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File: 1688370623222.jpeg (610.22 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, IMG_0781.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

2a316 No.64171

Will I get banned if I say I am in fact an inc€l trying to cope? Or like, should I keep this private?

06c1a No.64172

Yes, for rule 2, which means a double-ban. One ban for each claw that typed the post.

imagine stepping on that crab with bare feet. imagine falling over from the pain and your ass lands on the same kind of crab. that would be a bad day!

983a1 No.64176

File: 1688686206037.jpg (53.1 KB, 640x556, 160:139, 20220806_183044.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

There are no doubt some little crabchans here. And that is O.K! Hermit crabs and blue Dungeouness. They will learn to enjoy being alone, in time. But so long as we keep ourselves from snapping our claws around here, the larger, angrier spider and coconut crabs won't come to stir up the reef!

18d73 No.64214

if by trying to cope, you mean you are trying to become a volcel, then we are here to help you.

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