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This is something that has been happening for a while, earlier I used to speak my opinions and type my opinions on the internet.

I was good at speaking, good at putting my point forwards, good at arguing, was witty and could think of replies to questions or things almost instantly.

These days it's like I have forgotten how to speak or even write. Like my parents are abusive, and earlier I was able to write/type down my feelings about my parents. But now, it's like someone asks me "How are they abusive?", I just can't explain anymore.

And this is a very recent phenomenon. Like I can't even type and be an internet keyboard warrior online.

I no longer put my opinion forwards, I no longer have anything left to say, I just don't understand what's happening with me. Like earlier I used to always have something to say, could always carry a conversation offline and online. But now I just do nothing and have nothing to say.

Is there anyone who has suffered from this? Is there any way to cure this? I need to cure this so that I can fit in better in professional and interpersonal world. So that I can earn money to feed myself and at least have some irl friends to shoot the shit with.


huh. yeah, that's pretty weird. so uhhhh what substances have you been using lately, wizzie? what's your "poison" of choice?


I am clean



Renounce [all your natural-born & naturalised other countries citizenships/nationalities]. Deport yourself to [your own authentic ancestral native ethnic heritage indigenous country]. Forever stay inside [your own authentic ancestral native ethnic heritage indigenous country].


that's pretty vague. currently clean? what about previous history? what about legal drugs like SSRIs? sorry if i don't believe you, but every time someone experiences sudden neurological change like this, it's usually a substance behind it. either that, or brain tumor of some kind.


One of two things: you either lost that will to shit talk, or you have schizophrenia.


I am in my own "ethnic" country.
I have no idea, I have taken some mild anxiety medications for 4 months but that was 5 years ago, I was fine till last year. This had started happening like 7 months ago. Although I don't know if it's because of stress or that I am burnt out I have been in a lot of academic pressure recently.


I take antipsychotic injections and I have the same problem, I don't understand if it is the medicine or the mental illness


it's definetly the meds, those are designed to freeze your bodies metabolism


The same is happening to me. Of the few words I say in a day, most of them are just "uh-huh" and "okay". I don't think that's so much due to a diminishing ability, but rather that I've lost track of what's going on in the world. I don't care about politics, sports, celebrities, etc. That makes me very detached from most people, and so I have very little in common to discuss. People face challenges like how to raise their child, which career path to take, which car to buy, how much to sell their current car for. Real serious bizznizz that I know very little about. It's very awkward when you have nothing to say, but you're expected to give an answer.


With me it's probably because of diminishing ability. Like I have forgotten how to elaborate on the topic, like if I say that my parents are abusive or that looks determine your life and someone then further asks like how are your parents abusive and how do looks determine your life. Like I have the answers to these questions but I don't know how to put them in words. I don't know how to answer them even if somewhere I know the answer.


I think it's much more likely that you subconsciously recognized that talking about these things and arguing never really changes anything substantially, it doesn't improve your life, you know that you held and hold the truths about these matters but repeating the arguments and shit talking and talking about for the sake of proving something to yourself simply became obsolete and useless. You need to replace these things, which in the mean time you have positively answered and proved to yourself and which don't need more elaboration and time waste, with new, useful things that improve your life instead of lamenting and be in self pity.


I think it's partly what you said that there is nothing I could accomplish just by talking about them, but it is frustrating not being able to explain my predicament, like someone online asked me "How exactly were your parents abusive?" and it's frustrating as I can't write down the answers.


Any ideas on how I can regain the skill to elaborate my thoughts clearly while writing or speaking? I didn't had this problem earlier, as earlier I was able to do all of this quite easily.


It's spirits all the way down, spirits give the ability to do many things. You've lost a spirit of clear thinking or writing or something. I've experienced somewhat the same issue, and got a taste of it back. Take heart, your condition is easily fixed, but will depend on your submission.


The thing is that it extends to other areas of life as well, earlier I could easily handle conversations with my colleagues and friends, I didn't stutter, I was always kind of chatty, I loved to talk and put my point forwards and listen to people (even if they were normies) but now when I sit with my colleagues, they look at me weird because oftentimes now I just sit completely silent, and it's like I have nothing to say, and the truth is I have forgotten how to talk.

Dare I say, I was good at speaking English as well, I could always make points in this language as good as I could do in my native language, I could seamlessly translate stuff between two languages in the back of my head. But now I struggle to structure basic sentences in English.

And the thing it's not just that this has happened to me while speaking. I used to play a game of cards with my friends, and I could remember the cards used successfully in the back of my head, I always felt in control, I felt at ease while playing the games, but now when I try to play these same games again, I can't remember my own cards in front of me.

So the consequences of whatever kind of problem that I am suffering from are wide reaching, and honestly I would love to talk to someone who has had the same problem and overcame it. I have even gotten worse at driving for some reason, my motor skills have been impacted too.

All of this happened very quickly over past 3-4 years when I was NEETing, I admit during this period, I didn't get out of my room much, and also I have had situations which have warranted serious stress out of me, keeping me awake at nights.

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