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File: 1725489864556.jpg (83.78 KB, 1284x1157, 1284:1157, 1725392587950582.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


I'm so fucking ugly and disgusting
It's painful to look myself in the mirror
I wanna kill myself


Weak? Fat? Ugly?
Just be ugly!
Start exercising today!
You will never regret a good lifting session. Watch some good anime and take inspiration from the male characters, and know that the strogner you are, the more you can protect the nice (2d) succubi (2d).


Sounds like a Nirvana song.


Kurt considered himself ugly…
That nigga was like one of the most handsome men in existence (no-homo)


>Kurt considered himself ugly
Which is why he killed himself before amounting to anything - because he was a tranny that would never be or even remotely look like a succubus. Kurt was a saggy-skin druggie with dyed hair, soggy pasta physique, and a permanently punched set of eye bags. The shotgun blast was an improvement on his face and the world. Gay retard made gay retard music and then died like a gay retard. Keep your "yo yo my nigga" tardspeak and tranny worship out of poor OP's thread.


It's a brag. Anorexic and skinny succubi always say they are fat just to brag.


Listen OP, I understand how you feel, best I can try to recommend you is to come to terms with it. That might sound like a no-go at first, but all of us have their limits. Accepting your own is part of life - one that is inherently human.
Try to have fun in life, that's all we can do at the end anyway, no matter who we are. I can also recommend exercising. It goes beyond the meme-tier body-building; it is far more an exercise of the mind than the body.


I might not be ugly, I suppose, but I am fucking awkward. Everywhere I go people after a short time will make remarks about how 'weird' I am, that I am not 'easy', that I simply am not normal. My interactions with people are not only awkward, I would be fine that, but people think that I am unfriendly, aggressive, have an asocial look, my eye's expression feels uneasy, people are not fine with it, they will feel uneasy, and I fucking hate this and don't know what to do against it. I always try to be polite and friendly, I don't want to appear uneasy, but in trying so hard, I am extremely tense, stressed out, have a fucking disgusting and frightening look in my face, and this is killing me.


Yet, he killed himself. "Good looking" people aren't safe from misery.


Yet you still mask, knowing how much it hurts you, to be liked by normies who do not deserve a damn smile from anyone.

Be uneasy. Perfect that gift.


thanks retard kun. posts like these remind me that even if i fit here by definition, i shouldnt visit wizchan. why were you so angry about nothing? where did all that negative energy come from? i guess if i cared about you i would feel sorry for you.


>Disparage the pseudo-intelelctual, nu-nihilistic, drug pushing, rape loving, label slaving transvestite who openly encouraged young White men to kill themselves
>I'm the bad guy

Not only is your butthurt laughably misblamed, but you even talk like a schoolboy who just discovered black clothing.
>i guess if i cared about you i would feel sorry for you.
Like what was that even supposed to mean? You're using text on a slow imageboard, you can afford a few extra minutes to come up with a better way to say you dislike someone, or to say that you're an edgy emo kid, or whatever it was you were trying to get across.


That's cool. Did you know they remove wisdom teeth to keep you mouth breathing and ruin the connection from your left foot to your neck. You're not depressed they simply destroyed your body. Go and get implants you schlubby fucker.

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