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I was on the internet archive page for a bunch of evangelion content and came across an animated porno called "the human rape project" which featured misato, shinji, asuka, rei, and ritsuko all having sex while gendo occasionally talks in Japanese.

I'm not a big hentai watcher but am a huge evangelion fan and was shocked. The animation was suspiciously on-model for most characters. Is this an officially licensed product? Does a subtitled version exist?
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I dunno how they do it in Japan


>The animation was suspiciously on-model for most characters
Which isn't much of a feat of skill when Evengelion had trash animation to begin with, especially for its time. It wouldn't take many skilled hands working at a hentai studio to replicate it.

It most definitely wasn't licensed, nor did it need to be. Intellectual property laws in Japan have always allowed for fanworks of any quality or content to be sold privately. Look at Comic Market where unlicensed merchandise is sold by the metric ton. So long as "fan work" is specified, artists are allowed to use any fictional character's likeness right down to the name.


> Evengelion had trash animation to begin with, especially for its time
No, it had pretty great animation, you retard.


>No, it had pretty great animation, you retard.
It did not. You may be confusing an older style with good animation. The style was nothing special for the time period, whereas the animation was particularly choppy and relied on simplification of elements to even make the mecha segments passable. Must it be explained again that the whole series was "bad on purpose"? Even the storyboard and animation directors were saing that they didn't care about anything and just wanted to get the second half of the series out so they could work on better things. It wasn't even popular for its time and still isn't among Japanese otaku. It is only preserved and promoted in memes such as OP's image. Evengelion was shat and always will be shit.


>No, it had pretty great animation
No they didn't and they mismanaged their animation budget to a comical extent.

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 No.27658[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm looking for a new animu to watch, I've listed some of the stuff I highly rated, maybe there will be something others may be interested in listed below, but I would greatly appreciate any recommendations based on what you think I might love.

Animus: Serial Experiments Lain, Akagi, Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo, Psychiatrist Irabu, FMA:brotherhood, neongenesisevangerion, steins gate (prob gonna watch steins gate: zero if nothing seems better), Gilgamesh, Death Note, Ping Pong the animation, Baccano! , NHK…

Those are the best I can think of at the moment.
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does anything comparable to bebop exist at all? the atmosphere is unbeatable. grim and merry at the same time. and what's most important doesn't make you cringe like dorohedoro for example. there are so few of these comfy anime with nice atmosphere. i know none except bebop that would offer such comfy space setting.


Bebop is just some normalfag US obsession, I hope there aren't more like it.


should i just go watch some more isekai then? isekai is a miracle of the universe


I'm sorry, you right, I love Cowboy Bepop as well.


Try GTO, its peak

[Last 50 Posts]


I want to discuss something that has been bothering me about anime. There is a certain subset of anime that is essentially a way for losers to fantasize about being popular and powerful normalfags who get all the succubi. The typical format is a fantasy harem show where the MC is some loser with a typical self-sacrificing nice guy routine. He saves some succubus from X danger and kills himself so he gets isekaied as a noble with overpowered magic powers and his memories intact. In the show he keeps up his usual nice guy act, often being quite milquetoast and useless, but he gets plot armored into all the succubi liking him and other positive things so his nice guy routine is rewarded to the max. The other thing is that the succubi are usually underage for some reason.

I think there is something vaguely fucked up about this whole situation. First off, these corporations are targeting people who are clearly mentally unwell and lack confidence in life and they are catering to their fantasies in ways that are pretty fucked up. I mean if you have no confidence and are attracted to little succubi, that should not be encouraged or normalized because it's fucked up. Men who lack confidence seem to view little succubi as less threatening because they share their ignorance about social customs and the world, even to a greater extent than the man in question, depending upon how low he goes in age. The more fucked up they are mentally, the younger they seem to want. It betrays a desire to be able to control the situations and perceptions of the succubus and not be humiliated.

But let's set aside the pedo aspect for a second, even without that, this shit is fucked up. The whole point of the show is for weak and broken people to self insert as the MC so they can fantasize about a situation that compensates for all their inherent weaknesses (which the MC is shown to share in spades) and delivers to them the perfect normalfag life where they are at the top of the social pyramid. They are the most powerful, most popular, with the harem of the most attractive succubi. Is this really something that wizards should be watching and fantasizing about? Isn't is just kind of, pathetic? Real life will never plot armor you into any of that shit, if your fantasies revolve around things that you will never have in real life (but which do exist in real life, ie power, wealth, hot succubi etc), won't you just end up wanting to fucking kill yourself?
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pretty much all anime has a youth obsession. I suppose it has to do something with Japan being dominated by old people. Occasionally you have some old guy warrior or some knowledgeable old lady, but they are always background characters.


I don't consume anything besides wish fulfillment content anymore. At least they make me feel good like a drug unlike whatever mature slop that I just can't care about.
>muh deep and realistic characters
I don't care
>muh well thought out and executed plot
I don't care
>muh deep commentary on philosophy and society
I don't care
>hordes of anime succubi going uguu kawaii
Ok now that's good shit


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Have you watched any of World Masterpiece Theatre's adaptions? There's a lot of relaxing, simple, endearing adventure to be had there with no substantial action or plot. Any commentary just acts as context for the historical environments in which the series take place.

Daily reminder that the mods = Gods.


Never heard of it. When I say anime succubi I am more thinking around the line of trashy harem isekai and such. I am afraid more tasteful works would be too uninteresting for my plebian brain.


well no shit those shows suck. I don't know how any self respecting individual could be into that. If i found myself liking those isekai anime's where its just some dumb niceguy who goes and gets fucked or whatever by the anime succubi i'd slit my wrists. Shonens are for boys isekai's are for the kinds of people you see who just look sickly, pale, malformed. they are either extremely overweight or extremely underweight. You know then when you see them because they look like they were never fully formed in the womb. I thought this was all self evident.

>First off, these corporations are targeting people who are clearly mentally unwell and lack confidence in life and they are catering to their fantasies in ways that are pretty fucked up

it's clearly stooping to a low to make money.

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I enjoy media where a character is trapped in a terrible situation with no way out. irumyuui and mitty in made in abyss or the magical succubi in madoka magica are good examples of this. What other anime/manga portray this and the feelings of despair and hopelessness that come with with it?


"Shadow Star Narutaru" uses that a lot.


boku no laifu

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podt a manga or an anime you really want everryone to read or watch. Ill start with voynich hotel as a manga and witch hunter robin for the anime
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Everyone should watch Magical Circle Guru Guru!


I Have! I did enjoy it.


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serial experiments lain
ghost in the shell (the original)
pokemon orange island


Jujutsu Kaisen

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I do enjoy watching OVAs and movies, but long TV shows I can't get around anymore. Anything more than 26 episodes I just don't even bother starting anymore.
Is this ADD? Did I ever like actually anime? why do I still like anime, especially old 80s/90s OVAs but can't sit through new TV series anymore?
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Watch something good


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>Watch something good
>posts prettyboy FOTM adaptions with korean animators


yeah sure anime is all about talent
no really
there is so much wisdom in it
so deep
so many hidden cues
and animation is so striking, the best animation in the world
especially 3d, when i see it i get stricken dead by its beauty
anime has some of the best plot arcs ever written in media, including all available literature
there is nothing that even nearly compares to anime
don't take me wrong, your reply is funny, but i fully agree that anime is all about talent
if it wasn't for the extreme talent of those creating it…
anime is the best thing ever invented
i have never enjoyed anything this much
and plot, man, the plot, it's so amazing. i have not seen any single writer who would even nearly compare to japanese storytellers
holy shit i'm so hyped right now
anime is so good
it must have been created by the god
and may the god multiply the talents of people making it even further


Who hurt you?

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Mushoku Tensei is my favorite Anime, and I think it should be very relatable to wizards. Its where a Wizard gets reincarnated as a literal Wizard.
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Whatever the reasoning, I'm excitimoso for it.


thank you op for making me discover this anime, it's good


aren't all isekai mcs virgins?


This. Same for me. I don't understand how this could be popular here, aside from the wish fulfillment aspect. The pre-isekai backstory stuff that shows up once in a while and rarely has meaningful bearing on the present story is okay. But, again it's merely window dressing background.
The story itself is nothing more than watching a blessed ubernormalfag Chad born in an ubernormalfag Chad family live an ubernormalfag Chad life.


yes, that is the point of escapist wish fulfillment fantasy shows. To let people (losers) self insert as the MC and enjoy pretending they have the most amazing normalfag life possible.

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I've never been into anime and I don't know much about it. However, I decided to check out One Punch Man and I'm enjoying it a fair bit. I've never been able to stick to hobbies or find any passion or purpose in life. Is anime a worthwhile thing to get into? I'm beginning to see why so many people love it. The problem is, it just seems so dense. So much to learn, so many forums, so many niches. It's a little intimidating for a newcomer. Where do I begin? Should I learn Japanese? I've never been able to actually succeed at something like that, but maybe getting into anime would give me a reason too. Will anime improve my life and make me a better person? Will it make the bad things in life, like wageslaving and disease, more bearable?

I await your responses. Thank you, wizards.
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Wizchan is the best -chan site, but Wapchan has a /cel/ board for retro anime.

Always dubbed. I want to look at the beautiful Japanimation, not at words on the bottom of the screen.


been watching dubbed for first few years but never regretted switching to subs.

and developed a belief that dub is for weaklings. anime is stupid, but this stupidity makes little sense until you hear how japanese seiyū dub it. after you do that you begin to experience some actual fun from the absurd you observe


Not really.
I don't like the anime "community" I just enjoy the medium/artform and do so mostly solo.
This is probably the only place I actually talk about anime online. Which isn't that often and usually just in the form of giving or asking for recommendations.

Same with animation and cartoons in general.


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Chibi Maruko-Chan is very easy to watch, it's also cute and comfy.


So is Crayon Shinchan.

 No.18031[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

put up the best songs from an anime ost
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this might be the only anime that didn't a fuck about anything and even had babies drunk


Nanaka 6/17





[Last 50 Posts]


I miss old anime communities. Used to be many of them. Now almost all are gone or abandoned.
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I saged on purpose and post was an answer to another, similar, post.


Mainstream companies like Google along with social media killed those communities along with the cultural shift of anime becoming an acceptable hobby. I used to be active in them in the 2000s. Back then it was a bunch of nerds talking about anime we pirated as well as any fun touhou games. The average normalfag with a social life wasn't playing the games we played or watching anime in 2006, he was going outside with his friends/girlfriend to do stuff. Crunchyshit killed most of the old anime streaming websites from the 2000s with chatrooms by making anime more accessible to mainstream audience and then capitalizing on it by charging people money. Now the free internet no longer exists really where everything is subscription based and of course anime has been normalized to the point that even Netflix has it.


What do you think goes through mind of a millennial normalfag who's jumped on the anime bandwagon? There's people watching I know who've never watched anime since school.


>Turn in to coomerbait
It's been that way since AT LEAST the mid 70s or 80s. I kind of see what you mean though. There's a difference between good storytelling with maybe a hot succubus with big tiddies and the whole anime just being fan service.


From what I understand those people like it ironically or only have a surface level interest. Then of course you have the trannies self-inserting as a female lead and spamming clips of that anime all over social media.

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