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File: 1711492448343.png (1.76 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Question.png) ImgOps iqdb


Not Complaining but someone asked me why is it 70 episodes long i simply thought it was because it was popular enough to get that many or maybe there's some other reason


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Sakura is a little person given a huge task. All of that cardcaptoring and training her magic on top of keeping up with her education and the lives of her friends… It's OK if she takes however long she needs.


Of course but I’m on episode 43 an according to the show she’s almost “done” just wanted to know if there was some top secret production reason for the show’s length because google is useless these days


Great show, enjoy it!


So many Sakura threads.


It makes no sense to me. Might as well be my little pony threads. Why are y'all watching this garbage made for little succubi?


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