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Recently I have been doing nothing but masturbating to doujins and hentai mangas. But now I think its the time to finally upgrade to hentai games! I heard koikatsu party was good, so im going to play it.
I torrented it from there. This website is also good.


If you have any recommendations please let me know


I used to play custom maid 3d2 because it had some very cute kemono mods. Installing that shit is like trying to summon a demon though and so I have been too lazy to reinstall it on my new computer. It has VR support too.


Mirror is always pretty high on my recommendation list.
It is a legitimately well done match 3 game with a good level of difficulty, interesting mechanics, and overall decent gameplay.
And the H-scenes are alright, with most of the succubi being hot.

My favorite H-game bar none is MonsterGirl Quest.
But I will say it most certainly isn't for everyone, as it has a little bit of everything including some rather extreme fetishes. Legitimately enjoyed the story, and the fights in hardcore mode were actually challenging.


I bought like two hentai games for steam. Now my account is forever stained and I get bombarded by low quality h game adverts.


I am giving The Demon's Stele & The Dog Princess a playthrough.
Created by HappyLambBarn, the makers of Lost Life and Good Dream.
If you aren't into loli stuff then none of those games made by HappyLambBarn are for you.


I'm playing Dohna Dohna, the art is some of the best.


Koikatu never ever worked properly for me, always had to make do with some weird JIT translation engine to read the dialogue


>recently I have been doing nothing but masturbating to doujins and hentai manga
what happened to you op


Best hentai game is IMAGINATION


play bible black


I don't really care about hentai games, but I think if I ever get a nice VR headset like the meganex 8k superlight, I would give it a go in VR for fun. I have a quest 2 but it's kind of garbage.


I got the Microsoft mixed reality headset awhile ago.
It by modern standards is also a bit shit.
Played it a good amount for the first couple years of having it, but these days it's pretty rare for me to bother, and when I do it's probably for a action or movement related game rather than porn.
Doesn't help that it's been a long while since a halfway decent feature complete vr H-game has come out. So few projects feel even remotely finished.

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