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Post trashy early 2000s hikikomori hoarder pictures
(preferably with old anime/tech junk)
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this is peak comfy


that dogbert plush
confy as my waifu arms


Heresy. No one in japan likes dilbert


my room is worse than most of these but there no tech just trash


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"Depressing as hell" doesn't cut it as a term for me but there is a melancholic not-quite-sadness underneath the nostalgia I've developed for it because at the time I thought it sucked, and preferred the mood and aesthetics of the 90s. I remember the moods the 2000s gave me though even if I went back in time there's nothing much I could've done to take full advantage of it.

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What's a good place to start this show and when's a good spot to stop watching it?
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Twitter and youtube keep trying to convince me it's actually the most amazing thing ever made, even better than the original. Seems like forced marketing bullshit and retards who never got into the original falling for it.


>Seems like forced marketing bullshit
I mean how can you tell what's genuine and what isn't these days? People don't seem to have their own opinions anymore.


I've watched teasers and trailers and didn't feel like watching the show at all, but the reaction to it does seem excessively and artificially positive.


I watched the live action and it was decent. I mean, it's corny and goofy as fuck, but what else can you expect from One Piece. Apparently the mangaka had some say in the creative direction so they couldn't flip race/gender/sexuality of the characters like you usually expect from Jewflix.


People say shit about Western adaptations of anime and manga, but truth is most of the Japanese ones are very bad as well, it is something that doesn't really translate well into live action.

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Im having a growing fascination with Japanese classical theatrical arts (kabuki, puppet shows, etc) which, trough foot work and dance, paved the way for martial arts- specially what's taught today in Bujinkan Ninjitsu. Or in Kyudo and Kobudo schools.
the topics of modern ascetic monk sects (shingon, tendai, shinto yamabushi) is also captivating and inspiring.
Anyone else feel the same about these topics? If I was rich enough to travel ,to japan, id try to make a point of visiting the Sokujushinbutsu shrines, attend shinto festivals \shrine processions, and take extensive pilgrimages and hiking tours in temple-plenty mountain and roads.


Visiting shrines is one of the best parts of japan. They are usually secluded and have few people around, so they are nice places for a wizard to visit and do the little ritual. The big ones in the cities are nice in their own way, as they tend to host holidays and such.


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Regarding sokujushinbutsu (the monks themselves are sokuJUshinbutsu- sokushinbutsu is the mummification process..most people get this wrong), it seems only 2 are "real" and the rest of mummies received post-mortem treatment. Its a topic which oddly fascinated me– the Willpower and Firmness of will to accomplish self-mummification is: well, if they had a green lantern ring , they could beat the anti-monitor
The process involved eating (after already fasting+diet) only pine needles , tree bark, foraged wood types etc, for 1000 days ,then drinking lacquer tea at times, THEN a final fast for only salt and water. Some even have limestone or river stones in their bellies. the urushi tea and water with arsenic seemed to counter-attack the putrefaction of the corpse.
(they werent really buried alive tho, forensic research showed that…the guy who cut off his crotch and benis also had it cut off post-mortem. Just a nice legend about celibacy determination)

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does the positive portrayal of school in a lot of anime ever get under your skin to the point where it's annoying/upsetting?
this has been happening to me a lot lately and i have no idea how to deal with it
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The answers I was expecting from him were that it either showed no empathy to his life experiences and that it felt fake to him, or that it bothered him to see happy experiences for whatever reason like not getting to enjoy those things. Not that I'm scrutinizing that point of view but anime is not made for people like us in mind.
>every single one is sexist against males
This also bothers me. Dopey plain beta male gets punched in the nose by a succubus who accidentally sees her panties. Kyon smacks the fuck out of Haruhi in the manga if you want to see payback for all the times a succubus smacks a guy, Kyon in general is not a pushover self-insert protagonist. If you want more mature stories about loner men that aren't soggy emos or late bloomer normalfags I suggest not to find it in anime or manga, and read a book instead specifically one from Russia or Germany as they have many characters and premises you would find relatable.


This, but literally any happier or better world.
It's poison to my brain.

I don't know how people do it.


YWNBARN (You Will Never Be A Real Normie)


Same reason I stopped watching anime, movies, series or TV years ago.
I cannot stand looking at romance or flirting scenes.

A mix of jealousy, anger and frustration engulfs my heart.


There's anime that depicts also the darkest things in life.


I wish i could enjoy media the way i did as a kid. Naruto, one piece, inuyasha. It was like cocaine to my brain. Now i can kind of enjoy it. But the magic is gone. I remember if i saw cleavage in an anime i would literally start shivering with horniness and i'd be diamonds. Now i need to snort aphrodisiac while fapping to increasingly degenerate shit to coom dust. When i see these anime i just see IPs stretched as long as possible to sell merchandise. I could watch 50 filler episodes and savor every moment, now it's akin to chinese water torture. its so bad.
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Not the past, you long to be a child again i.e. to have a mind of a child. You cannot deal with your age-appropriate challenges and seek to regress back rather than progress. Symbolically, you wish to be enveloped by your mother's womb and seek to regress back into a state where you are no longer conscious. You are faced with the familiar challenge of boredom, but playing with action figures or watching animation meant for children is no longer enough for an adult mind that needs more serious play and narratives. Rather than evolve, you want devolve.

If you dislike Freud, perhaps you will prefer a term from a more contemporary Australian philosopher Matthew Roberts and his concept of the "manbaby".


I said i wish i could enjoy media again not that i want to be 5.
>You cannot deal with your age-appropriate challenges and seek to regress back rather than progress.
You see, i'm more on ted kazinsky's side here. What society considers mentally ill isn't whats actually mentally ill. If what you are pointing to and what you mean by 'progression' is getting an office job and maybe a family. Thats not really progressing. Thats just adjusting to your time-appropriate surroundings. You couldn't say the same thing to a slave or pre-industrial man.

Ironically its you who hasn't gotten out of your intellectual phase. I blasted past that phase in my late teens-early 20s when i realized that philosophy cannot be used to really understand the world and is just moody poetry. theres 3 stages

>questioning institutions like school and religion


normgroids don't question the first and people like you get stuck in the middle. Usually forever getting high off your own farts not realizing you don't know anything.

Also i don't see how you can call yourself a wizard when you are practically just normsplaining. If you are saying i need to 'grow up' (adjust to and participate in society) then you are supporting a normgroid conformist worldview


You made a whole lot of assumptions to make yourself feel better. Are you suffering from projection, perhaps? Another one of those pesky defense mechanisms. Is it your mother or father currently haggling you about work? Don't worry, I'm not here to convince you of the benefits and pleasures of stable employment.

I am simply saying that you need to consider how to solve the problem of boredom in a better way, without jumping back down to a mind of a 12-year-old that finds Naruto magical again. I'm sure you can figure that one out, seeing as you were not only an intellectual but a post-intellectual, in fact. I never knew thinking about things could be a phase, but somehow you've surpassed it and now wish to go back to watching cartoons in your jammies. Who doesn't, amirite?


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Wizardchan is all things considered, an internet backwater. No healthy normgroid should even know what wizardchan is. You likely aren't even what you preach.

> Are you suffering from projection, perhaps?

not anymore than you do considering you think i'm a NEET manchild. And i am right now but its not like i haven't worked. not that it matters. NEET and proud of it.
>Another one of those pesky defense mechanisms.
you are in insufferable snob
>defending yourself is also a pathologized illness and i have to treat you because i know everything
>I'm not here to convince you of the benefits and pleasures of stable employment.


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grow some wizballs and watch cartoons for kids all day like a REAL wizard

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Kitsune thread! Post media and video/imagery related to Kitsunes! Discussion fine too!
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I actually had inarizushi for the first time about a month ago and it was delicious.


What do I do with those cans?


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I am still wondering what to do with those cans.


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Liru is a miracle of the universe! ✨️ 🙏

I want to convert to Liruism! Elsa Babe said they might be able to make me and others a full sized Liru doll!


who elsa babe


Sex doll manufacturer

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 No.29992[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

we hit the bump limit for the last thread

post all those cuties here!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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succubi want nothing to do with me, and neither do men


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I ain't got no milk, no cookies, nothing. I came looking for man's butt

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