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I'm trying to quit porn (cold turkey) and 90% of the content I've seen online has been:

1. an anecdote from someone who has already succeded in quitting

2. an ad for an app

3. people who aren't addicted to porn talking about porn addiction

Is this shit just a grift? I want to hear about it from people who are actually struggling with it, not annoying liberal psychiatrists or infographics.

Please help me, I don't want to be like this anymore


Same I want to quit it too


my one suggestion is to cut it all out as best as you can. blocker apps for your phone, same for your browser. delete any stuff you've downloaded "just in case"


"porn addiction" doesn't exist. it's just a way to shame men that don't have access to sex and men that aren't channeling their natural sexual urges in a "productive" manner to make jews and w*men richer. if you cum 10 times to a porno it's unhealthy, but if you fuck your wife 10 times it's healthy - in conclusion: they're just butthurt you are getting free pleasure out of thin air instead of "earning" it through a sexual relationship, if not shaming you for being horny at all and being unable to control one of the oldest instincts you have.


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Well, I read that, but I couldn't suddenly drop the addiction like the book is advertised. It installed very valuable knowledge and thoughts in my head that helped further down the road, so I can still recommend it.

My suggestion is to not beat yourself up about using porn, thats the addiction wanting you to fall into self-pity and depression. I think the resolution that you want to quit is enough to start watching porn less and less. Stick with it. Each time you finish remind yourself about that, but don't feel bad about the session. You didn't get addicted in a day and you won't (probably) drop that fast either.

Important skill is to learn how to delay the fap too. Ideally, at least to the next day. That's how you build endurance. Don't count your days. Don't be like those faggots from nofap community, that make their entire life about fighting it, but need the word porn censured or they instantly cum in their pants.

If you can't manage to not watch 2 hours of porn everyday or something extreme like that, go seek a specialist. I am not being funny. There are educated people who recognize its a problem. Good luck! I also recommend vanilla doujins - I use them when I am naturally horny and need a fast release. The less stimulation the better. Perfect when you use your own memories. Porn tried to turn me into a cuck, fucking jews almost had me.


also don't listen to that guy


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A true Wizard (or apprentice) only faps to 2D. Fapping to a 3DPD is morally almost as bad as fucking one.


The easy peasy method is not the best but if it works for you then use it!

I agree with this guy that beating oneself up over relapses is a really bad idea. Not relapsing is a win but learning from a relapse is also a win and one that is just as valuable. If you relapse really try to see what went wrong, when did it start? in your head or did a post trigger such thoughts? Also, the freedom model is as good as the easy peasy method if not better IMO. The easy peasy method and the freedom model compared:
the freedom model:
The freedom model is similar to what that other guy said in the sense that addiction doesn't exist but that doesn't mean pornography is natural or good for you. Luke Smith has some good vids on addictions in general too:
I would post my discord in case any of you wanted to talk more on quitting pornography but I'm not entirely sure if that's allowed, doesn't seem like it is from what I've seen.


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>(((Luke Smith)))


>le triple parenthesis even doe wizchan is on the clearnet but it don't matter cuz it ain't x dot coom and shi or something


it hard but possible


You must evict lust from your mind, or if it's purely only the porn you wish to quit just evict that from your mind either way, you should start meditating to learn how to master your thoughts. I'd say it'd take about 2 weeks to get rid of a habit within the mind. You should keep yourself as best as you can for the duration of 2 weeks, go as much outside and/or among people as you can, if it's an option going on a vacation or cabin in the woods where you don't have access would be good.


* keep yourself busy


how to die.

cna i use nitrogen gas to die>


The biggest consumers of porn are middle-aged married normal fags.


I'll never understand this type of bullshit. No-fap and similar things are for normalfags in order to become more productive in other things they're doing with their lives.
As a wizard, what of so much importance do you need to do that porn is becoming such an obstacle?
You guys are ridiculous.


Protect your gaze from pr0n
Cold showers.
No animal foods or rather very reduced proportions.
Exhausting exercise like HIIT.

Good luck.

You feel the weight of some errors on your shoulders, don't you? Nobody here had to know, anyway.


makes sense. they only get it once a month in missionary (if at all) and they aren't allowed to even glance in another wuhman's direction. they're basically insels with a beard.

they use porn because they have needs that aren't being satisfied. if they could fuck the real thing, they wouldn't be using it, but only like the top 10% of men can get it regularly without a problem, the rest have to work hard for it their entire lives providing for a female and making sure she's happy so she puts out.


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because nofap is a tradcel cult for insecure and self-loathing men (wizards are then prime targets)

i say tradcel because the main group of morons among morons are right wing chuds who think if they stop touching their dick or looking at porn they'll:

1) attract a based redpilled maga tradwife through the power of nocum magic
2) if they self-flagellate by denying themselves an outlet theyll have the courage to pull up their bootstraps and talk to that succubus (who'll tell him to fuck off)
3) stop "gooning" and become a ceo normalfag on the sigma grindset

while the above shouldnt apply to wizards, said wizards will profess this isnt what its really about (though it is for the vast, vast majority of subscribers). its simply low status men upset with their lot in life, buying the snake oil, purporting it works because dude i swear this succubus looked at me and like bro dude i have so much more energy (placebo or for other reasons) and then spreading their dudebro science onto the next gullible young man. its actually disgusting, like insecure young men need *more* reasons to feel bad about themselves, now they cant even masturbate without feeling shame and guilt. you can tell how far this ideology has manifested by its presence here of all places.

i have hobbies, i also jerk off every other day, some days i jerk off and then feel good the next day, sometimes i dont and i feel bad, wow, its almost like theres a million other variables which effect my mood (thoughts, exhaustion, boredom, diet) over doing something every man in existence ever (successful or not) does.

if youre addicted to an activity, find something else to do which is more fulfilling, learn a hobby, go for a walk, do crossword puzzles, i dont know, its up to you. porn addiction is a meme in 95% of cases.


Porn is made and pushed by kikes.

Do not waste your time on it or trust anyone that says that is "healthy"

Avoid watching porn and live your life to the fullest.


heres a right wing antisemitic chud right on queue lmao


"avoid watching porn" eg "avoid playing games" "avoid watching anime" avoid doing anything you enjoy because im gullible and insecure

i cant believe "wizards" fall for this crap


go back to r/nofap you reddit spacing dweeb


Porn is shit,but it's mostly produced by whites.


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My wizard brethren will be free from the shackles of satanic jewish vermin who doesn't want them to be happy and enjoy peace


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All true wizards know kikes are behind the sick and degenerate porn industry


Based. I don't give a shit about Christian "authority" either.


Ban this glowcuck



Methinks thou dost protest too much, leftcuck


I'd say jerk off as long as you still can, time goes by fast and your body degrades and your dick will eventually die and you will regret not having jerked off more.


wisdom words


I do not regret not having jerked off more and I never will
you sound like you suffer from the FOMO


sorry wigga but I think your brain might be too rotten for your input to be useful in this discussion. best of luck in the next life


I still fap I just find the porn industry to be a toxic, evil thing and I refuse to be a victim to it any longer. Do you feel empowered by acting like a pig rolling in shit?


I stopped watching it for +5 months but for some reason now I can't stop watching it. I thought I would heal during that time… the fight never ends.


I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything personally.
>I still fap I just find the porn industry to be a toxic, evil thing and I refuse to be a victim to it any longer.
This is best mindset to have honestly.


i have some genuine questions. If you have decided that you want to quit porn, and you are actually sure that's what you want, what happens in your brain when you "fail" and watch the porn? Isn't it required that there must be some time period while you are looking for the porn during which you have changed your mind and decided that you dont want to quit porn after all? That means you are actually uncertain and not resolute about quitting. Can't you just analyse what causes you to have doubts and force yourself to make a more resolute decision?


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Can't be an addict of what I draw in moderation..


I haven't relapsed this time and don't plan to.

I agree with the Wiz who has said "I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything". We're not, porn addiction *takes* from you, it doesn't add anything. It's more than the time spent masturbating and finding porn, it's about purging your mind of a malignant poison

Realising that has helped me make this is a resolute decision, like you say.

I still have some residual anxiety about the fact that mainstream society is highly sexually suggestive, sex obsessed, and pornographic. I'm more anxious for others than myself, I look upon those still addicted with pity and wish I could help them more


figure out what happened to make you consume it again, Wiz. It may not be fun to introspect upon but it did happen for a reason. Once you know you can make next time better.

I believe in you


> if they could fuck the real thing, they wouldn't be using it
False. I've seen normies fucks the real thing AND consume porn on a daily basis, even rejecting the real succubus.


Yup, look at the loveafterporn subreddit, it's full of succubi complaining about their partners.


I never go to reddit due to normies and so on, but holy shit I checked that one and this stuff is getting out of control.


The fact is norms and society can't control biological animal impulses.
The male is *hard wired* to go Genghis Khan and attempt to spread his seed to as many succubi as possible.

Porn is only a substitute for that innate drive which is extremely hard to fulfill in modern society.
Enforced monogamy that lasts from ages 15 to 80 with the same person is only a meme. It is not something biologically compatible with humans.

Why do you think all the top ranking men like businessmen, athletes, kings etc. have an innumerable amount of succubi and kids? Elon Musk has 11 kids with various succubi.

The answer is those men at the top of the food chain don't give a shit about societal norms or expectations. They just get as many succubi pregnant as possible without second thought because their body thinks it's the right thing to do.


Whats hilarious to me is the depths some of these guys on nofap.com sink to. I keep reading stories of guys who need to share their fapping with other guys. Like they will share their favorite clips with some stranger and the two of them will fap to it over zoom, and the first one who cooms will suddenly get hit with post nut clarity and leave the stream. Then these guys are like "whenever someone does that, I feel abandoned and I have the most shameful orgasm ever".

LMAO! This is the kind of disgusting behavior being a fapper leads to. That's how I know this shit is BAAAAD!


Nofappers and gooners are two sides of the same coin.


it's an obsession with masturbation
just wank when the lewd thoughts get too bothersome and get on with it


This is true, the both overvalue porn, porn is literally nothing.


It's like how people who become Teetotallers are all the former alcoholics. Although porn addiction is becoming like weed where it is quite ubiquitous at this point.


Not sure, porn feels worse than weed. I feel like weed has some benefits at least.



People have been obsessed with it all throughout history, most americans still mutilate their children just to decrease masturbatory pleasure


This is actually common. People get tired of fucking the same person especially if they are fat/annoying etc


I quit porn bro
stay strong, you can do it. anything is possible.


Good on you anon, you escaped the trap and no longer poisoning yourself.


When I try to quit porn, I always had these strange dreams where all kinds of fantasies come to my mind and make me ejaculate. The worst part is these dreams feels kinda real and I think entities such as succubus are a thing (not only the flesh succubi females, but esoteric beasts too)

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