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How did you lose your innocence? I was 14 and got bullied horrifically until I was suicidal, I figured out I liked drugs soon after and haven't felt real since.


Endless Internet usage.


I dont understand the question. What is innocence?


How many people here actually got to be children anyways?


I guess OP means some kind of being oblivious to something, or maybe not having committed a certain sin? Idk, other than being a parasite to my parents, I haven't seriously wronged anyone. But I don't feel guilty about the leeching, I mean these are the consequences of bringing another human to this world. And also I work, pay my parents a little rent (not much, but they refuse to accept more) and I help with some chores.

So I wouldn't say I really lost my "innocence"


Via reddit. I never knew how hated I was, I always used to believe that succubi have hearts and don't care about looks but I only ever saw succubi with good looking guys so it was only a matter of time that I came across blackpilling content and got blackpilled.

The next was my height, I am just a tiny guy with shit genes. When I asked around the internet about my height, it was enough to blackpill me.


I was frequenting imageboards since 11 years old. It's horrible.


I'm similar, but I have a lot of nostalgia for the mid 2000s era of the internet


I got bullied until developing mania. When you get rid of the stupid want about fitting in then you realize how much filth is around you and that sets you into some sweet sadism. Still I say those normies did not get shit enough from me but, I was just one of my kind :(

They must be gloating at the mere thought of you being minimally sad about them using sex a rule enforcing factor which affects your soul.


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I rejected my mom's love and caused her to spiral into depression.

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