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my parents want to move: sell the house, move to an apartment in the God-Accursed capital city.If I had money, I would cut them off and go live alone; I don't have enough and THEY won't pay for me to live alone.
I have no reason to support the family unit, because it would make me go to the Capital. leftists want to abolish the "traditional" family-I want to oppose ANY family, the very notion of blood-ties being binding, and parental authority over their children.
I guess I will become a psychologist to be a militant anti-family, anti-parent\adult authority activist.




I'm also anti-family, as I am being forced to survive in horrible conditions because of my family


I fucking hate my siblings



Screw parents. The state should raise children. They should strip all parental rights and allow the government to raise children.


theyre threatening me because I don't work and theyre feel shame when their friends ask her why I do nothing and stay at home since 2020


tell them you're a scientist of sorts, and it's part of a bigger project


no they know I'm a loser who browse imageboards all day and fap to hentai


but its still a part of a bigger project. scientific experiments can be very difficult, they wouldnt understand, just give them some books to read on quantum physics and say what you do is connected


I'm a low IQ


are they going to force you to get a job or kick you from home to become homeless?


when they're angry they want to kick me from the house and threatening me blocking all imageboards I browse. it is very annoying. they put me under pressure, I hate it, I can't fight back because they'll get angrier


the thing is that finding a job in the current economy is HARD and it is made extra harder if you are an over-intorvert/autistic type, even if you really, really wanted to wageslave and tried your best, it would still be tough, i suggest you look up for jobs out there (i know it's scary) at least it will give you time to NEET to some extant
"at least our son is trying to find a job, not his fault none decided to employ him yet, at least he is trying"

if you get what i mean, i am a long term NEET with a mom that regularly nags me about finding a job, so, i have experience, she knows i am totallu unemployabl, so she is never serious even if she likes to appear like that


i am optimistic they will not kick you from home, since you were a NEET since 2020, so they kind must have gotten used to it, but you should put effort into trying to change, so they can at least not have a reason to kick you out, how about you start learning to code or learn graphic design online?
i think learning some skills from your laptop and showing to them that you are trying to change will make them less hateful towards you.


just find something productive that you can do to give you time, maybe convince them to sign you up to trade school.


they want me to work, indeed. they don't want me to buy a pc (I don't have a pc) because they say i'll stay all day in front of my screen. it frustrates me because I want my personnal computer just for me. but now I use my brothers computer. but 100% I use my phone, thats all I have.
I can't do trade school because I'm low IQ.


you can become a barber, car mechanic, or even a pastry baker, yeah, non of these jobs have the high social status as being a dentist or an architect, but they are involve skills that are relatively easy to learn, jobs that are in demand, and pay better tha jobs that require 0 skill to perform, you will not know until you try, otherwise, i do not know how are you going to be able to find work if you are an autist with 0 skills, they should give you a chance to lean some useful skills before, and not just: "find a job anon, this will be your last night here"


>high social status
Why care?


just mentioning that basic fact


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yeah I don't know. I'm clumsy and remiss. thank you for trying helping me, I appreciate


i will suggest daily physical exercise (or at least 1 hour of walking) as well as getting your fair share of daily vitamin D, not to mention quality sleep and diet, when you have spent a long time as a NEET out of education and learning, your brain becomes out of shape, i can't help you fully with this issue because i have not even solved it yet my self, i will suggest you have an honest conversation with your parents, explain to them how it is irrational for them to expect someone with 0 skills to get a job and try find some useful skill that you can learn, if needed convince them to get you a refurbished PC, and show them that you are dedicated to learn skills that will help you find employment online, I.D.k, just think and find ways to at least delay being kicked out from the house.

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