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File: 1590001725711.png (2.75 MB, 1508x2132, 29:41, Tower.of.God.full.2873874.png) ImgOps iqdb


Why is Tower of God considered an anime when it is adapted from a manhwa? If it is solely because a Japanese studio did it then why isn't the same logic applied to Cannon Busters? So basically anyone with money can just pay a studio to adapt their source material and it will be "anime"? Seems like a bad precedent we are setting. How does Japan feel about this?


Cannon busters is considered anime. Also japan doesn’t care, only the fussy weebs who care about their image do.


all that mass produced fiction released every week is so boring.


Neo Yokio is anime despite it being mostly western and total shit.
Same with Afro Samurai though it is less shit.
Also I have never heard of someone saying Cannon Busters wasn't anime.


this just seems as another mass hyped anime that i will stay away from. Last mass hyped anime i saw was Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba and it was shit. Animation is good, sure, but the story is bland and the main character is really boring..

besides, if tower of god is an anime, what does it differ from Avatar the last airbender which people clearly state was not an anime. I know the answer to this, but just throw out the thought out there.. An anime is only an anime if its produced in japan.


Yeah it should be called cartoon ;-}


Sounds like you're onto something OP. You should start a change.org petition to remove TOG from anime listing sites.


I do know that the comic was/is one of the most popular manhwa I can think of so that is probably where a lot of hype is coming from.


What is "anime" ?
Is it made by Jap but financed by US? Then the 80's TRANSFOMERS count and so does the ones exclusive to Netflix.
Does it have to be made by Jap exclusively? Then most current anime don't count because the grunt-work (like in-between frames) is done by Chinese/S.Koreans.


squint your eyes until everything is blurry
question: does it look somewhat like anime
if yes: it's anime (for 99% of people)


The heads of every department have to japanese, in japanese companies, that live in and were raised in japan. Outsourcing grunt work to your ex-colony is different from having a person from a different culture in a major position.


So it has to be made for Japan to be anime?


Anime is japanese animation. there is plenty of manga adapted from western novels. Maybe there should be another term for wholly japanese created works.

Manhwea and web toons are nearly always appealing to normies the art is always down badly in these comics as well and I dislike that they are being made into anime but most mass produced anime is lacking any substance anyway.

I would be more concerned about shitty CGI being used in anime OP.


words just get bastardized over time, any turn-based combat game could be called a jrpg, anything that looks like anime could be called anime, people will get what you're saying unless they are being pedantic


fuck you op for fucking triggering me on what a bluepilled cuck that sissy main character is



When you have to SOLO LEVEL manhwa into an anime adaption…


South Korean productions feel so weird to me. Not only manhwa, but also their movies and music, it's how I'd imagine non-humans trying to copy what humans are doing, in a very awkward and artificial way. I listened to some old stuff, 50s or so, and despite not being something I'd be into into, it didn't feel the same. Maybe something historically happened that fucked them up, I know they had a decades long dictatorship.


unironically anime is dying and everything can be called anime nowdays


their tv is highly melodramatic and overacted with everyone looking like a perfectly coiffed super model. Obviously their music is like that too with only the best looking ones picked and they go through these formulaic dances. It's modeled after j pop. I really don't get the appeal of either but to each their own.


true, which is why I maintain we should be allowed to post about chinese anime here even though they're not technically anime.


Then what about Avatar or Castlevania? And stuff from other countries like LoliRock, W.I.T.C.H., Code Lyoko? The Boondocks? What about comic books modeled after manga? Marvel even has a "mangaverse". Why accept Chinese and Korean stuff, but not these? Is it because they all be from them slant-eyed people? The board is /jp/, not /eastasia/.


I mean traditionally there were western cartoons, and there was anime. Anime was just the only non-western cartoons out there which made it interesting and unique and worth having its own board but now there are other non-western cartoons also. You have to ask yourself, what was the appeal of anime that it created such a big following and justified the creation of boards around it. It's mostly just that they were cartoons but different enough from what everyone was used to to make them worth talking about. That is the same situation as any non-western cartoon.


It's not a coincidence Miyazaki called anime a mistake.


I know what he means now. Anime was never good, its appeal was that it was obscure. The time I wasted on it is all gone now that it's popular.


forced to lick cp poster's ass


File: 1710609983849.webm (4.66 MB, 480x320, 3:2, Creditless Opening Dirty ….webm) ImgOps iqdb

> Anime was never good, its appeal was that it was obscure. The time I wasted on it is all gone now that it's popular.
It's a thought that's been bouncing around in my head since 2012. Maybe the Mayans were right.


I don't consider anime all you said above


the art on all of those was shit, wtf Code Lyoko? give me a break, you may as well put the Corporate Memphis shit posted on /b/


File: 1711188431783.jpg (59.78 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, d0f3da9c78e807206a7fc891de….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

what we call 'anime style' was the style of Japanese manga artists. but over time, this way of drawing was copied by other non-Japanese people. and, what was previously a style specific to the Japanese, has become a style copied by everyone. since then, this style of art called Japanese anime style is no longer the monopoly of the Japanese but also of other non-Japanese (Korean and Chinese for example). but for me an anime is an anime because it was made by Japanese. but nowadays, Koreans and Chinese who draw like the Japanese (the anime style) are better suited to making Japanese anime. So, can we say that these are real anime? Japanese anime is dying for an international anime style. we can say that anime is dead, unfortunately.


Still not as bad as some of the 3D Chinese "anime" I've seen posted around.


Isint that ONA? There is hand drawn "chinese anime " that is decent looking (rakasha street)


Reminder that for Japs all cartoons are "anime" even spiderman and Disney shit is anime.


That's not true in the slightest and is just an old /a/ meme.


No it is true, if you went to Japan and talked with actual Japanese people you would know that “anime” is the term they use for ANY animation, only retarded westerners think that “anime” applies to Japanese animation only.

Isomething similar happens with manga,hell some manga magazines literally say “Comic” on the title.

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