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I need all your notable knowledge on japan, or more intersting facts, thank you
I can begin with japan being the most comfy country on earth


Japan isolatted itself!



>japan being the most comfy country on earth
ingorant gaijin


what country is way more comfier than japan then?


Finland. Or probably any of the Nordic countries:
- Their prisons are comfier than our actual normal day-to-day lives. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suomenlinna_prison
- Finland is famous for hating socialization, small talk, and appreciating personal space and solitude. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Finland#Etiquette
- Ridiculously large social welfare programs to NEET off of. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welfare_in_Finland
Also, Tolkein based Elvish off of Finnish.


as a weeb I cant agree with you, to me japan is the most comfy country on earth, you can't change my mind sorry



but I can make an effort and say 'hey indeed finland is also comfy' you have my points


May I interest you in 90s Moomins, at least?


very comfy indeed


Japan is very beautiful and it's not as shit as normalfags who equate it to Korea and China say but it has serious first-world problems, and unless I live in the countryside and/or was Japanese I wouldn't recommend living there.


>equate it to Korea and China
Im glad someone saw this through normalfags, they tend to blend everything together


theres more migrants in scandies countries than japan I guess. but yeah you see more or less migrants in rural places I guess


Denmark puts lithium in its water and is taxed to high hell, according to Varg the Norwegian government also gouges money out of you via taxes and tollbooths to where they subsidize bread for poor families, you're never going to move to Iceland, and Finnish is a hard language to learn which is getting similarily pozzed to Sweden because Finnish "nationalism and progress" is just doing what Sweden does akin to Australia doing whatever the UK does.
>Tokyo is hellish
Tokyo despite its size manages to feel smaller and less dehumanizing than other metropolises, and the air may be cleaner too than American cities let alone places like China or Pakistan.




I agree fin welfare is unbelievable, you can literally live on that shit and still have plenty of money to do whatever fun stuff you want. Prisons are daycare centers too. That being said, naturally immigrant criminals take advantage of that shit and they're basically ruining finnish culture, which chaps a lot of finnish folk's frostbitten asses, but like most eurocountries they wont do jack shit about it.
Here's a cool factoid about finland: its one of the last countries in the entire world where you can fuck animals, legally. Most bestiality porn comes from that ice hole of a country. Neato, huh?


>That being said, naturally immigrant criminals take advantage of that shit

European welfare systems always get ruined by criminal immigrants lolol


Countryside is infinitely worse as a non-native, Japanese countryside even discriminates against Japanese people who move from other areas.


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Anime is a WWII propaganda


Can confirm. One time, whilst visiting Matsue, this small Japanese succubus with reddish highlights in her hair performed nigiripe on me (dont look it up). Shit fucked me up for weeks, it felt like I had super COVID and strep throat after the effects had kicked in


You were, by all definitions layed out by the eldars, raped by a phantom succubus of the Hitoriyama. The burning in your chest was your eternalist soul escaping out of your heart. You are a mere mortal now.


Lithium in the water is an interesting idea. It increases bone density and decreases depression and other mental illness. Not a bad idea on its face.


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Technically it counts that I'm currently almost finished with this.

It's nothing like what you expect (and you can probably even expect something better) but it's still all right and insightful when it's not being morbid af.


My first Murakami. It's pretty good. His books have an addictive quality to them; they're simultaneously comfy and intriguing. They're definitely all the same though.


I was originally meant to start with First Person Singular, but the baboon on the cover was more interesting than the first two pages.


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And people tell me to relax


without my glasses this book cover looks like an obscure Soyjak


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Took my glasses off.
Meh, obscure indeed.


Lithium eats your brain like SSRIs and the pollution it will cause will be incomparably worse than what oil has done. Depression is not a sickness that should be cured away either.


>I can begin with japan being the most comfy country on earth
Its not the most comfy country on earth. There are many spots and places on earth that are just as if not more comfy. Japan is the most based country on earth. With its isolation, love of culture and aesthetics and hatred of outsiders. Japan is the NEET otaku of the world. Japan is a NEET nation. It's because its an island nation of the most whitest asians on earth. supposedly, far east asians are genetically inclined to not take risks, to not open trade ports, accept immigrants, do crime, or even question authority. That is part of what makes japan work. You could absolutely NOT have a japan without japanese people, if it were all whites they would have turned it into mutt central by now, it it were all blacks or browns they would still be fighting with sticks, maybe indians could hold up the culture but not really. you need an isolated island of 'soulless bug people' to make a nation similar to japan

With all the talk of declining birthrates i'm not worried of what will happen to japan. I'd much rather see it become a poor backwater of a nation than a globohomo hotspot of immigrants. if japan remains true and based. It will sink back down to its medieval roots pre-industrialization.


would rather kms than take lithium


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>Finnish is a hard language to learn
No languages are inherently easier or harder to learn, that's only a thing if you are "learning" them the wrong way through dedicated study instead of osmosis (a.k.a. "immersion"). Languages may be easier if you know similar languages but that's it.
I'm even including Japanese, which ignorantbros and literal CIA call "the hardest language in the world".


>No languages are inherently easier or harder to learn
Languages that are more similar to the langages you already have fluency are far easier to learn then ones that are totally alien to you.
Also different languages have dramatically different levels of complexity.
Learning method has nothing to do with if a language is inherently easier or harder.
>Japanese […] "the hardest language in the world"
That is due exclusively to it's bonkers writing system of Kanji that even native Japanese have difficulty with sometimes.
Similar to why Chinese is a pain to learn to a level of operational literacy as would be needed by CIA agents.
The actual mouth sounds and even hiragana aren't that difficult. With disciplined practice I think someone could learn to speak Japanese and read/write hiragana/katakana to a functional level in 6 or so months, though full fluency would take years of regular practice.
That said compared to a language like Koran, the same native english as only language speaker putting in the same dedicated practice hours could reach functional level in about a month, with fluency in just a couple of years of regular practice. Both speaking and literacy. It is a easier language than Japanese or Chinese for a native English speaker.


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>Languages that are more similar to the langages you already have fluency are far easier to learn then ones that are totally alien to you.
I mentioned that already, and while it subjectively makes a language easier for certain groups of people, that does not _inherently_ make them easier.
>m-muh kanji…
Thanks for letting us know that you don't know Japanese at any meaningful level and are just parroting what you read on Wikipedia (or letting your frustration out at the language because you tried "learning" it with ineffective methods and inevitably failed – many such cases!).
Kanji by themselves don't make the language meaningfully harder to learn (maybe other than handwriting). Wasting time with psyops such as "learning" kanji does make the language harder to learn though. Watch the video.
By the way, before you mention Jewtube horror stories about how children in Japan waste 90% of their school time drilling kanji or whatever – kanji "learning" actually takes a small portion of the curriculum and they pretty much only teach how to handwrite them. Most kids can "read kanji" already from reading shounen manga or whatever.
>even native Japanese have difficulty with sometimes
I can't resist responding to this, though, because it's a very dishonest (or in most cases just nearsighted) point that is often brought up but I really dislike. You see native speakers of English confusing "they're" and "their" all the time as well. Not just English, but any language that doesn't have direct equivalence between characters and sounds is going to have people frequently confusing writings.


informed and actual sensible opinion
low iq uninformed ignorant imbecile who hasn't mastered a single language let alone japanese speaks about shit he doesn't know about abusing the fact this is an anonymous imageboard and he won't have to prove anything


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I know three languages including English and I'm at a decent level at Japanese (although I wouldn't call myself fluent yet), but whatever makes you sleep at night bubby.


>t. paid Duolingo shill who wants to hinder other anons' language learning attempts for a few sheckels


more cases of Dunning-Kruger effect >>42581

it's extremely funny that you're not good at japanese despite saying it's so easy. Keep deluding yourself.


It's because I only started 2 years ago and I have a crippling imageboard addiction – if I spent half of the time I waste on imageboards on reading raw VNs and watching raw anime I would be fluent by now. But I'm still better at Japanese than people who have been doing Duolingo for a decade or whatever, and possibly better than people who finished a college course.
Your ladder kicking behavior is suspicious. What do you gain in instilling the idea to other Anons that Japanese is a hard language to learn?


how did you learn japanese?


>nah japanese is totally easy despite me being incapable of speaking or writing it or even reading japanese and having already started 2 years ago b-but I am better than normalfags who use this nigger learnin language app so I'm good
>w-why you instill the idea the japanese is hard to learn

Because it is and you're a great example of the average japanese learner. You severely underestimate how much time it takes to get good at japanese.

He didn't. He doesn't know japanese lol



japanese is objectively one of the most difficult languages for english natives. it takes around ~4400h to get a working proficiency (around ~B2 level). honestly, even 2 years doing AJATT isn't going to cut it. so yeah, don't underestimate how difficult it is, even if you work super hard, it's going to take a long time to fully acquire.

that being said, fuck duolingo. it's a brainrot timesink for normie casuals that will never learn a language. ditch that shit asap if you care about getting good.


It's just like any other language, you don't need any gay textbooks/lessons/whatever most of the time, you just learn the basic grammar/vocabulary (+ writing system if different) and then you just spend a lot of time listening or reading things in it and consulting unknown words in a dictionary. If English isn't your native language you might relate to learning English by using the internet or playing games or whatever – you just apply that to other languages.
In the case of Japanese you memorize the hiragana and katakana (it only took me 2 days), and then you skim on some basic grammar (eg. https://sakubi.neocities.org/ ), and optionally you can also use some gay program like Anki to memorize the few hundred or so most common words. After that you just read or watch/listen to things in Japanese like manga/books, web pages, games, or anime/movies/videos, and when you find words you don't know you look them up on a program like Yomichan or website like https://jisho.org/ . There are tools like "OCR" for images (eg. manga) and "texthookers" for VNs to make looking up words easier if you don't know how the word is pronounced (spelled in hiragana).
You automatically start acquiring vocabulary, grammar, and even kanji like that. If you don't understand something even after looking up the words, just move on and don't get discouraged, one day you'll understand it.
Of course, in the beginning it's going to be harder, so I recommend easier materials like slice-of-life anime and manga, or anime/manga/games for little kids. Anime with Japanese subtitles is also recommended in the beginning as reading practice. And you can also try to watch/read an episode/chapter's translated version before doing it in Japanese to have an outline of what's happening.
And don't listen to the other (((anon))), he's some sort of dishonest shill who's here just to discourage other Anons.

>incapable of speaking or writing it or even reading japanese
That's a really skewed interpretation of what I said ("I'm at a decent level at Japanese although I wouldn't call myself fluent yet"). I could get my point across if I tried to communicate in Japanese, and I can understand at least 95% of non-specialized Japanese speech/writing.
>and having already started 2 years ago
What cripples me is that I spend little time on it due to my imageboard addiction.
>*insert some gay "language learning" website's URL*
Are those the guys who're paying you for your shilling?
>j-japanese is hard because *imaginary schizo numbers taken out of my ass*


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>my imageboard addiction
same, I use imageboard everyday haha
so you know japanese and can understand it, how much enjoyable reading japanese only manga/VN/LN that didn't come overseas feels like, is the stories better than what companies try to sell us overseas?
should have learned japanese sooner, I feel like it's alost too late for me


>>j-japanese is hard because *imaginary schizo numbers taken out of my ass*

FSI stands for Foreign Service Institute. it's the government department that trains diplomats that go all over the world. their ranking and hours are based on objective data they have collected, how long it takes them to train someone on average to reach R-3/S-3 proficiency (around B2/C1 on the CEFR scale). they have no incentive to inflate the numbers because students get paid to study full-time in their programs so they would be looking to do it as efficiently as possible. apparently they can't do it faster than 88 weeks on average, 2200 classroom hours + about as much homework and self-study. and this is with people doing it full-time and highly motivated intelligent people that are on track to work as diplomats.

not trying to discourage anyone, but people should know what they're getting into and that it's a big time investment. even with a good method based on input and immersion, it will take years of commitment.


>japanese is just like any other language
yeah just like chinese is like any other language. You're really retarded. People like you are cancer on imageboards because you speak out of ignorance. You don't know shit about language learning and will never be proficient in japanese.


I'm not too big into manga and LNs, I prefer VNs.
It's a medium that's really like an iceberg, only a small portion on the top is translated. Whether the stories are better depends on what you like. Untranslated VNs in general tend to be more focused on romance and erotic content, and there are also some very obscure VNs made by like one person that can get quite crazy or je ne sais quoi.
In general, I'd say that the main reason to learn/know Japanese is not for untranslated media per se (a lot of stuff gets translated, and AI translation is getting better by the day), but to get a more genuine experience, because translations tend to be bad and nowadays even politically charged, but even a "perfect" translation often can't capture what's really being meant in Japanese.
>trusting the government with all your heart
Terrorists also did 9/11 and Covid vaccines work, right?
>yeah just like chinese is like any other language
Yes? What about it?


you have the intelligence of an uneducated nigger. Keep being ignorant and addicted to imageboards.


>t. monolingual muttmerican coping with his laziness/mental deficiency by shifting the blame onto the languages


>t. delusional dumb nigger who needs thrombolytic therapy thinks that language difficulty is a conspiracy made up by the government while struggling to keep his balance as the chest pain brings him to his knees and can't concentrate enough to write a coherent sentence, the anxiety about to kick in 3, 2, 1… zero


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please everyone (pic related)


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