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Being neurodivergent in this world is a fucking death sentence. This world does not and will never understand what it's like to think the way that we do and will keep themselves in constant willful ignorance from here to kingdom come. Forcing us to get worse into mental health issues until we go actually insane and do something drastic, but even then we'll still be demonized and everything because again…willful ignorance. I can't stand this planet.


I can't get a job because of autism despite having a good degree, hell, i can't even get a "shitty" job like a janitor or cashier thanks to it, I graduated in fucking 2016


I'm apparently enough autistic to get a job (currently at a fucking convenience store) but not autistic enough to get NEETbux. I wish I was the latter but alas…


The irony is that now normalfaggots act like autistic retards so the people who literally exhibit those traits now have to compete in the having-mental-illness ecosystem.


I also graduated from uni but ended up never using my degree. Now I'm on neetbux.


I also graduated with computer science masters in 2016 and never got a job




By now it should be appallingly obvious that nobody likes autistic people. They do not want to hire us, they do not want to be friends with us they definitely do not want to date us and many of them will not even rent to us! Social exclusion does in fact pose an existential threat to those on the spectrum which is why we have no choice but to form our own exclusive communities.

This is why I am proposing that 115 IQ Aspies begin networking with their fellow autists of similar cognitive ability. Despite the fact that many of us excel at STEM fields, many employers refuse to hire us due to our social deficits. The obvious solution to this problem is to start our own companies that only hire above average IQ autistic people. Doing so will solve the problems of employment discrimination and workplace bullying while allowing greater efficiency.

I personally am tired of people like us being the rejected and humiliated laughing stock of the entire internet. This is why it is time for us to separate from the neurotypicals and build our own separate and exclusive communities.


>Social exclusion does in fact pose an existential threat to those on the spectrum which is why we have no choice but to form our own exclusive communities.

Monasticism started off as that I believe. The thing about autists is they're pretty frugal and studious workers if they're away from normalfag gay-ops and have their routine.


I'm perplexed why governments and large companies don't actively seek out and recruit high iq autistic people for tasks that require high focus and intelligence. Maybe because it's easier to divide the tasks into smaller portions manageable for normies who need to chat and have regular coffee and bullshitting breaks. There is so much potential to be squeezed out of autistic people, if only they're provided with the right working conditions.


Because autistic people aren't high IQ or good at focusing.


Governments actually do. I remember seeing one western government specifically seek out autists for forensic accounting. It turns out that mulling over numbers all day looking for slight discrepancies is what they're good for.


Yup, pattern recognition is one of the strongest autistic powers


And these highly specified tasks requiring pattern recognition all will be made superfluous in the near past because of AI.


is anyone going to watch out for abuse of AI? watch for downplaying some things and emphasizing other things?
i guess we are going to just let the powers that be do their minor adjustments to society, like they always have been doing


Well what else are we gonna fucking do? There's not a lot of us here! Even if there were we're outnumbered heavily, so we'll just get bullied into the ground like we always do. We lose either way.

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