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 No.17935[View All]

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countrysides are usually still transformed. notice there's no trees on the flat areas on those pics. trees are the first things to go when ground is flat


Well they can't exactly grow their rice with trees in the way can they?


I'm sure there are many good examples of a more traditional Japan in the countryside, but still, the cities continue to expand and their influence permeates the entirety of the country. Only something like >>17966 would be worth visiting. I'm not deluded enough to think that North Korea is untouched by modernity, of course, though one reason I'd like to visit it is because it is not as hemmed into the globohomo capitalist web


Shirakawago Travel Guide (白川郷)


Sweden and Finland are still covered in untouched forest for example…


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When the Japanese version of McDonalds seem better than the ones in your country…


>McDonalds anime
O.k.. I've clearly reached the end of the internet.


Go back to YouTube comments please


There's a KFC dating sim out there.


It's even official, it was made by the company.



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There's a channel called Abroad in Japan where a miserable Brit did this. He did not enjoy the cycling part.


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Wow, no shading or anything. Weak shoop dood


Who's the character?


sanrio experimado lain maker 2003


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Fuck I dreamt about Japan again last night.
Ever since I went there years ago and wandered the countryside. I've had vivid dreams ever since. Always following the coastline.

Last night I dreamt that I wandered to a temple located on a little secluded island, only accessible at low tide. The statues and temple foundations all had mussels and seaweed on them from when the water was rising. The night time came along with the tide, stranding me there, and I thought "What a wonderful place to spend New Year's on." Which is strange because I didn't even know it was NYE already today.

These dreams are painful to wake up from.


Is this Kyoto?
林原めぐみ「今際の死神」Music Video




you guys don't know how much this reminds me of home, I used to walk paths like these in the forest/countryside quite a lot how I wish I grew up in this location


absolutely stunning pics. Would love to see more outdoor locations at night


Megumi H is so pretty


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I wish I did born in Japan instead of middle eastern shit hole like t*rkey, ironically I don’t even like anime


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hidden shrine in japan


Same, fuck this shithole country


guys living in japan is hell as well, don't misguide youselves


stop being like that


stop living with hippy glasses on


It might be hell there, but it's even worse here.


>Log in to the website to be able to see the CV.




you're ruining things for others


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>Enters wizchan
>"Living in Japan is Hell!"
>Begins to elaborate




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Visit Japan before it becomes cosmopolitan and no different from where you live now.


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>I hope that one day Japan will regain their imperialistic ambitions and colonize the planet and replace us.
Never. Nobody can undue anglo empirical supremacy. The soviets couldn't. The Nazi's couldn't, china can't. japan will always be owned by america and protected from the evil chinese and japan will never be allowed to leave. they will be ara ara'd by america forever.


that weeb shit will NEVER top mac tonight


i think american vending machines have a rakish charm to them. America has a lot of 'good ol' vibes


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>soviets couldn't
>he Nazi's
Why do you type "Nazis" as possessive?


becaude it's nazi is supremacy


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So true!


It's a common ESLism.


I don't believe someone who speaks neither English nor Japanese has any business discussion Japan on an English board, especially if they're inclined to bring their mud-hut political education with them.


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I heard in Japanese schools they don't mention that Japan was allied with the Nazis. They just say the Nazis were very bad and leave it at that.

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