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/dep/ - Depression


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R: 40 / I: 3

My existence is hellish.

I am that same Indian guy who made the post about having C-PTSD and living with abusive parents. I have hit a new low, I think I am becoming low T, I check every symptom on the box, having brain fog, constantly fatigue, constantly sleepy, not being able to get it up anymore, no more morning woods, and no erections.

The problem is this, I am still a student and the effects of having low T are affecting my studies greatly, risking me going into a negative feedback loop where I feel like it's gonna take a toll on my studies. And thus reduce my likelihood of getting a job. I have managed to start gym after intense fighting with my parents.

But there is only so much I can push them as someone who is dependent upon them. I am sorry to post this here, after few long years, I just burst our crying today when my parents denied me to visit a urologist, while I have no symptoms (apart from slight shrinkage of my testicles), I probably have Varicocele too.

This is more of an SOS post, please if there is someone here who can take me away from my parents please do. Please give me a home, some love, some help to fix myself. I hate my life, I hate constantly being low T. My parents also hate all sorts of medicines, and they are going to freak out if the doctor recommends a surgery for varicocele. I can't get a job in this tough market either. It's truly hellish being a crab in the third world shithole.

Low T is affecting all areas of my life, and there is no redemption in sight, is my entire life going to be like this from this point on?
R: 51 / I: 3

Suicide general

This is the classic "suicide general", where we discuss methods and say farewell to our fellow wizards, quite different from that other thread in the catalog.

I'm currently 26, almost 27 (rings a bell?). And I can't take it anymore. I will soon depart from life through hanging. I haven't done it yet because I live in a shithole and there are always people around making noise and being nosy. I will just wait till it's very quiet so I can go to the woods and end this miserable existence.

I don't care if it might "get better". Existence itself is a curse and we're all gonna die anyway. I've read enough pessimist books and life affirming books and I side with the former. I don't need your compansion, because the thought that I will soon disappear is the only thing that makes me happy. I'm not even sad because of this.
R: 61 / I: 7

Wageslave General

2025 will be the layoff year edition. How we holding up?

previous >>289727
R: 15 / I: 5

Suicide: A Social and Historical Study 1938

Chapters 1-3 of 10
I. Introduction
II. Servant and Widow
III. The Suicide Horror and the Savage
The blurb states:
"This book is the first comprehensive study to be written in English of the infinitely various attitudes towards suicide throughout the history of the human race. The causes of suicide in primitive, classical, mediæval and more modern times, and the points of view which have led philosophers to condemn or approve the custom, are expounded with a scholarly thoroughness in which pedantry plays no part, so that the volume is a gold-mine of out-of-the-way information on the subject."

From the book:
"A certain number of individuals have continuously found this act the most efficient and satisfactory response to circumstances they did not choose to put up with or to which they could find no other reply."
"The personal suicide is usually persecuted by society or only grudgingly recognised even in times of tolerance."
"Suicide is the price paid by many to view the unfamiliar new landscape. The transition to self-sufficiency has often lain for the weak, unfortunate and misplaced via self-destruction. Such deaths, which have been multiplying for a hundred years, are oddly distributed taxes levied against gigantic change." 
"When the number of those who are giddy standing alone grows less, then time will reduce the number of suicides also."
R: 16 / I: 3

why shouldnt we all just kill ourselves?

most of us are so fucking unattractive, retarded, uneducated, unlovable, lazy/unambitious etc… that there is no point in continuing this misery.

even when some try to gaslight themselves that their loser-lifestyle can be comfy, we all deep down know that this isnt supposed to be *life*.

objectively, we're the bottom of the barrel, rock bottom essentially; we can only cope by escaping reality and isolating ourselves and anytime we encounter the real fucking world, we're deemed as fucking subhumans by others AND ourselves.

we're rotting, just wasting space, energy and oxygen while the only thing left for us is waiting to die, respectively.

i dont get how we all havent already committed suicide by now cuz our fucking trash genetics have been haunting us for our entire existence, yet we collectively and voluntarily decided to continue living. why the fuck are we so stupid???
R: 56 / I: 4

Depression Crawl Thread LXVII

2025 The Great Depression 2. Post your pain and suffering. Previous >>294941
R: 2 / I: 0
The process of birth is an humilliation ritual.
The process of growing up is an humilliation ritual.
The process of death is an humilliation ritual.
Through all these process the individual is humilliated, his spirit shattered into pieces. At the end there's nothing but an empty shell. We're born alone and we die alone and the universe is constantly teasing and humilliating us. The human experience is that of pain and suffering. Births are painful, deaths are painful. Demoralized, disenfranchised, humilliated, broken. Our lives are misserable and only the sweet release of the endless void could save our soul from the torment of existence. I loath humanity just as much as I loath myself and my own existence. Afraid to live and afraid to die. Pathetic husk rotten inside.
R: 124 / I: 20

low IQ rendez-vous

/!\ this thread is for low IQ wizards /!\
>(80-95 IQ)
feels bad being a low IQ. everyone mocks you and you say absurdities.
R: 249 / I: 9

Anti-Suicide General

The purpose of this thread is to counter the general tenor of sadness that defines all the other threads. This thread will therefore feature practical advice about reducing suicidal behavior even when we feel most suicidal. Naturally, being that I started the topic, I will be the first to contribute.

(1) Know that I care about you guys deeply and sincerely. Call me a faggot, I don't care.
(2) Examine what you are eating. For example, gluten especially produces depressive/psychotic episodes in sensitive autistic individuals. Sugar also is not healthy for your brain.
(3) Make sure you are getting sufficient sleep. Chronic sleeplessness or even a few days' worth of irregular sleep can seriously interfere with the clarity of our thinking.
(4) Clean up. Taking a warm shower and putting on fresh clean clothes always is refreshing and helps to break up darkened mental habits.
(5) Breathe fresh air. Open the windows to your wiz-cave and allow some wind to come in.
(6) Watch your breathing. When we are panicked, our breathing can become very disordered and we do not recognize the effect this has on our thinking. Take deep, purposeful breaths, and collect your thoughts.
(7) Respect yourself. You have done your best to survive in an awful world, and you should grant yourself forgiveness for any mistakes and the allowance to rest with a composed and balanced mind.

I've done my part. Anyone else?
R: 19 / I: 3
I really hope this threat does not count as succubus worship also I am not sure if this board is right place for me to talk about this.

In short, I can no longer get attached to any popular female fictional character simply because some degenerate will draw porn of it. It sounds autistic, but I don't care. This oddly is not the case with male characters; I can get attached to them even if they are popular and some degenerate makes porn of it.

But the problem with obscure female fictional characters is they probably won't get fan art mostly unless you know how to draw.

But I found an third way or a anomaly? that breaks this dilemma, so to speak, and it made me both the happiest man on this rock and the saddest man on this rock….
R: 101 / I: 16
Can you drive?
Can you parallel park?
Can you survive without parallel parking where you live?
If you don't drive then how do you get by in the country you live in?
Do you feel unmanly if you can't/don't drive?
How does one cope knowing that foids can drive while you don't?
R: 3 / I: 0

Finally dying after a life that's been a nightmare

Somehow i went and fell back into the bathtub after i already got out, almost like i slipped on air. Hit myself on the head and spine. I'm 90% sure that I have a hematoma in my brain because my head hasn't stopped hurting after a week and i had some very interesting symptoms. I hope it bursts my brain and kills me. I'm an illness-ridden, debt-broke hardcore benzo addict with no home(live like a rat without my own room for 30 years) that has to eat a pack a day or will have a grand mal seizure anyway, so very soon I would be forced to suicide anyway. I just hope that it won't turn me into a vegetable instead, but i lose every gamble so I can't count on luck. Well, something will do me in eventually, one thing or the other. I can feel death is half a step away. Goodbye brothers.
R: 3 / I: 0

Trapped by Monotony

Is there anyone else who is trapped in routine and monotony and never notices the days going by, rotting alone in their room? I have lost the motivation to play games, watch anime, or even go on imageboards. I've experienced that since last year, well I don't even know anymore, I lost consciousness on how much time has passed and is passing by. I can't take the lack of genuine feelings anymore. I used to escape monotony with games but they don't bring me pleasure anymore. I used to have one or two online friends but time did it's thing and the interest vanished. My life consists of sleeping during the day, waking up to eat with my family and, at night, if my mind is not flooded by overthinking and negative/nonsensical obsessive thoughts, watching videos or listening to music.
R: 2 / I: 1
why the WIZCK do i fall into the depths of anguish whenever i ask for something i see as so dumb or stupid to some cowagie or anyone at all? i keep mumbling randomly how much i want to die, filled with regret for merely sending a message to a groid, thinking i have done something severely stupid. i dont want to die but i hate when this happens and it is very frequent
R: 14 / I: 0

Even if I try to improve it still won't get better

I feel like society has left me behind it is one of the most fastest moving things to ever exist, and I can never catch up to it because I've been quite stagnant my entire life. Even if I try to improve, I'm still leagues behind the average persons social progression. All I'm really left with is the mere remains of a career, wife, kids, etc.
R: 42 / I: 10

Being a massive loser amongst family members

Does any of you get irritated with family gatherings or when guests come to visit you in your family's house?
I am 24 years old, little to not school education, no job, whenever I am with some relatives or in some family gathering I can sense how much they look down at me for being a massive loser, even if they almost never express it directly at all, since I was a child I would always be asked by them questions like "how are you doing in school?" or "are you getting any good grades" Of course they no longer ask me such question, But I still feel a lot of shame when I am around them, I try to avoid sitting with them like the plague
R: 4 / I: 0
Not sure if this fits here, but

I often make bets with myself; for example, I have not eaten for 2 weeks, and if I do something good, maybe, and if I fail, something bad will happen again. This maybe is just coping, but I remember failing some of these challenges and something bad happening that still haunts me to this day and makes me feel deeply sad about it.
R: 258 / I: 41

Death of the Uncool

Death of the Uncool - End of the Wizards V

Watching Geekdom get absorbed into the monoculture over the last decade (and then some) has been a pretty demoralising experience.

Part of the process of commodification, streamlining and assimilation of geek culture into the all-consuming monoculture, is distortion and erasure of the original.

"These would be the successive phases of the image:

1 It is the reflection of a basic reality.

2 It masks and perverts a basic reality.

3 It masks the absence of a basic reality.

4 It bears no relation to any reality whatever: it is its own pure simulacrum.

In the first case, the image is a good appearance: the representation is of the order of sacrament. In the second, it is an evil appearance: of the order of malefice. In the third, it plays at being an appearance: it is of the order of sorcery. In the fourth, it is no longer in the order of appearance at all, but of simulation."

I'm probably using Baudrillard wrong, but I think we're either between phase 2 and 3 or on phase 3. We're at the point where we have "gamers" who don't like videogames as the faces of videogames.
R: 4 / I: 0
At what age have you last time felt content, happy, hopeful about your situation? At which age it ended, and you changed? For me it's probably 14 years old. I enjoyed the hell out of the internet and videogames. But looking back I think it was always leading to this neet wiz suicide-considering lifestyle.
R: 4 / I: 0

Getting older as a wizard.

I'm older than people who have kids who're already graduating from high school. I know it shouldn't bother me, but I can't help it. I feel like my life hasn't progress at all. I already have grey hairs on my beard and I don't feel my age at all. life as a wizard is like living in a perpetual limbo where nothing ever happens until you grow old and die.
I know many young wizards will call me a failed normie for saying this, but it's only until you reach a certain age that the loneliness of the wiz life starts to creep in and you begin to wonder where did all go wrong.
R: 58 / I: 21
I'm fucking jaded by life because of people and normalfags. I really can't take it anymore. I have limits and today I got my tolerence limit to the macimum, I don't feel good at all. normalfags make life disgusting when you're around them. I can't anymore today, I don't know if I could live like this during all my life.
I'm in pain physically. my heart hurts kind of. I feel depressed.
R: 11 / I: 1

Misanthropy and god

Are you a believer in a higher being and hate humanity?
I'm not assign nor believe in any belief or after life but I do believe in eugenics, Antinatalism, assisted suicide, the death penalty, abortion,and overall restricting human rights.
I met, heard so many lonely, depressed individuals who believe in a god yet have a heavy disdain for certain section of humanity be it racial or the opposite sex.
Is it because they trust a being that not human but higher? Yet that same being created the object they detest?
I don't have that dilemma since I don't adhere to any religious beliefs.
Do any of you do? If not do you believe being a misanthrope is silly or based?
R: 64 / I: 3

Escaping the Demiurge PT 2

Serious question for any wizcels:

Do you ever wonder how you got here…as in, how or why you "woke up" when you did, where you did, to the people (parents) that you did? It's impossible to make sense of. Just on one fucking terrible day, we took up consciousness, literally out of nowhere we are in bodies and tasked with learning the mechanics of entire material world. What caused us to be born when we were, to whom we were? I don't accept that it was random, or mere bare biology..I feel within myself that this life is a targeted punishment and that were I smarter I would have avoided being born entirely. What piece of shit god thinks he/it has the right to do this to us? We are born, thereafter we spend a few years simply making basic sense of things, go off to school, probably suffer a lot, continue to grow up, endure more sadness, and now through all of it we just continue to get older and weaker and sadder. This life is a crime against our souls and whatever caused us to come here HAS TO PAY. Really the only thing I fear is being forced to come back to this shitheap of a world to suffer again…and I do worry about this precisely because I don't know how I got here in the first place. I feel deeply sorry for all the new souls born to this world…there is just so much to learn, but even more there is just so much to suffer through…and I cannot understand what kind of god would force this sort of existence on tender helpless beings? The demiurge must be overcome.
R: 4 / I: 0

becoming atheist, lost about morality \suicide

The only ,or main, reason I totally suppressed my own ideation of erasing my own life, was not violating religious precepts..Also regarding morality, I genuinely dislike violence (im unable to deliberately kill an ant, for example, I make an effort to avoid stepping on them) ,but there are *so many* complex Ethical issues, with real impact on my life, which without religion, I have to start from scratch (deciding whether theyre good, or evil)
I want to be a Med student in a couple of years, so–medical profession, lots of ethical issues I need to think for myself, without Religious teaching. euthanasia, stem cell research, contraception, IVF, Surrogate pregnancy without medical need (just voluntary commercial agreement), etc.
What to do? I have a psychiatrist, but haven't talked with him in like 4 months. im 29.
R: 22 / I: 2


How do you guys fight anhedonia? Do you have any experience with it?
I basically don't feel pleasure from anything except food, maybe. Stories, games, art don't really touch me at all and it sucks because I remember how much I loved escapism before and how it brought excitement, joy, sadness etc. Now it's all blank. I want to bring emotions back, want to bring excitement, joy, even sweet sadness would do honestly, I miss being profoundly sad.

Have any of you managed to revert to your older non-anhedonic self?
R: 8 / I: 0
Its the type of pain most people live with, a background pain. Ambient pain. The idea of dying alone. The idea of being a virgin. having so skills. No purpose. every day is exactly the same, you never leave the house, you cant, you cant drive a car, you are too tired to walk. and its going to be like this for the rest of your life.
You were born to die.
every second hurdling faster and faster towards death.

and no one cares, even if you told someone they would despise you.

you might as well be a corpse already, let the bugs and birds eat you, rot away till you are nothing but bones, let your bones turn to dust, let a gust of wind blow you away.

all that pain, and one day it was like you were never there.
R: 15 / I: 3
i've been daydreaming about living in a world where we stagnated on a 1990's level of technology.

today's internet, with its smartphone-social media, hyperpolitics and ultradopaminergic entertainment is such a mindrape that i'm starting to get really really tired of it…

i'm a millennial but i wish i was born in the 80s or even the 70s just so i could live and relatively normal adult life in the 90s and 00s.

i wanna go back to an analogic world.
R: 30 / I: 4

Emptiest resume ever

I think it's genuinely just plain over if you don't have education, skills or job experience at the age of 25. It feels like I should just play videogames until anhedonia reaches critical condition and then to just off myself. I lost to job market. I lost to capitalism. My ego and my weakness won't allow me to live as burger king worker. Not to mention i'd be a useless worthless asset in any job anyway. Fuck
R: 10 / I: 1
Been browsing 4chads /pol/ all day for happenings and apparently Musk is gonna end NEETbux. I'm disabled and am unable to work, so I guess this is it for me. It was nice wizzies, but I guess this is the end.
R: 3 / I: 0
anyone else not know what theyre gonna do with their future? i had a job at 21 in an amazon facility for about a month, but i lost it because my dad stopped driving me and i had to much anxiety to get myself there. ive been a NEET ever since i dropped out of middle school other than that i have no idea what im gonna do. most days i dont eat because im to anxious to go outside and where i live doesnt help, my dad uses our house as a flophouse for his bum friends to play loud shitty guitar music. i think my future is fucked, it might be better if i spared myself the suffering and committed suicide but i dont have the will to do it, just like i dont have the will to do anything else which is why im in this situation.
R: 2 / I: 0

Why am I such a worthless pos

Will probably delete this but had a terrible week (not that I'm not used to it by now) but I was asked to take care of a cat for someone down the street and the first week everything went fine. I fed it emptied the litter box but one night I accidentally left the garage door it used to get in and out too high and noticed something else got in. Since then I haven't seen the cat but last night (almost 2 weeks after) I found the poor things body underneath where he sleeps. I had only gone over twice in about a week and a half due to a cop giving me a speeding ticket for going 7 over the speed limit and my boss at work saying I had to meet for disciplinary action but refusing to say why other than my "behavior". I feel so bad that I killed someones pet and don't know what to do. I had also just planned my first vacation ever after over a decade of wage slaving but I can't take it now because I would be staying with the persons pet I killed for 2 weeks. I was honestly having a hard time not wanting to kill myself as it is and now I just don't know what to do. Cats have been one of the few things that have ever been nice to me and I killed one being irresponsible and preoccupied with my own problems, I feel so bad having killed someones pet kitty.
R: 64 / I: 6

Life post the age of 30

36 years old Wizard here with Schizophrenia living with mom (dad died a long time ago) I don't have any qualifications or income I am disabled and there is no NEETbux in my under developed country my hairline is receding due to how much I stress on my future in every single hour once my mom passes away I will be beyond doomed nobody in my family will support me they all live far away and they can barely support their own survival let alone to support another useless eater my mom already has health issues but nothing too severe (yet) is it possible to turn my life around in this late ago? people say "it's never too late" God I wish my parents never gave birth to me I heard stories og people who spent decades in prison and left by their 40s and still ended up starting a business and buying a house but I can tell it's an abnormal case once you enter your 30s without any skills qualifications or are capeable of work the chance of you being capeable of turning your life around becomes too small.
R: 0 / I: 0

Worth of fake value

To value or not to value, To care or not to care, Do we truly care that much about our value that we defend it with any possible way, But to what extent ? What will we garner from showering with praises and value, A temporary feeling of having worth ? It all fades away after a period of time and you have to do that all again, Like anything in life, Everything fades away, That love that disillusioned you at that first sight fades away after 1 month if the other person doesn’t reciprocate, That’s the same as your value, If you don’t give more to your value then the other person will just get bored, Boredom is our nemesis in this world.
We truly love to wallow in our shit and feces and believe that we’re different than the other person, That we’re different than the other insipid and superficial people, But that’s the same as the other barn of shit that others pile in too and believe they’re better than you, All in for the same ending, For the same pointless and meaningless argument to escape the feeling of being “normal”, of being “mid”, of not having any specialities in this World, We fear that we will be perceived as lower, But in reality the damage is already done, We literally diminish our principles in other to not be perceived as lower by others, That’s just wallowing in the shit of the other person. For what is the worth of a person who died right now as you’re reading this ? For what is the worth of a person living in extreme poverty ? A person living in harsh condition, or someone getting tortured by the mafia right now.. Etc, They have more value than people who consider themselves high and almighty, Hell even a garbage collector holds more value than anyone who has “Villas, Cars, money… etc” Because they’re exploring life in their own condition, And the garbage collector is doing something for society, We just give value to ourselves because we’re pitiful and rely so much on another person’s praise to not fall, But you will fall and the fall will be so hard that you will cease to exist in another person’s eyesight. You can easily trick others by giving them value and watch them as they spiral down into madness when you cease to give them any value, People are evil, They rely on others to give them a shoulder to be another’s shoulder and when that shoulder carrying them ceases to exist, they fall because they were used to standing on the other’s shoulder.
R: 35 / I: 5

third world wizards living in first world country

Do you have good or bad experiences in your host country or do you feel accepted or tolerated in the society of the country? Have you had problems because you were a foreigner? Can you tell us about them?
R: 7 / I: 0
Does anyone else live like they will have another chance at life despite not being religious? I am so displeased with my starting point in life and how much better others have it without needing to put in any effort that I mentally checked out and have been a low-effort hedonist focusing on being comfortable with the least effort in the moment. Like refusing to play an unbalanced game. But there is no alternative, no one is going to balance life. I'm still in disbelief that this will be the only way I get to experience life. Born in times of great technological progress and opportunity but unable to enjoy it.
R: 6 / I: 1
i'm 27, i live with my parents, i don't have a job and to be honest i don't give a fuck anymore. i would have wanted to move out 5 years ago, when i had a ton of ambitions, but my fuckin overprotective mother didn't give me a hint of freedom. now they hate me just for being. like everyone else. i used to be good at history and wanted to move in that direction, and now i'm NEET who spends all my free time on the internet and goes to the store once a week. i hate them for not letting me realize myself in a life that i don't see any point in right now.
thank u mom
R: 21 / I: 4
i have no reason to live anymore. ask me anything.

- no, i will not kill myself
- yes, i have tried hobbies
- no, i am not diagnosed with depression
R: 99 / I: 18
How old are you? What brought you to where you are? What prevents you from changing?
R: 22 / I: 1

Personal suicide diary - final notes. 2 weeks to die 28 reasons

Last time I mentioned that I have 2 weeks to kms someone asked if I have a test or something in school. Let me tell you something interesting. I won't talk about my life story but I will enlighten you how bad life can get and what real suicide out of necessity means.
I will tell you only the immediate reasons of my forced suicide:
1. Sick with infinite diseases and often in such pain that I want to stab myself or jump out the window. Can't eat walk make money or function for years due to this. Feel like I can die at any moment. I've been shitting black last few days which means internal bleeding.
2. I am broke and in infinite debt cause I chose to pursue treatment instead of paying taxes. I also lied to get money loaned to me because I needed it for drugs so I don't end up lobotomized. Its only a matter of time until they put me in prison.
3. I have a benzo addiction, if I don't take at least 10mg Xanax daily and skip one day I will have a grand mal seizure which will kill me or leave me with brain damage.
4. Stuck forever without a room or meter of space my whole life due to mentally retarded family.
…etc I probably forgot half but by now you should know the drill. Life took almost everything from me and I didn't do anything for a long time so I wouldn't call this living anyway. Only thing I have left is freedom of choice to die now or lose it and suffer a thousand times more and die later. I will die at age of 28 in 2024 via train guillotine or fail and become a vegetable. I have only one try and time is not on my side.
R: 13 / I: 1

Is there any compassion for failed people like us in the world?

Do you think normies could ever accept us or even tolerate us for real? It's obvious that absolute majority people is repulsed by a NEET lifestyle, failed dating/life/work experience, motivational or existential problems. Do you think there's a space for us to exist at all? Is it acceptable, is it planned for? Or we are truly just the trash of the world that should be cut out from society the sooner the better?
R: 12 / I: 1

depression and losing appetite

I was a very heavy eater, but for whatever reason in the past year my appetite has just gone to a much lower level. I have no will to eat almost anything and have eaten maybe 300 calories just yesterday, my belly just feels locked for the lack of better phrasing, I know it correlated with the worsening of my mental health with the time.
R: 9 / I: 0
How does suicide by sodium nitrite work?
You ingest it? Mix it with water? How much is enough?

I need to know this because I'm just waiting to get paid at this my new job to end it. Tried hanging before but it hurt so bad and managed to escape. Tried swallowing pills and well, it did not work.
R: 22 / I: 1
Is being a male with bpd a fate worse than death? Do any of you know for certain you have BPD?
R: 22 / I: 1

serious framework for being ANTI-Family

my parents want to move: sell the house, move to an apartment in the God-Accursed capital city.If I had money, I would cut them off and go live alone; I don't have enough and THEY won't pay for me to live alone.
I have no reason to support the family unit, because it would make me go to the Capital. leftists want to abolish the "traditional" family-I want to oppose ANY family, the very notion of blood-ties being binding, and parental authority over their children.
I guess I will become a psychologist to be a militant anti-family, anti-parent\adult authority activist.
R: 16 / I: 1

This website is scary.

There are a whole hosts of posts here where we explain how we're dependent upon our parents and how when they die we will die with them, I am starting to think that the lack of money is a real problem.

Additionally, I am 22, but pursuing a worthless degree in IT, I don't know if I'd be able to get a job, I feel like I need to do something immediately to avoid this impending catastrophe. But I don't know what, it's like I have seen the writing on the wall.

And of course I have no other reason to believe that I am better than people here on the contrary I might be inferior, hell, I can't even drive properly, you've probably read a thousand of my posts here lamenting that by now.

Fuck man, I need to do something, upskill or some sort of productivity or self-improooovement shit or something, in the odd case that it might works. But this path is scary as fuck, this is leading straight up towards suicide. I am not as gutsy as other users here, who are fine with the idea of dying, I kind of want to live properly for a minute first before contemplating dying and I don't think I am even capable of suicide.

I don't even get along very well with my parents, we have a weird hate-love relationship where I am dependent upon them because I have no option.

I don't understand how I can be so unlucky, there are millions and millions of people, literally 99% of them just living their lives normally, I don't understand why do I have to be in the bottom 1% of this planet's population.

I feel an urgent need to do something to prevent this ship to colliding with an iceberg but I am just sitting and watching, if things continue this way, this is not going to end well.

But man all the posts here just scare me to no end. Everyone is talking about the problem but no one is really offering any real and followable solutions, this is not going to end well for either of us.

I don't know why I decided to make this post I feel a sheer sense of urgency and helplessness yet all I do is bedrot.
R: 9 / I: 1
How did you lose your innocence? I was 14 and got bullied horrifically until I was suicidal, I figured out I liked drugs soon after and haven't felt real since.
R: 23 / I: 2

overthinking-future anxieties general

How often do you overthink about the future? what are your worries? how do you cope?
pic related
R: 4 / I: 0

Svuicde by Charcoal poisoning.

I saw someone talkng about it here many years ago,he even posted images of some people who died in their bed rooms by carcoal poisoning, I even researched this on Google:

Any of you have an experience or knowledge about this? seems like a fine way to end it since Coal is dirt cheap everywhere, and All you need besides that is a fully closed room and for someone not to find you within a couple hours, It reminds me of the Carbon monoxide poisoning.
R: 63 / I: 5

No hope for autists

Whitepillers don't have a retort for autism. You can get a good degree, pursue your hobbies and work on your self esteem but if you have autism you will never make it in this anti-autistic world, Life is all about one thing. Being born without autism. If you're born without autism the normies will make excuses for you, help you out, share money with you, give you 100 chances, etc. Meanwhile if you have autism you're evil and creepy just for existing and blinking the wrong way. Everybody gets to live for free except autists and only autists who are given this fake ass "you gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make your life" "you gotta amount to something" "innovation" story. Shit that literally no one else has to follow.
R: 12 / I: 0

How to cope knowing I am physically incapable of sex?

We all are not having sex. But at least you guys possess the ability to have sex. I on the other hand know that I won't be able to cum during sex because I have OCD, tight foreskin and tight frenulum.

This is actively ruining my fantasy life. I can't daydream properly because of this. It's like a one handed man daydreaming of being two handed which simply can't happen so even in his daydreams he's one handed.

What can I do? There is no solution for OCD. And no money to fix tight foreskin and frenulum breve.
R: 6 / I: 0

Why do yall want a relationship?

So I turned 20 recently and for already 6 years I'm confident that you don't need a relationship or a gf to live a happy life. I won't deny that I wanted a gf at some point, but I was kid and stupid (like 11-13 y/o. Now I *want* to be alone until I die. And before saying anything consider the following: no relationship means no one will cheat on you, no one will break up with you, you don't have to spent shit ton of money on a succubus, you don't have to raise kids, which means even more money saved. And if you're feeling lonely, get yourself a pet.
It's a peaceful life waking up knowing that your happiness does not rely on someone (pets are exception)
R: 52 / I: 5

Is it even worth it to get a college degree anymore since connections are clearly more important?

>graduate high school
>go on indeed.com
>be qualified for literally 0 jobs
>all the shit manual labour jobs you ARE qualified for have thousands of applicants and are effectively blackvoids
>okay you realize now you need to go to college to get anywhere
>go to college
>figure out you need to make connections to get a job
>you have to be literally top 1% turbonormie with ZERO flaws ZERO mental illnesses ZERO doubt ALL confidence NEVER went through any major obstacle in life had a HEALTHY LOVING life to make the necessary connections for someone to like you and get you a job
>realize you're not that person
>you graduate
>you have tons of debt for a degree, doesn't matter if it's STEM, that isn't earning you money because you didn't make the right connections
>you still don't qualify for any jobs
>skilled trades are just as nepotistic if not more
>even if you DO miracolously get some shit job, it won't be enough to pay your bills or anything
>this is the reality of 80% of young westerners
>this is the reality of 100% of Wizards
So please tell me again is there even any point in getting a degree anymore if you lack connections?
R: 41 / I: 2

How do you deal with being one of the sexless?

I was at work and had to just fucking sit there and listen to this guy go on and on about how succubi constantly hit him up and fucked him. I normally don't react to this kind of stuff. But then he showed video after video after video and it eventually got to me. This fuck is the same age as me but his life just seemed so much easier. I legitimately didn't understand what it's like to have a fucking succubus text you. Want to see you. He even said "You're not ugly. How?" I just didn't have an answer. I just live with the cope that some people just have it easier and others like myself emit and anti succubus field. I am happier the further away from sex and relationship shit I hear. Normally I can just live around it and it doesn't bother me. This time was different some how. What the fuck.
R: 11 / I: 2

ahhhhhh I can't cope.

I can't pass the driving test in Germany while foids drive BMWs. I am a total genetic subhuman. Driving involves genetic based machinery like Spatial Awareness and good motor controls, my subhuman genetics have none of that I failed despite spending 2500 euros. I am truly an embarrassment.

When I see men and succubi drive i feel like a cuck. I feel so emasculated. I have not felt this bad since I got kicked in the balls by a teenager in 4th grade.

The only silver lining is I am not in a completely car dependent country. I wonder how do people in America who don't have driving license survive. Fuck it. I am so fucking charred from within. Fucking teenage sluts can drive and I can't. Fuck it. Fuck fuck fuck it. Please God kill me in my sleep tonight.
R: 9 / I: 0
People, who do escapism, how do you cope with returning back to reality?

No matter how many times I finish the game/movie/anime it always hard for me to realize that in fact I live in THIS world, and in fact nothing will ever change
R: 42 / I: 2


what does he want from us?
why is he torturing us?
why does he give great amount of suffering and horror to poor believers while giving happiness and wealth to evil disbelieving people?
why is he so careless?
R: 5 / I: 0

People that rub it in your face.

I went to the college today for some work regarding documentation and met a "friend", people in the college have nothing to talk about except bitches. The "friend" in question screamed my name from afar, later came running, and told me he has scored a bitch. Showed me a photo of a bitch and him cuddling. What is more shocking is that the guy is also kinda below average in looks but extremely out going to the point he just sleeps when he's at home.

I didn't know what I was supposed to respond like good for you, I guess. But now I am thinking maybe he did it purposefully, like he knows that someone who looks like me can't get love and sex. And hypothetically if I ever get sex, I probably won't be able to get it hard, and even if I do get it hard, I won't be able to cum cause of my tight foreskin, frenulum breve, and OCD.

I wonder if he somehow guessed that I had an inability to get sex or do sex which is why he rubbed it in my face, other times some other "friends" of mine also talk about their girlfriends infront of me and how cool is this and that.

Are normies just like this or do they do it on purpose with me?
R: 4 / I: 0

phone-only fags

My laptop died several weeks ago and I got no money to buy a new one, I have been doing nothing but going on long walks daily and looking at walls, I even hate using my smart phone (that i mostly only used to call my mother at work) anyone like me?
also, poorfag NEET general maybe?
R: 4 / I: 1

death anxiety\becoming a "pro neet"

I'm going to make this post very concise, and try to avoid rambling. I'm terrified of death: mortality itself, dying process, what may be after (punishment of some sort\duration for me, likely. if there's nothing I wont be there to notice..but RT the idea of nothing is uncomfy). Anyways Im almost deciding to become a professional insufferable person and mooch off my parents, demand they give me a given big amount of money, start being chastely desperate with everyone, take big risks, try new experiences, sleep almost nothing, etc
What to do? Therapists are s* for this; they literally will make me COPE. they can't erase my Mortality.
>how do I proceed? what to do?
>how do I manage my savings\ job\ investments, in view of me being liable to die ,ANY day?
>I don't think it's fair a corpse should make the living incur expenses. how can I have my body NOT receive any funeral \burial nor cremation,\ etc?
R: 323 / I: 55

Depression Crawl Thread LXVI

Post here when you don't have enough to say for a topic and it's too depressing for the general crawl thread.
Previous: >>291261
R: 115 / I: 11

The fact that I can't have a girlfriend destroys me.

I would like to be with a being with whom I can share everyday moments, to have a being to worry about, in which I can capture the most beautiful part of my being, to whom I can show my vulnerable parts, express my deepest emotions, and show them really who I am. But who am I really? Even in an anonymous forum, I would say he is a great guy, who went through some things, but who despite everything never gave up, someone who always wants the best for others, and who has an optimistic vision even in the most difficult moments. hard And although in a certain way the above is not a lie, the reality is that there is an uncivilized being inside me, someone so disgusting and unpleasant that I don't even like to admit that we are the same person, and hypocritically, whether consciously or unconsciously. , I pretend it doesn't exist. But this is an undeniable reality, and although it is something that can be hidden, it is something that I would never share with anyone, much less voluntarily. I prefer to be a hermit secluded from all social contact rather than show this part of my being. I'm not going to lie to you, life alone is not the best thing in the world, and it has some associated problems, but it is not something completely bad either, and it helps to value things, self-esteem, one's own thoughts, and leave aside vain issues. like social norms, or what someone outside of us may or may not think of us.
R: 10 / I: 0


I'm a thirdworlder loser, I can barely make enough half decently eat monthly.

My father fell sick, due this he's now slowly loosing his sight due cataracts.

I begin to see grey spots in my vision recently, I thought it was because of my lack of sleep. But isn't getting better and sometimes I feel this mild headache like somebody is pressing his finger in my head.

I don't know what I'll do if I fell sick to..

I want to leave, die, and disappear but I can't while my dad is still alive.
R: 2 / I: 1

this diseased world

maybe all this is just a dream, a very long bad dream. this current era these people with no empathy for one another, this corrupt government and this polarization is just getting to me.

will it still come to me if i close myself off from the rest of the world wizards????
R: 56 / I: 8

Porn Addiction Grift

I'm trying to quit porn (cold turkey) and 90% of the content I've seen online has been:

1. an anecdote from someone who has already succeded in quitting

2. an ad for an app

3. people who aren't addicted to porn talking about porn addiction

Is this shit just a grift? I want to hear about it from people who are actually struggling with it, not annoying liberal psychiatrists or infographics.

Please help me, I don't want to be like this anymore
R: 15 / I: 0

Being Neurodivergent in a Neurotypical World

Being neurodivergent in this world is a fucking death sentence. This world does not and will never understand what it's like to think the way that we do and will keep themselves in constant willful ignorance from here to kingdom come. Forcing us to get worse into mental health issues until we go actually insane and do something drastic, but even then we'll still be demonized and everything because again…willful ignorance. I can't stand this planet.
R: 15 / I: 0

Something strange has been happening, I have forgotten to speak.

This is something that has been happening for a while, earlier I used to speak my opinions and type my opinions on the internet.

I was good at speaking, good at putting my point forwards, good at arguing, was witty and could think of replies to questions or things almost instantly.

These days it's like I have forgotten how to speak or even write. Like my parents are abusive, and earlier I was able to write/type down my feelings about my parents. But now, it's like someone asks me "How are they abusive?", I just can't explain anymore.

And this is a very recent phenomenon. Like I can't even type and be an internet keyboard warrior online.

I no longer put my opinion forwards, I no longer have anything left to say, I just don't understand what's happening with me. Like earlier I used to always have something to say, could always carry a conversation offline and online. But now I just do nothing and have nothing to say.

Is there anyone who has suffered from this? Is there any way to cure this? I need to cure this so that I can fit in better in professional and interpersonal world. So that I can earn money to feed myself and at least have some irl friends to shoot the shit with.
R: 5 / I: 3

Growing into firm atheism-shit mentally

It's shit for my mental health nothing there is no "cosmic caretaker" out there, also no rules\ethics or morals (So the evil go Unpunished, the good go Unrewarded) BUT, the stuff with massive social media\clickbait\ tiktok format youtube shorts, and specially AI images..Im realizing more and more how retarded it all is.
I have read proper books tho: Will Durant, historiography of the Bible (Jesus Seminar, critical studies, archeological reports on codexes and papyri, parchments, etc) ,Mircea Eliade…Im not just a zoomer basing opinions off social media shit.
>I also consider Communism a "secular religion" hence some pics
R: 30 / I: 0

Being an Indian is a death sentence.

It seems like learning English was one of the worst mistakes of my life, I am someone who live in India and doesn't plan to leave the country. Any idea how I can cope with racism online?

It's very hard to be online, my self-esteem and self-confidence has been wrecked primarily because of internet. I will admit as a kid, I really wanted to see the west, playing video games like NFS, GTA, and, watching Hollywood movies late in the night, were some of the fondest memories of mine as a child.

But as an adult I think immigrating would be a very bad idea, because I would probably be homeless in a few days because I don't know how the system works. Forget about all that, I am too poor to immigrate. So that is out of the question.

A lot of times, I just want to use internet in peace and make friends with people over online websites. But as soon as they find out I am Indian they start hurling abuses. It's terrible.

Honestly a lot of it has destroyed my self-esteem and self-confidence and I don't know how to regain it even when knowing that for the most of my life I am rarely ever going to encounter a white person.

And then there is the whole blackpill thing as well, because we Indians aren't attractive (speaking for myself mostly but still) most of Indian succubi in the West tend to date white just like East Asian succubi. So that's like another insult to injury to be honest.

Overall it kinda sucked to realise that I am so hated and life in the West if I could immigrate that is, would probably suck for me greatly. Like all the parties and fun that I saw in Hollywood movies are only reserved for succubi and few attractive men. In real life in the West I would be bullied mercilessly.

On the other hand, something good has come out of it as well, which is, I have stopped resenting India a bit because I have realised that at least I don't face racism here in real life and won't be bullied here too much. In the end, I guess it is for the best that I couldn't immigrate I imagine.

Anyways, now that I have learned English Any suggestions on how to not feel bad about myself while being exposed to extreme and never ending racism online? It really has given a hit to my self-esteem.
R: 4 / I: 1
i have strange urges when i watch lights flicker on the screen. they do it so smoothly and nicely. i feel like i want to flicker with them but i can't. what the fuck, jesus christ
R: 10 / I: 2


I unironically think I'm starting to develop some kind of dementia. I'm 35 almost 36. More and more often I find myself spacing out and completely forgetting what I'm doing. I can't focus. I know it's not depression. I was very depressed 10 years ago and nearly killed myself, and I'm a lot happier now than back then, I haven't even thought about suicide in years, so that's not it. I'm not even as stressed as I used to be anymore. I don't even have a lot of negative thoughts. I get confused easily when talking to people and end up doing or saying inappropriate things unintentionally. For example I start dissociating while talking to people and start humming a song, put my hand on their shoulders, other stuff like that. This is going to sound like a massive troll but just the other day I visited my parents, I sat down at the dinner table, I started dissociating, my mom put her hand on my shoulder to get my attention, I couldn't snap out of it fast enough and nearly kissed her. She was horrified and turned away and didn't say anything the rest of the night.

I think one possible solution is to move back in with my parents. Being alone all the time is not good for me. But obviously after what happened there's no way they're going to let me, they probably don't feel safe and for good reason. Lmao. That was my only hope. I don't know what's going to happen to me.

And no, I'm not a drug addict, alcoholic or any of that stuff.
R: 45 / I: 1

Disadvantage if not social

This is probably not big news, but you have much worse chances of getting anything done in life if you are not social. From jobs, to housing, to money. If you are trying to do everything alone, you will not be as successful. Except you have a godlike family and upbringing. But I suppose nobody here had this.
R: 61 / I: 8

It's over - thread for the doomed

Hello. Despite this being a depression board, it seems most people are still around trying to do something. I am in a situation where except dying there is nothing to do, so i decided to make a thread wondering if there are any other people like me online, since it's almost impossible to find anyone even on the outskirts of the internet.

tl;dr i have countless diagnosed and undiagnosed physical illnesses which cause me agony daily and i feel like i'm dying every day, spent all my money on doctors and went into debt, cant make any more money, will eventually be homeless(can happen at any time), addicted to xanax that if i quit im gonna get seizures, i will never have a normal home(never had my own room) or family(mentally retarded?) not to mention my mental health problems etc.
Overall I guess I have around 10 major problems of which each is lethal and will kill me, and 100s of minor ones(which a normal person would consider unbearable). I have nothing and noone, my life self-destructed this the year and it's been half a year of pointless suffering knowing i'm gonna die anyway. I just couldn't push myself to end it since i'm the biggest coward in this world.
I guess i'm not sure if there's anything to talk about, since everyone in similar situations is either dead or sleeping under the bridge and dying. I just lost interest in talking to anyone since I know they can't comprehend my situation at all. Even on suicide forums maybe even 1 person out of 100 is in a situation comparable to mine. So I just made this pointless thread.
If life is truly over for you, and you don't know what to do, this thread is for you.
R: 104 / I: 2

Unlucky with females

Now i don't know if this is madness but can a person like really just be vexxed or cursed to never have a girlfriend ? It's the fact that even when you try it always seems to not go your way, it always goes wrongly, It's fucking insane how much tries you try yet it does not work, it's almost as if there is someone stopping that shit because it's fucking insane how one can keep trying even in any way yet he cannot succeed with getting a succubus.

Do you think there is really some fucking paranormal background to males not having the chance to get a girlfriend even though they do everything that seems to be accepted by Social standards and even break social standards just to get a girlfriend yet with no avail, Even the most handsome yet cannot get it, I remember there was a thread about how people are bound to be lonely well this is a continuation, Do you think there are some who are destined to never have a girlfriend even though it seems absurd ?

Is there anyway to break from this cycle ?
R: 4 / I: 2

obsessesion about suicide despite barely being "suicidal"

For several years I had the idea of ending my life in the back of my head despite barely ever experiencing extreme depression in any remote way, I spent long periods reading about various suicide methods at sanctionedsuicide and even making threads asking for technical questions related to suicide methods, but it's something I never planned to do at any time soon, and I still have no plans to do it at anytime soon at the moment, I made a thread here about this topic several years and some Anons thought I was being an attention whore just because My life did not suck enough that I would want to end it instantly, I am not too unhappy at the moment, but I know shit might hit the fan at some point, and I will have no other choice, I also fear ageing and getting too old, it's really the biggest issue with being a Wizard, oneday I will be too old and weak to even hold a glass of water, And I will have no children or grand children to help me, I have an obsession with suicide, the amount of time I spent thinking about it is so absurd given I am not even that pessimistic of a person.

Sorry the pic is too unrelated, I hope I made my point reach all of you
R: 29 / I: 2
I want to kill myself efficiently without much pain, what's a good way to do this?
R: 2 / I: 0
I've been sitting in my room all day with the blinds shut. It's not even like I feel particularly sad, just… nothing. I watch the world move on, people going about their lives, but it feels like I'm frozen in time, like I'm stuck watching a movie I can't interact with.

I tried reading, but the words just don't sink in. I thought about playing a game, but even that feels like too much effort. I just stare at my ceiling, wondering when this fog will lift—or if it even matters anymore.

Sometimes I envy normies. Not for their shallow lives, but for their ability to feel something. Anything. At least they don't just fade into the background.

I don't even know why I'm posting this. Maybe I'm just hoping someone out there gets it.
R: 14 / I: 3
Why am I so pathetic? I don't even have it that bad, just slightly below average but still with all the tools to succeed and yet all I do is complain because there are others who have it better.

I live in perpetual regret because when I become aware of a problem instead of working on fixing it I hate and pity myself for having the kind of personality that would cause that problem. In my 20s I was making posts like "is it too late to …" and now in my 30s I feel like a fool for not doing anything back then but now again I am pitying myself and paralyzed by the reality of the wasted time I won't get back and the effects of aging with nothing to show for.

I feel like by now I've shown what kind of person I am and there is a very hard cap on what I can achieve. Any hope for change seems delusional.
R: 9 / I: 0

Messy thoughts about soul.

Hello, wizards all over the world. Its another from Siberian apprentice. This shitpost was written long ago, but I publish it now. I have always hear that atheists are brave guys because they dont believe in soul and a cool man on a sky. They dont rely on after death life and look into abbys confident. But I think another way. People who believe in God (I mean primarily christian God, though I have questions to another. May be talk next time) dont really understand meaning of eternity and transcendence. I think that soul concept is freakingly scare idea. No matter how big shit I was during my life. I dont deserve eternal, ETERNAL punishment. We all was brought to this world without our accept, its only about romantic shit in our parents heads (I really love my mom, I just dont respect her choise to born me). And I wish, if I decide to shot my head off, everything will end (if only ideas from my first post arent real). We are all in jail of life, and death could be a great escape. So I wish it is.
R: 25 / I: 4

america makes me depressed

it is a nation of ungodly horror. it's just crime, satanic energy everywhere, corruption, fags, low IQ unread uneducated population, loose std carrying succubi, money worshipping society with no morals. need I go on? how do you not get depressed as an american. i would rather be chinese at this point, it's actually a much better functioning society than america not so shockingly. maybe america has a couple gems like california or washington state or new york, that's it, and they're all way more shit than they used to be. California used to be the shit
R: 145 / I: 16

Why do you act like a woman?

You always make threads of "I will never be pretty enough", "I will never have a job because I am ugly", "I am horrible :(". Everything related to physical appearance, and complexes. The truth is already unpleasant, and pathetic that men , and especially chaste men, give importance to something as trivial as appearance.
R: 5 / I: 0

depression and morals

If you've been depressed I'm sure you have at some point been blamed for it as if it was a deliberate choice.

"You enjoy being miserable."
"You are simply a lazy person unwilling to put in the effort or think you are above it"
"You don't really want anything"
"You are spoiled"
"You are a parasite dodging responsibility"

I think it's an unwillingness to try to understand other people and the belief that the world is fair and everyone gets what they deserve. I think what looks like laziness is a lack of a focused goal and lack of confidence and positive reinforcement. But I am biased being depressed myself so idk.
R: 56 / I: 8

I'm going bald

I'm going broke, and I really don't know how to deal with this fact. I went to 4 doctors to treat it, but none of them worked, and no matter how many medications I took, I was never able to overcome this problem. But these only caused me terrible side effects, such as fatigue, weight gain, apathy, a lot of disinterest in everything, and alopecia, but they were never able to attack the impulses. Violence never stops.
Sometimes I blame my family for raising me in such a violent environment, but then I think it's better to bury the past and look forward. But sometimes it is difficult, since it is not about the violence of 10 or 15 years ago, it is about things sometimes from less than a week ago.

I feel like an alcoholic, where instead of keeping a place free of that poison, it is offered to me in all shapes, sizes, colors and flavors.
R: 1 / I: 0

Scared to be born

Hello, wizards. Do you remember the moment when you was born? I dont remember too. Lets not speak about processes in babies brain, Im here to ask you a question. Have you ever think about how the first -homo was scared when he realized his existence?
Its fucking insane how trivally kid making has become. When I ask my mother, why she decided to make family and born me, she said some shit about glass of water, giving joy of life to someone; something about peak of love between man and succubus and so on. And now imagine to realize the moment of born. Realize, that you was brought from eternal dark… "here". I dont speak about antinatalism, though I like the idea. I speak about dread of giving and taking life. I already have tread here, called "Siberian apprentice shizo ideas". Its about self consciousness. And I would like to connect it to that post.

And now, lets forget about biology. Lets think about world where kids born already conscious. Their scream is not about pain. Its about realisation of their parents …punishment on them. Its about being doomed, being a cell on a mad and cruel Gods body, who rot in all dimensions, in past, in future.

Actually, I want to bring all my thoughts in order and write a small book or article cycle about shit in my head. If you find it interesting, let me know and I will translate it from Russian to let you read it.
R: 70 / I: 4

Pro-Suicide General`

I mean, what can you really say?
Why not? Why not stop the fucking charade if you're really ready? Because some cunt on the internet types to you "it gets bedder bro!" But what if it doesn't.
It may not get better. It may only get worse. You may only grow in your perception of life's falsity, it's vanity, it's total fucking bushtit. And really, who cares? Every life, every person is a small fry. One fucker offing himself does nothing to the global balance, it only improves his being and eases his burden of bearing of the cross of life's woes.
So why not? Why not end it?
I don't because my life is easy enough and replete with enough worthless time wasters to keep myself interested a little bit longer. But what happens if and when those run out? What happens when the well of whiskey and other distractions fails me?
A rope, a running car in the garage, a 357. to the skull, whatever. Just make it quick and easy to clean up.
Any what's the loss anyways? Nothing, there was nothing to begin with.
R: 44 / I: 4
At what point is it objectively justifiable to give up? I'm 21 (nearly 22) and I've only worked dead end jobs and never even come close to being in a relationship with anyone. I tried, but there's just been so many negative experiences in my life (mostly from other people) that led me to being a shut in schizoid. I alternate between shaking with rage at my predicament and being completely numb. It's weird, I used to be such a happy kid with a bright future and now I'm just a future suicide case wading through life as if I'm on borrowed time. Anyone else feel like a animal trapped in a cage? I literally only passively exist like a fucking hamster; if I died right now, I'd be forgotten in 6 months max.
R: 23 / I: 0
I'm so fucking ugly and disgusting
It's painful to look myself in the mirror
I wanna kill myself
R: 3 / I: 1


Cold weather makes me sick my lungs don't tolerate cold air, I hate winter, I have to sleep with three blankets and wear heavy jackets

I wish I was dead
R: 8 / I: 2

kaleidoscope of my (shitty) life

it makes me sad I can't create things I like. I always procrastinate and I always did d
my whole life so far. It happened at very young age; I didn't want to go to school nor learn at home or do my homework. I was always playing flash games on the computer or play ps2 or nintendo DS and after that ps3. I didn't lile myself for that and itt continues nowdays. I don't know why I proscratinate. I hate doing things, in fact I was never used to that. I've never learn doing things by myself, always mom or dad did things for me, my mom did the cooking and my dad told me to do sport. I never listened, I just stayed at home in front of my tv. oh yeah the TV…watching programs in my bedroom all night long…it was comfy, at night you weren't bothered by others because I was kind of alone (my brother was sleeping) in front of the tv with no remorse of doing so because it was comfy and calm.
I think it's because of tv, video games and internet (smartphone addiction came way late).
when I discovered 4chan, I knew there will be no turning back: I totally "internetized" now. I'm am completly focuses on internet everyday. now it's not 4chan but wizchan I use and for a good reason: no succubi wanted me, maybe because I was too poor…all these factors made me a procrastinate person. when you're poor there'snt so much to do besode doing your home work and going to sport. no music lesson, or traveling during vacancy (just stay at home).
I know it's my fault and I know why it's because I didn't had MY things. I wish I had a computer just for me.
Anyway, in few years, I'll be 30 with no-skill wizard because it will be too late.
I wanted to know how to draw (but when I tried my drawings were so unmatch I gave up)
I wanted to create a video game (I tried some with rpg maker but I didn't made shit, just few maps and some events)
I wanted to do a lot of sport
(I wish I wasn't shy, which killed the social part of my life; so no sport because fear of others)
music playing (piano guitar drums, all I wanted to do was those but no money, family too poor)
(I really like science but am a brainlet)
technology and computers and coding
(I tried python, all I did was the hello world)
in fact I'm waiting a miracle to happen to me so I can do things and not procrastinating but I know it will not come: I don't leave my house, so no miracle for me.
Nowdays all I do is posting in wizchan and watch youtube video all day (no kidding). I've been doing it for 3-4 years now.
this is so unfair what I became but must be deserved.
How am I supposed to create things?! I'm a brainlet! (I can't play Yu-Gi-Oh! because you need to memorize card interactions and combo to play the game or I can't learn about philosophy because I lack good understanding).
At this point I just want to work at a factory and earn some money…I have like 0,001% of hope for my life to become better
R: 127 / I: 11

How do we get used to it?

How are we supposed to get used to loneliness and the fact that our life is fucked up?
Here's my resume: never had any friends, bullied during school, uni dropout but basically never went to high school, very poor (no income), obviously never had any gf, the last time I talked someone my age was since high school basically. I can't get used to the loneliness… I also have a very poor health, and no one to help me with it.

What's your life status and how do you cope with it?

I personally try to cope with video games, anime and a bit of drug (alcohol and opioid mostly). But that hardly works… Sometimes I'm into my game or I'm high enough to be ok, but most of the time I'm depressed or suffering or both. I wish I were dead since I'm 12, I'm 25 now.
R: 13 / I: 1
Studying is the bane of my existence. Honestly, it feels like some cosmic joke designed to torture me. If hell exists, it’s just endless exams and textbooks. And then there’s me, stuck in a third-world circus, India. Yeah, the same one where people will skin you alive if you don’t follow their playbook of “success.” I flunked college once—no, wait, make that twice—and let me tell you, the outrage was unreal. It’s like I committed a war crime. My parents? Oh, they hate me now, I can feel it in the awkward silences and side-eyes. And it’s not just the failing part; they’re terrified I’ll be mooching off them forever. Hell, I’m terrified of it.

And then, there’s this bloody exam looming over me. I’ve tried. I really have. But the more I study, the more it evaporates from my brain like it’s allergic to knowledge. It’s absurd. Who invented this nightmare? They deserve jail time. Every time someone so much as mentions studying, I break out in a cold sweat. I’ve literally fainted over it. Fainted! But does anyone care? No. Society looks at me like I’ve personally slaughtered their pets just because I failed at college. Twice. Wait till they hear that little update. I’ll probably be excommunicated.

At this point, I’m done. D-O-N-E. I don’t want to study anymore. I’d rather stare into the void. And oh, don’t even get me started on the “what could have been.” If I were a white guy in a first-world country, I’d be coasting on social safety nets and “find yourself” gap years. Or better yet, if I were a succubus here, at least I’d have the sweet, sweet option of getting married off and chilling with household chores. Instead, I’m this miserable, broke, perpetually judged disaster of a person.

Anyway, cheers to another sleepless night before failing yet another exam. Life’s a circus, and I’m the clown. Take a bow, idiot.
R: 7 / I: 1
How badly will escitalopram fuck my libido? Is it permanent? They're also 9 months expired is it still safe to take? Will it lower my heart rate?
R: 9 / I: 0

I hate Lust

I dislike the feeling of lust. I find it responsible for alot of the negative patterns in my life that are preventing me from acquiring a peaceful existance. I have already accepted that I will not have a future that involves another human being but that doesn't give me the resolve to stop watching porn / lust over someone in my mind. Have any wizards here managed to overcome lust and if so, How did you do it?
R: 50 / I: 1

Are there wizzies from any non-Western countries upset at the Westernisation of their country?

Bascially, my country and it's culture has shifted rapidly, as soon as most of the people have come in contact with the West through internet, liberalisation, and globalisation. And I believe that is one of the reason which has prompted me to become a wizard.

Prior to globalisation, the succubi of my mother's generation were quite different, they themselves considered it shameful to wear revealing dresses, they always used to dress modestly, while most marriages were arranged they weren't forced, so while succubi were free to select their mate, and reject, they could do it only once and that guaranteed a equal distribution of succubi among men, and everyone was much more happier in that system as everyone got a mate.

And most succubi and men were virgin prior to marriage, it was considered shameful for both men and succubi to be non-virgin. As a matter of fact my native language doesn't even have a word for virgin, and there was no virgin shaming. But nowadays, kids use the word "virgin" as an insult. Most succubi lose their virginity quite early, and finding a virgin succubi is rare.

2-3 decades ago, succubi didn't consider it shameful or bad to be housewives, on the contrary they were proud to be one, or they studied and took a break for 5 years and then resumed their jobs, to go through marriage, pregnancy, and infancy of their child, and when they started working, the guy took the equal burden of the household chores and jobs.

But now, it's all changed, it's considered cool to smoke, drink, do drugs, wear skimply clothes, lose virginity early on, and then find a betabuxxer. Or in some cases succubi get paid so much that they don't even need a betabuxxer any more, while men struggle to get jobs, and ugly in men in particular end up at a much greater disadvantage.

And they act exactly like Western succubi, and I assume Western succubi are insufferable but due to the lost control of Western Men, a lot of Western Men now look towards East to get a semi-decent succubi. Leaving the same Eastern Men, to subscribe to redpill grifters like Andrew Tate, or bluepill themselves to oblivion.

And mind you only the degeneracy of the West has been copied and imported from the West, and meanwhile Western Culture's good and non-degenerate parts are completely ignored. In my country we now have things like undie runs (can anyone from the West explain this? what causes so utter lack of shame in people and succubi that they do undie runs at places of studying like UCLA?), nude beaches (when most men and succubi bathed at least 60% clothed in public areas), clubs, pubs, nightclubs, raves. They even talk like Western People, there is nothing remotely eastern about them.

Life for me could've been so much different if I was just born 2-3 decades ago, but right now it feels like I will never get to start a family of my own and will never get to live a normal ordinary life.
R: 42 / I: 9

The process of Learning as a Lazy Bum

>why cant picrel be real?
I really fucking hate learning how computers work. I fucking hate it.
Ever since I started this fucking degree 3 years ago its been nothing but a perpetual torture. I think I say enough when I say shit like Calculus or Lineal Algebra was 100 times more enjoyable for me than anything related to computer science. I gotta be honest though: I m a lazy piece of shit, but I m the kind of lazy piece of shit who studies solely so I dont have to be at the end of the fucking semester doing a fucking "final exam", in order to prove that I m able to pass the course, because that means I gotta learn all the semester's subjects just so I can pass that stupid fucking piece of shit of an exam.

I hate studying. I hate learning. I hate the smugness, shit teaching and the attitude most teachers have and I hate the happiness and eagerness of the people surrounding me. I hate the idea of working and having to wake up every morning so I can keep my sorry ass alive.
I m aware that being a NEET is a dead-end road, specially when you are not on welfare, but I cant stop feeling like a sack of shit every god damn day of my life because of this. I know what has to be done and what I have to do if I dont do it.

I have nothing to look forward to in my life. The sole reason I havent killed myself is because I know my parents would probably die because of that (already have 1 deceased sibling, and the other one aint doing to well in life), and also because I cant bring myself to do it. It terrifies me. I have no access to guns, so the only way would be to jump off a building, but regardless of it, the idea of death, or the idea of "pain of death", is the thing that bugs me the most. I dont want to suffer the ultimate pain that may last minutes! Even if they are just a few seconds, I bet the pain will feel like an eternity, not to mention the fear I will experience during the fall.

Yet I m sick of this shit. I m stuck here. Why the fuck am I subject to all of this? Why the fuck was I brought to this world? Why cant I have the drive or ambition that those maggots sons of bitches of my peers have? Why must I be such an unhappy piece of shit?

Of course, I know many of the answers to those questions, but still. It doesnt deprive me from wanting to create a hole through my wall from the mere anger of having to deal with this bullshit. Why cant I just be left alone in my room? What place in the world exists, besides living under a bridge, for good-for-nothing lazy scum like me?
R: 16 / I: 3

how THE FUCK is the world so chill

We're not sure where we came from and even less sure to whence we go to.We are in 24\7 uncertainty about WHEN we will go there, or just suffer a tremendous tragedy (I am aware of the Hedonic Treadmill ,but you could die before it kicks in)–or the opposite, you wait forever till you die (horribly) waiting for an impossibly lucky event to occur and solve your life.
I'm not complaining people are chill: I am ASKING why people are chill.For example I saw a short ad pop-up about medical students still doing their exams in the middle of bombings in Gaza–that isn't praiseworthy, that's lame and stupid shit.They have super high chances of dying within 1, 2 years…they will never get to be doctors no matter how much they ace the exams.
How do normies react around these topics? How do atheist-marxist plebbitors cope with daily soul-crushing jobs for years on end, reeeing at God or Jezz Bezos or whoever, but never ever coming close to offing themselves after offing their boss\es?
R: 19 / I: 0

Cosmic concentration camp

s Earth a cosmic concentration camp? How can it NOT be one, if you think about it:
>you're here against your will, any human can die at any time randomly
>forced labor (if you don't (((work))) you starve to death
>many people work, yet starve to death anyways
>forced to wear clothes (clothing in general, can't go naked)
>forced (((body grooming))) : can't get jobs, may get kicked out of places etc, if you don't wash\shower ,bathe\ clean\ change "pungent or ripe" clothes etc. FORCING a human to apply a liquid (soap, shampoo, water) against his\her will is mildly rape. What's the difference between FORCING you to use soap and ejaculating forcefully on a succubus's hair?
>you get to watch everyone around you die day by day
>FORCED haircuts. no one has any additional duty towards anything, yet succubus -fellow humans- are forced to shave body and facial hair. that's unfair towards succubi who didn't consensually agree to it, or agreed to having-to-have (((grooming))) tools available
>you can only survive bribing guards ie; (((paying money))) for "utilities" \shelter\food \life saving medicine or surgery, etc
R: 46 / I: 3

I'm tired of being bad

I want to change and improve, to be able to get ahead, and achieve great things, but I don't know how.
R: 7 / I: 0
Basically I've suffered from a neurological condition since forever, now I'm pretty screwed up and don't really work or socialize.

On top of that I was such a heavy drinker for so long I have a serious heart condition and I genuinely wonder how long I will live.

On top of that, of course like many neurological conditions mine is degenerative, meaning I wonder how long I have left in the land of the living so to speak and I'm already so fucked up by it.

I'm losing the will to live because I can already see my future and it's not good. What the hell am I supposed to do? I talk to people on discord and even voice chat and it's kinda fun but I don't see what's left out in the world for me.

Whatever your issues might be it can't be that extreme, I really wish I wasn't in this position, I think constantly about death and what may or may not come afterwards. The thought that my existence was merely some kind of biological glitch and there's no afterlife awaiting me consumes me, it gets pretty freaky.
R: 5 / I: 1

Chronic illness

How do you deal with chronic illness? I have stomach and intestinal problems that ruin every day of my life, doctors don't know what I have I take some pills for the stomach but they don't do much.