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9fcfd No.64055

You guys are fucking retards if you think I am the flooder because you once again rangebanned Verizon. I don't give enough of a shit to spam copypasta. You do realize it's completely within the realm of possibility that more than one user could be using the same proxy, right? And I'm a longtime abuser? Sorry, you having thin skin isn't me abusing a forum. It's just you being a sopping pussy. All my bans are for rule 5 and my permaban didn't even cite a reason. It was just the admin being catty and effete as she usually is when she posts. That spam is uncharacteristic of anything I have ever done and you know it. Quit lashing out at shadows, you neurotic faggot.

Reminder that you rangebanned Verizon this time just because I said I'm not going to help such incompetent, lazy, petty staff and you went and illustrated exactly why many users wouldn't feel obligated to (and why someone else would feel compelled to spam your whole shit lol).

The admin is such a fucking retarded nigger.

37899 No.64056

f u

bc299 No.64057

lol banhurt


You've been banned at least 25 times in the past two years for Rules 3, 4, and 5. Much of these bans you don't see because you IP hop so much. Despite being banned you still manage to openly mock the users here for hours each night, which doesn't do your case against VPN restrictions any help.

Sorry you can't post from work and school anymore but that's the consequence of being chronically butthurt and taking it out on random wizards.

cc2b5 No.64061

File: 1685303627742.gif (301.5 KB, 498x205, 498:205, 12431412532463.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Imagine being such a loser you spend countless hours flooding an obscure imageboard, taunting the few users it has for hours every single day, getting permanently reported/called out/ridiculed by other users.

Heck, imagine spending countless hours ban evading when mods take seconds or minutes ban ranging your IPs.

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