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File (hide): 1677141864767.jpg (250.63 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1637652068006.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

[–]  No.40166[Watch Thread]

Brand new CCS thread, the old one was ancient and weird. Post and discuss everyone's favorite magic succubus and her friends.

[–]  No.40167>>40168

I like the sukumizu episode

[–]  No.40168

File (hide): 1677142330116.jpeg (151.88 KB, 620x393, 620:393, R (24).jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Tomoyo is fashionable, as always.

[–]  No.40170

File (hide): 1677143050739.png (694.15 KB, 1056x1132, 264:283, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb

I declare Tomoyo as best g.irl

[–]  No.40171>>40172

File (hide): 1677145784263.png (1.26 MB, 1421x1073, 49:37, Untitled4.png) ImgOps iqdb

[–]  No.40172

Wizard quote

[–]  No.40173

File (hide): 1677190214958.gif (442.56 KB, 360x270, 4:3, 1541756160902.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Sakura is such a wonderful person.

[–]  No.40174

File (hide): 1677193465320.mp4 (12.54 MB, 960x720, 4:3, op.mp4) ImgOps iqdb [play once] [loop]

[–]  No.40181

>the old one was ancient and weird
Fuck you

[–]  No.40326

I love jerking off to Tomoyo

[–]  No.40333>>40334

File (hide): 1680372194225.jpg (388.94 KB, 1230x1728, 205:288, 1630819482829.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

happy birthday Sakura-chan

[–]  No.40334>>40335>>40336>>40337

She's like 31 now, probably has 2 kids, drives a Eunos Roadster but is hoping to upgrade to something like a 2018 Nissan Cube for the extra seats and storage capacity.

[–]  No.40335

>applying 3DPD logic to 2D
please leave the hall immediately

[–]  No.40336>>40338>>40511>>41011

She's actually 13 in the most recent arc, anon.

[–]  No.40337

[–]  No.40338

>too old to be sexually attractive
>not old enough to be a mommy
Whaow I heard CC was bad but holy canoli

[–]  No.40339

Clear Card season 2 is being put into production.

[–]  No.40511>>40512

Like why?

Maybe everyone here is a 12 year old zoomer but as an actual wizard I'd like to see where characters are now (literally) decades later. This permanent status quo thing with *certain* (key word) animations that either don't end or return years later only to repeat the same thing again fills me with a sense of nausea. Why return to do the same thing with the same characters?

[–]  No.40512>>40514

It's because adulthood is garbage. Shouldn't you know this? The show is about optimism and the triumph of goodness. You can accept that sort of delusion coming from a kid but not from a god damn 30yo succubus.

>Why return to do the same thing with the same characters?

Because that's what people who understand what I just explained to you want. If you think following characters around for decades makes it better, go watch Naruto instead. It goes from age 6 to his late 30s.

[–]  No.40514

>It's because adulthood is garbage. Shouldn't you know this?
As a wizard life is a kind of at a standstill, especially nowadays, it's why I'd like to see some kind of progression in life somewhere, so why not in (certain) animations?

>If you think following characters around for decades makes it better

It's not necessarily that I want to follow characters around for decades, it's like *some* animations continue forever with the same characters doing the same thing in a frozen timeline, never moving on in time or passing on the torch to a new set of characters or just never ending on a perfect note.

[–]  No.40936

Sealed Card is amazing, but man, that first movie is so boring and slow.

[–]  No.41011

I can't cope, wizzas!

[–]  No.42228>>42229

>sakurafags still exist
Wtf I watched this shit when I was in middle school. I'm 35 now.

[–]  No.42229>>42232>>42233>>42235>>42244

>I'm 35 now.
Dude you're so old, what are you doing here?

[–]  No.42232

I'm not that old…

[–]  No.42233

nigga he fits more here than 20 something users

[–]  No.42235>>42244

Literally the target demographic of this website.There's a wizard that's allegedly pushing 70 here…

[–]  No.42244>>42245

I know it's probably ironic. Millenials however are the only (true) inheritors of the internet.

>pic related

[–]  No.42245>>42246

>Millenials however are the only (true) inheritors of the internet.
I agree

[–]  No.42246>>42247>>42250>>42443

File (hide): 1721590768289.jpg (9.8 KB, 176x176, 1:1, koikpo.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

[–]  No.42247>>42248>>42250>>42443

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[–]  No.42248>>42249>>42250>>42443

[–]  No.42249>>42250>>42443

[–]  No.42250>>42251

[–]  No.42251

sad you won't have such an interaction ever? it's okay anon

[–]  No.42259

I keep seeing Sakura everywhere these days, did zoomers discover it or something?

[–]  No.42261

Sakura is a good show, but it's so boring and such a slog to sit through.

[–]  No.42264

I agree, it is very boring and underwhelming. Just wait until you watch the second film, it's so much better!

[–]  No.42266

File (hide): 1722053445487.png (1.59 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb

Meiling is bestest succubus

[–]  No.42290

delightfully pregnable

[–]  No.42443

[–]  No.42459

Fartbraptor Cacara.

[–]  No.42620

File (hide): 1730802382189.jpg (4.99 KB, 200x200, 1:1, shawn-michaels.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>gen z has discovered ccs through tiktok and youtube shorts
it's over

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