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/dep/ - Depression


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File: 1733506194486.png (50.69 KB, 225x300, 3:4, VivianPaperMario.png) ImgOps iqdb


i have no reason to live anymore. ask me anything.

- no, i will not kill myself
- yes, i have tried hobbies
- no, i am not diagnosed with depression


File: 1733507008924.gif (161.09 KB, 340x498, 170:249, 1733330557268693.gif) ImgOps iqdb

that's all?


how old are you?


What delusions of failed normalcy do you still have?


Considering your choice of image, are you some sort of tranny/f*mboy?


what do you think might cause you to change your mind and revive the will to live inside of you again?


That just makes you normal. People in general don't have 'reasons' to stay alive. They just do it for the sake of living.


To be honest the best reason to live for me right now is to be better than I was yesterday at something like video games. Yeah eventually I will beat said goal but I can always set another one. Also testosterone is fucking incredible give the gym and some mild stims a try.

Side note don't be a faggot and your depression magically disappears


do you get up in the morning? why? that's your reason, stupid


not OP, but I wish there was something to live FOR, something to look forward to
rather than constantly running away from death and suffering
i want the carrot, not the whip


Because i need to piss to avoid bladder pain?

well said

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