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Whitepillers don't have a retort for autism. You can get a good degree, pursue your hobbies and work on your self esteem but if you have autism you will never make it in this anti-autistic world, Life is all about one thing. Being born without autism. If you're born without autism the normies will make excuses for you, help you out, share money with you, give you 100 chances, etc. Meanwhile if you have autism you're evil and creepy just for existing and blinking the wrong way. Everybody gets to live for free except autists and only autists who are given this fake ass "you gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make your life" "you gotta amount to something" "innovation" story. Shit that literally no one else has to follow.


autism is just being self-aware amongst npcs. instead of following the script, you question things too much and have your own values outside of culturally inherited memes which creates unavoidable friction when dealing with people. there is no room for thinking otherwise you ruin the flow of action. like a manual walker, except you are manual living. "anon is clumsy and awkward" "anon can't understand body language and can't take a hint" anon doesn't receive the same commands as us or he ignores them for some reason. anon is an anomaly. we must exclude and gaslight him until he conforms or self-destructs. the only solution ends up being isolation and communicating with other "autists" on the internet and just being a passive observer to all events.


Being born with high-functioning autism is literally one of the worst hands you could possibly be dealt in life to the likes of literal paralysis and schizophrenia and literal not a single normalfag seems to acknowledge this.


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What is it about autism in men that is not only an unforgivable trait in social relationships but also a general death sentance for jobs


High functioning autism is so horrible, You are normal looking enough to be perceived as a person and to have all the expectations of personhood put upon you, but everyone can notice that your practiced movements are fake. No amount of copying normiegroids will make you look like one, because normiegroids can spot a fraud from a mile away. High functioning autism means you look like a person, but there's something fundamentally off about you that makes people uncomfortable. Le uncanny valley effect.
If you have autism stop trying to win in a game that is rigged against you and try to get a disability so you can neet in comfort while pursuing your special interests.


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>try to get a disability so you can neet in comfort
Sucks living in a fourth world shithole where that's just not a thing.


having autism ruined my life i will never understand this world and i will never be able to act like other adults or properly take care of myself


>unforgivable trait in social relationships
Social relationships require social skills, which the autistic man does not have, and has great difficulty cultivating.
>but also a general death sentance for jobs
Being able to function among other people, and not rubbing them the wrong way, is a much more important skill than whatever your job entails. I wish it were not so.
As well as the entire concept of job interviews, where no questions are ever relevant to whatever the job is about and is just a barrage of questions meant to test your social capacity.
>"So what are your strengths?"
>"…I'm applying for a janitor position, how is that relevant?"
Nope, your ass is out the door.


Then your costs of living and taxes are probably so low you can just do any code monkey shit on the internet, trade some shitcoins or do some scamming


People don't like men in general, especially autistic men.

Female autists play on easy mode comparatively.


Doctors have been wanting to diagnose me with autism for years but I've been resisting it, I'm not autistic I just think differently, yeah I'm unemployed and on disability, basically my entire life screams autism but I don't wanna let them label me like that, fuck norpers


>66% of autistic adults have thought about taking their own life
>35% have attempted suicide
>between 11-41% of those who die by suicide present autistic traits
>40% of autistic men are virgins
>85% of adults with autism are unemployed
>the average autism life expectancy is around 54 years old (72 for the entire population)

What's up with this curse? Holy shit.


I feel the same, though I guess I'm good enough at imitating a normie, because no one's out to get me like that. I think people want to put a label on everything so they can have a predefined way of treating you. Once they label you as autistic, they will just treat you like a stereotypical autistic, and not like an individual, unique person.


>the average autism life expectancy is around 54 years old (72 for the entire population)
That's the optimistic number from a certain study.
Another study was a lot more pessimistic and said that the average life expectancy for an autistic person is 36 years old.
>40% of autistic men are virgins
That's surprising. I thought that number would be above 50 percent at the very least.


>I thought that number would be above 50 percent at the very least.
In reality, it probably is, but the study factors in snowflakes and attention whores who aren't really autistic, they just got the diagnosis.


Im really happy that theres no treatment for autism, it means i can neetbux and not be expected to improve


based leech, all anti-autism in this thread makes me sick


>Be too autistic to work
>Be so high-functioning that the lizards who control the NEETbux won't give you any because "You can work!"

On an unrelated topic, how many stories would I have to fall from to die?


Not everyone, autism or otherwise, can get on neetbux.
Even if neetbux is technically available as an option for an autist, he might still get fucked over because whoever made the decision to deny him neetbux was in a bad mood that day, or some other shitty reason.
It's self-hatred. And for good reason.
>Be so high-functioning that the lizards who control the NEETbux won't give you any because "You can work!"
You have to convince them that you can't work, even though a normalfag might think otherwise at a glance.
See if you can get help from a lawyer or something.
>On an unrelated topic, how many stories would I have to fall from to die?
>Stone states that jumping from 150 feet (46 metres) or higher on land, and 250 feet (76 metres) or more on water, is 95% to 98% fatal. 150 feet/46 metres, equates to roughly 10 to 15 stories in a building, depending on the height of one story.


>the lizards who control the NEETbux won't give you any because "You can work!"
They must have some clearly defined criteria, do you know what they are?


But u can work, u just need a supporting environment ;).


>They must have some clearly defined criteria
Of course they don't. Neurotypicals thrive on putting others (especially those who they see as beneath themselves) through vague and invisible hoops to jump through and not even telling them that there are even hoops there let alone where they are


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Any other autistic anons use Buddhism to cope with their disability? The end goal of Buddhism is to liberate one self from suffering and autism causes a great deal of suffering therefore it is logical to become a devout Buddhist if you suffer from this condition. I have read several books about Buddhism and meditate for 2-6 hours a day since I am unemployed. I also suffer from C-PTSD and intermittent explosive disorder so being a Buddhist is of the utmost importance.


I used to before I turned to Christ. My favorite resource before I switched sides was this:



I am autist but nothing like NEETbux or similar even exist in My country


Best bet would be to see a psychiatrist. Just keep in mind some of them are quacks with an agenda to either over- or under-diagnose.


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>85~90% of high functioning autistic adults with uni degrees are unemployed, vs the neurotypical unemployment rate of 5% and Down Syndrome unemployment rate of 50%.
>The suicide rate of ASD people is 15x the general population's.
>Only a minority of ASD people (especially men) will ever even have one relationship and the divorce rate of marriages in which one partner is neurotypical and the other is autistic is 80%.
>90% of autistic kids get bullied in school and one study found that 63% of all bullied kids were autistic, Well I mean. low functioning autists are obviously not going to do well either. Except when you are high functioning you have enough intellect to be painfully aware of all the ways you are falling short and the shit state of your life etc.


Disturbing how even literal downies have a better chance at getting a job…



im 32 and pretty high functioning but ive lost half a dozen jobs this year. i only walked out on one because it was so shit. another i dropped the role but they said they'd put me in a different position then it never happened. i did have one sort of ok job (it paid well atleast) but they fired me without any stated reason.


yep, and there's retards on here who think you can be just as happy as normals being autistic


>bazillions of "resources" for autistic children
>nothing for autistic adults


I want to express my respect for the posters in this thread. Throughout my life, I’ve felt like a broken alien stranded on a foreign planet. I’ve always known I was different, but it’s only as an adult that I’ve gained any real self-awareness. Now, I understand the many downsides of autism—traits that often overlap with other communities. You’d think discussions like this would be common in those spaces, but I’ve only found them here.

To engage in a thread like this, you need to exist in a “Goldilocks zone” of the autism spectrum. If you’re too autistic, you may lack the self-insight to relate. If you’re not autistic enough, you might not feel the need to be here at all. The people here seem to be self-aware adults who “look normal” but struggle—or feel overwhelmed—by everyday life. Because so much of this comes down to mental processing (informational, psychological, social), there’s often no obvious behavioral difference to signal dysfunction. As a result, many of us seem to fall through the cracks.

Honestly, I think the best we can hope for is someone in a social welfare system taking pity on us and helping us secure support. When I reflect on what I have in life, it all stems from others giving me opportunities or resources because I got lucky. I feel deeply grateful for that support, but also terrified, knowing I couldn’t survive without it.


thank you for this kind post wizzie
it really comes down to everything taking more effort, and no one recognizes this because you don't have it written on your forehead
not saying life's easy for normies, just that neurodivergent people face additional challenges on every step


Looking in this thread, yeah this whole world is a shitshow for autists. Currently living in one of those hicktown sisterfucker towns that despite being autist because I have a body that isn't broken and that I can breathe I can't get NEETbux so I'm stuck with getting shit jobs that take all of my energy, patience, and sanity. Worst part is i can't move as it's way too damn expensive. Fuck this ride, I want to get off.


Also I hate that shows like "Love on the Spectrum" exist on shit like Netflix. It serves to give autists false hope and normies some wholesome porn to metaphorically jack-off to. It's asinine in every way.


I already tried a lawyer, they gave up on me as soon as the judge said "Nope, actually you can work!"


There's a structural problem with being autistic that makes you want to avoid anything that requires spontaneous precise physical action, because in order to learn anything that requires fine motoric skills an autist needs like 10 X the time and dozens of multiple repetitions before he can realize the motions even remotely as good as a normal person can after first two tries. The experience of this is what made me gave up about life mostly. I have extreme trouble learning things that require precise movement including video games but especially things like handicraft and crafting and art. This circumstance prevented me from even trying to live a decent life because it's too much effort and humiliation and feelings of lacking and shortcomings. Easier to take drugs like Kratom, weed alcohol and cope with pessimism and suicidal ideation, those things never disappointed me.

>go to a first aid course

>have to do some actions in front of a group
>everyone else pretty much gets it first try
>have to do some kind of bandage with a partner
>don't understand what the person showed us
>everyone gets it done easily
>make some retarded knot and have no idea how to do it the right way
>I got skipped as they understood that I'm a hopeless cause, get certificate out of pity

Never doing such an event again. That's how it has been with everything that requires such motoric, coordinative, spatial skills. It's embarrassing and crushing to see how I fail at such simple tasks that others do not even need to think about. And don't get me started about the social aspect of it all it's too much.


>>go to a first aid course
If you made it that far, you're not autistic.


I was forced to go there. Also if you would carefully have read this thread you could have deducted that one of the worst fates is high functioning autism. There are people on the spectrum having a driving licence and actually can drive. In my country you need a first aid course to get the licence which is what I was doing. That is no reason to not be autistic. But I guess such statements would only be uttered by people not on the spectrum themselves.


most autists in the west survive on NEETbux, but what about thirdie autists?


am trapped in a low wage security job for life because I clearly have autism, ADHD, and severe depression. None of these things can be cured and the security job is the only job I can handle with my intellectual limits. I even went to college but I got a worthless bachelors degree and it never helped with finding a normal job or advanced career. I am 30 and I have been working in low wage work since I was 23. It is over at this point and I have come to accept that.
Low wage jobs do not just suck because of the low wages but also the social stigma. People will treat you like shit if you work in a low wage job. I live in the USA


>but what about thirdie autists?
They live with their parents until either they die or their parents die.
If they're lucky, their parents convince a sibling or some other relative to take care of them after they die.


I expected they would sell veggies/fruits on the streets


I wear a mask at work, but it's actually exhausting and on my time off I'm always depressed. I got certified to work in a sort of entry level healthcare related field. It's "in demand" but still has all the issues of general job hunting anyway. Robo-rejections, ghost apps, interviewers who forget your interview time and don't call. So much fucking bullshit.

If housing and basic food/internet were guaranteed, I wouldn't even bother working.


Do any other autismos ITT struggle with sleep issues? For me, it's not so much the autism itself that holds me back—it's the lack of regular, consistent sleep. Without proper sleep, mental functioning takes a hit, and physical recovery becomes so much harder.

Every job demands a consistent schedule, but my sleep disturbances are unpredictable, which makes it impossible to stick to one. When I don't sleep well, everything falls apart: my mood tanks, my motivation disappears, and I feel like I can't accomplish anything.

Just end it right now…


When the autism gets going, the going gets hard


true, guess i just have to live with it.


>autism being the ultimate blackpill
pretty much. statistics bare this out, if you're a male autist you have a 20% chance at best of finding a partner (not a problem for a volcel), immense difficulty with maintaining a job and will probably die at 50 from your body being destroyed by high cortisol levels throughout your life.
autism is the mark of the devil and your life is going to be hellish in some ways


Yes, all of that.I can't tell whether the stress causes the lack of sleep, or the lack of sleep causes everything itself. It's a vicious spiral of sorts i suppose


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>customer-facing jobs of any kind (social interaction)
>handling change, especially while under pressure (especially if dyscalculia is present)
I don't think so. And where would the fruits/veggies come from?


I love Wizchan because nobody on other image boards makes posts like this relating to specific issues of autism. Yes, you're absolutely right, this has been my experience as well in regards to motor skills. I've taken dancing lessons, and I was so bad compared to everyone else. There was no long-term improvement either, copying the movements of the instructor stayed as difficult as at the beginning

>This circumstance prevented me from even trying to live a decent life because it's too much effort and humiliation and feelings of lacking and shortcoming



>I love Wizchan because nobody on other image boards makes posts like this relating to specific issues of autism.
On almost any other anonymous imageboard, you'd be dogpiled and made fun of relentlessly. That is not to say that you get asspats and participation awards here, not that its even wanted, its just that the dogpiling doesn't happen immediately.
>I've taken dancing lessons, and I was so bad compared to everyone else.
And at no point did it ever occur to the instructor(s) to give you extra one-on-one instructions, im sure. Lots of effort for not much reward, and no time because theres dozens of other students to instruct.


I don't think the issue is dogpiling myself, it just seems that the people here are more knowledgeable about autism or are just willing to speak about it more openly

>And at no point did it ever occur to the instructor(s) to give you extra one-on-one instructions, im sure

I've got no problem with the instructor, she did give me extra help at times as she did to everybody. She just didn't do it constantly. I suppose she realized that I'm just not good at dancing and didn't want to embarrass me. It would've been even worse in terms of embarrassment to be constantly singled out. Even without it I dreaded the lessons and wanted to quit


Am i going to have a seziure someday because i keep getting overstimulated going to stressfuk overstimulating places?


tension, it builds up and no idea how and where to release it


Could lead to some sort of breakdown. It took until my 30s that i suddenly had a new type of anxiety where i just couldnt stop shaking or sleep for days until i went to a doctor and got sedatives


Everyone who ends up a 25+ year old male virgin is pretty much guaranteed to be high on the autism spectrum.

Normie spaces will sniff out and ban autists that are their unfiltered selves with no masking.

Doesn't really leave many discussion spaces except Reddit (even there, only specific subs) and a few obscure imageboards like this.


Important question here: does the autism get stronger with age? As in the behavioural patterns and typical symptoms become increasingly more obvious? To me it seems this way. And since at some point the energy and will to fight against it and try to suppress the traits fades out you just kind of regress even more. Feels like I'm not far from moving to a stationary home because I just can't deal with things anymore at all.


I'd say so. There are things now that i absolutely can't deal with that weren't problems at all when i was a child.


Being on the spectrum is bad enough, add being ugly as fuck to that and you're pretty much just stealing oxygen on this planet. Absolutely no one will tolerate your presence and normies will bully you away from any job. it's a hellish existence, especially if you live in a country where gettiing neetbux is not easy.


>normies will bully you away from any job
That is, if they can even land a job in the first place.


Any autist in a group home


Make sure you block out ALL sunlight and other lights if you want quality sleep.


I have to turn off my computer completely, even so that my monitor's "on" light doesn't blink to get good sleep.

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