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Not Complaining but someone asked me why is it 70 episodes long i simply thought it was because it was popular enough to get that many or maybe there's some other reason
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Of course but I’m on episode 43 an according to the show she’s almost “done” just wanted to know if there was some top secret production reason for the show’s length because google is useless these days


Great show, enjoy it!


So many Sakura threads.


It makes no sense to me. Might as well be my little pony threads. Why are y'all watching this garbage made for little succubi?


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thinking of becoming a luxury long distance bus driver in Japan for Le comfy feelz

how fucked is my imagination or is it actually feasible?

related vid:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lToLTrFnPrw
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Europe doesn't need immigration.
Europe doesn't want immigration.
Europe was never asked.


If you want it, do it.


Virtually not feasible at all. There is no situation in which a Japanese bus company is going to trust such a role to some random ass gaijin out of country.

Now if you lived in Japan on PR, had conversational Japanese and were already a bus driver (also very unlikely) then maybe but there's no chance of any of that happening for you, let's be real. Get a similar job in your own country. Getting a job in Japan is very difficult unless you work for an international company willing to transfer you or you want to be a teacher working the equivalent of minimum wage in Japan.


I saw that getchu was hiring both part timers and full time employees, for easy shit as repackaging stuff.

I would be ok with a job like that, packaging and sending eroge and dakis to people similar to me from all over japan, but they would never hire gaijin to do this.


Being a legal resident is such a massive blocker, ironically the easiest way to be legal would be to marry a japanese citizen.

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does nayone else like madoka magica here? i think the charcters are amazing and shit. idk what else to say otherthan go watch it
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The older I get, the more I appreciate and end up loving it.
Curious as to what message you and others got from it…


there is a lot to this anime. much more than any of you can possibly imagine. its a deep esoteric work which explains some of the machinations of reality. it's a work of allegory. forget shapeshifting reptilians, this is the real deal. i have a link if anyone is interested which goes into this is some detail.


Yes please!


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Yes madoka magica is amazing, 10/10 anime


Madoka is probably one of the very few genuinely retarded characters, as in she is actually a disabled person.

The anime was ok, not much more.

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I see a lot of people being hyped about this anime. what makes it good? what males people watch it?
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>i know! - i'll spite them by depriving myself of fun!


i just don't like the corporate artstyle


> (haven't seen any CG so far)
I have bad news for you, the cg is so good now its in all anime. The high budget ones have it so good that you cant realize it until you have an eye for it or dabbled into 3d animation yourself. Fucking ALL of the shows have it even for main characters often.


what does that even mean? Can you tell me the hallmarks of the "corporate" artstyle?


I haven't watched the anime, but I really enjoy the manga. I like the casual adventures, nice art and good pacing.

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I wanted to see how close I can get with AI image creation to replicate this shot from (Misaki) Welcome to the NHK.

Would love to see your attempts
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>a female elf mage with green eyes and long light violet hair with two pony tails, small slim red crystal ear rings, monotone facial expression, wearing a white robe with yellow accent colors and red buttons, a simple black belt, holding a big office suitcase, wearing simple brown boots, standing on a gras field with white flowers in the foreground, big tree on the left side in the background, windy from right side, simple anime look, full body shot, tilting her head back standing sideways


Whao A.I made satou dirty


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It looks shit but I wanted to see how well it will turn out


The suitcase is surrounded by stupid artefact smoke and she only has 3 fingers next to her thumb like a mutant.


>The suitcase is surrounded by stupid artefact smoke
it's a flower petal blowing by close to the viewer you dense liberal

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what are anime who are watching right now? I'm watching hikaru no go, I already red the manga but I wanted to watch the anime to catch up if I missed something
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this is not a japanese cartoon it doesn't belong here


I would post in the cartoons thread if we had such a thing, but I don't think there is one.


Cafe Terrace and its Goddesses.
At its best it's Haganai done better, meaning it essentially has most of Wotakoi's believability, solid characterisations and even likability. It got to the point where the very ground's complex lighting pattern was a work of art.
At its worst it's inevitably Haganai also done worse, meaning, well, you're better off looking up Love Hina once again compared to the annoying situations which are expected from a harem. Also, while only the first two thirds of Wotakoi were good before it became generic, Cafe Terrace remains consistent up until the final episode.
Though fuck me do they nearly throw everything away had they not taken a shortcut which allows an open interpretation. Overall it's very much a wholesome and unique harem anime disguised as a cliched one with all the expected trappings and tropes. 9.5/10

Dimension W
Read a few volumes of the manga a while back. I have to say that the idea seems too much for me to digest. But the mere fact its a visual reconstruction of 90s scifi anime, and has a unique visual design, got my attention all throughout. It was something different with classic roots overall. 8/10


Shangri la frontier has become my most anticipated show and frankly I'm a bit angry they stole 2 minutes of air time from me this week with a singing bunny. I hate all music numbers in anime and it's especially bad in a show I actually enjoy because the song robs me of that show. At least this one is 25 episodes instead of 12.


Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

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Is it just me, or is anime made with normalfags in mind nowadays?
Back then, it felt like anime was made exclusively for children and/or huge nerds.
But now it not only feels like most people who consume weeb shit are huge normalfags, but the people who make said weeb shit too. This applies to both western and japanese audiences by the way.
You can not go into a romcom discussion these days without seeing everyone talking about how the romantic life shown in the show compares to their own.
You just keep coming across many shows that seem to validate normalfags' way of life and opinions in the past few years.
To me, anime and anime culture today doesn't feel like it did a decade ago at all.
I only started really getting into weeb shit back in late 2009/early 2010, so maybe I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.
What do you think Wizards? Is anime made for normalfags instead of people like you nowadays?
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Of course stream services have to make a profit, do you think they do it out of charity for the studios, and will keep doing so indefinitely? The streaming world implosion will probably come before any other major economic event, unless they radically change the system in a way not yet predicted.


If the value of a streaming service was media delivery, sure.

I'm not convinced, seeing as the youtube model is apparently profitable. "What people watched at a given time" and of even more utility, "where and on what device they did it" - has *considerable* value when sold in a side industry.

For e.g. an insurance broker would very much like to know how often a given neighbourhood's population is at home on week nights, and thus how much higher they can get away with adjusting car premiums without cancellations. The ROI for that information used correctly would be measured in the hundreds per home per year - far in excess of what the service delivery cost.

Then add how the film & tv industry famously use creative accounting to mask and funnel income, including manufacturing tax losses (almost certainly in such a way that the suits other business ventures are the beneficiaries) and it's quite likely that a streaming service turning a profit could be considered a bad outcome.

Hell, making *any* taxable income in the modern era - at least in the markets I have worked in - is a good reason to sack the accountant for incompetence. There is no legitimate reason to turn a profit once an enterprise goes beyond a certain scale, because there's no intrinsic value in doing so - compared to realising gains through shell companies and service providers in tax friendly jurisdictions.

Circling back to the topic, I'm not too familiar with the specifics of .jp tax and finance laws but I have read that after the real estate bubble the regulations got a lot tighter for this sort of creative accounting and profit masking - which would suggest that the studios are ripe for exploitation when used by a foreign actor.

But as you rightly say, the implosion could well happen independently (or even be the kick starter) of the next recession.


>go to Jersey Mikes
>they play this as background music
"hey i'd like a large hoage"
"yeah I'd like chesse, lettuce, and
"and could you add mayo to tha"


Manga has always had a normalfag following in Japan, anime was more cliche, but that is changing as more people want to see their manga animated. Western compaines like Netflix is a big reason for anime becoming more mainstream in the west, they are funding multiple anime. And netflix loves pushing shit where doesn't belong, so your are going to see more anime normalfag behaviors (sex, cheating, etc), more diversity, more social-issues drama, more western-oriented, etc. This bleeds in Japan's own culture and you start to see more manga and anime appealing to the lowest of the low. It's disgusting.


Anime will stay the same, it will just be recontextualized ala >>40531

I went to a cinema showing of an anime series, it wasn't a movie it was one of those shortened versions of a series arc. People laughed at the appropriate moments but like they were conditioned to laugh like dogs given a command. The crowd was mostly hipsters and younger normalfags with their parents, as opposed to the usual weaboo crowd (though it is almost impossible to determine who is a weaboo since no longer requires effort).

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There is a vast sea of Japanese films out there, and I can imagine most of /jp/ has only scratched the surface. What are the qualifications for a "hard to find Japanese film" you ask?
>rarbg, nyaa, kissasian doesn't carry what you're looking for, and pt's don't want your wizardly company
>the movie has no re-releases, or even a home video release at all
>the director doesn't even remember the production of the film you're after
What are some movies you've had interest in, but no way to watch?
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I saw an obscure film called Village of Doom 1983.
It's about the Tsuyama massacre where a young man with TB murdered almost his entire village over the course of a single night. He was ostracized by succubi for having TB.
It's a great film. I like how it takes a very neutral view of the protagonist. It doesn't artificially portray him as a scumbag as he transforms from a nice guy into someone who just snaps.
The last 30 minutes are great. It's frantic and unrelenting as he runs through the town murdering everyone with his shotgun and katana with sadistic glee. There's a lot of first person camera shots too.
Unfortunately the only place I was able to find it was avistaz. It's a great tracker and I got into it pretty easily recently by hanging around on their invite discord server until they randomly did a sign up one day. I love old japanese films so it was well worth it for me. I highly recommend it for anyone interested.


I got in and kicked out due to inactivity few years ago. I'm such a fucking idiot.


I don't know much but interested in Japanese films. I saw this late one night when I was in prison lol. I literally had a stinky abo who couldn't read as a cellmate. He'd watch CSI all afternoon and night till he fell asleep while I studied. Past midnight obscure world cinema would play sometimes on the sbs network here and I saw this film milocrorze. It's fucking weird but funny.


Try Godzilla.


Just watched this after seeing this post. I know this movie is over 10 years old now but that slow motion sword fight was one of the best set pieces i've seen in a film in a long time. Hearing the director say he got the idea from classical Japanese scroll art makes it even better.

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I was on the internet archive page for a bunch of evangelion content and came across an animated porno called "the human rape project" which featured misato, shinji, asuka, rei, and ritsuko all having sex while gendo occasionally talks in Japanese.

I'm not a big hentai watcher but am a huge evangelion fan and was shocked. The animation was suspiciously on-model for most characters. Is this an officially licensed product? Does a subtitled version exist?
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I dunno how they do it in Japan


>The animation was suspiciously on-model for most characters
Which isn't much of a feat of skill when Evengelion had trash animation to begin with, especially for its time. It wouldn't take many skilled hands working at a hentai studio to replicate it.

It most definitely wasn't licensed, nor did it need to be. Intellectual property laws in Japan have always allowed for fanworks of any quality or content to be sold privately. Look at Comic Market where unlicensed merchandise is sold by the metric ton. So long as "fan work" is specified, artists are allowed to use any fictional character's likeness right down to the name.


> Evengelion had trash animation to begin with, especially for its time
No, it had pretty great animation, you retard.


>No, it had pretty great animation, you retard.
It did not. You may be confusing an older style with good animation. The style was nothing special for the time period, whereas the animation was particularly choppy and relied on simplification of elements to even make the mecha segments passable. Must it be explained again that the whole series was "bad on purpose"? Even the storyboard and animation directors were saing that they didn't care about anything and just wanted to get the second half of the series out so they could work on better things. It wasn't even popular for its time and still isn't among Japanese otaku. It is only preserved and promoted in memes such as OP's image. Evengelion was shat and always will be shit.


>No, it had pretty great animation
No they didn't and they mismanaged their animation budget to a comical extent.

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 No.27658[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm looking for a new animu to watch, I've listed some of the stuff I highly rated, maybe there will be something others may be interested in listed below, but I would greatly appreciate any recommendations based on what you think I might love.

Animus: Serial Experiments Lain, Akagi, Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo, Psychiatrist Irabu, FMA:brotherhood, neongenesisevangerion, steins gate (prob gonna watch steins gate: zero if nothing seems better), Gilgamesh, Death Note, Ping Pong the animation, Baccano! , NHK…

Those are the best I can think of at the moment.
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does anything comparable to bebop exist at all? the atmosphere is unbeatable. grim and merry at the same time. and what's most important doesn't make you cringe like dorohedoro for example. there are so few of these comfy anime with nice atmosphere. i know none except bebop that would offer such comfy space setting.


Bebop is just some normalfag US obsession, I hope there aren't more like it.


should i just go watch some more isekai then? isekai is a miracle of the universe


I'm sorry, you right, I love Cowboy Bepop as well.


Try GTO, its peak

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