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Ive been diagnosed with ASD, my iq is tested to be 82. Ive also dealt with sexual disorders & depression.

Growing up I lived as an outcast, a homosexual freak, a retard and dealt with rejection especialy during school where I was excluded for being part of the special ed & also had so many embarassing moments due to being incomptent and socially inept. Right now at 21 I still live at home with a dead end job, having ideation of suicide pretty often

I always fanatsize how my life wouldve turned out if I wasnt born mentally sick.


You have a job. You're not retarded.


This. If you can hold down a job for longer than a week you're not retarded.


It appears everyone young today, or at least up until 29, and this especially for those up to 25, seem inflicted by a common disease that the older people have somehow escaped.


I've never been to a psychiatrist, so I can't say I'm autistic, but I sure am weird & creepy aka le neurodivergent.
I imagine the normalfag life must be dreamlike. Do you have those dreams where you just pour out your emotions, without holding back? Imagine you can just let go of your inhibitions, and act out your emotions. You can always say what's on your mind. That's because your emotional responses would always be "correct" and socially acceptable. You never have to think about what to say, to avoid offending someone, because the right thoughts just pop into your head. You can talk freely with people without being called intrusive or insensitive. You can enjoy watching sportsball and superhero movies without feeling cringe.

Have they escaped the disease? Or could it be that they were just invisible to the mainstream? And now you have the opportunity to talk to them on anonymous imageboards.
It could also be that due to environmental factors, there are now more than ever of those people.


>and this especially for those up to 25
Because they are liars. Somehow there are tons of outgoing, extroverted, popular """autists""" everywhere.


Not all autists are introverted. My brother has severe diagnosed autism and aspergers syndrome, and he still likes to go out to see train shows and anime conventions.

He gets shunned by succubi and neurotypical men but that doesn't stop him from going out and exploring the world.

Me, I was only diagnosed with autism at 23 (now 35) and am very introverted. I lose energy when I go out in the public.


Both you and your brother were lied to.


you gonna keep up this "only drooling retards with helmets have autism" charade and shtick up forever here just for entertainment value? cause its kinda funny


An "autist" wouldn't see humor in the idea, and certainly wouldn't be ae to rhetort with sarcasm (We all know it's sarcasm and that you're genuinely butthurt by having your 'special boy who can't be held responsible for his own shortcomings' title challenged.


nta but I didn't know it was sarcasm, I genuinely thought you were so stupid to think autism is the same as debilitating retardation

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