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>graduate high school
>go on indeed.com
>be qualified for literally 0 jobs
>all the shit manual labour jobs you ARE qualified for have thousands of applicants and are effectively blackvoids
>okay you realize now you need to go to college to get anywhere
>go to college
>figure out you need to make connections to get a job
>you have to be literally top 1% turbonormie with ZERO flaws ZERO mental illnesses ZERO doubt ALL confidence NEVER went through any major obstacle in life had a HEALTHY LOVING life to make the necessary connections for someone to like you and get you a job
>realize you're not that person
>you graduate
>you have tons of debt for a degree, doesn't matter if it's STEM, that isn't earning you money because you didn't make the right connections
>you still don't qualify for any jobs
>skilled trades are just as nepotistic if not more
>even if you DO miracolously get some shit job, it won't be enough to pay your bills or anything
>this is the reality of 80% of young westerners
>this is the reality of 100% of Wizards
So please tell me again is there even any point in getting a degree anymore if you lack connections?


>So please tell me again is there even any point in getting a degree anymore if you lack connections?
No, it's not worth it at all. Unless you manage to get into one of the top schools in your respective field, in which case it might be worthwhile to get a degree if only for the brand recognition and alumni connections.


For white collar jobs I can confirm yeah it's useless. It's really Nepotism and you having connections to a network of co workers and friends. It's basically adult day care. If you are a lonely quiet guy in the office you get seen as a weirdo by roasties and other men. On top of having to attend superficial stupid company events so you don't fired for not coming to 'team building' bullshit, it's all just a headache really. I do not give a single fuck about any of my co workers. We're all replaceable. I just want a paycheck and go home.


how do autists even survive in such a system?
do they all live on NEETbux


For the most part, yeah


I guess the ones in the third world just starve to death, makes sense since I barely see autists from the third world


Autism is an Aryan trait.


College and university qualifications have always been for the dumb debtslave taxcuck cattle


you can't get a job without a degree, fuck off, none will trust you to engineer a bridge just because you "learned" it on youtube


Not really, it's difficult to get a job without one.


engineering specifically needs certifications, unlike most jobs. It's still a job for debtslave taxcuck cattle, regardless, since it provides no means of escape and no freedom. You cant work for yourself, cant work from home, it wont even be applicable in other countries so youll never be able to move anywhere.

often it is equally as difficult with one too unless you have connections etc. degrees are useless for socially inept people because socially inept people cant get a job no matter what. it's just one piece of the much larger puzzle

Many people are taking about software and IT where degrees are literally a useless trap and waste of time since they teach nothing practical


higher education is mostly a test of conformity and sociability
you can understand everything they teach, but still fail if you don't fall in line and lose your interests by spending almost all of your free time on studying stuff you won't need at work anyway
that's how normies get used to heavy workload, and that's why they seem to have such uninteresting, generic lives


yes, fuck that crap, I am just NEETing, using my time to draw, play touhou, and doomscroll, at least it's comfy, fuck school


what do you guys think about free-lancing? I heard it's the go to option for autists


Good taxcattle, now get back to work so you can pay off my mortgages


They're bred and raised to be exploited, they'll do anything, even castrate themselves and their children for that sense of security


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I think I am too smart to get a job, unironically
There are no thoughts more inappropriate and frowned upon than these. To imply your failure was actually caused by your superiority.

For the sake of this argument, let's assume for a minute that it's a real phenomenon.
I've talked to a lot of people who get jobs with ease, automatically. It took me years to notice they aren't actually highly educated, intelligent, or good looking. They're literally mediocre at best: IQ 100, normal-looking, went to trade school, don't know what calculus means.

I have a degree in physics but I have never in my life landed a job. Today on social media some young normie tried to explain to me why I dont get hired. It was the typical straw-grasping where he thinks "it's all about le attitude :-) tone down ur autism HAHA" and other horoscope-tier shit like that. I could almost taste the IQ gap between us, but here he was, stealing my jobs. I woke up. I realized that employers want blind NPC robots like him. Trade schoolers. People who are physically incapable of original thought. They are the most obedient and productive workers. Nobody wants to hire a person who thinks outside his work assignment.


I've gotten every job I've applied for but I've never kept a job for more than a few months

It's about the sale, of you can't sell you're fucked


you worked as a sales-person?


College exists to literally batter you into being a loyal drone for the establishment and if you so happen to be immune to the programming & humiliation rituals, this creates a "break" which the institution has no answer for.


If you can't sell you'll never be successful. In fact if you can't sell you won't even be able to form relationships


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How does turbo-introvert wizard get a job? no, autism NEET buck isn't a job.
I'm tired of applying my 655th resume to the companies and get no replies. I hate my comp sci degree. It doesn't land me any interviews even with certifications that I made on the sides. Should I shows up at the company and do something nasty in minecraft?


And my mother still insists to me get further education after getting a college degree


The way to get rich is glibmaxxing, and the strongest foundation of a relationship is a shared delusion (like religion, or building a better tomorrow, or other bullshit like that)


There is a pretty thing about us buying into this stuff of "making connections", you end up wasting time with worthless normies with the hope of them being useful. You sell yourself away into their ways without any guarantee of receiving back what you really need.

It's like buying lottery or paying rental: getting yourself scammed with plenty of knowledge about you being the victim of the scam.

Boomers will still push their crap about muh educational system in order to turn you into one more slave for greedy meatbags who mostly deserve not a single penny from the fortune that their wagecucks earn for them at the cost of their own health and honor. But the thing is, unemployment is only growing and jobs are revealing theirselves more openly as the slavery they are thanks to a system where you cannot just live offgrid without getting IRSblasted away by lousy cops who would totally jail you for something as simple and innocent as collecting rain water.


Every job market is always connections. Always. Most autistic people either do not work (because they can't) or they usually end up being 'underemployed' like in my case. I once got made fun of for being a bagger at a grocery store and having a college degree. Never felt condescending towards people who work in low wage "unskilled" jobs. Now for sure I sympathize with those people because they tend to be treated poorly by the wealthier.


>So please tell me again is there even any point in getting a degree anymore if you lack connections?
Every single person I know who's family had money always got a high paid career job. Every person I know who went from poorfag to richfag had a high level of charisma or had a wealthy friend.


Elon Musk's tweet about H-1B visas had me thinking. The American STEM student is absolutely screwed. The cost of college for them is 10x than in India. No sane person is going to put the time and effort a STEM degree requires while paying that much money. Anyone complaining how politicians, lawyers, and CEOs have no STEM background, this is fucking why. Between immigrants and AI, everywhere on the corporate ladder, you are begging for scraps.


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why can't you wizards go to trade school?
learn how to become a plumber, car mechanic, barber or learn coding, photoshop, graphic design, video editing and get into freelancing, there are pajeets in india who earn 5 and 6 figures salaries from online free-lancing,there is literally no excuse to be poor in this day and age, the internet exists, if you are unemployed might as well spend your time learning useful skills


It's a zero-sum game, the average income in India is 3 figures and it's not even on the lowest end.


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The days of graduating with a STEM degree and cushy office job out of school are over. The era of cheap imported labor and AI is upon us.


They work for western companies remotely, and get to live like Gods with western salaries in third world nations.


Just part of the rigged game. I live in a European country where college is free at least (apart from a 200$ fee per semester) but I already know that nothing I learn in uni (computer engineering) will ever be relevant in my later job for the reason you outlined. I can pass off as reasonably normal in job interviews but the longer I'm exposed to people, the more they realize that I'm not like them. Never show up at work if I can work from home, never go with colleagues for lunch or attend work events etc, have no idea how to talk to these people. The turbo autists who excel in their fields or normies with connections sap up all the good jobs anyways. All I've ever gotten were basic office jobs unrelated to my field which nobody should need a fucking degree for. But if you don't have a degree or finished trade school, you won't even get looked at as a candidate. Game's rigged, top to bottom.


>literally no excuse to be poor in this day and age
Are you fucking retarded?


we are in the age of internet, you can learn skills for free and take the freelancing-pill, if you are poor in this day and age, it's only because you are dumb and too lazy to learn skills online, like coding, video editing, translation (if you're ESL), or graphic design, instead of just doomscrolling and crying about the state not offering you a job when you have the internet.


You should learn your place in life, remove your degree from your resume and apply at a customer job that actually exists instead


Clarification: Customer. Service.
The phone jobs are not as bad as they would like you to believe.
I work at home and fucking wash dishes and comb my love doll's wigs between calls. If I'm in a really good mood I can read. If I'm not then I can use a blanket and close my eyes. Waiting is literally half the job.
You know, the funny thing is, for the tech support jobs you might have been applying to, they would explicitly exclude anyone who actually knows anything about computers because they would not stick to the script.


How do people like you even end up here?


What do you mean? Wizchan isn't exclusively for those who have 100% given up on not only themselves, but also on blaming themselves.


There is absolutely zero chance the average educated 20-30 year old in this economy will solely live off skills learned on the internet and freelancing.

Let alone a wizard with severe autism, anxiety attacks and no job history.

What job do you do? Oh, you're a minor who lives at his parents and thinks life is as easy as Netflix makes it look like.


I am a Graphic designer, I got into it as a hobby when I was in High-school because I had silly dreams about becoming an animator in japan, when i graduated with an I.T degree, I could not find a job, but my skills in Graphic design helped me get into freelacing through Fiverr.
>Let alone a wizard with severe autism, anxiety attacks and no job history.

and this person calls me "retarded", freelancing is literally the best thing for autists, because it offers flexibility, reduces social pressures, you can handle interviews or client discussions through emails, chats, or video calls so it's less stressful without the B.S pressure of face-to-face interaction or H.R foid.


I think it would be easy in a cheap third world country. In a country with high cost of living it is impossible yes (with exception of people who bought crypto early, but that feels like a different category than employment and exercising skills)


>Let alone a wizard with severe autism, anxiety attacks and no job history.
>"It's not my fault, I was born unemployable"
You were groomed by internet creeps in to thinking you can't do anything and are powerless to change that because of >MY AWTIZUM AND OCD AND ANXIETEES


Autism as a spectrum is a lie. The only real autists are the ones who can barely speak, screech and bang their heads on the wall. Being socially inept has nothing to do with being autistic, it's said that succubi usually don't have autism, but that's because they usually get more feedback, sometimes positive (fake), thus improving their social skills from a younger age. You are just socially inept, your brain is totally normal, yeah, it's like injuries, but you don't see people trying to conflate the loss of a finger to being fucking quadriplegic. how curious that they pushed for one diagnosis (autistic spectrum disorder) and then started diagnosing every picky eater as autistic!


>if you don't bang your head on the wall, you're not autistic
post the best


Not talking about actual autism. There is no hard science backing up the 'spectrum', it's quackery invented by psychologists.

>Being less social

>Having strong intellectual interests
>Not liking loud noises
These are just normal personality variations, not a disorder. They're literally just pathologizing nerds. It's so retarded
You do not have aspergers, you're just a nerd


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Indeed. If a man is capable of functioning - albeit a little behind developmentally - he can be gaslit in to feeling 'learned hopelessness' by engaging with the wrong crowd.

If telling guys like OP repeatedly that they are
1. Autistic (because he's kinda shy around strangers)
2. Can never function in society (because of this "autism")
3. Can never achieve his personal goals (because he must rely on society for them)
Anti-male, anti-"loser" trolls can effectively ruin a man's life by destroying his aspirations through convincing him that his pursuits will bear no results as a result of his "autism", which he doesn't actually have.

This is why it is imperative to shut down those who type out such self-loathing, cancerous "I'm an autistic failure doomed to be miserable forever for causes that I can not change" posts. We can sympathize with their feelings and give them all the advice in the world, but no matter how their own outlook is changed, the mere presence of their posts is only going to reinforce the 'delusions of hopelessness' that so many young online men are afflicted by. Anyone defending such posts is by all accounts either a troll or a tool of one.

If you can read this, then you DON'T have autism, and you are NOT powerless to get better at your hobbies. You can learn to NOT be afraid to order a McChicken dinner meal. Don't let the femmunist and tranoid trolls bring you down to the depths of despair. Beat them.


Even if you have education and good job, what is the point for a man who has tight foreskin and frenulum breve


they use "autism" as an object to blame for all their issues like laziness and prefering to waste time endlessly and complaining about life being shit instead of getting their shit together and finding a way to improve, and the worst thing is the fact they drag other people online like you said at the end of your post, at least i try to motivate people to learn skills and spend their free NEET time doing something that might help them avoid absolute poverty or homelesness.



The hell, connections. That was a normie scam which never worked for me. If you are one of us you can totally forget about going after people with that purpose. You might as well just get badly used…


This, your only hope is a family remember knowing someone and your family relative convincing them to give you a chance, that is the only networking we can have, the closest thing to it at least.


It's probably worth it in hindsight, but the whole "getting a degree/learning skill/trade" phase probably requires you to be under the illusion it will bring you happiness. Idk if I'd be able to do it knowing what I know now.


Connections with ANOTHER AUTISTIC TYPES. Not damn normies!

It's all about being able to live off-grid away from the accursed IRS and exigences from entrepreneurs.

It's not that we can't function in society, we can't function BECAUSE of society. Which is a mess not a society.

no-fap safelock

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