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maybe all this is just a dream, a very long bad dream. this current era these people with no empathy for one another, this corrupt government and this polarization is just getting to me.

will it still come to me if i close myself off from the rest of the world wizards????


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It was all by design. You can pick your poison: Freemasonry, the Jesuits, Kabbalah, תיקון עולם, the Enkidu Gambit, Rothschilds, DEI, ESG, AGI, the written word, single-family zoning, Industrial Revolution, Stanford Prison Experiment, giving the third-world Internet access, Portrait Mode video, geoengineering, gratuity fees at restaurants, doomscroll algorithms… There is more good than bad in the material world, hence why one ought to retreat even if it seems counter-intuitive to all known rationale.


it really feels like it has become a bad dream within the last 15 or so years, and a very very bad dream within the last 3-4. the satanic jewish propaganda matrix we live under is enough to drive any aware person insane. but you can preserve your sanity by eating well, exercising (even just a little), not dwelling overmuch on bad things, getting good sleep, limiting contact with media lies, etc.

Freemasonry = anti-monarchical jews
Jesuits = jews installed around (((Rodrigo Borgia))) to insulate and protect his counterfeit papacy
Kabbalah = judaised neo-platonism
Tikkun Olam = jewish messianism and the hope for a one-world government
Enkidu Gambit = jewish mgtow/blackpill demoralisation purposed to keep the sexes apart
Red Shields/Rothschilds = psycho wealthy jews causing problems for many
DEI = jewish propaganda initiative meant to drown out whites
ESG = jewish climate change nonsense meant to limit the goyim's ability to travel
AGI = complete jewish hoax just like the kosher scam that is "quantum computing"

….all the other things too tired to respond to.

but yes there is more good than bad. however eliminating the influence of a certain group might help to lessen the preponderating evil that is suffocating us all.

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