Japan is over, yes, but not altogether so, and accordingly, to put that struggling remain out of its strangled misery, it is only best to deliver a swifter and faster death, lest it survives and transforms into a resisting bastardized amorphus blob, a shell of its former self, a willing carrier of disease, a thing which anyway will surely rapidly die… but not before taking the salvageable with it following a repulsive reign it will construct where flagellating all its prior merit will be commonplace. Yes, a faster death is better. Letting it live in a direction which normalizes shit is no good.
Accelerationism is an interesting policy.
Owing to natural phenomena, once everything resets and returns to nothing, the ensuing reconstruction will again recreate divisions of 'Good' and 'Bad' with the former of greater strength than the latter, more plentiful, allowing for a period of repose, until again the refuse is large enough that circumstances call for another reset.
All cabals in the world, all conspiracies, all machinations, all malevolency and good, creation entirely, from plant to insect to dog to man, good, bad, operates with that policy in mind, pushing for their own respective time of victory, and Japan's period must once more arrive, 62,530 days after Perry forced them to open up.
In the other thread, I'm sure you're the Penguindrum poster, yes? the show is good. Nothing like it 14 years later. It was especially interesting before Kanba's fallout.
The central theme in the whole thing is a merciless unveiling of the inability to truly overcome fate. Everyone was playing to the seductive tune of Sanetoshi Watase, even he himself. Bittersweet was not the ending, it was horrifying. Unlike Madoka, even if Kyubey always wins, the succubi can at least evade misfortune, but not so here. Actually, I wonder how that'll go in the next movie. Maybe it'll be worse for them, and Homura's rouse will collapse inward into itself, and as she despairs and weeps with no way to fix, Kyubey will be off with that Cheshire grin of his, a fresh pile of misery behind him.
But Urobuchi's a pretty happy guy these days, and after 2014, I think some ban was placed on animated media suggesting depressing themes. The stuff that's bleak is consigned to literary mediums now.
Kunihiko Ikuhara is 60 year
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