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I've noticed that on imageboards finding anti-anime posters tends to be a pretty reliable red flag. In particular, finding posters who get really upset on someone posting some anime image is one helluva red flag. Why is that?


it's less about anime and more about your behavior


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Probably. At that point it's not even about liking anime or not, just that they hate something that's harmless to the point where they screech at you about it.


Disliking anime is usually a good sign that the person will be a normalfag but at the same time tons of annoying normgroids are into anime nowaday, hard to find an anime centered community that isn't filled with them


I'd say so.

And I don't even like anime for the most part, because most anime are bad. But those people who get mad because someone posted an anime image are strange.


I dislike anime in general besides a few titles, anime is a normalfag hobby at this point anyway, there's tons of groids watching the newest crappy anime and regularly getting their new fotm waifu statues/merch


>besides a few titles
such as


a number of titles that are part of a genre unique to anime, not going to mention it because it'll derail the thread


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If the decision had to come down between an imageboard with normies who all liked animu v. an imageboard with wizards who hated it…I don't know, but it'd be a really close call. At the very least, this acts as a red flag even amongst normies. Then again, most of this is because of the "wizard" who has been posting in lounge recently ( >>>/lounge/288721 ). His posting quality has been of such a poor quality, and in such flagrant violation to the culture, history, and tradition of not only this /jp/ board and not only wizardchan in general and not only imageboards in general, that it made me start questioning whether there was more to anime that gave it such a filter-like quality.


So you're going to take the opportunity to whine about his post here? How petty.


contrarianism is a logical response to anime being very popular these days. i'm one myself but you'll never see me insult you because you posted an anime pic because first of all people do what they want + it's part of this place's culture, but i still think it's shit tho, because i'm overdosing of seeing it everywhere mostly and i think that big eyed little succubi did their time. the stories are kinda shallow too, and as i grow older i see most of japanese visual media for what it is; fiction aimed at a young/teenage audience, even the so called "more mature" or "adult" stories..
just kinda tired of japan but at the same time still fascinated by it.
love hate relationship..

tldr: fed up of anime cuz it's everywhere


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Do the Japs do this (this=make every fucking anime based on teenagers inna high school) because they don't understand the demographics of their audience (inb4 "but that is their demographics"), or because the only times in their lives they have any semblance of freedom was in High School and it's just a 24/7 vicarious living via nostalgia for them?


i've read somewhere that in japan the ages of 13 to 18 are seen as the most valuable in one's life, cuz it's in this period of their lives where among other things they are full of hope blablabla and other cliché things about being young, you know the drill..
anyway, knowing the work ethics of this country (wich is not overblown out of proportion by western media btw, it's as shitty and soul crushing as it seems) you can see why they'd fetishize their high school years so much (wich funnily seems soul crushing too on many aspects)
god i'll never understand people that wish they were born in japan, this country, and asia in general is literally hell on earth.


>anyway, knowing the work ethics of this country (wich is not overblown out of proportion by western media btw, it's as shitty and soul crushing as it seems) you can see why they'd fetishize their high school years so much (wich funnily seems soul crushing too on many aspects)
>wich is not overblown out of proportion by western media btw, it's as shitty and soul crushing as it seems
I always wondered if it was blown out of proportion (mainly because of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Working_time#Average_annual_hours_per_worker ), so it's nice to hear at least some anecdotes to the contrary.


>If the decision had to come down between an imageboard with normies who all liked animu v. an imageboard with wizards who hated it…I don't know, but it'd be a really close call.
No way, man. You're saying you'd prefer /a/ (or even r/anime) to an anti-anime wizchan? If wizchan were explicitly anti-anime, I'd leave. But I would never go to any other normalfag anime community. I wouldn't touch those places with a 10-meter pole. I dare you to visit them so you understand what you're saying. I don't think there's any other website that is like wizchan. So it'd be best to just create another one, instead of trying to replace it with some normalfag anime one.

Also, the idea of anime as a normalfag-filter is simply false. Anime, manga, and visual novels (though VNs much less) are filled to the brim with normalfags. Most normalfags like anime and manga, with a percentage of them even being very serious fans, and it's pretty much lost the stigma it used to have. This isn't a criticism of anime, manga, and visual novels, since they're each a medium, and not a genre, so they don't have to be any particular way. But if you go by what kind of anime and manga comes out, it's mostly for normalfags and by normalfags. Every year there's less and less anime that's not pure normalfaggotry.

This is something I really like about visual novels. They aren't that popular with most normalfags, and while most fans are still normalfags, the ratio is much smaller, so there's a lot of really amazing VNs that could never be anime because of how unrelatable or how contrary they are to the sensibilities of normalfags.

I do find anti-anime wizards somewhat annoying, but that could never compare to a normalfag diehard VN fan (not because of the VN fan part, to clarify).


>But if you go by what kind of anime and manga comes out, it's mostly for normalfags and by normalfags.
What are the kinds of anime/manga that you would consider to typify "normalfaggotry"


eroge communities are one of the few anime centered fandoms that actually resemble what I consider my idealized nerd communities, even on reddit the people who post on the visual novel sub are considerably less normalfaggy than your average anime watcher
I guess you need to have a certain degree of weirdness to be into works that often require you to read for more than 40 hours


Recently? That I checked out, that sono bisque doll whatever. I was seeing a ton of images of the main anime succ and she looked cute so I checked out the first episode and it was shitty failed normalfag wish fulfillment. I didn't even watch the second episode and from what I've seen it only gets much worse.

Another one I checked was some isekai were the main succ was reincarnated as the villain in some otome game she used to play, and the only two endings in the game were disastrous for her ("all routes lead to doom", I remember was the subtitle) so she had to do something to avoid them. That description sounds really interesting so I checked it out and it was much worse. It was all about friendship and making friends with everyone and loving each other. Most of the characters had very generic normalfag personalities, with the MC being the worst. I still found the first 3 episodes pretty funny, but after that it got really boring and I dropped at episode 7.

I do have to admit that I haven't been keeping up much with recent anime because most of it does not look appealing at all. There's a new anime movie that just came out called Bubble. It did not look intriguing at all, but it's written by Gen Urobuchi, so I'm still planning on watching it later today.

In regards to recent manga, I can't even keep count. I've been getting most of my manga from manga-tube.me. I've been checking out pretty much every single unlicensed manga coming out on that site and I can probably count with a single hand the ones that aren't pure normalfaggotry.


It is a filter but now it hardly matters as Imageboards are full of normalfags

It's like memes and people who post meme characters are red flags but gondola and some others are green flag


>That I checked out, that sono bisque doll whatever. I was seeing a ton of images of the main anime succ and she looked cute so I checked out the first episode and it was shitty failed normalfag wish fulfillment.
What the fuck were you expecting? Why pick a flavour of the month meme show of all things? Maybe next time don't use your dick to pick something.


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This is actual good advice, thanks anon. Actually, why the hell aren't there threads on /jp/ for those two things?
No seriously, this is really solid.
>It was all about friendship and making friends with everyone and loving each other.
I'm actually all for that shmuck. It typically indicates a super-peaceful iyashikei vibe.
>Most of the characters had very generic normalfag personalities, with the MC being the worst.
But textbook personalities can ruin anything.


>why the hell aren't there threads on /jp/ for those two things?
you mean visual novels? there used to be one until recently but I guess it died off, it was from like 2018 I think


The amount of bullshit is getting too strong.

If someones doesn't like anime that can be ok. But if someone actively dislikes anime and goes out of his way to make it know, and gets bothered by it then he is definitely a moron when not a simple normal, and I have little business talking with that person. If you're willing to tolerate that your hobby is universally shunned in a site, is because you don't actually like that hobby.

Also, people above who complain about how anime is more popular and more people knows it now are all pathetic. You're like the person who needs external validation but in the inverse. Instead of other people approving what you like, you need other people to shun it, so you can fill that empty thing that you don't have. In the end is the same, you're not capable of liking something just because of its own merits, you only can do it if you're validated one way or another.


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>I'm actually all for that shmuck. It typically indicates a super-peaceful iyashikei vibe.
Well, then you'd probably like it. I did really like the first three episodes when they were all kids, but then was very disappointed when there was a sudden timeskip, and now that they were older its previous charm was lost to me. It's called "Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta…", or usually "My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!" in English.


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A lot more anti-anime threads have been popping up recently:
Not just on this board, but on plenty of other boards around the net. Probably a psyop given the deep history imageboards have with anime in general.


anyone who still watches anime is a normalfag


You ignore history.


>Also, people above who complain about how anime is more popular and more people knows it now are all pathetic.
It's relevant to it being a (now poor) filter though, as nerdy type normalfags love it - that doesn't change my enjoyment but it's definitely not a reliable shit test.


If someone doesn't like anime images, that's pretty suspicious. Not liking anime anymore isn't really indicative of anything though. Someone could watch enough anime to see all the tropes and get sick of them, ruling out 99% of anime for them. If they didn't mind anime tropes, they might not like how cheap the animation looks, which applies to a lot of anime who cut corners. Or maybe the plot, while an interesting premise, was never expanded well enough. I have personally had that happen a lot. So many good plots end up going to waste when they go in obvious directions. Just from the first point, 99% of anime is excluded from this hypothetical person, so I could see if someone is tired of anime. I hardly watch it anymore since I can't stand the annoying character tropes. If they don't like anime though, they could like manga. It would be much easier and faster to gauge manga than anime since you're reading rather than watching.


I think overwork hours are generally unpaid and a Japanese office worker may work the same amount of overwork hours as regular hours in a given month.


Shameful post. The "Japs work 80hr/week with no overtime" is a meme from wartime.

Nips today work at most 40h like anyone else PLUS additional pay if they make long commutes. Companies have to earn employee's loyalty by showering them with benefits and other perks so they don't go work for some other company. The market for office workers is stretched so thin that guys fresh out of college can make a living salary working for big suits from home. If a man or succubus has kids, they get even more benefits and payed leave to tend to them. Nintendo, Sony, and all other nip gamedevs don't even have an equivalent term for "crunchtime". Anime studios put in a lot of overtime but that's because every animator wants to come out on top and become independent so they put in the work to prove themselves.

Taking what drunken anime dudes say in comedy anime about working overtime is like believing what The Simpsons have to say about working at a power plant


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Different anon

The perceptions comes from alot more than just anime. I'd honestly be curious to know if what you're saying is true. And i don't mean that in some backhanded way either.

Mainly wondering since, in the US at least, 40H is a standard work week here as well, but only on paper. In practice you're lucky to only be working 40H while making over minimum wage.


Because imageboards' conception is intimately tied to anime and anyone who throws a fit over it is both a newfag and either incapable of fitting in, or takes pride in being part of a newfag clique raiding the place. Usually both.


Anime is overrated


I have never taken my perception of the Japanese wageslave life from anime but from people who actually worked there. There's lots of videos by both Japanese and foreigners who work or have worked in Japan for whom that was a very real experience.

Just an example: https://youtu.be/6tmjXp_AYg0



Being a hobo in Japan doesn't seem bad honestly.


The Simpsons is social criticism and does represent the vision the author has about reality, exaggerated for comic purposes. And that's how comedy in general works, unless it's absurdist, like Pop Team Epic for example.

If there's a comedic sequence where drunken men complain about working overtime, it only makes sense on the conditions that either they do work overtime or that they inaccurately amplify their issues when drunk.


anime isn't a good filter anymore becausr normalfags are into it now (it become really popular last 5 years)


Why are people saying anime only recently became popular like Pokemon wasn't a phenomenon for two decades? Or everyone who existed in the 21st century didn't know what a Dragonball was.


Cause those are surface level west friendly shows. They were only exported because Japan was facing an economic boom and so was shaping up to be a world power with cultural influence. It’s like saying video games have been popular for fifty years cause pong and Tetris exist, while ignoring that the current market for both anime and video games is probably more than a hundred times bigger and making thousand of times more money even accounting for inflation.


>Muh market
Ah yes, the underground contrarian concerned about muh market trends.


You’re a stupid fucking nigger that doesn’t know anything.


Unlike you, who is showing his wisdom. Tell us more about market trends and economic moves my expert contrarian, and how they destroyed your ability to enjoy anime.


This was the case until about 2015. The amount of secondaries has increased due to streams and crunchyroll/netflix becoming popular. If someone watches or likes anime is irrelevant at this point and the only way to tell if someone is a normalfag or not is by the years when they first watched anime seriously. Not stuff you saw randomly on Cartoon Network as a kid. The other is if said person watches mainly old or new (2015+) anime. This one is a bit harder to spot because anime has become so accessible that zoomers can binge 200 12 episode series in a week and just give them 10/10 ratings on MAL. So if the person mainly has 12 episode shows from 2015+ they are a zoomer normalfag anime poser. If it's mainly older anime and longer series they are oldfag.


Space Dandy made my narcissistic abuser ghost me. Anime will protect you when you are in need.


Nice thesis, anon. Sorry you got ignored in all the trash.


Spotted the anime hater


>The Simpsons is social criticism
It was at the first season. Then it turned into a soulless cashgrab and transformed into what it used to make fun of.


Because they're newfags from reddit and mainstream social media


it's absolutely not a reliable way to determine whether someone's a normalnigger or not. maybe could've been back in the day, it is by no means the case anymore. majority of the normalniggers on the web love anime. way I see it virginity has been and still is the only reliable indicator whether a person is a normalcattle or not.


Precisely. "Losers" have been effectively ejected from every niche they once could have called their own. It's genuinely depressing that there's been no "home" for people like me for ages now. Of course the individualists will always be able to enjoy their stuff in solitude, it's admirable but it's not a common power.
I don't have it. I always felt I was a social creature that suffered unfortunate injuries to the psyche and unfortunate life circumstances making it incompatible with fulfilling its basic emotional needs. I was content with just going on the internet and talking about nerd shit with the guys though, back when nerd was a dirty word.
Back then I used to be able to talk about a lot of stuff online without feeling like I was out of place, the feeling of being among mostly like minded people with mostly similar life experience was palpable. It was a comforting thing to be a part of a tribe.
For a long time now it's not really been possible for me to go anywhere and talk about anything without feeling like shit about what I am. It's obvious that it's factory settings for other users to consider people like me to be unwelcome outsiders, remnants of a "worse" era. It's a bit like being back at school again. People can't help themselves but bring their IRL stuff into the exchange and flaunt their real or imagined superiority even though they don't realize it, that's just the way they've always been offline and it's what they turned the internet into.
Normals will mockingly talk about crabs in buckets and "losers" making everything worse for themselves by convening in places where the one common factor is misery but it was the normals who appropriated absolutely everything that used to be "ours" and kinda left us no other options.
Back in the day I never really had to think about misery when I'd spend time online. Our shared issues were so much of a given that they didn't have to be at the core of discourse. It wasn't absent from discussions but most of the time we could focus on talking about other stuff, with our point of view being the assumed default without ever having to explicitly bring attention to the causes.
In the modern age though it's like there's nothing else left to define myself by but the divergence and the hurt. There are no friendly spaces. It's just their shit and I'm always the outsider. Not like I didn't try to find another way but the normans' culture goes out of its way to preventively remind you you are not welcome anywhere even when you yourself never bring it up, it's like it's a built in feature.
So the type of people that used to deride me for what I enjoyed came around to become enjoyers themselves, yet they are as disgusted with my kind as ever.
I wonder if people younger than me but similarly troubled can even find anything to cling to anymore or do they simply get lost in the sheer noise of this homogenized atomized all-culture without ever finding anywhere to belong to, fading away out of anyone's sight with a thousand lonely suicides.
Fuck the world, man.
Saging politely not to bump with o/t.


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It's a filter for "people" with an underdeveloped amygdala


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Seeing all these people in this thread saying that anime is now mainstream and normalfags love it, one delusional Anon even going as far as saying "most normalfags"… I don't blame you since many of you are lucky to not have to interact with normalfags (especially the younger generations) on a daily basis so you let your imagination run wild, but I'm a college-frequenting zoomer so I unwillingly and unfortunately have plenty of experience (not in a rule 3 sort of way) with normalfags and younger generations especially, and I can tell you that this is a very out-of-touch paranoid meme that has to die.
Can you seriously imagine your soccer-watching neighbor Bob to know what the hell is a K-On or Lucky Star? You'll be lucky if he even knows what One Piece is… But you're probably not talking about this kind of normalfag, but rather specifically about the younger generations.
In that respect, a large portion of zoomers and younger millenials may be AWARE of anime, but at most 20% have interest in it (most of them male), and of those most are either nu-shounenshitters (watch Jujutsu Kaisen, Hero Academia, etc), ironic weebs (share Discord memes about "lolis" and CGDCT or ecchi anime being "illegal" or whatever, in an ironic and mocking manner) or hipsters/posers (brag about liking "deep" stuff like Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Studio Ghibli, etc). Although I'm not big into it, even the power fantasy wish fulfillment isekai kind of stuff is seen as weird and is ridiculed by most.
Though ultimately it may depend on the place. I live in Western Europe but it may be different in America or whatever.


In a similar situation as this anon and it mirrors my own experience almost to a t. Though since I am in a stem field, the overall percentage of anime-interested guys is higher.


You have to be a closet faggot if you like "cute" things as adult.


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Anime has been taken over by westerners unfortunately.


what is bothering me is now every cartoon with a japanese 'traditional' anime art will be consider an anime (either a japanese person contribute or not to the project who isn't a drawer), right?


11 million people use this reddit
1million more asking for daily suggestions

Doesn't matter your backwater shithole in Moldova doesn't watch anime. Anime has been pozzed by normalfags since at least 2010 but it wasn't as evident back then. 2015+ was the point of no return when all the zoomer posers started watching anime


>2010 but it wasn't as evident back then. 2015+ was the point of no return when all the zoomer posers started watching anime
I agree with it


You can't control people behavior in /jp/ people here thread spells and wisdoms not to cry and complain, if you don't like this place go back to Instagram lmao


Reddit is not proof for anything, it's botted to hell and there are reddits with millions of subscribers for everything.

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