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File: 1726834113651.png (645.95 KB, 704x480, 22:15, [Coalgirls]_Hyakko_13_(704….png) ImgOps iqdb


Around 11 years ago I first watched the anime Hyakko and it became my favorite ever. Or close to it. It's the only anime I can remember watching in which I liked every single character. Every episode was entertaining and made me happy to watch. There was never any moment of any episode that felt dull or boring at all; if I started an episode, I wanted to see the whole thing and would take no break to pee or answer the phone or anything!

I loosely remembered that the manga continued where the anime left off, but went on a long hiatus.
I guess the "hiatus" part slipped from my mind. After a depressing turn of life I remembered how much I had loved Hyakko when I saw it over a decade ago. I had so much fun the past few days rewatching the series but after I saw the final episode, I learned that even after all this time, the manga never picked back up.

I feel even worse than I had before I had started rewatching this!
Like some small ray of hope was introduced into my horrible life-situation and was then snuffed out from under me…

I don't know if this belongs on /jp/ or /dep/, I guess. I just have absolutely no where I can talk about this.
Maybe someone else has experienced some kind of similar situation…


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had kind of same feeling with Genshiken


Now I'm exploring my 10-year-old external hard drive that I used to back up anime in ages past. I rewatch something; I vaguely remember it but it's basically brand new to me! But then it's over and I get that familiar empty feeling again, but worse than the first time, because I get reminded of how the story is done forever, nobody cares about it anymore, etc.

The entire hard drive is a melancholy graveyard of sorrowful times that were still better times compared to today.

With anime, I experience a unique depression when I finish something, since I never watch new things. Something I don't experience with games or TV shows:
I'll search 4chan archives and forums in general to see if anyone else likes the anime I just finished, and 99% of ANY mentions of the title are just lists of anime that someone likes. Like I'll just see it mentioned in "stuff I've watched" lists and such. Or one post in a million will have a one-sentence comparison of its story with another anime's story. And of course, the post in question will have no replies or anything else of value.


what anime?


>10-year-old external hard drive
Were you collecting new anime or old classic animes? Cos it was somewhere in the 10s anime became this soulless digitally animated husk of itself.


>waah waah waah, Every discussion about anything must be turned in to one about how new thing is bad and it used to be good before normies/zoomers/iphones ruined it


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This is clearly a nostalgia thread. And everything new does suck immensely.

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