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File: 1737048660763.jpg (700.64 KB, 2560x1707, 2560:1707, 2021-10-12T000000Z_1827633….jpg) ImgOps iqdb


I saw someone talkng about it here many years ago,he even posted images of some people who died in their bed rooms by carcoal poisoning, I even researched this on Google:

Any of you have an experience or knowledge about this? seems like a fine way to end it since Coal is dirt cheap everywhere, and All you need besides that is a fully closed room and for someone not to find you within a couple hours, It reminds me of the Carbon monoxide poisoning.



Good input.


Taking a screenshot for that whole post so I won't lose it if the site gets taken down.


Hell yeah, cook up some meat on your way out so the person that finds you can have a burger.

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