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Bascially, my country and it's culture has shifted rapidly, as soon as most of the people have come in contact with the West through internet, liberalisation, and globalisation. And I believe that is one of the reason which has prompted me to become a wizard.

Prior to globalisation, the succubi of my mother's generation were quite different, they themselves considered it shameful to wear revealing dresses, they always used to dress modestly, while most marriages were arranged they weren't forced, so while succubi were free to select their mate, and reject, they could do it only once and that guaranteed a equal distribution of succubi among men, and everyone was much more happier in that system as everyone got a mate.

And most succubi and men were virgin prior to marriage, it was considered shameful for both men and succubi to be non-virgin. As a matter of fact my native language doesn't even have a word for virgin, and there was no virgin shaming. But nowadays, kids use the word "virgin" as an insult. Most succubi lose their virginity quite early, and finding a virgin succubi is rare.

2-3 decades ago, succubi didn't consider it shameful or bad to be housewives, on the contrary they were proud to be one, or they studied and took a break for 5 years and then resumed their jobs, to go through marriage, pregnancy, and infancy of their child, and when they started working, the guy took the equal burden of the household chores and jobs.

But now, it's all changed, it's considered cool to smoke, drink, do drugs, wear skimply clothes, lose virginity early on, and then find a betabuxxer. Or in some cases succubi get paid so much that they don't even need a betabuxxer any more, while men struggle to get jobs, and ugly in men in particular end up at a much greater disadvantage.

And they act exactly like Western succubi, and I assume Western succubi are insufferable but due to the lost control of Western Men, a lot of Western Men now look towards East to get a semi-decent succubi. Leaving the same Eastern Men, to subscribe to redpill grifters like Andrew Tate, or bluepill themselves to oblivion.

And mind you only the degeneracy of the West has been copied and imported from the West, and meanwhile Western Culture's good and non-degenerate parts are completely ignored. In my country we now have things like undie runs (can anyone from the West explain this? what causes so utter lack of shame in people and succubi that they do undie runs at places of studying like UCLA?), nude beaches (when most men and succubi bathed at least 60% clothed in public areas), clubs, pubs, nightclubs, raves. They even talk like Western People, there is nothing remotely eastern about them.

Life for me could've been so much different if I was just born 2-3 decades ago, but right now it feels like I will never get to start a family of my own and will never get to live a normal ordinary life.


>As a matter of fact my native language doesn't even have a word for virgin
what language?


The wall fell and everything went to shit.


I'm from a western European country and even I am seeing the further "Westernisation" here, mainly in the deterioration of my native language and the adoption of American culture war / SJW ideology.


Don't the Western Europeans consider Americans Prudish?


Perhaps normalfags and boomers do. From where I'm sitting the US is one of the most degenerate countries there are. We have plenty of our own cultural flaws but a lot of it (again especially in language) is being homogenized with the US-dominated internet culture, slang etc. I saw a clip of a state funded tv info show recently where the host just used English words in his sentences instead of just translating it like they would've done years ago.


OP's only experience with "The West" is what he seee on his Instagram feed. He blames his own people being dumb and whorish on the West because he's not comfortable with the idea that maybe his own culture is just dumb and whorish to begin with. He blames his bachelor virgin status on Donald Trump. OP has Spiderman briefs.


I'm German and I'm very concerned about the Americanization of this country. I'm not even nationalist, patriotic or even political in any sense, but I feel like it's fucked up that everything German people interact with is American, everything German people do in their work and free time is American, a lot of daily items are produced by Americans and that German values and philosophy, is actually American. Though to a lesser degree, the language is even influenced heavily by the American's English and language notoriously influences the way you think and your culture.

It will probably take decades once things start moving into a different direction, as older generations are very American-loving due to having a cold war mindset still. If there will be change, it will take maybe even more decades to reverse this trend completely (and that's assuming the Americans don't get replaced with China or Russia or whatever, but something actually German). Even the German internet is mostly American, and if it isn't for the language, then 100% for the culture. There are for example a couple of German imageboards, but they don't represent mainstream internet. I think if this trend goes on for long enough, it might be unresolvable. Culture doesn't exist in a void, but is created by the people who live currently and built on-top of the people, that used to live, so it's a reasonable to assume, Germany might be Americanized without any reset-button.

One thing, that comes with the Internet ruining culture and communities, is that even on a local level, everything gets broader and broader. People don't speak in dialects anymore here, they just use the same speak everywhere. Not to mention local traditions (not German, but maybe Bavarian or Saxon) and communities completely falling apart.


>I'm German and I'm very concerned about the Americanization of this country
it's not only your country but the WHOLE world is influenced by american soft power (like the Rammstein's song you posted).
same was said by guy debord about france. read this (go to americanisation of france) also don't forget to translate to your language


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It's an extraordinary thing to behold that the non-American world, despite all its self-assured hatred for what they think America is, evidently lacks the understanding that America is not "American" per se, but rather a Jewish supremacist state wearing the disguise of a liberal democracy, whose media/money issuance/military/film industry/porn industry/pharma groups/advertising groups/academic institutions/left and right wings of its fake political system/and so so much more, are all managed by a foreign group of religious cultists from ancient Phoenicia, who presently refer to themselves as "the Jews."

Even NASA (whom you have pictured above) is a Judeo-Masonic group of (((American))) actornots. Their influence is the influence of Masonry, which is the renewed voice of pagan occultic religion.

Quick FYI: America was created by Jewish bankers as a second Venice on the 17th of Tammuz of 5536 (known in the goyish calendar as the 4th of July of 1776). They've been killing "normal American citizens" in wars for over 200 years. Even the Revolutionary War itself was a goyish killing field managed by Jews on both sides – Haym Solomon financed the American side and Rothschild financed the British; stupid goyim died; many lies were told; Jews got their masonic New Atlantis; and the bankers have been having a blast in the satanic sandbox ever since.

tldr: American power is Jewish power. It always was.

Did your country participate in the COVID hoax? If you answered 'yes' to this question, YOU ARE RULED BY JEWS! Shalom Europa!




op sounds serbian


nah he's must be romanian. serbs are proud people and wouldn't let their country succumb to globalism.


why do you put serbs in a pedestal?


Serbia is notorious for degenerate places like nightclubs, discotheques, and bars. I cannot describe to you how much I fucking detest bars, nightclubs, parties, and raves (which are the most degenerate). I am from the East and in my country these places have recently started popping up. I wish aliens come from another planet and obliterate these degenerates.



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