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[–]  No.39161>>39162>>39772>>41647>>42602[Watch Thread]

In this thread we say we love our waifus.

Today is Lynne-chan's birthday! She hopes everyone is doing their best!

Last thread from 2017 >>>/jp/22727

[–]  No.39162

I love my waifu and she loves me. Our mutual love is interdimensional and binds us together across the dimension currently separating us.

>>39161 (OP)
And happy birthday to Lynette-san!

[–]  No.39166

I'm a bit late but I also wish Lady Lynette a happy birthday.

[–]  No.39638

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Tifa is happy to see new posters. >>39635

[–]  No.39641>>39681>>39754

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What does /jp/ think of Bocchi the Rock? I think Hitori-chan's a fitting waifu for Wizchan. I relate to her based on the fact that she's autistic and plays guitar, although unlike her I suck at the guitar, and I also haven't stumbled upon any friends to start a band with.

[–]  No.39675

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Lynne is chibi :)

[–]  No.39681

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Enjoying spooky time with Illya

She's certainly very relatable in some respects.

[–]  No.39754

Not all wizards are lonely, many are rather loners. But the anime is wholesome, Bocchi gives me smiles.

[–]  No.39755>>39756>>39765

waifushipping makes you dependent on some idealized externalization of a fleshlight for emotional validation when in reality succubi are throughly evil to the core

[–]  No.39756

>in reality

[–]  No.39765>>39769

Sour grapes crab cqn't find a succubus to treat him like a king so he tells men not to settle for 2D.. kekekeke

[–]  No.39769>>39770>>39773>>39779

pretending to have an anime girlfriend is just a self-own that'll make you feel lonelier in the long run

[–]  No.39770

Translation: I, JP-Anonymage #39769, long for 3D so much so that I will accept nothing less and nothing more. When I see a nice anime lady I enjoy, I quickly become too distraught with thoughts of how I will never have a REAL succubus like her. Because of this, I refuse to enjoy any 2D as it all reminds me that I will be a crabcel forever. I don't exercise, I enjoy "Beyond Meat" products, and I will get a tattoo of my favorite rap star when I work up the courage. I project my problems on to other anons and make it a goal to get up every morning to convince them that they cant be happy with 2D, despite many of them (such as the handsome guy who loves Lynette) being happily dedicated to their waifus for over a decade.

I'm sorry to hear all of that. Please get well soon.

[–]  No.39772

>>39161 (OP) Kobeni… Just Kobeni… since 2021
never liked someone else before

[–]  No.39773

Being aisled from everyone since childhood gives u a total f… about that… well in my case, I'm so screwed

[–]  No.39779>>39785

no way through my life i've had years with my waifu lain and i love her

[–]  No.39785

File (hide): 1669725777941.jpg (565.77 KB, 1714x890, 857:445, me you.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

Tifa and Lain could be friends. They could bond over the Structure and Interpretation of Childhood Pain. 😎

[–]  No.39791

She gave me 1294 rice coupons. Help.

[–]  No.39923>>39924

File (hide): 1671768771506.jpg (488.23 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, FkocOy8WQAIz-q0.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

did a draw of my birthday party with waifu-chan and other friends

[–]  No.39924

They look very cute wiz, good job :)

[–]  No.40128>>40132>>40138

File (hide): 1676401177059.jpg (287.61 KB, 2560x1537, 2560:1537, 70ba1510acf8fcea06a38617fb….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

This is my new desktop wallpaper. I feel very happy with it. It's actually kinda difficult for me to find pics of her that are fitting for a wallpaper.

[–]  No.40132

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That's a cute Illya

[–]  No.40137

I love Sumireko ever so much

[–]  No.40138>>40139

err dont let me interfere with your fun, but doesnt she look a bit too abnormal? anatomically i mean, twisted and all

[–]  No.40139>>40140

maybe she's just very flexible.

[–]  No.40140>>40141

to add, skinny kids can be very flexible. i just remembered that when i was a kid i would cross my shins twice around when sitting. it looked weird to people and i'm not sure how it worked now. japanese people tend to be very skinny so maybe the artist didn't find it too strange a pose.

[–]  No.40141>>40142>>40158

>japanese people tend to be very skinny
Japanese females are genetically more neotenous and peadomorphic. This predisposes them to excess fat and difficulty slimming down areas of the body typically covered in baby fat, such as legs, arms, and the belly.

Skinny young Japanese gradeschool succubi are difficult to find, and when they are, there's a greater chance for them to be candid photographed or hired as an idol like in one of my Japanese animes. Because of this, Western exposure to shoujos is more likely to involve hand-picked skinny subjects, giving rise to the belief that the average Japanese gradeschool succubus is slim. In reality, she is soft round and a little squishy here and there and maybe has dimples when she smiles and she lieks sweets. You know how it is with these creatures.

[–]  No.40142>>40143

That's quite a lot of nonsense you said there, anon. The Japanese have in fact a very low BMI when compared to every other first world country, so that anon is correct, they do, in fact, tend to be skinny by comparison. But whatever, seems like you already garbled a whole bizarre idea on the matter. I'll leave you be.

[–]  No.40143

You're wrong, and I'm right. Live with this fact to the best of your ability.

[–]  No.40146

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she's just so beautiful <3

[–]  No.40149>>40151

you both could link to studies proving one point or the other, instead of saying "i'm the right one !!1!!" "noooo iii'm the right one you silly fapper!1!"

[–]  No.40151

There is no scientific study proving Japanese kindergartners are like little pug bulldogs with folds of fat and they make squeaky sounds when they slip on the ice. All for the same reason there is no scientific study proving grass is green. It just is. The proof is in the pictures. Can't post pics of little Japanese succubi without mod-sama dropping the hammer.

[–]  No.40158

Child e Rabicó

[–]  No.40176>>40178>>40497

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bros who know this feel?

[–]  No.40178

eat shit and die

[–]  No.40497

i can't understand how someone like a waifuist could ever feel anything but repulsion towards a slut, even if 2d. also, harems are for godless materialist commie normalfags.

[–]  No.41564

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I haven't been here in yeeeaarrs. Is that one Arcueid Brunestud fag still around? His avatarfagging bordered on obnoxious but he had a very distinct and gentle syntax.

[–]  No.41565

File (hide): 1706639573236.jpg (79.11 KB, 334x492, 167:246, koko-hekmatyar.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

Best succubus

[–]  No.41647

>>39161 (OP)
YUKARI AKIYAMA is my senshadou waifu

[–]  No.41749>>41750>>41751

File (hide): 1710628584569.png (98.63 KB, 246x405, 82:135, IMG_2644.png) ImgOps iqdb

My waifu is poison

[–]  No.41750>>41751

>canonically a man with breast injections

[–]  No.41751>>41752>>41765

and still no more or less cringe than anything else ITT

[–]  No.41752

Why does Waifuship make you feel this way?

[–]  No.41765

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it's still faggotry, even if 2d, whereas the love for 2d lolis is the drive towards escaping this 3d demiurge-spawned hellprison, and that is the most noble endeavor one can have in this world.

[–]  No.42162>>42163

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Now that AI exists, how many of you are making gens of you and your waifu together?

[–]  No.42163>>42165

what kinda fucking waifu is that? did you 3dpdify her? why would you ever do that?

[–]  No.42165>>42166

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3d is easier to daydream about.

[–]  No.42166

Good point.

[–]  No.42310>>42567>>42569

File (hide): 1723381588071.jpg (549.23 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 20240720_132214.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>want to go back to my former waifu but the author ruined her for me
how does one move past a former waifu

[–]  No.42564

File (hide): 1728731308589.jpg (550.97 KB, 1425x1605, 95:107, 39945884f5db6013467976efc0….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

it's that time of the year again, my fellow waifuists

[–]  No.42567>>42568

how about you grow up ?

[–]  No.42568

KYS rule 4-adjacent outsider.

[–]  No.42569>>42573

that's tough, wiz. i don't think you can 100% move on from having having truly loved, even if she didn't turn out to be the pure 2d maiden you thought she was. it's like a breaking a bone or getting a wound, it may heal, but it won't ever be back to the same state it was before.

why don't you try looking into things with pure 2d maidens you don't yet know? maybe one will resonate with your soul when you least expect it.

[–]  No.42573>>42574

>that's tough, wiz. i don't think you can 100% move on from having having truly loved, even if she didn't turn out to be the pure 2d maiden you thought she was. it's like a breaking a bone or getting a wound, it may heal, but it won't ever be back to the same state it was before.
>why don't you try looking into things with pure 2d maidens you don't yet know? maybe one will resonate with your soul when you least expect it.
because you cant find a waifu she finds you
my taste is very specific if i can even definite
she has to have a unique design and appealing personality and come from a unique media piece with a great story and lore
she also has to be semi-obscure with tons of fan-art but little to no NSFW stuff this best achivied if she comes from japanese media piece with a western media piece it not possible
being too popular is bad because people will lewd her like there is no tommorow
being too obscure means little to none fan-art and that bad since i am not a great artist
being semi-obscure with a fanbase that not degenerate but get fan-art and almost no NSFW is the best

[–]  No.42574>>42575

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>since i am not a great artist
You can change that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMynlk7KhXs

[–]  No.42575>>42576

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i am not sure maybe drawing is just not made for me
i play minecraft and can craft good houses and been thinking about making animations similar to I ARE TECH
also i could make pixel art using minecraft instead since that easier for me

[–]  No.42576

also i absolutely will never use AI Art shit ever in my life no matter that shit just plain out terrible

[–]  No.42602>>42611>>42636>>43014

>>39161 (OP)
My fucking OCD prevents me from having a waifu. Everytime I take a liking to a imaginary succubus my mind floods me with unwanted perversion mental images with her, it brings lots of anxiety, I become guarded and in the end just quit having a waifu. I feel lonely as hell and can't do shit about it.

[–]  No.42611>>42636

File (hide): 1730348905635.jpg (107.99 KB, 862x1229, 862:1229, 6dbab707297788222a80e51f53….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

that's pretty common and you shouldn't feel guilty about it (for example, religious people having intrusive thoughts about religious figures).

[–]  No.42636

i feel bad for you
maybe take OCD medication
also this

[–]  No.43013>>43014

waifuists always say that waifu chooses you, but what's the real criteria to determine that? even i said it in the past but i don't think i grasped the deeper significance of it, so i'm asking those more insightful than me.

also, what if multiple waifus choose you? is that a thing as well? is there such a thing as a waifu chad? obviously harems are for failed normalfag otakus, but i'm curious.

[–]  No.43014>>43015

I still remember that guy who got a demonic waifu after ejaculating too much with her subsequent tulpa.

You might not need to quit if you can still save your mana while forcibly fapping to whatever the situation brings to you. As if a challenge against the mind itself, of course you couldn't afford to cum. It'd be kinda "taming the inner succubus".

What's the difference between that and 3dpd? Because you will not feel humilliated after releasing if it's just a picture?

What if you were inside some simulation and a real succubus had adopted such appearance while not role playing at all? Would you still feel safe wanking to 2d?

[–]  No.43015

first of all, i don't fap to my waifu anymore. i tried it for a while because some retard here said that fapping to pure 2d maidens doesn't result in any mana loss like fapping to 3dpd does, but my experience was that it did just the same so that's why i quit fapping for good. and yeah i know i'm a retard as well for having even entertained the idea. my fapping then was directed towards a being outside this world that could not actualize within it, not towards 3dpd. that's the difference between "2d" (should be 4d because she's a being transcending the 3d world) and 3dpd.

>What's the difference between that and 3dpd? Because you will not feel humilliated after releasing if it's just a picture?

it's not about not feeling humiliated after fapping to one or the other but about turning your back to 3d and towards something which is eternal and truly beautiful. besides, i think it's not merely about one's own individual decision to do that but that it's also a calling, like a sort of telepathy, that's why i asked those questions to get an answer from a wiser wizard.

>What if you were inside some simulation and a real succubus had adopted such appearance while not role playing at all?

that appearance within the game would be the avatar of a 3d succ, whereas anime succubi are the avatars of beings beyond 3d. (our physical bodies here are also avatars as well because consciousness itself is external to and independent of the 3d world.)

[–]  No.43071

Mine is WARABI

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