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How often do you overthink about the future? what are your worries? how do you cope?
pic related


anxiety and over-thinking is just a coping mechanism for general incompetence. until you gain control of things and the confidence that comes with experience, you're mind will be ringing the alarm and forcing you to prepare for the future.


>how often do you overthink about the future?
>what are your worries?
Not graduating, not getting a job - still dependant on my parents
>how do your cope?
By believing someday out of magic my life will make a 180° turn and things will eventually come together


what are you studying?
how good are you at it?


I suck at it
Seems like i dont know yet how to study, i spend hours and my grades are still bad


many say economics is the easiest major in the world, i am not trying to say you are dumb or anything, just pointing out to what i have heard several times

>Seems like i dont know yet how to study, i spend hours and my grades are still bad

don't give up


Indeed it's not hard. It just frustrates me I can't get around to sticking things in my mind.


You do know where you are, right? I am incompetent and am not afraid to say it. You don't belong here turbo normie.


weirdly defensive are we, wizzie? i'm just talking from experience. worrying comes from incompetence, you don't trust that you can handle things (because from experience you know that you can't) and of course you must cope with it somehow and for a certain kind of introverted personality that is always used to solving problems intellectually, you only have one tool in your toolbox - thinking. if you just think hard enough about it, predict everything that will happen, everything is going to be ok, right? what you believe is some kind of psychological symptom or character defect, is actually just your way of coping with uncertainty and your own incompetence. instead of fighting yourself to stop doing something, forcing yourself to basically put away your last bit of control, it's only going to make things worse. the only way to fix it is by becoming competent, after many successful experiences, you eventually learn that you can handle things. of course, i'm not saying you can snap your fingers, but if you conceptualize the problem this way, you know what you should aim for, rather than trying to "not think of a pink elephant" and repressing your instincts.


>what are your worries?
No education, no job, no useful skills and I will soon have to fend for myself
>how do you cope?
Dissociation + contemplating suicide


bad short term memory?
if you are not working out regularly, sleeping well, eating well, and taking your daily dose of vitamin D (either from the sun or the pills) then your brain will not function well


literally me


I might be missing on daily exercise.
P.s: could it also have something to do with overstimulation?


The usual stuff like poverty, homelessness, parents getting ill and dying, my own body getting worse, the type of death that awaits me and the last point really makes me question everything. Like my impact on this world is nonexistent and overall my Life was pointless. It didnt mean much to me or anyone else besides maybe my parents but they wont outlast me so as soon as I die everything about me will be forever forgotten and the world keeps going on without me as if I never even existed and even if somehow my life wasnt pointless in the grand scheme of things it still is.
And thats a future that awaits everyone, no matter who you are you will die at some point and since everything is a cycle you will most likely respawn again at some point and then live another pointless life and this goes on for eternity.
if you think about it the only thing that makes sense is to live in the present and try to cope by trying to stay relaxed and calm because overthinking it is just a reminder that you are a prisoner of this universe and that there is no way out.


we are not prisoners. there is/are ways out. being convinced that there are no ways out is self-condemning and should be avoided forasmuch as possible. reincarnation/metempsychosis/demiurge recycling our souls/etc. is all complete nonsense meant to frighten you. though even these things were true (which they're not), we would still have a duty to ourselves to be strong enough to escape and to remain calm (as you said) and to find a better place for our souls to thrive and rest.


clearly we arent here voluntarily and the experience of Life is forced on us.
I doubt there is a way out because if there was why would anyone be even still here?


I won't even call it overthinking but I am legitimately worried about my future. You see, I am pursuing a degree in computer science, in the third world, I see no prospects after it, so for the time being I am dependent upon my parents, it's the norm here for parents to pay for college.

What truly is a sad part is that I don't like being dependent upon my parents as we don't get along well. And of course when they do decide to kick me out, it will be absolute end for me.

Other things that worry me is that I don't know how to do household chores like cooking, washing clothes, and while I do have a licence and can drive, I don't have the skills to park properly.

The other thing is that I am quickly losing my cognitive abilities, which I talked about here. >>296062 >>296896


I don't worry about future employment anymore since I finished my apprenticeship. Nowadays I just torture myself with fomo and seeking distractions.


>just don't think about it
>do something else
you may laugh at me, but I think this advice is really good


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Oh, Wizzie, employment is rough nowadays even in the developed world, let alone the third world, it's valid to want to be independant from your parents, why don't you start helping your mom a little bit with the house chores? it's not rocket science

>The other thing is that I am quickly losing my cognitive abilities

I have the same issue, years of NEETdom nuked my brain, I have 0 short term memory, I even forget the names of everyday objects and i need to describe them with hand gestures to people IRL, i even forget what i wanted to do a second ago, i also have a super slow brain procesing speed, and i am constantly distracted with my own thoughts, i literally can't focus on anything for a minute without my mind wandering, my brain has been out of shape since i dropped out of school, and it's making learning new things hard as HELL.


I try to help her by getting groceries and doing work that requires her to go outside, I have started small by cleaning my own dishes, cleaning the bathroom, but it still doesn't feel enough when I see how many chores my mom does. I really have to up my game but I am too lazy.

As for cognitive decline something has to be done quickly, let me know if you find some solution, it's becoming like a degenerative disease. And it has been happening more and more, not only am I not able to speak anymore, I also process things very slowly.

Like earlier I could just study for exams just a night before and could somehow remember all the information, but now even if I study a week before I am unable to remember that.

I have also had my own share of funny incidents. Like I had to put something outside of my house and lock the front door and then go through my back door, cause the lock of my front door doesn't work from the outside. So instead of putting the box just out of the front door, then locking it from inside, and going out through the back door. For some reason I decided to lock the front door first and move the box out of the back door, and then go all the way to the front. My mother started laughing seeing me do this and was like "Your head doesn't work does it?"

Same is happening while driving as well, one might thing the more I drive the more my skills would improve but instead they are deteriorating day after day. It's like I have constant mental fog, where I can't see properly.

Earlier I could explain anything to my friends and even explain to them in English but now I struggle to describe things in my own language. When I see some old screenshots of the posts that I have written, I am surprised that I could've explained something so well.

Not only that I feel like my IQ has been reduced, earlier I could easily understand complex video games, but now it takes me too long to understand even a simple video game.

I am in my 20s but it feels like my skills and abilities are at the par of 80 years old. Like when someone says something to me, I have to take my whole sweet ass time to understand and interpret what is being said.

I am also very bad with directions now, which I wasn't earlier, I could easily figure things out, easily do math, but it feels like nothing works.

If you or someone else reading this ever finds solution to what I just said then please please please let me know, cause this is becoming a serious fucking problem.


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I am trying to increase my daily share to sun exposure, i heard vitamin D helps a lot with short term memory issues, all i will suggest is daily exercise, staying hydrated, and quality sleep everynight, i also tried to improve my short term memory less by memorizing rythmic poems, but i gave up after a while due to the lack of noticable progress, i cannot really give advice here, because my cognitive skills are probably way worse than yours, I can't even learn basic algebra, remember how to spell most english words without the usage of auto-correct or solve 4chan's captcha, you should look for a cognitive therapist or psychterist online on some subreddit or webform, the internet is a vast place.


>The other thing is that I am quickly losing my cognitive abilities
Yeah same, I'm just as you described there, down to developing a slight stutter.
I think the only cure is to use our brains, I never really test my brain with maths or complex thought any more.


Learn Human Design.

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