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I was at work and had to just fucking sit there and listen to this guy go on and on about how succubi constantly hit him up and fucked him. I normally don't react to this kind of stuff. But then he showed video after video after video and it eventually got to me. This fuck is the same age as me but his life just seemed so much easier. I legitimately didn't understand what it's like to have a fucking succubus text you. Want to see you. He even said "You're not ugly. How?" I just didn't have an answer. I just live with the cope that some people just have it easier and others like myself emit and anti succubus field. I am happier the further away from sex and relationship shit I hear. Normally I can just live around it and it doesn't bother me. This time was different some how. What the fuck.


There is no cope. It shakes you down to your very core and even on a genetic level DNA changes occur due to a constant stressor in the environment. Your entire persona changes from a happy or neutral person into bitter and hateful and jealous. People can instantly tell something is off.Even if you look like a Chad you might be too passive and even average looking normies will group up and bully you by saying you're gay or a cuck or you got small dick. When you realize this there's nothing you can do to change it. No succubus will give you the chance anymore as you become bald and uglier as you age. Even if you somehow magically get a gf you won't be able to please her like an experienced normie or the roastke might not be tight enough compared to years of death grip fapping. There is nothing you can do besides avoid all others and isolate yourself to spare yourself further shame and humiliation.


You know what's fucking funny ? I hate to ponder on it or bitch on how i'm also unlucky with females but there was this retarded succubus who my friend insisted on me to talk to but she turned to be asexual and uninterested, Anyways she told me about how her succubus bestfriend has a boyfriend (i know him) and that boyfriend has another girlfriend but hides her from his current girlfriend she's afraid to tell her that so she doesn't break her. Anyways it's just normie mundane bullshit i don't care about relationships but funnily enough what made me laugh at this so hard is how i was trying to get a succubus who's not even close to 6/10 and then this faggot has two. It's there where i realized females are not for me but still that faggot is just an NPC who buys the latest materialistic products and follows popular music, guess it's the npcs who succeed in social life, Well good luck for him.

I know how you feel anon because it's the fucking same for me and i don't fucking care about that anymore because there are better things in life and we should stop blinding our eyes from them and abstain ourselves from faggotry and relationships because they hinder our intellectual development and free time. You're better than that faggot because what's in his mind constantly is females, try not to be like him and forget that bullshit and don't ponder on it, What i gave you is just an example.


I am guessing you are young, perhaps in your early 20s. I am older and have experienced your feelings at that age range. My experience tells me that it becomes easier once you stop caring. When you are young, these types of intense feelings are hard to understand, for both successful and unsuccessful people. If you are unsuccessful, you might try to rationalize. You must be ugly. You must be poor. You must be socially awkward. You must be *something*, because other guys seem to have so much sex without effort. From what I understand, sex comes naturally when they are in tune with themselves. People who want to help like to say things like, "Work and focus on yourself," and it isn't bad advice, but it is incomplete. There are people your age who obviously have not spent time working on themselves, yet they are much more successful.

Years will pass. You will get older and think you are unlovable, but then you hear about men older than you impregnating a young succubus. That is when you may realize you aren't them and have lived a completely different life, filled with challenges they didn't have to go through.

You may choose to isolate yourself and avoid sexual triggers, but if the feeling of not having sex bothered you when you were young, it will continue to linger, and you will need to deal with it eventually. I guess my advice is to just allow yourself to be frustrated. It is unfair that you have to suffer. But it is your life. Reflect on your own experiences, feel your feelings, and act accordingly. Don't ignore your feelings and work towards what they are focused on. You will suffer but you might as well suffer while working towards what you desire.


>It is unfair that you have to suffer
>Years will pass. You will get older and think you are unlovable, but then you hear about men older than you impregnating a young succubus

Couldn't help but laugh, I know right ? But I guess centering your life around love and sex is insanely mundane and insipid. Holy fuck like try reading your prose again and see how absurd the description of love looks like, There are way way way better things, nay, million better things in life that are better than love.

A person who's in love as >>292135's example said is that he's indulged in Materialism and does not know himself therefore we can conclude that we must forget love as you said but completely and remove it as a goal and at the same make a goal rather than making a goal that's directly to get into love. Life is better without love if you think about it, Defy the universe and be a person who embraces celibacy


Failed normalfaggotry at its worse


>It's there where i realized females are not for me but still that faggot is just an NPC who buys the latest materialistic products and follows popular music
Pop music is literally designed to be popular. If you can't unironically and sincerely enjoy pop music, you are neurologically weird and shouldn't be surprised the succubi don't like you.
>I just live with the cope that some people just have it easier and others like myself emit and anti succubus field.
We are the social equivalent of someone born severely color blind so it shouldn't be surprising when there's subtleties of social "fashion sense" that we don't get that turns normgroids off.
That is what that "it factor" that you can't tell what it is, is. Of course you can't identify it, you are psychologically/biologically blind to it. To normans it's more apparent that you're missing something vital.


I listen to anything, don't try to label that bullshit on me, Still I think they have it easy because they have already indulged in many Relationships therefore it became something normal that's why their advices are all half assed and platonic, they do not know what's in a person or what's the real problem, They're dumb but Love isn't life, If we're color blinded then they're completely blinded you know why ? Because color blind means we see things atleast but they don't see anything, You know who's not blind ? Our ancestors who didn't live in a material society, We know, They do not know. Celibacy is to be more with yourself and above the norms


There is nothing to deal with.

Only if your mind is twisted and poisoned by your (Indian?) culture is there a problem.


Even if you go walk in an isolated forest, with your poisoned mind you'll start crying over constantly hearing birds' mating calls, bunnies fucking everywhere, reindeer fighting to breed with their heads crowned by antlers that waste calories to participate in sexual natural selection


I sometimes read normie sex discussion forums when I'm very horny. Counterintuitively it only reinforces my conviction of virginity being a more solid and consistent with reason choice. According to what I've read, pleasing a succubus these days requires a higher education and several years of experience, otherwise you are going to be failing really hard one time after another in a humiliating manner. You are going to be looked down upon and if you dare to get upset you're going to be condescendingly consoled with the pussy. Now knowing this I feel nothing but contempt towards people like you OP. There is nothing to deal with. So long as I have hands I can't see how any female can be morally superior to jerking off once in a while.


>consolated condescendingly
That's what the cuckery of "being a man" brings normies into. They do not even dare to ask their couples for proper practice
>jerking off is superior
Female orgasm generates fluids and energy which retributes the emptiness inside male genitalia after cooming, compensating for the seminal loss. Read the Tao of sex. Jerking makes you just exposed to air, being more harmful when the air is cold.

succubi are the ones who should be burdened with all this shit, as they are better hardwired to do so, since nobody cared about this, both sexes become more and more corrupted psychosocially as you all can see


You can look up what are the greatest pleasures in life and sex always comes on top. People cope in different ways when they're not having sex. Even those who fuck with prostitutes they have to use condoms so is that really sex when they have to wear some rubber and can't creampie skin on skin. It's just another cope for failed sexhavers.


>read some religious shit
no thank you sir


so your alternative to be sexless is to be a coomer which is basically a degenerate who is addicted to porn and masturbation

You're more proof that most men aren't cut out to live a monastic life. You're already burning with sin and are in no way better than normies. You're even more obsessed with sex than they are.


Yes I must admit I cum once or twice a month. Unfortunately you missed that part with porn. Sorry to disappoint you. Show me your wisdom. Show me your habits. Do you retain? How long? My longest streak was only 3.5 months. Teach me to be better.


Tao was demonstrable medicine for millenia. Nothing to do with sintoism.

This is what illiteracy brings to the average wizard, turning so hard into a coomer they even start to discuss on bad faith whatever is useful to anyone who does not wish to share their fate.


the point is you're speaking to voices in your head as i am not coomer and never even tried to appear as one. that greatly undermines what you tell me about tao as i don't see an enlightened monk but a delusional wretch jumping everyone for no reason just to boast about tao


You have no answer because there is no answer to be given. They deserve no explanation, as foids deserve no attention.

It is an humilliation to go after their skirts like a coomer.


Yup. And that's better than fine to me. So whatever


Read more about life and stop having illiterate views on life and self sabotaging yourself with insipid bullshit like romance because it i a Capitalistically funded to increase more money for the capital and increase more celibacy and lesser population, The less relationships are they become a rarity and as they are a rarity then the spending will become more expensive.

Love and sex is made for people who cannot grasp profound meaning of life and find what's beyond life, You think Occult's central though of mind is only love? No, They know there are more things better in life which is control and spiritualism. They entertain themselves by massive sex in order to exterminate intrinsic thoughs and march forward.

You still have more to learn in life.


"Love and sex" being a capitalist scheme to get more moneys does correlate with the fact that leftists and other varieties of communists are usually ugly and unloving.


you rot like everyone else


plenty of hobbies :D


you can't cope. just suffer. there is literally no rhyme or reason to why we got handed the DNA configuration we have and there is no way to change it. so you just suffer. for no reason at all. towards your older ages it becomes easier to tolerate this because your testosterone and energy decreases.

but even that realization is no consolation. knowing you will desire it less with old age brings pain of humiliation when you are young. because the only prospect for solace, the only solution to your problem in sight is being slowly turned into an eunuch by nature. a release only after you have been forced to witness your failure.

there is no reason, nothing you can do, no help you can get, at no point this gets better until it no longer matters.


I do not understand the hobby cope offered by normalfags.
A hobby cannot suck and fuck my dick.


there's more to life than fucking and sucking. even normies that get to fill a different cum dumpster every night get bored because it's like 5 minutes of pleasure and then you're stuck with post-nut clarity and you're bored again. except unlike porn you still have the bitch in your bed and have to listen to her yap.

a hobby has the potential to be a lot more rewarding since you can get into a state of flow and basically lose yourself for hours. afterwards you might be tired, but it's the good kind of tired where you get to sit back and feel good about it. there's also usually some kind of productive end result, a skill, knowledge, experience, social bonding if you're doing it with a group.


You could go "ER"
You could try to maximize your looks and money to "escape" sexlessness
You could just accept that this shit is random and absurd, and just not care as much.You could have been anyone. You could have been a "normie" or a "Chad" and still experienced some unique suffering.
I'm not sure if you can "fill" the void of intimacy with hobbies.You can get someone to have sex with you through trade and or deception, but you can't make them genuinely love and want to be intimate.


I just remind myself that I don't want it. If I really wanted sex I'd do all the things that are needed. Getting a tinder profile, getting professionally taken pictures of myself, going outside more, interacting with people, etc. I just prefer to be by myself in my cozy room.
There are certain "self improvement" things I like to do such as lift weights, but I just do that for myself, like the pleasure someone gets from improving at a video game.


I got one of those silicone asses, feels surprisingly good. Lay on top in bed and just watch my 2D waifus while banging fake ass. Doesn't nag you, doesn't complain, doesn't max out your credit card.


I just dont give a shit, never really have because this whole Sex thing is a bad deal if you think about it a bit, and really only bad things come from it and what little pleasure you can extract from that is gonna get overshadowed by all the garbage a stinkcubus brings to your Life.
So why bother?
intimacy and romance mean nothing to me, I do not care about other People at all and I cant imagine ever giving a shit about a Roastie or trusting a roastie with anything, I do not want to share anything from my life with anyone.
of course without a Roastie you are always at the bottom of Society but why should I give a shit about Society to begin with? Fuck Society, Society has never done anything for me but sabotage me whenever possible so why should I ruin myself to create more slave workers and become a provider wagecuck for a family and a system that I dont give a fuck about?
the only thing I care about is myself and this will never change and thats why I will stay alone forever.
so yea I dont have to deal with anything or cope about it because it means nothing to me.


You must be very young. Eventually you will stop caring about what normies do with their lives. Also you never confess your wizard status to normalfaggots, especially past certain age, that never ends well.


Maybe it doesn't have to end well. Shit on them.


Edging and gooning. No coom. Otherwise your energetic field gets crumpled by normalshit like the one which ended up itching OP.


nooooooo!! but that’s not what the jews want you to do!!

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