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There are a whole hosts of posts here where we explain how we're dependent upon our parents and how when they die we will die with them, I am starting to think that the lack of money is a real problem.

Additionally, I am 22, but pursuing a worthless degree in IT, I don't know if I'd be able to get a job, I feel like I need to do something immediately to avoid this impending catastrophe. But I don't know what, it's like I have seen the writing on the wall.

And of course I have no other reason to believe that I am better than people here on the contrary I might be inferior, hell, I can't even drive properly, you've probably read a thousand of my posts here lamenting that by now.

Fuck man, I need to do something, upskill or some sort of productivity or self-improooovement shit or something, in the odd case that it might works. But this path is scary as fuck, this is leading straight up towards suicide. I am not as gutsy as other users here, who are fine with the idea of dying, I kind of want to live properly for a minute first before contemplating dying and I don't think I am even capable of suicide.

I don't even get along very well with my parents, we have a weird hate-love relationship where I am dependent upon them because I have no option.

I don't understand how I can be so unlucky, there are millions and millions of people, literally 99% of them just living their lives normally, I don't understand why do I have to be in the bottom 1% of this planet's population.

I feel an urgent need to do something to prevent this ship to colliding with an iceberg but I am just sitting and watching, if things continue this way, this is not going to end well.

But man all the posts here just scare me to no end. Everyone is talking about the problem but no one is really offering any real and followable solutions, this is not going to end well for either of us.

I don't know why I decided to make this post I feel a sheer sense of urgency and helplessness yet all I do is bedrot.


you are 22 y.o, you are still young, why don't you get out of this website and focus on your studies and try your luck first then come here and wallow with us in the gloominess and misery if things go wrong for you?


As a wizard in my 30s, if you really want my best advice, all i can say is that social skills are everything. It doesnt matter what technical skills you get etc if you cant socialise with people. It is simply not an option to give up on social skills; it will catch up to you at some point. Some people cannot learn to socialise, it just doesnt work. Most people are naturally good at it so they dont have to do anything about it. I dont know if it's even possible to learn it intentionally, but i suppose if you want to do an intervention on yourself this is what it will all be about. I do not know how, it depends on what situation you have in your life.

To be clear, this message has nothing to do with succubi and relationships, I am referring to what is required for basic living and surviving in this hypersocial wageslave world.


youre 22 and youre in school, finish school and try to find a job in IT because IT is needed even if you're a code monkey.


I am trying, but maybe I am not putting in enough effort, I need to put more effort, I think. I just come here everyday for like 15-20 minutes because I don't use social media and because people here have the same problems as I do.
I try to make connections with studious people, by trying to help them, doing basic work for them hoping they'd give me a referral in the future when I need it but they quickly spot me as the odd one out as my cognitive skills are slowly devolving, earlier I could hold conversations, engage in witty remarks, make quick decisions, elaborate myself clearly, but now it's like I can't explain basic grammar to a toddler and this cognitive decline is affecting every area of my life, I am sure you must've stumbled across the posts here where I mention about my cognitive decline, I can link them if you want. I generally stay away from succubi because they are disgusted by my face, height, and skin colour. And these same succubi are more likely to be hired. I'll try more to improve my social skills by communicating more and engaging in normie topics.
This is true. I think IT field will stay forever but in my third world country (you know which) gorrillions of people apply for even 10 job postings. I just hope that I somehow get lucky. And a lot of people even after getting lucky have to work in sweatshop like conditions for minimal pay.


didn't know you where in a third world country. but even in third world countries there's some companies that pay very well (because they're foreigner companies). at the 3nd of the day, its just to earn some money


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We better stay with mom and dad than getting scammed by real estate, ok?

About doing something, that's what I did and served me nothing. Just temporary wageslavery places which made unrested and I could not even stay there for long, for whatever causes it always ended wrong.

>social skills
Our only social skill is knowing how to detect normies or how to trick them. When you delve these so needed skills in depth you may find that they are not only enxhausting but also rituals of humilliation.

>trying to help them, doing basic work for them hoping they'd give me a referral in the future when I need it but they quickly spot me as the odd one out
Typical failed normie strategy.

I sometimes tell people here about "Human Design" because it was what I needed to know to stop going anxious behind some carrots that this world will never give to me. It taught me to stop forcing things, to stop chasing them, that I have no case in acting out of fear, that I must never accept the first thing I am being put before me out of despair for thinking I may not have better chances.

You may also be a projector type. Given that case, the worst you can do is trying to change your situation actively. It's like quicksand.


I don't understand your pic


>Our only social skill is knowing how to detect normies or how to trick them. When you delve these so needed skills in depth you may find that they are not only enxhausting but also rituals of humilliation.
We can't escape society. I did my best but i cant find any way to truly do it. You must find a way to coexist socially with others, at least to get what you need. That brings me a level of stress which means life isnt worth living for me, even though i havent even had to wageslave. I am stating that this problem cant be ignored for it seems it will lead to my death. I would go be a hermit in the forest if there were some clear path to that but i dont know how to do it and how to survive like that.


The requirement for tech is now like 3 - 10 times more effort. If you can barely get to 1x most aren't going to manage to push further. I've lost countless opportunities recently because even motivating myself enough to do bullshit take-home assignments was too much for me. It wasn't that I couldn't do it. It's that I wasn't willing to put in even more effort for what was already a huge waste of time. There are still jobs for people who are willing to do the new bullshit needed to land jobs. But I'd rather be a NEET than cuck myself that hard.


And that's for the first world, things would be 100x more brutal in India where OP lives.


but college tuition costs are 1/100 times cheaper. It's why I laugh at people wanting more H-1B visas and preaching for more American STEM students. Like any STEM student is going to look at that cost difference and not see the game is rigged from the start. We're gonna have more lawyers, bankers, and doctors while China cucks our cybersecurity.


Absolutely true. It's unbelievable how bad things truly are in this country, we have a lot of money in India in that hands of top 0.1%. Anyways, my problem is not with rich people. But the problem is that they do not pay the workers their fair wages and the thing is that Indians don't care about being united. If every Indian worker stopped doing jobs that don't pay shit, employers would be forced to pay them adequate salaries. But we don't have any unity among people. We don't even have something called minimum wage in this shithole. I bet if you post a job vacancy of 1 person for eating shit at 1000 USD in an year you will get literally 1 million or so people applying for that job. Like I am no commie but this country could overnight turn into a first world country if EACH AND EVERYONE stopped working and demanded higher salaries, employers would be forced to pay up. But people have no unity. But instead it has become a competiton to the bottom with people ready to work for nothing, they don't understand if none of us is gonna work they are gonna be forced to pay us a decent salary.


Ps. I understand the pain of firstworlders. They feel the exact same way as I do when they see someone from poor country doing their jobs for fuck all. Collectively bringing down the standard of living for all including themselves. I now understand what you guys feel. I feel the same thing when I see people in my country working for 1000 USD a year. And I have questions like why are they doing this? Do they not value themselves? And it is because of them that value of my IT degree is worthless. Because my fellow ITniggers in India are ready for a 90hr 7 days a week for 1000USD a year (even if you convert this money to INR it isn't work jackshit) of work and it's because of the fact that these people put up with this shit, I too am left with no other option to put up just to survive. Fuck these rich niggas and desperate niggas man who don't value themselves bringing others down with them.


Now ofc I am not smart or anything but this problem seems so easy to solve if ALL people get on board and ALL of them collectively say we ain't gonna work till you pay us a fair share and if you jack up the prices of other things in response we are still not gonna work and I bet if the 99% of this planet combines and say this shit. They will be forced to pay.


Yes, I do agree with you. Telling people to go into tech right now tells me the person has no clue what they're talking about. Because no one in tech would advocate for such a thing knowing about the layoffs, high post-grad unemployment, AI job replacement, hiring freezes, and economic depression. Tech is shit-tier for jobs right now (and may be over.) It seems like only the most senior niche engineers are still doing well. Or people "in AI" (which won't last forever. It's hard to say how many years they will get out of that boom.)


>this country could overnight turn into a first world country if EACH AND EVERYONE stopped working and demanded higher salaries
Definitely not. Even if all production in India right now were perfectly distributed, everybody would still just live in shit.

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