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The websites were closed forever, the owners said.

I am so sad and heartbroken, as are hundreds of thousands of other people who loved the website.

Here's an article on it: https://geekculture.co/pirate-streaming-sites-kissanime-kissmanga-shut-down-permanently-as-japan-cracks-down-on-piracy/
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it's 2023 already


what about manga?


If you really want to stream anime, instead of just downloading it as a torrent, which can be reasonable sometimes, you can use ani-cli. It's a command line program for Linux, Windows and FreeBSD, that lets you type in your desired show, then shows a list of episodes to choose from and then opens it up in MPV/VLC. You can set video quality and download episodes too, additionally to all the perks you get from watching it in a proper media player.



I mean you can, but why would you?

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The new Ranma ½ anime is confirmed to stream on Netflix outside Japan (via SAG-AFTRA Signatory Search) in the 5th of October, i bet with my own ass that this serie will be the most hated remakes ever made because all anime that had been taken over by westerners and streamed on fucking Netflix ended up being failed ( actually not all of them) its like when someone bought from you an ice-cream truck and told you that he is going to add new flavor with his own spit
>Fuck you Netflix and Fuck you Paramount
Let the anime shit made by yellow people dont fucking ruin it.

Conclusion : Netflix is an asthetic destroyer
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and don't forget they will hire westerners and other asians instead of japanese artists because it's cheaper. hell they're already doing this nowdays. anime soon will be dead


You are LATE nigger zoomer. I can't remember what show but netflix-produced garbage anime came in 2014/15. Hell Castlevania came out in 2017.


For me old is gold


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Ranma just as a remake will be fine. It's a classic in Japan, and at most they will take some misguided external decision (like the rap OP in the Rurouni Kenshin remake), or just an overall not that well made or memorable series. The problem is productions directed at the American public (and now the whole of the West has been standardized with them as reference). Cyberpunk Edgerunners even had threads on reddit created by the staff, you can look it up. That's the abomination. If anything the biggest mistake ever was Cowboy Bepop, it was its success in the US that paved way to trends that actually damage the industry and the surrounding culture. But in the meanwhile, the Japanese public is not allowing that to happen to the domestic market.


Yeah, it's still good though.

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 No.30172[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a highly underrated, extremely fun series that can occasionally get pretty sad and heavy. No one talks about this hidden gem enough.
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heartcatch precure is what you need


Can you elaborate on why?


>I wish I was autistic enough to enjoy those sorts of anime.
The capacity to feel endearment for children, especially little succubi, is owed to a developed neofrontal cortex, specifically the amygdala. Autists (real ones) have small sized and/or low synapse activity of the entire region. So to be autistic is to not enjoy these types of anime.

Stop conflating autism with having any semblance of healthy male personality.


>neofrontal cortex
it doesn't exist


It exists.

[Last 50 Posts]

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I'm a Canadian wizard, is this series any good? Is it at least historically accurate?
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They're remaking Akage No Anne!


Anime "Anne Shirley"
Scheduled to start broadcasting on NHK E-Tele in April 2025!

"I can't stop imagining."

For everyone, whether you know "Anne of Green Gables" or don't.


Produced by Answer Studio





I could see the new series be decent, albeit, not as charming as the original. At worst, I could see it be boring or slow.


They are going to make it with more niggers


They already did that.

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I need all your notable knowledge on japan, or more intersting facts, thank you
I can begin with japan being the most comfy country on earth
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you're japanese?


….you have seen the state of Western geek culture in the last 10-15 years right?


I've been feeling and saying this for a while: normalfags exist in Japan and they have joined in on anime for a long while already.


sorry to break this to you, but normalfags have been doing that same shit here in the west for the past 15 years at least, every norp thats under 30 has a crunchyroll subscription and a few figures of anime succubi in a showcase display


Is it true that young people in Japan only watch airing anime and have never watched "the classics" because of the strong anti-piracy culture/laws and extremely expensive Blue Rays?

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does anybody had read this untranslated light novel? or does anybody knows where to find a translated version? I really want to read the ln but can't find anything online ( I can't read japanese). just show me a website where all the book is leaked and I'll translate it with google or you can tell me the summary if you already read it

LN thread
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I couldnt imagine even putting up with it for one day

4chan is ded


If you have a dynamic IP just reset it


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I'm tech illiterate. I don't have dynamic IP
4chad is only good for asking source of something (because there's a lot of people so you can easly find someone who can found sauce for you) but I'm banned


okay, i tried to search and i found some:

http://yomou.syosetu.com/ (probably the best one)



>0 book founded with this name 機械じかけの竜
…even japanese websites don't know what the fuck this LN is and is obscure in japan too

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Recently decided to re-watch pic-related since it was amongst my favorite childhood anime (even though I always hated sports and I avoided sports anime for a very long time) But it i closer to stuff like Digimon, Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh than the average sports anime, it's fucking cool like that but with soccer, thisq is more of a battle shouene anime that uses soccer as the medium to fight with their powers. Doesn't require being interested in sports at all, ALSO, the soundtrack is insanely good, I will never believe that a kids show has such an excellent soundtrack, I also know there are many video games for this and I plan to play them, R.N I am watching the original series, I know there exist sequels to this with a different cast of characters, I have yet to see it

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2d sex


Bro why…. I just like Ongezellig for zellig..

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I miss it when I first discovered Japan on the internet. now I'm old and will never go to japan 日本

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I wish this level of virtual reality was possible.
What would you do if you were stuck in the Aincrad?


you mean the cyberspace?


>What would you do if you were stuck in the Aincrad?
I don't know really


>What would you do if you were stuck in the Aincrad?
Sell my cybervirginity to a cyberloli


pedos finally get an outlet other than real life children

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