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We all are not having sex. But at least you guys possess the ability to have sex. I on the other hand know that I won't be able to cum during sex because I have OCD, tight foreskin and tight frenulum.

This is actively ruining my fantasy life. I can't daydream properly because of this. It's like a one handed man daydreaming of being two handed which simply can't happen so even in his daydreams he's one handed.

What can I do? There is no solution for OCD. And no money to fix tight foreskin and frenulum breve.


just circumcision


Man, I have heard horror stories regarding people who've had circumcision in their adulthood. I can pull my foreskin below glans but I can't masturbate and finish that way. I can't finish a lot of times mentally as well because I just can't get myself to cum due to OCD or some shit.


Do not circumsize! There are medicines like betamethasone, which can help to gradually give more and more elasticity to that zone.

At least my experience with that was great in this sense.


whats ocd?


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
can make people have repeated, unwanted thoughts that cause anxiety, and they may feel like they need to do certain things (like rituals or checks) to feel "safe" or to prevent something bad from happening. When it comes to masturbation, OCD might cause stress or worries about performance, germs, or even intrusive thoughts that interfere with enjoying the experience.

In some cases, people with OCD might have trouble focusing on the moment or feel pressure to do certain things a specific way. This can lead to difficulty relaxing, which might affect physical responses like being able to reach orgasm. The anxiety and compulsive thoughts can block the flow of the experience, making it harder for someone to feel comfortable or let go.


oh ok, are you self diagnostic or your doctor said so?


i am testing



Doctor said so.


oh ok, and do you have all the symptoms you described to me?


Mostly but it has been better lately I am trying to control myself. But can't help much with the masturbation expect of things.


wizchan 2025

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