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So, is Japan the most wiz country in the world? They have a lot of hikkis, NEETs and virgins there, what some interesting underground wiz related thing from Japan that you know? They only thing I know related to wiz culture is hikkikomoris.
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>10% of the country is REJECTED BY SOCIETY
Fuck off lmao. This romantic fetishization of being a sad wittle NEETy boi has been a disaster for imageboards. The stats are there and they don't lie; Japan isn't harboring anywhere close to 30 million reclusive, sad, unemployed, anime-addicted young men who would get beat up if they dared to go outside.

>Just look at this manga >>42176 on any other country writing or reading this would probably get you in prison the second you tried to do it in public

More baseless assumptions based on your own notions of common sense. No, fiction is still considered fiction in most of the world and reading pornography in public isn't a felony. Can you even cite a law that would be violated by owning this doujin or reading it on the sidewalk?

>yet in Japan is relatively normal to engage with this kind of material

It is fucking not
>I will never forget when I was in surugaya in akiba on the floor full of eroge and the customers were buying those things and the employeers were ordering these massive posters of lewd character as if it was perfectly normal, because there it probably is.
Yeah, it is normal "there" - In one of about three stores that deal in this media, in the one small street dedicated to contain this type of thing, in the one small district where fans of this sort of thing gather. Newsflash, dumbass: Japan has about 3 major comic market conventions each year. Less than a quarter of the works in these conventions is pornographic. A significantly small amount of that hentai is LolisSho. Meanwhile, California alone hosts several competing anime, R34, furry, pony, BSDM, and infantilism fetish conventions each year. Sexual deviancy, degeneracy, and yes even celibacy is celebrated much more in America than in Japan. The USA and other Western nations have "pride parades" for fuck's sake. But is this indicative that these porn addictions, child rape art books, and public fisting sessions are "normal" and "accepted" here? Of course not. Every country has its share of perverts and by all metrics, Japan has a much smaller density of those who engage in the collection of pornographic worksPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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do you have a pdf of hikikomori/outsiders/ otaku in japan?


its already a problem how much media they produces about hikkos
it implants the manifestation into the youth's minds. they will cast the role of hikko upon others or themselves.
>you are what you eat
you should take sun wukong's lesson and assume that you are also what media you consume


I'm a apprentice in a virgin boy website, I am hollow on the inside and I am what I eat:internet


>it implants the manifestation into the youth's minds. they will cast the role of hikko upon others or themselves.
lol wat? That role is bestowed upon outcasts by others whether they like it or not irrespective of what tv says.

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Around 11 years ago I first watched the anime Hyakko and it became my favorite ever. Or close to it. It's the only anime I can remember watching in which I liked every single character. Every episode was entertaining and made me happy to watch. There was never any moment of any episode that felt dull or boring at all; if I started an episode, I wanted to see the whole thing and would take no break to pee or answer the phone or anything!

I loosely remembered that the manga continued where the anime left off, but went on a long hiatus.
I guess the "hiatus" part slipped from my mind. After a depressing turn of life I remembered how much I had loved Hyakko when I saw it over a decade ago. I had so much fun the past few days rewatching the series but after I saw the final episode, I learned that even after all this time, the manga never picked back up.

I feel even worse than I had before I had started rewatching this!
Like some small ray of hope was introduced into my horrible life-situation and was then snuffed out from under me…

I don't know if this belongs on /jp/ or /dep/, I guess. I just have absolutely no where I can talk about this.
Maybe someone else has experienced some kind of similar situation…
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Now I'm exploring my 10-year-old external hard drive that I used to back up anime in ages past. I rewatch something; I vaguely remember it but it's basically brand new to me! But then it's over and I get that familiar empty feeling again, but worse than the first time, because I get reminded of how the story is done forever, nobody cares about it anymore, etc.

The entire hard drive is a melancholy graveyard of sorrowful times that were still better times compared to today.

With anime, I experience a unique depression when I finish something, since I never watch new things. Something I don't experience with games or TV shows:
I'll search 4chan archives and forums in general to see if anyone else likes the anime I just finished, and 99% of ANY mentions of the title are just lists of anime that someone likes. Like I'll just see it mentioned in "stuff I've watched" lists and such. Or one post in a million will have a one-sentence comparison of its story with another anime's story. And of course, the post in question will have no replies or anything else of value.


what anime?


>10-year-old external hard drive
Were you collecting new anime or old classic animes? Cos it was somewhere in the 10s anime became this soulless digitally animated husk of itself.


>waah waah waah, Every discussion about anything must be turned in to one about how new thing is bad and it used to be good before normies/zoomers/iphones ruined it


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This is clearly a nostalgia thread. And everything new does suck immensely.

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After being bullied out of anime for 4 years , I've just got back into the genre, my favorite thing I've watched in this current come back is madoka magica, does anyone have recommendations for animes I should watch next?
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A lot of people unironically like it and no matter how much you dislike it you can't escape how extremely influential it was, so it's worth watching for it's cultural impact that reverberates to this day alone.


you aren't special for being docile and coddled by Semitic, late-Western values and overscience


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Truly we must reject modernity, Science, and their concealing of the true nature of the plight of retard-kin: the oppression of changelings by the race of humanity. So-called "autism" is nothing but the erasure of magical creatures (e.g. elves, trolls, nymphs, fae, etc.) who live in the enchanted woods by psychiatry and positivism. If we kill the humans we will save the forest!


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Anon, be careful with the pseudo-intellectuals recommending anime that are DEEP PHILOSOPHICAL MASTERPIECES or whatever, which I'm seeing a lot of in this thread (especially ignore those /a/ chart images!!!). Nothing wrong with liking those, but they don't really represent the majority of anime, and people recommending them are implying that said majority of anime is trash not worth bothering with. There's no problem with watching "generic" or "moeshit" anime or however they would describe it and if anything that's what makes you a true anime fan.
Anyway, I would recommend you to stop treating recommendations as gospel and just watch anything that catches your interest. If you like a particular type of anime (eg. more action focused, more romance focused, more slice-of-life focused…) you can keep watching similar anime.
Personally, my favorite anime are Clannad and Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. Both are based on visual novels.
The former starts like a normal high school harem, but in the second season the characters become adults. It has a lot of sad and emotional moments and may make you cry. By visual novel adaptation standards it's pretty good, but the visual novel is still a better experience.
The latter is basically about a guy that moves into a small village with a dark history, and the crazy and tragic stuff that happens there. It mixes cute and funny slice-of-life with intriguing mystery-horror in a nice way. Though the second season has a thematic shift from horror to tragedy, and has more drama than violence. To be honest the ending ends up feeling like a Saturday morning cartoon, but it doesn't completely ruin the story. Be ware that the anime cuts a lot of stuff and the visual novel is a much better experience, but as an anime it's still pretty good even if you don't read the visual novel. Also recently there was a sequel (erroneously marketed as a reboot), Higurashi Gou and Higurashi Sotsu. It does a lot of bizarre things to say the least, so you may skip that one, but there's no problem with watching if you're curious as long as you already watched the original anime.


>using translated title
Opinion discarded.

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Want to start learning Japanese?
Here's some useful links to help you out.

-http://realkana.com/ (tool to learn the kana)
-http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar (Tae Kim's grammar guide)
-http://pastebin.com/kXqhRbWi (setting up Anki)
-http://jisho.org/ (Japanese-English dictionary)
-http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/ - (Actual Japanese dictionary for rare words and alternate definitions)
-https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/yomichan/ (Popup dictionary definitions when you hover over a word, Chrome version is called yomichan)


Last threads:
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Nihongo wa totemo ozukshii (no Genki to Genki janai desu)
Ima mate kudasai! ;_;


duolingo doesnt always use words in the right context, or misses the nuance of asian languages. it also doesnt really make transitive vs intransitive verb usage and their accompanying particles very clear, which is an important thing in a lot of other languages, but not that important in english. i would say maybe use it as an aide to a textbook, but not as the main tool.

明かりを消す - (somebody) turns off a light
明かりが消げる - a light turns off

おもちゃを壊す - (somebody) breaks a toy
おもちゃが壊れる - a toy breaks

there is a different verb and particle to use if the verb is transitive vs intransitive. duolingo hardly teaches that matter other than just throwing a bunch of verbs at you and hoping you notice the difference.


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I gave up on learning Chinese, but I find hanzi very aesthetic. I just take notes like this 价 芥 阶 疥 界 尬 every day or use them in real contexts. For example, a flower 花 on the green grass 青草 - 花 化 华 哗 桦 货 靴 人 匕 - 草 朝 障 章 日 十 。 Any ideas from your mangas/anime? I'd like to see something like the Lion-Eating Poet in the Stone Den (Shī shì shí shī shǐ) poem made with similar characters, not phonetics. Surely you MUST have some ideas. The last time I was watching anime, literally ten years ago, I remember how the fourth WataMote episode begins with Tomoko's dream turning into characters in real time, surreal, reminding of old school rpgs with ASCII graphics


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In Japanese, people sometimes like using numbers in place of normal characters, kind of like in English when people write "2 hot 4 you" or something.

You often see this in Japanese online usernames. Sometimes a username that seems like nonsensical numbers might actually be spelling out a word.

Here is a list of numbers and the sounds they're often used to make:
>0 お
>1 い
>2 に つ
>3 み さ
>4 し
>5 こ ご
>7 な
>8 は ば ぱ はち ばち ぱち
>9 く
>10 と

Here are some examples of how they're used:
>8888 ぱちぱちぱち (pachipachi, clapping onomotopea)
>072 オナニー (onani, word for masturbation)
>3150 さいこう 最高 (Saikou, meaning best or great)
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I know about it, I like I find it cool like in the exemple yu-3 (3=san) and 'yume 2kki' (2=ni)
great exemple is pagers

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I've noticed that on imageboards finding anti-anime posters tends to be a pretty reliable red flag. In particular, finding posters who get really upset on someone posting some anime image is one helluva red flag. Why is that?
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what is bothering me is now every cartoon with a japanese 'traditional' anime art will be consider an anime (either a japanese person contribute or not to the project who isn't a drawer), right?


11 million people use this reddit
1million more asking for daily suggestions

Doesn't matter your backwater shithole in Moldova doesn't watch anime. Anime has been pozzed by normalfags since at least 2010 but it wasn't as evident back then. 2015+ was the point of no return when all the zoomer posers started watching anime


>2010 but it wasn't as evident back then. 2015+ was the point of no return when all the zoomer posers started watching anime
I agree with it


You can't control people behavior in /jp/ people here thread spells and wisdoms not to cry and complain, if you don't like this place go back to Instagram lmao


Reddit is not proof for anything, it's botted to hell and there are reddits with millions of subscribers for everything.

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 No.33153[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Name the most obscure anime shows out there in the deep dark reaches of the internet that most people don’t know about
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Now you got me rewatching this


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The reason is that you touch yourself at night.


indeed but very comfy
nice hope you enjoy again


>nice hope you enjoy again
I am. Thank you.


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try gilgamesh afterward

[Last 50 Posts]

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why japan is hiring korean or chinese animators to work on their anime? they're killing real anime made by real japanese. hell, they even hire westerners. the anime in the future will be 100% non japanese working on animation and it will ugly and soulless
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look at this trailer https://youtu.be/0XJxfbN36Uw?si=SxkC_RjNFLw7nOcv its made by sciencesaru (made by a japanese and korean with foreigners animators) thats why the trailer you're watching looks like a cartoon mostly and not a anime. japan and japanese animation is truley lost


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Modern Japanese art and animation were heavily inspired by the Western art anyway. Who cares, everything changes.


>Click on a thread full of people talking caringly about something that hundreds of millions of people care about
>type "Who cares"
>jump out the window of a highrise
Any reason females do this?


I don't mind the look of some early digital anime especially with how washed out the color palette is for some but I don't think anime will ever look as sloppy and lazy again as it was in the middle and late 2000s.


look at this level of drawing design of that japanese game, astonish

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Is this series any good? I love the games and I love anime, so is it worth a watch?
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How irony I am watching it right now, one thing I liked it for sure the fighting styles mixed martial arts with weapon mastery espeically the Mystic whip used by trevor and figthing scenes is pretty accurate unlike other animes can't catch the fighting movments.


they made alucard gay. I watched an ep with some weebs and it was just shit for children. Stawp


I love Maria Renard.


May be animation but not /jp/


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I have no clue what is keeping you people from talking about the best contribution Japan has brought into the Americas.
Personally, I like any 90s Honda Coupe just as long as it's possible to rice up to 500+ horsepower with at least 50 pounds of torque. The Honda Del Sol was by far my childhood dream car, but I ended up settling for a Honda CRX my parents gave me.

Any Toyota fans out there too? Toyota has been going down the drain in terms of fun factor. I can't wait until Toyota's reliability goes down too to the point where Toyota stops production in America alltogether like Toshiba.

And of course, Mazda is doing just fine.
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I still have the same 97 Red DOHC VTEC del sol I had in college in one of my discinnected garages. Just like that. It was fun. I went to college in the early 2000s


I just have a shitty old Toyota that doesn't even run right now. I could have it towed and repaired or just replace it altogether, but I don't care enough about cars to sort it out. I just walk to my parents' place and give them money to buy me groceries when I need some. I'll probably get it fixed eventually. What I really want for a car is a '67 Stingray, but those are expensive as hell nowadays. Probably a bitch to maintain and a keying magnet, too.


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I have always loved hatchbacks, they look the best in my opinion. it fits my personality too. I like practicality and will never need to use 4 doors or need backseats. an automobile, just like a house is to me a private sanctuary. 3 door cars represent the idea that a vehicle crafted for personal use the best in my opinion.


Is Lexus LFA allowed here?

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I wish japan could have sahkalin island and the kouril islands back. it would mean more space for japan. japan is a rich country it could easely buy them from russia.
more space for japanese people means more japan to visit!


>more japan to visit!
Japan doesn't need - or want - visitors.


Or you could just visit Sakhalin by yourself now, or maybe you only care for the >thing
>Thing but in Japan meme


japan better

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