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Japanese Culture and Media
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Satou would about 37 if we base it around the time the original Welcome to the NHK book was published. If they made another book or series that revisited his life in the present day what do you think it would be about?
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Maybe it’s time to discuss the new novel chapters for the Rebuild

First chapter


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I've read it, was it necessary? it's only 30 page long and add nothing of value. I would even say nothing has change between this one and the LN. why did he wrote that?
I've read The LN, the manga and watched the anime. all of them had differents things that make them unique: you had different point of vue (for example, the manga was more comical I'd say). but rebuild of NHK…what is he trying to do ?
>first chapter
does it mean rebuild isn't over yet? I thought it was just a chapter. of 30 pages only but it seems it will have a chapter 2, am I right or wrong??


Is Welcome to NHK closet book that really capture the ethos and mind of a NEET and almost wiz?


Delete this post and never ever post anything like this ever again you pathetic little worm. You pestilent tumour. You rancid fart.


what wad the post about, I want to know please

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 No.26874[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Talk about Touhou here. I think the OP or something. It's been three months. We've all talked about our favorite characters, so what's your favorite part of the fandom? Do you like the setting the most, the characters the most, the lore the most, the music the most, or, like me, do you just idealize the series like I do?

What are you doing right now to enjoy the series?
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weell we've got good news for you:
someday you will be dead




Let's gooooooo


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just found about this character. she's cool murasa minamitsu I like her.


how would you design a TCG for touhou?

[Last 50 Posts]

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Official thread for all things Rozen Maiden related, don't forget to talk about the best succubus, desu!
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It feels like no one cares about the 2013 series that much.




This show is so unbelievably comfy when it's all about the SoL fun times, but dull and cringy as fuck when they it's about the "ultra serious and deep" Alice games crap.


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I want Shinku to criticize my manners.

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 No.37671[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a thread to share anime screenshots in.

Previous thread: >>22142

If the title of the anime isn't evident from the filename, then please name the title in your post.
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I dont make the rules.
I just lack the heart to risk breaking them again.


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Jing: King of Bandits.


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Top: Ninja Slayer From Animation.
Bottom: Fist of the North Star on Crack.


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D Gray Man. (2007)

Know I said I wouldn't return here yet, but this just really needed to be posted, at least.

[Last 50 Posts]

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post all your favorite japan/anime artists. you can post hentai artists too since most of the good ones make hentai.

The first image is from 廃狼@新刊よろしく yotushiku something, I can only read the end of it. He is an artist on pixiv, I don't know if he posts his work anywhere else, but everything he posts is amazing.

The second picture is from an artist I found on pixiv called SPEC. I don't like most of his work, but this one is in a good style I wish I could see more.

The third image is made by Akyuun, another artist I found on pixiv. I like the colors, it looks dreamy.

I'll post more artists I like later. Please add whatever art you like.
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kanbayashi takaki
sakurafubuki nel
etori yuuya
kawasaki tadataka
dynamite moca
sennomori maitake
ayato ayari
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Spanking Shota it’s the best


>spanking male kids is the best
leave degenerate.
mentally ill tranny art




I like how he draws loli feet!


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how can I dress\ do some body mods to larp as an anime\hollywood "demon lord" villain? I do not mean cosplaying a specific character but dressing like someone who looks as-if he is a black warlock, a master or goetic entities or darkness priest.
Bonus stuff needed for this fashion, I need to learn:
>thousand yard stare
>try to learn to go minutes without blinking without any noticeable strain
>constant poker face\ no body language, no use of hands for communication
>absolute monotone voice
combining "rainbow six style" fake military uniforms with freemasonic\ shriners\ jesters regalia is another Great Idea, I had, for this goal.
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it has to do with cosplay and cosplay is an anime topic and this board's topic title includes anime


ok. mix military stuffs with gothic


How the hell would anyone here know? Go ask DeviantArt


stupid normie shit.


What do you expect to achieve with such mannerisms?

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Why is Tower of God considered an anime when it is adapted from a manhwa? If it is solely because a Japanese studio did it then why isn't the same logic applied to Cannon Busters? So basically anyone with money can just pay a studio to adapt their source material and it will be "anime"? Seems like a bad precedent we are setting. How does Japan feel about this?
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Still not as bad as some of the 3D Chinese "anime" I've seen posted around.


Isint that ONA? There is hand drawn "chinese anime " that is decent looking (rakasha street)


Reminder that for Japs all cartoons are "anime" even spiderman and Disney shit is anime.


That's not true in the slightest and is just an old /a/ meme.


No it is true, if you went to Japan and talked with actual Japanese people you would know that “anime” is the term they use for ANY animation, only retarded westerners think that “anime” applies to Japanese animation only.

Isomething similar happens with manga,hell some manga magazines literally say “Comic” on the title.

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I was wondering if this kind of appatments/house exist in america and europe, or it's japan only. You know satou from welcome to NHK lives in this kind of house too. could you please give examples (links)?
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does someone know the name given to houses like this >>40343 (pic related) I saw some on google street in japan, they give them a name but I forgot, do you know perhaps?


hum, did you lost your way? I don't understand the link between your comment and this thread, can you explain to me please?


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They seem to be just called 「2階建てアパート」 and their proliferation was driven by avoiding the additional regulations for 3 story housing


thank you very much! I wish we were friends and traveling both in japan!


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Not Complaining but someone asked me why is it 70 episodes long i simply thought it was because it was popular enough to get that many or maybe there's some other reason
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Of course but I’m on episode 43 an according to the show she’s almost “done” just wanted to know if there was some top secret production reason for the show’s length because google is useless these days


Great show, enjoy it!


So many Sakura threads.


It makes no sense to me. Might as well be my little pony threads. Why are y'all watching this garbage made for little succubi?


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thinking of becoming a luxury long distance bus driver in Japan for Le comfy feelz

how fucked is my imagination or is it actually feasible?

related vid:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lToLTrFnPrw
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Europe doesn't need immigration.
Europe doesn't want immigration.
Europe was never asked.


If you want it, do it.


Virtually not feasible at all. There is no situation in which a Japanese bus company is going to trust such a role to some random ass gaijin out of country.

Now if you lived in Japan on PR, had conversational Japanese and were already a bus driver (also very unlikely) then maybe but there's no chance of any of that happening for you, let's be real. Get a similar job in your own country. Getting a job in Japan is very difficult unless you work for an international company willing to transfer you or you want to be a teacher working the equivalent of minimum wage in Japan.


I saw that getchu was hiring both part timers and full time employees, for easy shit as repackaging stuff.

I would be ok with a job like that, packaging and sending eroge and dakis to people similar to me from all over japan, but they would never hire gaijin to do this.


Being a legal resident is such a massive blocker, ironically the easiest way to be legal would be to marry a japanese citizen.

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