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Japanese Culture and Media

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the problem with YouTubers who make videos about Japan is that they spoil Japan for you like someone could spoil a film for you. they show all the facets of Japan. everything is discovered, nothing is hidden so that once in the country, you will be amazed by things that you did not know about Japan. Japanese youtubers are worse than weeaboos.
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>I would say it's worth it just one time or two, I was able to have some fun and paid for a little show of the succubi singing one of my favorite songs, and it was good, like a mini idol event, but the price is high.

….seems blasphemous for post-2014 wizchan.


anyone who also hate these guys with guts


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I have enough of japanese youtubers. they're ruining japan and vlogs were a mistake [in japan]. It is almost ruining japan for me (I never went to japan but I wish I did). I don't like the youtubers one like logan paul or jhonny somali, and I EVEN don't like those who respects the culture or aren't harmful to the country. they may act normal and respectful but I don't like them because they're normalfags and normalfags are already social people (this mean they generaly go outside or to parties or eating in restaurant in public) in their home country so they don't act weird in japan. I don't know about the weebs/otaku in japan, they seem to be discreet. I don't want to associate with normalfags. nevermind, there's a high chance I'll never go to japan


I'd recommend waiting a decade or two before going to Japan, &/or throwing a coin/thimble-sized-trinket on top of a map of the Japanese isles and visiting there, since the tourist traps are flooded with disrespectful "normies", vloggers, and God forbid, Yakuza activity funded by tourists using Yakuza lassies.
Japanophilia is an ancient phenomenon, but is ultimately a self-sustaining immune system, because in a Paris-syndrome-esque manner weaboos get let down when they go there and when they experience the healthy in-group preference of Japan's ethnic normality. It is true that Japanese outsources have become poisoned by… a variety of corporate and non-corporate influences, but old Japanese media is still preserved, and the Japanese countryside hasn't been meeting a fate similar to my nation's (England) because Japan's population is regulating itself.
Despite what people say, no, we don't need exponential population growth for every country.

In response to OP, don't be so silly. The implication that unknown facets of Japan are being broadcast to the public is an unfalsifiable anxious cope because the very fact that the facets are unknown means you don't know them and can't recognize them.


theres some youtubers who are saying japan isn't a amusment park. that means some people who come visiting japan think they're in a funfair. I think if I'd ho in japan If be this kind of person thinking I'm 8n amusment park. I may insults others who go to japan but I may be worst than those youtubers. I don't know anymore

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Would this board be better if anime discussion wasn't allowed? I like anime, but this board's so slow that having any actual discussion outside of the anime review thread or the cute anime character threads, is basically pointless. The world of imageboards needs a place for niche otaku discussion, but alas, no site caters to such interest. What with the modern day youth on this site, there'd probably just be a bunch of Vtuber threads to take all the anime discussion's place. What does /jp/ - Japan/Anime, think?
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I love searching and discovering new things from japan and japanese culture. right now I'm reading about tatami on Wikipedia


What's the dark side of the japanese culture?


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The globalist everyman will tell you that Japan's darkest cultural aspect is their genocide and total dehumanization of the Chinese. Smart people will see this as good and lighthearted make jokes about it, for in darkness there is light.


it is called japan anime so anything japan related would fit the bill its just up to people to muster the balls to talk about non anime manga things like Tokusatsu living in japan history religion ect


it's not only justified, but vindicated. The Chinese are, as much as you may like them, a cancer, and they are huge. Their influence should be cut out from everywhere.

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 No.34725[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Maybe this belongs more on /hob/ and if the mods agree I would hold no ill will for them for moving or deleting it but I recently got around to watching Serial Experiments Lain and wanted to find some other wizzards with good reccomendations for /dep/ anime. The ones of course given are succubi last tour and Lain. I would personally not count Watamote as it seems quite shallow and everything turns out fine in the end and whatnot. So what are some other anime, manga or light novels dealing with actual depression or schizophrenia and not in the mainstream boohoo am so sad way.
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>pre-Y2K aura which gives you a special kind of nostalgia that is harder to find nowadays.

I hope you're not talking about a zoomer's impression of pre-Y2K nostalgia.


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Not really, I just mean that heavily creative aesthetic that breathes all kinds of life, detail, imagination, blah blah blah, on the animation and its mise-en-scene, as though the artist was inspired on too many levels to mention and wanted others to see that inspiration too.

But I'm old.
When I googled "50s animated movie backgrounds" I just got stuff from Disney or other USA related junk, instead of stuff from films like Johnny the giant killer or even Animal Farm.

Go figure.


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>When I googled "50s animated movie backgrounds" I just got stuff from Disney or other USA related junk, instead of stuff from films like Johnny the giant killer or even Animal Farm.
That is just google and most other search engines just sucking IMMENSELY for last 5-7 years? I can't remember exactly when google or any search engine was decent for that matter.

>Go figure.

It's intentional.




chill out Wizzie. Just call the jannies.

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 No.23991[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

post ur fav amv's
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For Oorai.


come and get you some candy wizbros :D


Heh, I remember how pedo shit was used to be called, "Hard Candy" as a retarded euphemism some years ago.


this one by default since its the only one ive seen https://youtu.be/tHZqxecCukg?si=c3QvwgjFZu1Sqssu



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I want to start attending a Nichiren Shoshu temple; first to get a formal buddhist precept-taking ceremony as a layman, and then weekly to chant Daimoku, and read Gojo in the group study ,etc
I read in the 4chin archieve of this board that they "believe nichiren is a creator god" or that "japanese people have special souls"…is that even true? I think it's good, and not bad, if it's true that they teach that.
Also they have the comfiest temple and monastic arrangements out of all buddhist orders.

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 No.26161[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is getting a dakimakura body pillow with an anime character on it sad? Pic related.
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I wish I had a dakimakura but if my family found out I'm dead. (I still live with my parents and siblings)



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I m glad mine are understanding enough. Like, I know they are disappointing that their son is a fucking failure and probably will never amount to nothing, but according to them, at least I m not going doing drugs or shoplifting.
Probably looks weird because of the camera angle.




Indeed. I love my dakis so much. Probably one of the few things I m still able to enjoy these days.

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Satou would about 37 if we base it around the time the original Welcome to the NHK book was published. If they made another book or series that revisited his life in the present day what do you think it would be about?
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Maybe it’s time to discuss the new novel chapters for the Rebuild

First chapter


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I've read it, was it necessary? it's only 30 page long and add nothing of value. I would even say nothing has change between this one and the LN. why did he wrote that?
I've read The LN, the manga and watched the anime. all of them had differents things that make them unique: you had different point of vue (for example, the manga was more comical I'd say). but rebuild of NHK…what is he trying to do ?
>first chapter
does it mean rebuild isn't over yet? I thought it was just a chapter. of 30 pages only but it seems it will have a chapter 2, am I right or wrong??


Is Welcome to NHK closet book that really capture the ethos and mind of a NEET and almost wiz?


Delete this post and never ever post anything like this ever again you pathetic little worm. You pestilent tumour. You rancid fart.


what wad the post about, I want to know please

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 No.26874[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Talk about Touhou here. I think the OP or something. It's been three months. We've all talked about our favorite characters, so what's your favorite part of the fandom? Do you like the setting the most, the characters the most, the lore the most, the music the most, or, like me, do you just idealize the series like I do?

What are you doing right now to enjoy the series?
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weell we've got good news for you:
someday you will be dead




Let's gooooooo


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just found about this character. she's cool murasa minamitsu I like her.


how would you design a TCG for touhou?

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Official thread for all things Rozen Maiden related, don't forget to talk about the best succubus, desu!
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It feels like no one cares about the 2013 series that much.




This show is so unbelievably comfy when it's all about the SoL fun times, but dull and cringy as fuck when they it's about the "ultra serious and deep" Alice games crap.


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I want Shinku to criticize my manners.

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 No.37671[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a thread to share anime screenshots in.

Previous thread: >>22142

If the title of the anime isn't evident from the filename, then please name the title in your post.
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I dont make the rules.
I just lack the heart to risk breaking them again.


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Jing: King of Bandits.


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Top: Ninja Slayer From Animation.
Bottom: Fist of the North Star on Crack.


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D Gray Man. (2007)

Know I said I wouldn't return here yet, but this just really needed to be posted, at least.

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