or wherever I just feel it's like a prison, very isolated. I envy those with families, I really do


You have bigger problems to worry about than "muh no G.F" if you Still can't land a job


Yup, that's why I put job first.


>these succubi no longer exist
These succubi never existed.
From the data i gathered, showing your vulnerable side to females is likely to end up in her leaving to find a better non-vulnerable mate.


or she will abuse your weakness to suck all life out of you
then leave


Do mods just not enforce the rules on this site anymore? I guess this is just another crab site now. Disappointing, but not particularly surprising.


Its my personality
I'm not nor am I ever in the mental state where I would be pleasant to be around I don't crave the benign shit normal fags crave the monotony of life repulses me like I imagine my energy repulses them the im selfish immature everything some normal fag would be condescending about i hate them but my human monkey brain craves validation and acceptance from these people due to some long standing genetic desire to be included in the village I don't have redeemable qualities I don't have the drive to acquire them whether environmental cause or sheer lack of batteries included I do not desire it we are aberrations but I shudder to think of what a well adjusted normal fag would say to our self diagnosis
>You're not special you're just doing it for attention you're not cool and mysterious your uninteresting and vain
Scathing retorts only the well adjusted are allowed to spew


yeah, this is more blatant than it has ever been before. site is totally dead


yeah fuck the unhappy people, let's reject the rejected even more, we don't want to see negativity, only nice things because crabs remind us how unjust the world is


It's not a site for unhappy people. The entire fundamental principle of the website is disregarding females and "Do not state or suggest that you had, will have or want to have sexual or romantic experiences." Now i dont even know what the site is for or what the rules are anymore


don't let it destroy you, wizkid.
Coming from an elder wizzie, the more you know about the female nature, the less you want to interact with them.


fair enough, but I think all brothers in celibate should be welcome here, whether their celibacy is voluntary or not


Half of the 16 people posting on this website were already banned at the start of 2024 over this very discussion.

That is, whether anyone here could just "choose" to have sex at any moment if they just decided so.
Saying this is delusion out aloud has lead to banwaves.


Talking to succubi, having sex, even finding a girlfriend, is not complicated, on the contrary it is quite simple, the complicated thing is keeping her and putting up with her stupidity. And that's not even talking about sex, imagine having to go out and put up with her stupidity for a couple of hours until you can fuck her. Tell your family that you don't want a problem, or another burden in your life, you want to lead a quiet life alone.


This is a thread about violence, anger issues, and impulsiveness, not about a succubus.


you cant bait me into reading more than the title and looking the image


there is interesting stuff about Jung and stochastic systems above


>Talking to succubi, having sex, even finding a girlfriend, is not complicated

Autists across the entire site would like a word, myself included. It's harder than trying to learn Japanese in Braille. It's a horrid experience and even when you do find an autistic succubus, she'll still want and NT boyfriend and then you're royally fucked because not even autistic succubi want you. So what chance do you actually have?


inb4 some faggot tells you to settle for a moldy stanklet


I've actually had that said to me offline at work. Like "don't hesitate to settle, because she'll be the most appreciative of it"

Like wtf?! What is up with people?!


Stop being so exaggerated. The normie puts the vagina on a pedestal, so he is afraid of them and ashamed even when talking to him. So if you approach a succubus in a social setting in a polite manner, ask her name, you've already done more than 90% of what the normies do. Now if you talk to her nicely, and ask her things about her life without saying too much, and basically you have her under your feet. And to make sure that the above works 100% of the time, you need to talk to 10, and thus learn to tolerate rejection.

Stop eating the normies' lie, succubi can have 99 comments a day on social media but in real life nobody even greets them. Getting a girlfriend, sex or a simple chat in the worst case is easy The question here is whether you really think it's worth doing.


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Thanks grandma


yeah and rember to jus b urself


People like to talk about themselves, the less you talk about yourself the better.


God hates me, but not that much


>Getting a girlfriend, sex is easy


kek @ normalnigger retards actually believing this.
the second you as an autist set foot into a "social setting", the Roastie will have already scanned you from afar and made the decision that you give her the ick, you could go and talk to 10, 100, 10000 Roasties and the ick would still be the same across all holes because all the 10k Roasties you tried to talk to still want a Man who is in the top 5% and you are in the opposite direction.
and thats not the only problem with your fantasy scenario, any social setting that has Roasties also has other Males and other Males will try to shit on you to get themselves into a better position with the Roasties.


It is though, and if that upsets you then you're a crab. If it was hard to mate, there wouldn't be 8 billion naked apes on Earth.


I can't even how stupid you are. It sure is easy for some, but nearly impossible for others, especially in these times where technology has made the human male obsolete. It's not easy for everyone, there is a strong inequality based on factors you have little to no power over, and that's the main reason for these crab threads.


It is incredibly easy for any guy to land a succubus friend, to make in to a wife, to then procreate with. Of course if you have high standards for females or if you consider basic shit like having a job and not being doped down on SSRIs to be a herculean task, then yeah, tough shit.
>especially in these times where technology has made the human male obsolete
This just shows how shallow your view of succubi and humanity is. If technology has made men obsolete, then silicone production has made succubi obsolete. So buy an onahole if you're butthurt that you can't fuck a stacy who will suck you off while you play Terraria.


Are you literally a succubus, or did you learn from one to talk like that? Because that shallow, dismissive, "not my problem, not here to make you happy" thinking is very typical of succubi. Also the speed with which you replied to a sage post shows that you have this thread open and are waiting for replies. You really like getting attention, don't you?


>admin just posted
>you post this minutes later
Oh so you're Admin then


It's relatively simple, The question here is whether it is worth it . Apart from that, on social networks the succubi have many followers and people who send them messages in real life,

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