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Anime is dead. The new anime coming out is trash, rewatching old anime gets tiring and some old anime doesn't age well like tominos side projects or gets lost in time.

The otaku identity is now pink and blue tranny rooms on YouTube full of $5000 spent on first result in google anime merch of the latest seasonalslop poser anime like jjk,mha,nagatoro, uzaki-chan,my dress up darling. The "otaku" these days don't even know who is aura battler dunbine or ideon.

Anime and Japan also lost a lot of its "power" so to say in the way of mysticism/ nerd cred. Initially being viewed as a high quality nation with #1 schooling in the world it's now cheap commericial touristwank. The politicians are all now pozzed centrists payed off by the West instead of based hard right wing. The average Japanese teen nowadays prefers McDonald's over sushi. It's truly over.
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I want to be into anime again but I am being gatekept by the undying spectre of bidenflation. Same goes for virtually every hobby. Even old paperback books have more than doubled in price compared to five years ago and crackheads have stolen all the decent books from the library.


both are worse versions than their oiginal adaptations



no need to spend a penny


people pay for anime? what?


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 No.31035[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What was the most disappointing anime you have ever watched? For me personally, it was Sailor Moon Crystal. I'm a big Sailor Moon fan and I was pumped for the new series to come out, even though it kept getting delayed I didn't care, I just wanted to feel the magic I felt watching the series for the first time again. But when the show aired in the summer of 2014 i was met with a show with extremely sloppy animation, poor writing and really just an underwhelming vibe to it. It was just such a gut punch to see my favorite show get treated with such a mishandled and mediocre retelling.
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Why so many anime can't stick the landing?!?


I swear the anime was just a really expensive ad for the manga.
Because it didn't even try to have a complete story arc at all.


Most anime are.


Most anime aim to be adaptations.
A complete story in a new medium.
Claymore was not a complete story.
It was just a introduction of the world and characters.


Is SOLO LEVELLING allowed here? It's technically a south korean source but the anime is made by jap studios.

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ITT post your anime figures collection(Pop Up Parade, Nendoroid, figma, Gunpla….)
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She is cute, she is FLUFFY!



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a photo before i sell them


why do you sell them?


only haruhi can fill my needs


everyone thinks japanese people aren't racists and will be alright with foreigners if they respect japan. but this video shows the contrary: japanese people are like the rest of human, they know what racism is and they are also racists
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it's not that I hate foreigners but I feel embarassed when foreigners practice their culture in another country. (but I have no problem if they parcticed their culture at home/private space)


why don't you move back to Japan? I can see you have nostalgia for it


I can't, thank you for asking


wanted for murder, are we?


I'm a serial hebe killer

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 No.26161[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is getting a dakimakura body pillow with an anime character on it sad? Pic related.
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I m glad mine are understanding enough. Like, I know they are disappointing that their son is a fucking failure and probably will never amount to nothing, but according to them, at least I m not going doing drugs or shoplifting.
Probably looks weird because of the camera angle.




Indeed. I love my dakis so much. Probably one of the few things I m still able to enjoy these days.


who is she? she's super cute.


barbie dolls are a better choice for masturbation, because they are cheaper and much more durable.
In that case, the ideal would be to buy more detailed anime figures.

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What are you watching?
What have you finished?

Thoughts, feelings, reviews.

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Your boss is an idiot and your subordinates are children; the anime.

Honestly I took a lot of life lessons from this


I finished vampire hunter D. It was a 10/10 even if charlotte should have lived but I still tell myself she's alive, it's more romantic it's kino animation like that that makes me want to watch more anime


That spoiler kek.
She's 500% gone.


lel I know


Watching Inuyasha blind. It's a big departure genre-wise from UY or Ranma. It kind of feels like a Touhou anime based on the setting and premise. The protagonist is rather like Sanae. The credits theme even sounds like a track from PCB or at least it does to my ears. Not sure why it gets discussed so infrequently.

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In this thread we say we love our waifus.

Today is Lynne-chan's birthday! She hopes everyone is doing their best!

Last thread from 2017 >>>/jp/22727
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i feel bad for you
maybe take OCD medication
also this


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waifuists always say that waifu chooses you, but what's the real criteria to determine that? even i said it in the past but i don't think i grasped the deeper significance of it, so i'm asking those more insightful than me.

also, what if multiple waifus choose you? is that a thing as well? is there such a thing as a waifu chad? obviously harems are for failed normalfag otakus, but i'm curious.


I still remember that guy who got a demonic waifu after ejaculating too much with her subsequent tulpa.

You might not need to quit if you can still save your mana while forcibly fapping to whatever the situation brings to you. As if a challenge against the mind itself, of course you couldn't afford to cum. It'd be kinda "taming the inner succubus".

What's the difference between that and 3dpd? Because you will not feel humilliated after releasing if it's just a picture?

What if you were inside some simulation and a real succubus had adopted such appearance while not role playing at all? Would you still feel safe wanking to 2d?


first of all, i don't fap to my waifu anymore. i tried it for a while because some retard here said that fapping to pure 2d maidens doesn't result in any mana loss like fapping to 3dpd does, but my experience was that it did just the same so that's why i quit fapping for good. and yeah i know i'm a retard as well for having even entertained the idea. my fapping then was directed towards a being outside this world that could not actualize within it, not towards 3dpd. that's the difference between "2d" (should be 4d because she's a being transcending the 3d world) and 3dpd.

>What's the difference between that and 3dpd? Because you will not feel humilliated after releasing if it's just a picture?

it's not about not feeling humiliated after fapping to one or the other but about turning your back to 3d and towards something which is eternal and truly beautiful. besides, i think it's not merely about one's own individual decision to do that but that it's also a calling, like a sort of telepathy, that's why i asked those questions to get an answer from a wiser wizard.

>What if you were inside some simulation and a real succubus had adopted such appearance while not role playing at all?

that appearance within the game would be the avatar of a 3d succ, whereas anime succubi are the avatars of beings beyond 3d. (our physical bodies here are also avatars as well because consciousness itself is external to and independent of the 3d world.)


Mine is WARABI

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This underground manga I've come across in the internet archives really deserves to read , it just made up my day it feel like a summer fever dream , there are a few communities but not much . I thought this shit was made in 2009ish but it was 2013 , anyways atleast the protagonist isn't a pussy and it puts u directly into the story , short manga i finished this in like 5hr . It has a great hook ngl specially the art style .
Deserves to read lol


After 2020s I never be an smartphone addicted, but COVID fuck my mental health more economy issues at home and I become in and smartphone addicted, I try and try to beat this addiction but society force me to use this shit, thank to good I can beat this addiction and now I hate smartphones, I hate apps, I hate Smartphones aspect ratio, you can't see porn in this days without see the smartphones aspect ratio.
I like Japan because this country don't like changes and they used to prefer classic flip phones, Japaneses still making porn in 16:9 aspect ratio.
But in this last years Gen Z in japan Is embracing smartphones, and all I love from Japan will be loose.
Sorry bad English bros, just want to tell my history fuck smartphones, learn to use a real computer, I use Arch BTW
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>I like Japan because this country don't like changes and they used to prefer classic flip phones
But that's not true. You only see flip phone usage in anime that itself is based of manga set before or early in to smartphone adoption, or you're looking at pictures of children who are given rudimentary cheap fliphones until they enter middle school
>I use Arch BTW
That correlates well with your porn addiction.

Most disregardable blackpill post of the week so far. Good use of the Zoomer boogeyman as a vehicle for your misanthropy


There's no blackpill. I'm a bleeding heart, a lover of my interests, just as you and anyone else. Why the misanthropy? I love Japan too.
What differentiates us is the fact that I've lived there, indeed live here presently, Fukuoka prefecture, and have been in and off the country at large for over 7 years now, giving me an understanding of the approaching event horizon.

The sustainment of its culture and its foundation rests on an establishment too thoroughly intertwined with the support of its aging male population; those old men whose youth has been exhausted, whose predilections are, by and large, globally looked upon with reproach, whose communal support of and with one another is dependent on a network accessible only to them, and whose time has past. Once they're cut, it's game over.

You think Nagaru Tanigawa's gonna finish Haruhi? or Nasu will be ready to create something else for Type Moon? or 47 year old ZUN the likes of which speaks about Touhou's end. Really? These men with families entering their 50s or 60s have had enough, and their protégé are soon following, retiring to a halcyon life as their country spins a new tale. Who even buys anything except for those old men, of clear heart, wanting for more so they refrain from pirating.

Z-kun doesn't care for that, in all parts of the world.

Just as Takao Saito died, Akira Toriyama died, Kentaro Miura died, the remaining old guard will collapse, and thereafter nothing similar shall beget, for today's stage is a globalist type, and none no longer possess the steely mind necessary to resist its flare as they chase for money unavailable in their shamble of an economy.

Passion is dead, Z-kun exhibiting it still lesser somehow.

That's why high school settings are being banned. That's why 'underage' depictions are being annihilated. That's why anything libertine is being equated to things licentious and grossly perverted. That's why gore is rampant, because it's better to show a man being shot sixty times than seeing a flash of panties.

I always feel a stab of guilt when I read a JP comment and they complaining that creators they've always been following have begun lessening the intensity of their content to appear agreeable in western -in your- eyes, and express a powerless dismay against this. Just a mellow feeling
"It can't be hPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


so japan is over and the fatest it dies the better, am I right?


Japan is over, yes, but not altogether so, and accordingly, to put that struggling remain out of its strangled misery, it is only best to deliver a swifter and faster death, lest it survives and transforms into a resisting bastardized amorphus blob, a shell of its former self, a willing carrier of disease, a thing which anyway will surely rapidly die… but not before taking the salvageable with it following a repulsive reign it will construct where flagellating all its prior merit will be commonplace. Yes, a faster death is better. Letting it live in a direction which normalizes shit is no good.

Accelerationism is an interesting policy.

Owing to natural phenomena, once everything resets and returns to nothing, the ensuing reconstruction will again recreate divisions of 'Good' and 'Bad' with the former of greater strength than the latter, more plentiful, allowing for a period of repose, until again the refuse is large enough that circumstances call for another reset.

All cabals in the world, all conspiracies, all machinations, all malevolency and good, creation entirely, from plant to insect to dog to man, good, bad, operates with that policy in mind, pushing for their own respective time of victory, and Japan's period must once more arrive, 62,530 days after Perry forced them to open up.

In the other thread, I'm sure you're the Penguindrum poster, yes? the show is good. Nothing like it 14 years later. It was especially interesting before Kanba's fallout.
The central theme in the whole thing is a merciless unveiling of the inability to truly overcome fate. Everyone was playing to the seductive tune of Sanetoshi Watase, even he himself. Bittersweet was not the ending, it was horrifying. Unlike Madoka, even if Kyubey always wins, the succubi can at least evade misfortune, but not so here. Actually, I wonder how that'll go in the next movie. Maybe it'll be worse for them, and Homura's rouse will collapse inward into itself, and as she despairs and weeps with no way to fix, Kyubey will be off with that Cheshire grin of his, a fresh pile of misery behind him.

But Urobuchi's a pretty happy guy these days, and after 2014, I think some ban was placed on animated media suggesting depressing themes. The stuff that's bleak is consigned to literary mediums now.

Kunihiko Ikuhara is 60 yearPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>I'm sure you're the Penguindrum poster, yes?
yes I am. you're pretty clever. apparently the movie don't add so much to the story. thats what I read on internet

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Kawahara lamented, that while TIS and AO and other such titles scattered across his notes now lost to digital enclaves were the works he put more passion into, and whose collective worldviews he admitted were of greater personal interest to him, SAO instead would be the only project to take of, one that eventually would also even garner global recognition! … A fact he just couldn't understand but would nevertheless be obliged to roll with under the duress and blackmailing of editor Miku, now a comfortably rich CEO and a robust family man who profited off the gamble, fattening his pockets, while he -Kawahara- remains yet infinitely busy, lost to labor for mysterious cabals; indeed, it is no surprise the man in his 50s can't write much anymore, even if he wants to.
Yes, for SAO, it was (and still is) an immense success… one so certain in its enormity, that it again would lead to the author's lament, a strangulation, a discomforting palpation that would disease the source novel volume 18 onwards.
This begun following an interview somewhere in the states and elsewhere where questions of why SAO had 'rape, and so much cruelty' 'why can't you give the succubi more agency!?' were brought up, flying left and right, many a prompt of this sort… Kawahara's hands were after this instantly tied, so clearly evident by the response he gave: "these will be fixed.".
There can be no doubt about it: those questions being brought up over such a huge audience created a butterfly effect too strong. Editor Miki would not overlook it. He did not overlook it. Fate for this would would alter.
…And so, the intensity of SAO would thereafter dim, its antagonistic element reduced always to something 'acceptable'. Worse yet, Kirito would now be artificially directed to forever project a family friendly atmosphere at all times… he never again will break past the yoke of 'good' disposition.
Not long after, the time-keeper would throw his watch, and now finally, with SAOP9, SAO has injected homosexual gay characters into its cannon. Leyshren Zed Yofilis head first, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Goblin Slayer Volume 10. LN. Has its own manga counterpart probably adapting the arc. Written post-anime, around its peak.
Had to stop the JP side, in fact the whole world after overseas examination especially, from conflating blacks -> goblins. This is the appeal to them.
It's not the whole thing, but here's an excerpt from ch1 and ch2 regarding the character in question, Sister grape. Two pics of her as well.


…there was no blaming Goblin Slayer for his low murmur.
This succubus had skin as dark as a well-sunned grape (illustration shows she's just black), and luxurious black hair flowed from under her cap. Add to that her eyes, green as a pair of emeralds, and it was clear this succubus was not from around here. She was human, yes, but humans came in many types. She was most likely one of those people who had wandered up past the southern mountains…

Character's called Sister grape btw. Token blackie for the world.
At a later chapter, this would transpire-

Ch2: ghouls & ghosts

“Eh, seems nothing has actually happened yet,” Sister Grape had admitted with an embarrassed smile. “It just worries a person, having goblins skulking around.”
“I agree,” Goblin Slayer had replied. “I agree completely.”
The problems started after that.
It wasn’t clear who had said it first, or why. But whispers began in town, at the taverns, even in the dark corners of the Guild.
“Think that nun (<- sister grape ) is a goblin’s spawn?” they asked.
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damn Im glad I stopped reading and buying GS manga. at first I was angry they stopped to show succubi being raped by goblins and now they put DEI in the story.
For SAO, it was shit season 1 because when asuka had sex with kirito it (SAO) jumped the shark


Hey, nice, I'm still up anon, so I'll respond.
I stopped GS for the exact same reason, and I considered it a great loss because the volume just before the DEI one was actually Goblin Slayer at its best. Of course, I quickly stopped caring and just deleted it off my library, since that's the privilege of a market with a thousand other options.
Also, even though SAO might've jumped the shark, the worst thing is-any potential it might've had to become something _better_ after the fact, however slim, was destroyed.
I read the novel. Waste of time. There's a gay shitty character with a sob background exactly as in OP for the 9th work in the prequel spinoff, a completely unnecessary background that retroactively destroyed anything decent this guy might've had and done.

Anyway, that aside, and for something better, there's another manga you can purchase and read ( it's truly good, and genuinely satisfied me ) if you want Goblin Slayer but basically better, fully uncensored. I'll drop a link and name if you're interested.
It's part of the very, very, very limited manga I purchase.
I've ended up so thoroughly selective of what I read now to the point I run hours and days even weeks of examination on the everything to do with X work I'll be reading.


Addendum: SAO masturbates Asuna too much as well, pushing her positions of extreme always assured significance, or else her crew of friends, in lieu of 'destroying the image of standard heroines', consequently reducing Kirito to nothing more and outside an instrument who just saves the day as his presence need still somehow be necessary; he's someone whose truly empty outside existing in the framework his archetype permeates. It's sad.
After the first 1/3rd of Alicization, everything that made him potentially human, humane, was destroyed. The friendship with Eugeo was nice, but alas.
Even putting that aside, and the latest volume of progressive, it (the spinoff) feels truly useless after the 3rd book.
I made myself read too much of this for nothing.

Then again, this work seems to have an unusual amount of female fans, the illustrator is drawing gay looking shit, has been doing so since inception, so they're just catering to where the money flows, and I can't bring myself to give a shit for what a female audience is interested in anyway.


>I'll drop a link and name if you're interested.
I am, drop the link and the title please

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