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I've found myself watching, and this thread is as much of a confession as much as anything, kids shows. It started off due to the threads we've had about Cardcaptor Sakura and Doremy, but then I realized after watching them that I was feeling…oddly good and optimistic about the world in general. It's weird, because on the one hand I hate watching this stuff because, well, it's so fucking stupid and vapid, but on the other hand I love watching it because it's so goddam relaxing and healing to the soul. I find myself questioning whether this entertainment is purposefully made this way, to emotionally manipulate individuals past a certain age into a state of depression.

Uhm, thanks for reading my blogpost? Otherwise, I guess share some younger-demographic anime you might be watching?
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He doesn't think.


This show only makes me think of you know who…


Sonic X in Japanese hits different.


Wonderful Pretty Cure!


Tokimeki Tonight and Majokko Tsukune Chan are both enjoyable.

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post something from japan (whatever) that makes you feel comfy or nostalgia for a country you are not from (japan).
For me it's this video that remind me summer in japan and how it makes me daydream about living in japan and coming back home from school or work or whatever at dawn on my bicycle and taking a bath and then eating japanese food and then playing some video games and read some manga or whatever
max comfy
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the one you posted is nice, I saved it


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comfy but why theyre shoveling at night where its still snowing?


This could be early morning, maybe he needs to get to his car. Actually yeah, I think it says "5 AM" in the bottom right.
But this is very light snowfall, it's probably the last hours of a system which brought a lot of snow.
And there isn't really a wrong time to shovel. Yes, you could have to do it again later, but it's not like that path he's made is going to be filled up in an hour, unless there is a cataclysmic amount of snow falling.

You must be living in permasummer lands. Lucky you.


I don't live in a permasummer country, its just that seeing all this snow is rare nowdays

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I don't know why it's not popular. It had lovable characters, funny humor, and an interesting premise that never was fully realized. It had potential. I wanted a continuation.
No,zettai Karen children: the unlimited was a complete snoozefest. I'm not watching that shit.
It's been a decade and every new year the actor starts aging. The public consciousness start dwindling an already obscure anime. There's no hope.
Anyway had any anon seen zettai Karen children? What do you think about it?


I watched it after seeing unlimited.
While I preferred the darker more serious tone of unlimited, zettai Karen children was ok. Sometimes even pretty good.

That said if I remember correctly even the manga didn't have a decent ending so you are shit out of luck on that.


everyone thinks japanese people aren't racists and will be alright with foreigners if they respect japan. but this video shows the contrary: japanese people are like the rest of human, they know what racism is and they are also racists
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I agree with him and will take the title of 安息日外人 with pride.


Doesn't matter because modern East Asian men are too low vril to be xenophobic and kick out invaders. Look at their porn industry and their loose sexual morality as well, there is no way men who tolerate such a society will rise up against other races replacing their low birth rate population.


I also seen this post on 4chan (can't remember which board .
But the point is , what is going is this should not be happing Indians bring there whole family grouping togather and shitting all over Japan I mean this is the disgusting at next level >>42102


Ya good<<<<<<<<<bad


Racism is natural among the human race. It's a matter of if you know how to behave.

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I'm looking for mangas that tell story of people like us: outcast, losers, NEETs, oddballs, hikkis and such.

I only found Welcome to NHK. Does anyone know more?
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Most of anime/manga is going to be escapist. It's just that normans have decided they are the main characters.


Keep the thread alive, still searching for mangas about NEETs, Hikis, and wizzies.


What do you mean keep this thread alive.
It was on page 2.
You don't seem to understand how absurdly slow this board is, or how slow in general this site is.
It will take years for this thread to fall off page 10.



a hiki*

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As the subject says, FUCK NGE.
This anime is only for people who try to be cool in some way if they watched it. The anime is a fucking non sense i try hard to focus on what is going on, a time they fight angel and another time they show some 20min scene about those kids suffer from mental illness. Thats it thats the whole anime, i love the art style but doesn't mean this anime isn't a garbage, its like someone made a beautiful marble statue using his own shit.
Worst shit to hear is :
>Evangelion its an anime that no one can understand its a good experience… Deep story, i love shenji solja boi

Just fuck off, they cant even explain it to you as others explains.

Conclusion : NGE is for womens + posers and Pinterest womens
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thats 90% of relationships eventually afaik


The modern popularity of this series is proof that normalniggers don't have thoughts of their own, regardless of whether or not it's good in it's own right.


they watch it because its a classical of anime


The TV series was cool with monster of the week. But the real meat of this is in end of evangiolion movie, about 1 hour in and you don't know wtf you are watching and will never see anything like it again. Nothing so far has come close.


Personally I think its one of the best Anime of all times, but after many rewatches I do think that there is a lot of shounen filler I would rather do without. Stuff like the tagteam episode with the training montage is total filler that I just don't really want to watch anymore. The last couple episodes are where most of important and interesting ideas are, with a few random sections from all the other episodes giving a good setup for that finale.

So because of that filler I can't say I really like watching it anymore, but I sure would rather watch it once more than whatever garbage you probably watched this year.

Also this thread is really low effort and so are the replies. At least offer an alternative if you think something is so bad.

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Post pic of anime succubi with guns, I find interesting the idea of anime succubi with modern guns, seems so cool.
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I deleted the non jp stuff. thanks for the weapon👍


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Post more pics, bros


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Sorry for being tardy to the party, bro. I don't come here often


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how should i avoid normalfags in japan. I don't want to talk to them. I know that Japan attracts a lot of normalfags but I don't want to interact with them: they will ruin my trip. do you have any idea what to do?
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ok I see.
>your first video
is this really happening in japan??


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jews are ruining my japan nooooo please make this stop please…


you're right the jews are ruining japan by swarming japan with immigrants and westoid foreigners


based, you should never put japan or any other race on a pedestal


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I'm not sure why, but Indians seem to have a tendency to commit rape or sexual abuse more often than other people. First, the case with the Spanish motorcyclist couple, and now this?

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The websites were closed forever, the owners said.

I am so sad and heartbroken, as are hundreds of thousands of other people who loved the website.

Here's an article on it: https://geekculture.co/pirate-streaming-sites-kissanime-kissmanga-shut-down-permanently-as-japan-cracks-down-on-piracy/
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it's 2023 already


what about manga?


If you really want to stream anime, instead of just downloading it as a torrent, which can be reasonable sometimes, you can use ani-cli. It's a command line program for Linux, Windows and FreeBSD, that lets you type in your desired show, then shows a list of episodes to choose from and then opens it up in MPV/VLC. You can set video quality and download episodes too, additionally to all the perks you get from watching it in a proper media player.



I mean you can, but why would you?

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The new Ranma ½ anime is confirmed to stream on Netflix outside Japan (via SAG-AFTRA Signatory Search) in the 5th of October, i bet with my own ass that this serie will be the most hated remakes ever made because all anime that had been taken over by westerners and streamed on fucking Netflix ended up being failed ( actually not all of them) its like when someone bought from you an ice-cream truck and told you that he is going to add new flavor with his own spit
>Fuck you Netflix and Fuck you Paramount
Let the anime shit made by yellow people dont fucking ruin it.

Conclusion : Netflix is an asthetic destroyer
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and don't forget they will hire westerners and other asians instead of japanese artists because it's cheaper. hell they're already doing this nowdays. anime soon will be dead


You are LATE nigger zoomer. I can't remember what show but netflix-produced garbage anime came in 2014/15. Hell Castlevania came out in 2017.


For me old is gold


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Ranma just as a remake will be fine. It's a classic in Japan, and at most they will take some misguided external decision (like the rap OP in the Rurouni Kenshin remake), or just an overall not that well made or memorable series. The problem is productions directed at the American public (and now the whole of the West has been standardized with them as reference). Cyberpunk Edgerunners even had threads on reddit created by the staff, you can look it up. That's the abomination. If anything the biggest mistake ever was Cowboy Bepop, it was its success in the US that paved way to trends that actually damage the industry and the surrounding culture. But in the meanwhile, the Japanese public is not allowing that to happen to the domestic market.


Yeah, it's still good though.

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