what do you mean "over"? none of this shit matters if you don't care about having a career to impress succubi and other normalfags. it's incredible how brainwashed by society young men are that they decide to end their lives just because they can't be significant players in the economic game.
money is a trap, you don't actually need any of that shit that they dangle in front of your face. the house with the lawn and white picket fence, 2.5 cars and 2.5 kids. it's just another tool to enslave you and keep you working till you drop dead. relationships with w*men aren't worth it at all, they're parasites. if they feel any love for you, it will be gone in 2 years on average, after which you become a permanent torn in their ass and an obstacle to fucking other guys and having a better lifestyle. you will lose half the shit you worked for in your 20s to her and your kids will suddenly think they're trans or autistic or they'll get adhd because they can't focus in school where they teach them black history month and how to use a dildo and clean out their ass for anal sex.
seriously, it's not "over", you're one of the lucky ones that due to circumstances, somehow ended up outside of the game. simply observe and thank god that you aren't one of these chumps that actually "made it".
now think about what you want to do with your life that doesn't involve a boss or a w*man. i can assure you that there's still worthwhile pursuits even in solitude. you just have to shake off the brainwashing first.
>>296807Pretty much this, even in my third world country, 70/100 of marriages die by divorce after a decade, and 20/100 of them after 2 years, one should just focus on him-self
>>296804Why dont u take meds
>>296807You seem mentally ill. He didnt say anything about succubi or having kids, why are you talking about that?
You need money to be able to eat food and have a bed to sleep in.
>>296804People say "it's never too late" but this is a toxic mindset, I am 30 years old, I tried to become a plumber but my cognitive abilities are too shitty now, horrible short memory, extremely slow processing speed, the brain becomes weaker with the time, I should have learned this trad when I was 18
>>296820did you even read the post? it's about more than just surviving. he wants to be a winner.
>My ego and my weakness won't allow me to live as burger king worker.– OPerino
>>296821So just be a night guard or janitor
>>296823I was supposed to have higher education, my parents put so much hope in my, it can't be this, it can't…
>>296804my resume is emptier, I'm 34yo and I literally did nothing since I left highschool.
>>296826at least you haven't shown that you're capable of working
you probably get less respect from society, but you're in a better position to negotiate neetbux
>>296827this, im a university dropout and people say "if you tried harder you'd get a degree and could get good jobs stop pitying yourself you're totally normal bro". No chance for neetbux for me.
>>296823would love to, trust me, but I need connections for those
i give up in life. never fit in. mental problems. makes no sense. kicker is i'm good looking and i've had many succubi say it but no one will date me because i'm broken inside. I'd rather be ugly then to know io've wasted my looks.
>>296827>>296827People with degrees dont need neetbux
>>296837Not true in many European countries. There are literal PhD's who can't even get a warehouse stacking or office cleaning job because there are too many damn applicants and only a minuscule amount of paying jobs.
Let alone a paying job in the field they studied.
>>296837why would you write that? I am completely incapable of talking to people but i got degrees without leaving my room. There are no jobs i can do without talking to people.
>>296807This is so wrong, I have bought so much pain upon my parents, who wanted me just to have a job to support myself but I ended up a NEET. I hang out here because there are some people like me here but I guess that is not the case anymore.
You need money just to live, having money doesn't make you happy I get it, I don't strive for succubi and impressing other normalfags but I deeply care about my parents, I just want to not be a burden on them and I can't be. What will I do when they die? I live in the third world.
I am a total failure, I don't cook, I don't clean, I don't earn, all I do is bedrot all day long, life can't go by like this, I need to do something, and I try, or maybe I don't try as I keep bedrotting everyday.
>>296825same. I am in so much pain, I don't know where to go or what to do, I don't know where to start and where to end, it all seems to be collapsing, the worst part is I don't have a gun to off myself, I don't know I would be able to off myself if I had a gun. Life is genuinely so much pain.
Same age, same issue. 25 lvl, only a highschool diploma and 5 months of experience at a bullshit dead-end appreticeship packaging products. Horrible self-esteem, I feel inadequate for any career path. I always find issues with them. Not that the job is too hard, but that I will fail. People say to believe in yourself, but that's irrational. All i've done in my life is fail, how can I claim to be competent enough for any job? It isn't that I am retarded or evil or full of vice, I'm a good person, I think I'm more mindful and tolerant and polite and sincere than most people. But none of it matters in the workplace, sincerity is actually a con. And my attention deficit, clumsyness, mental fragility and sensitivity to stress make me useless in the workplace. Moreover, there is no way I can monetize my interests, such as learning history and gardening.
>>296879being unemployed with a PhD is the end result in thinking that endless schooling will do you no wrong. So don't feel bad if you're one of those anons who dropped out of college.
>>297838I had a job interview where being honest with the employer cost me that job. Remember their are pajeets that will lie through their teeth about their qualifications just to get their foot in the door, then quickly try to learn the job while doing it.
I also sometimes I feel like firing myself before getting fired, but honestly both have the same bad end result so you might as well wait till your employer fires you unless you have another job lined up.
28 never worked a day in my life, lowest possible level of education in my country, i win the loser competition, close the thread
>>297843what do you mean by lowest possible, did you finish high school?
>>297840That situation wasn't possible in 2015. The job market in the west is completely different in 2025.
There are simply too many people alive now compared to the amount of jobs available.
The only place in the west where this doesn't apply is large US cities.
I'm 33 with no job experience or college degree. I am so cooked. How did I get here? I went on reddit to ask for advice but on the same board people with just a 1 year gap and STEM degrees were complaining about not finding a job despite 1000 applications so I didn't even dare to ask.
>>297888I fucking hate users from reddit
>>297888I mean they also seem to have it pretty bad…
I will graduate with my cs bachelor 1 year late and I feel like Im pretty unemployable due to my lack of personal projects. So I could relate to them.
>>296804Again, I insist: learn your Human Design.
That war always lost. Don't let it deceive you from your real, best chances.
>>296822>My ego and my weakness won't allow me to live as burger king worker.And even though, he should rather set his own burger business to outcompete his wagecucker in the end. That'd be a great middle finger.
>>296828Nah, that's just normie sabotage. GO for neetbux, tell you feel horrible sick and whatever. Show your poor resume.
UNEMPLOYMENT AND CELIBACY WILL RISE, you just wait. This site might as well become overcrowded.