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I can't go out as a KHHV 43-year old when there are 25-30 year old men with their kids and wives walking around and driving their SUV's.

It feels like I'm on some lower plane of existence and it fills me with a mixture of despair and anger.


I have that feeling despite being 23 years old. People around my age have already successfully completed their college, have jobs, and have girlfriends. Meanwhile I have had to re-do two years in college. That too in a college which has no value and companies don't hire you after attending the said college. I feel inferior to even walk into college as an ugly, short, brown, and poor nigger, it's like people can somehow sense your subhumanity and are repelled from it. Going to college is a nightmare.

That's the worst part, knowing that you're inferior than other people in genetics. Knowing that you're inferior, is worse than being inferior imo. At least when you not know it or think about it, you somehow managed to go through life. But when you know it, you shut yourself into the room and not work on your life and that makes things even worse.

I also feel inferior when I see people drive. I almost got lynched and assaulted in curryland for ever so gently bumping someone's car. I still have PTSD from it.


>I almost got lynched and assaulted


I have a hard time believing *any* wizard would not suffer from these thoughts from time to time.

I'm even older than you (50 next year) and seeing some athletic 30 year old man walking his two kids into the store feels like I'm physically being stabbed.

I'm near obesity, can barely function and have no energy to do anything. To see men about half my age having families and healthy bodies is like the final "fuck you" the universe and natural selection is trying to tell me.

At this point I just want to stay inside all day in order to not see people. Not because I hate people, but because my standing in the midst of normies is somewhere close to a homeless janitor or a meth addict.
Also, I don't really mind seeing succubi with kids. What slowly kills me inside is seeing guys with their twin strollers or toddlers. It reminds me of so many things that are off limits for men like me in life.


I used to like going to a bookstore near me. I don't buy anything normally, but I just liked to go and look around. However, even if I go at an early time there are always at least a few succubi there. Seeing them just makes me feel depressed and I want to leave. Haven't been there in a while because of that.


>shame or rage
yes I do


Why would I feel shame for being a free wizard NEET that can do whatever he wants and isn't shackled to some shitty succubus and kid? When I see a guy my age with a kid I just laugh to myself, because he's a dumbass normalfag and I have a better life than him. I see these sad tired looking normalfags every time I go to the grocery, and it's just funny to me


It's like a deeply rooted, primitive intuition telling us that we have failed as a living organism, to do what living beings are programmed to do - reproduce. Like a defective tool or machine, we failed to do our job.

But there is a solution to this, and it is this >>298537

It's quite a blessing to be spared from the constant bullshit and drama of succubi. To have all the time for yourself. Of all animals, only the human has the self-awareness to break away from merely reacting to stimuli, like a biological machine.

If you feel bored, like you have no energy, no drive, it's exactly because you got caught up in this rat race of striving for a normie life, that you forgot what really interests you. But you are not a normie, and your role is not that of the same generic family man. Look back at your younger years, try to remember what you enjoyed doing, and just do it. And no, your thing does not have to be some grand undertaking, it can be as simple as playing vidya, riding a bicycle and listening to music. What many wizards don't realize, is that normies did not put almost any effort into their lives. They went with the flow, like on autopilot, and it got them to where they are. You can try to fit in with the rest of the herd, but it will be like trying to participate in a motorcycle race while on a boat.

You can't "complete" life, you will never be satisfied if you have that perfectionist angle on life. It's best to live for the day and not worry about social pressure.


Choose life


>It feels like I'm on some lower plane of existence
Lmao. You need to interact with normalfaggots to see how miserable they're. I use to feel like this but not anymore. They're retarded cattle. Just use normalfaggot social media if you don't want to have the displeasure of meeting them. They're simpletons. Even their deceptions are petty and there's no evil genius hiding behind their bullshit. Treat them like objects.

Never forget the anus and the vagina and the cock and the corpse. This is the true face of human animal. A scared little worm who needs million stories to cope with the indifference of an strange and brutal universe. We're all bullshitters.


I was going to make this same post, you beat me to it. You are completely correct, the reason people end up feeling that pain and shame is due to thousands of years of biological programming telling us that we exist solely to procreate. When one can start to consciously intellectualize the cause of that pain brought about by subconscious biological directives, one can start free themselves from that very unnecessary pain.


No, no… accept that there is never enough people humbly and honourably stepping away from the genepool instead of breeding their miseries into new generations of innocents they are supposed to love and care for.

Mmph. I am 31 and I have no issue about revealing how much of a virgin I am, people who knows me knows that I hate small talk and the ridiculous ways succubi try to lure men into their game.

You are too influenced by surrounding energy.

Did you even buy any gym gear? Small weights even?
>natural selection
This could never happen if the mind is well established into knowing that flesh is an abomination, no matter how healthy. You still long for an ungrateful desire (chldren) with many chances of being a fan-hitter shit, instead of recognizing it as a mental issue.

I sometimes see people younger than me with children and I pity them even despite my own issues with life.


It looks like many of you are just confident on fitness and health just being a matter of luck, that cannot do shit for them and therefore just getting sad for being cranky without even trying whatever. Just the vibes


I was fit once, used to work out at least twice a week. Didn't do shit for me. All the time at the gym I was feeling like I was wasting time, working out was such a chore, and all I wanted was to finish the workout and get back to fun stuff. Needless to say I don't work out anymore. I do some calisthenics occasionally, but a few push ups is enough to discourage me, like what the fuck am I doing with my free time.


Sounds like you're just genetically inferior. For your mind to not reward your soul for doing good on your body, is for your mind to give up on living long and well. You are programmed to rot.


I dont avoid the public but I also have zero reason to go anywhere in public as a mid 30s KHHV.
I dont even go to the store because I can order anything I need over the internet.
So because I have no need to go anywhere I never do it, I havent left the house for years now.


You kind of made your first sentence moot with your last one. There is a biological endgame to life, and that is having healthy kids.

It's not like most of us can just turn off those animal instincts by choice. I can ignore or fight those feelings but not switch them off completely.

Overall I'm content with life as a 35+ virgin if I'm not exposed to *too much* normalfaggotry.
Give me 2-3 days to recover from normie overload and I can overcome most depressive thought spirals.


Some people are born with bad physical genetics. I even injected peds and testosterone but I had worse liftinh results and muscle mass compared to some 17 year old nattys at my gym.

And it's not like my diet was bad either, I was getting 200g of protein daily with plenty of good carbs and fats.
My body just has an extremely low plateau for lean mass and it doesn't get a v-taper no matter how many years I train the relevant muscle groups correctly for.

I dunno what niche my ancestors filled with this body type. Farmer bot who needs only a little size?


>I dunno what niche my ancestors filled with this body type. Farmer bot who needs only a little size?


I also left gym. Found that I can have gains I just let like 10 min between any series of whatever.

Different genetics require different approaches. There are some people that do not have gains nor healthy results unless adopting the methods used by 40 yr elders


Due to crashing into a car
Qiestion is if he was trying to flee
Of course assaulting and threatening someone over an accident like that that is only material damage rather than injuries and deaths is extremely unreasonable either way
Perhaps the normies were so aggressive due to corrupt police/admin in india not doing their job properly in such situations


To tell you the truth, I had to flee so to speak but only to end up in a police station later, I want to write more about this incident, and this incident and the reaction of other party was way too extreme, but the reason I can't post too much about it is that I'll get doxxed and there is a potential for the said unreasonable other party to see this post and to take it to court, so I am mostly afraid to talk about it even though I want to. But yeah, it was a hellish incident, it was just a minor bump and I was almost lynched and killed for it. It still traumatises me till now.


It's alright bro, hope you can heal.
This shit is supposed to be solved by an insurance claim.
I get why you guys would rather try your luck abroad, even if it pisses me off a little due to the fact that oligarchs are using this not to buold a better society or the purpose ever being help but just to stole a race to the bottom and depress wages.
Nothing against you personally.


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The west needs to stop coddling every tard, let natural selection do its thing once in a while, otherwise all your labour and creativity will be dedicated to keeping the nig-spic cycle going


I can see why this driving thing has caused you such complex. Glad I live where there is public transportation. But still cars are faster to commute with.


I'm 33 years old and still work a shitty entry level job alongside a group of 18 year old fresh high school graduates.

They all have cars, friends, girlfriends and are following the normie path of progression.

I hate going to work. Seeing kids half my age obtain far greater success than I could ever even dream for myself.


Thank you wizbrother, I am trying to heal. Some guys do try their luck abroad but people like me are too poor to even try our luck abroad although given the environment, while the West is surely better, I don't think we are particularly well liked or will be treated like another person of European Descent.

It truly has, and I just don't understand it all, I don't understand why the hell I can't judge spaces in my side mirror to the rear and why I can't parallel park, I don't have money for a new car with a camera or to even have a camera put in my car right now. I just don't understand how people do it without cameras and when I read internet people are like "Shouldn't you be able to do this without a camera like millions of people did for decades?" and that shit just drives me insane, I mean I already have a hell lot of problems on my hand and now something like this which to people is equivalent of something as simple as doing your laundry. And I can't do it for some reason.

I feel very inferior when I see people do it, especially when I see fair skinned Indian succubi, wearing sunglasses, driving big Merc SUVs with confidence and assertiveness, while I look at them from a god-damned stupid fucking tuktuk. Although to be fair most people can do it, men and succubi, dumb and smart, black and white, Hindus and Muslims, but for some reason the universe has selected me in particular to not be able to do it, and it's crazy cause I have been driving for 4 years and I still haven't got better in this area.

Shit almost got me lynched and a massive public beating, my parents (even though I have a rocky relationship with them) were so fucking hurt when I ended up in a police station.


Maybe it is a sign from the hindu gods, that you aren't meant to parallel park

Maybe the ritual of parallel parking is blasphemous to one of the many gods

Anyhow I wouldn't force the issue


It gets worse with age. You will have 25-30 year old coworkers with 2 kids each who are homeowners.

They will see you as so weird and out of place as a 45 year old virgin loner they'll actively try to smoke you out of the job you have.

Ask me how I know (from experience).


Oh! Tell us! What do they do?


Brother don't say it like that. I thought that driving could be my backup as in if I don't get a job then at least I could've driven taxis and trips. It's about livelihood as well. Hindu Gods sure have been cruel to me lol. But still I lowkey don't understand why I am not able to do it when literally tens of millions have done it for decades. I wish I could learn it but if I ever get the money I will buy a rear camera and sensors first and foremost. At least that way, I wouldn't bump into cars and would at least protect myself from lynchings.


> when there are 25-30 year old men with their kids and wives walking around and driving their SUV's.
They are not doing this to spite you, they are just living their lives. You probably already know this but these bad feelings you get is not about them at all.


I never said they're out to get me, I just meant it's emasculating and rage inducing to be a virgin surrounded by guys half your age (who look like babyface beginners to me) who have kids and careers.

It's not even worth going outside at this point.


they never questioned reality
they just went with succubus look good = good yes pursue
they are literally NPCs

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