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Displaying 23 expired threads from the past 1 month

Post #Snippet 
295825 need 2 share musings I need to share a set of deeply\tightly connected musings: atheism, antis*x+antinatalism, and "reality shifting", misanthropist and mortality\dying. [View]
295753 Why does the most merciful god allow the most disgusting cursed species of the earth to burn innocent children alive and tear their bodies apart? I understand that these kids are going to heaven, but isn't this a very difficult test?[View]
295692Filth Does anyone here by choice or by disability, live in FILTHY conditions?I mean to say: beyond those clean-up tv shows and straight Biohazard levels. [View]
295534Wiz Genetics to begin with. Gentlemen, it's completely done for me. At the age of 21, it's done for my cock. It's ruining my fantasy life. I have been so stressed out from work and studying that no longer does my dick feel alive. I can't get an erection using my imagination, for past 4 months I have had no morning wood, even if at this point some miracle was about to happen I would still stay a vir[View]
295523 Real succubi are such fucking disappointments. they don't care about getting choked by a tall guy with broad shoulders. They just wanna get money and attention. Stupid animals.[View]
295420 Isn't the mere existence of consciousness something that should terrify us? Consider these points:[View]
295412thread for wizards who got hurt by other "wizard" I hate it when other wizards talk trash to you, it make me feel like shit. there's no way those who talk trash are wizard, this behavior is of normalfags.[View]
295386 Why did I live like an NPC? In the past I kept having moments of clarity where I felt like I woke up and had the choice how I want my life to go only to go back to wasting time online. You don't need foresight to know that if you don't work towards anything nothing happens. I felt FOMO but for what? Inane chatter online that gets forgotten once its done? Video games: challenges made by others that[View]
295383 I feel complete apathy towards everything and everyone. everything I used to love so dearly now bores me to death. is this what growing up feels like? there is nothing new in life I feel like I want to experience. I feel like I've done everything I've ever given a shit about. nothing excites me anymore. I'm stuck in an endless mental rut. any other wizzies feel the same? I'm gonna have to start wa[View]
295350 There's nothing to do but wait for the day to end. I can't relate to anyone on anything. I don't feel like I'm alive. It's all just a nightmare that won't stop. [View]
295344Dentures I'm in my 30s and I gotta get dentures. Anyone else with fucked teeth? How to you cope manage?[View]
295301How do I fix my brain? I wasted the last years consuming content I don't even care about. [View]
295290 I hate myself a lot and everything I am genetically. I make everything bad for those I care about. I don't want to exist but whenever I think about suicide I either think about making some people sad or making people that dislike me and bullied me happy. I don't want to give them that satisfaction. I just want to die though because I wasn't meant to exist. So how can I simply do it even if this me[View]
295256 What's it like to be an Asian Wiz in the west? In places like San Francisco and others.[View]
295253Got a little too good at isolating myself, now I feel like there is no return When I was a child in school I intentionally made myself as uninteresting as possible because I wanted to reduce the amount of social interactions I would have to get through with others. It worked wonderfully, a little too wonderfully. I now sit here as a fully grown adult and I am completely empty. Completely uninterest[View]
295230Deepening sadness at the current state of affairs Has anyone elses depression progressed to the point it's nearly impossible to enjoy anything created recently?[View]
295205 where is the mercy[View]
295112 I want to rant about a certain succubus -- my 8 year old sister.[View]
294912How do you cope? How do you cope with the suffering in this hell called life? Do you drink? Take drugs? Do you have hobbies?[View]
294473Pattern Recognition Central What do you think is their plan with recents studies and articles showcasing the way men are starting to approach succubi less? Besides obviously adding fuel to the fire to the gender war between normalniggers, how far does it go? Is monkeypox involved in all of this? Creating awareness of single men at the same time a sexually transmited disease appears? Set things up t[View]
293673 You know, I've been thinking a lot about life and I finally realized something. I finally realized something after so many years of living. When I was 14 or 15, I believed that I would succeed in life, that I would soon become an adult and be able to do something in life. When I was young, I tried to find a job and learn something, but I just hit a wall. By the way, everyone humiliated me at schoo[View]
293082 Hey Wizards![View]
292745 >23[View]